MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 106 Hate the twenty-first nine

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Lan Yuchen said: "What letter?"

Jin Guangyao said: "The threat letter. The letter said... those things, after seven days, these things will be made public in the world. Let me either arbitrarily blame, or just wait for my death."

Everyone is clear. It is certainly impossible for Jin Guangyao to sit down and wait for his death to come. It is better to start with the smashing of the family and to be overthrown by others. At that time, even if the other party really passed his old black spots everywhere, but already experienced a siege, the family was badly hurt, and there was no strength to make trouble with him.

It is a pity that the flow of the year is unfavorable, and both Wei Wei and Lan Forget the machine.

Lan Yuchen said: "Even if you do, you can't do it, you can't do it, you can kill it directly! You are like this..."

Let him find a reason to excuse him!

Jin Guangyao said: "But what else can I do? When things are thrown out and spread through the city, I will apologize to the world after I have been a hundred-year-old laughing stock of Xuanmenba. I will send my face to their feet and ask them to step on it. For their forgiveness? Second brother! There is no third way, not that they are dead, that is, I am dead."

Lan Yichen slightly stunned, and stepped back: "This is not all because of you...because you did the things in the letter! If you didn't do it, how could there be a handle falling on someone else's hand?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Second brother, you listen to me. I don't deny that I did those things..."

Lan Yuchen said: "How can you deny it? People are all there!"

Jin Guangyao said: "So I said that I do not deny! Can kill the father to kill his wife and kill the brother to kill the brother, if not for all, why should I do it? Is it true that in your eyes, I am really mad at that level?!"

Lan Yuchen looked a little calm and said: "Well, I ask you a few questions, you can explain one by one."

Blue forgets the machine: "Brother!"

He took out the dust, and Blue Jason saw that he had the intention of a sword immediately Jin Guangyao. He said: "Don't worry, he is injured and paid a weapon. He is already at a disadvantage. So many people are there. Playing tricks." Just there, Wei Wu had a slap in the face and broke his intent to act in secret. Lan Yuchen said: "You have to deal with it, here I am."

Blue forgot to listen to Su’s roar and walked over. Wei Wuzhen knows that Lan Yichen still has a little bit of affection for this righteous brother. There is always a strange expectation. He should not give him the opportunity to speak. It happened that he also had something to listen to what Jin Guangyao said, so he listened attentively. Lan Yuchen said: "First, your father, the old man, is really the way you use..."

Jin Guangyao said carefully: "I want to answer this question at the end."

Lan Yichen shook his head and said: "Second, your...the lady..." It seems to be difficult to talk about. He immediately changed his mouth: "Your sister, Qin Lan, you really know what her relationship with you is." Still married her?"

Jin Guangyao looked at him and suddenly shed tears.

He said painfully: "...Yes."

Lan Yichen took a deep breath and his face was gray. Jin Guangyao whispered: "But I really can't help."

Lan Yichen replied: "How can there be no way?! That is your marriage! You are not jealous, don't you do it? Even if you hurt Qin's heart, it's better to ruin such a true love for you, never Slightly slap your woman!"

Jin Guangyao said: "Don't I really love her?! But I can't help it. No way is no way! Yes! That's my marriage, can it really be that I can say nothing?" ?? Second brother, you have to have a bottom line innocently, I have spent a lot of hard work and hard work to let Qin Cangye agree with my request for marriage, the wedding is near, and finally Qin Cangye and Jin Guangshan are very satisfied, you Let me suddenly say that the marriage is cancelled? What reason should I use? How can I explain this to the two people?!

"Second brother, you know that when I thought everything was complete, Mrs. Qin suddenly came to me and told me the truth. What was it like at that time! Even if a thunder slammed down and slammed my celestial cover, it would not be even more terrible! Do you know why she didn't go to Jin Guangshan and want to sneak out for me? Because she was greeted by Jin Guangshan, my good father, and even his wife who has followed his own years, even when he is more I don’t remember a daughter! For so many years, she dared not tell her husband Qin Cangye about this matter. You said that if I suddenly regretted the marriage and let them perceive the end, the golden light and the Qin Cangye broke, and the last two sides did not Who is going to please the worst of the game?!"

Although it was not the first time I heard about Jin Guangshan's shameless behavior in this respect, everyone in the room was still a bit cold. Nausea and chill, I don’t know which one is even worse. Lan Yuchen said: "Then you... then you are forced to marry Qin Qin, you can also leave her cold, why do you want to be with her... Why should you give birth to Asong, and then kill your own son!"

Jin Guangyao held his head and screamed: "...I didn't touch the aunt after I got married. was there before marriage. At that time, I was afraid that there would be more nights and more twists and turns..."

Then he and the Qin dynasty rounded the room.

If this is not the case, it will not be **** with his own sister. Now, I don’t know if I should hate the father who is not like my father, or hate him more suspiciously!

With a sigh, Lan Yuchen said: "Third, don't try to argue, answer me, the death of Jin Xuan, is it your intention to plan!"

Hearing his father's name, Jin Ling, who helped Jiang Cheng, opened his eyes.

Blue forgot to speak a little, said: "Brother, do you believe him?"

Lan Yichen looks complicated and said: "I naturally don't believe that Jin Xuan is inadvertently breaking through the singularity of the killing, but... let him say first."

Jin Guangyao knows that he will not be believed if he refuses to die. He bit his teeth and said: "...Jin Xuan, I did not accidentally hit it."

Jin Ling suddenly squeezed his fist.

Jin Guangyao said again: "But I have never intended to plan all the things behind. You don't have to imagine that I am as honest as I can. There are so many things that I can't control. How do I know that he will definitely be with Jin Xun? I die together in Wei Wu's hands? How can I expect that if Wei Wuzhen will lose control, the ghost general will definitely kill?"

Wei Wuxi sighed: "Then you said that he was not accidentally hit by you? Self-contradictory!"

Jin Guangyao said: "I don't deny that I deliberately told him that he was so murderous, but I only thought that he and you have always been unruly, and that you happened to be troubled by his cousin, how much to eat. Suffering. How can I foresee Mr. Wei, you simply killed someone at the place?"

Wei Wuqi was extremely angry and laughed: "You are really..."

Suddenly, Jin Ling shouted: "Why?!"

He stood up from Jiang Cheng, his eyes were red, and he yelled to Jin Guangyao and shouted: "Why are you doing this?!"

Nie Huai Sang quickly pulled the gold Ling that looked like he was going to work with Jin Guangyao. Jin Guangyao asked: "Why?"

He turned to Jinling and said: "A Ling, then can you tell me why? Why do I always smile at people, and I don't necessarily get a good color, but your father can't be alone, but everyone is against him. Can you tell me why you are the same son, your father can comfortably spend time with his favorite wife to tease his children, but I don’t even dare to stay alone with my wife for a long time, even seeing myself The sons are all creepy, and they are naturally assigned by their own biological father to do this kind of thing - to kill an extremely dangerous person who can go crazy at any time / manipulate the murderer to a massacre!

"Why is it obvious that even the birthday is the same day, Jin Guangshan can celebrate the birth of a son on the same day, watching the people under his hand kicking another son from the Jinlin stage, from the highest floor , roll to the bottom layer!"

He finally revealed his deep hatred, but it was not for Jin Xuan, not for Wei Wu, but for his father.

Wei Wuwei said: "Don't make an excuse! Whoever you hate to kill, what do you want to do?"

Jin Guangyao calmly said: "As you can see, I am all killed."

Lan Yuchen said: "And in that way."

Jin Guangyao’s eyes were filled with tears. He was straight on the floor and smiled. “Yes. A kind of old-fashioned | horse, the most suitable for this kind of death, isn’t it?”

Lan Yichen shouted: "Ayao!"

After reprimanding, he remembered that he had already unilaterally and Jin Guangyao had cut off his confession and should not call him like this. Jin Guangyao did not seem to be aware of it. He looked at himself: "Second brother, don't look at me. I can now slap him with such an unpleasant words. I am also looking forward to my father. I used to be his command, betray the temperature." The Sovereign also protects Xue Yang or dispels dissidents. No matter how stupid, more people hate, I will go to perform. But do you know what makes me completely disappointed? I will answer your first question now, not I can never get a hair in Jin Xuan in his heart, or a few black holes in Jin Xun’s body. It’s not that he took back Mo Xuanyu, nor did he later try to try to overhead me, but he went out again. When I spend the day, I confide in the heart of the wine girl next to me.

"Why is this kind of money-stricken owner not willing to pay a little to raise his hand and give my mother a redemption? It is very simple, because of trouble. My mother has waited for so many years, and we have sowed him so much involuntarily in front of me for him. I have conceived so many difficult situations. The real reason is actually two words: trouble.

"He said this: 'Especially a woman who has read a book, always thinks that it is higher than other women, asking for a lot, unrealistic thinking, the most troublesome. If you redeem her to find Lan Linglai, I still don't know how to entangle it. Let her stay in the same place. According to her condition, she can still be red for a few years, and she will not eat and wear for the rest of her life.

"‘Son? Oh, don’t mention it.’”

Jin Guangyao has a very good memory, so he can even imagine the drunken look of Jin Guangshan when he said this passage. He smiled and said: "Second brother, you see, my son is worth four words: ‘oh, don’t mention it’. Hahahaha...”

There is a pain in the eyes of Lan Yuchen, saying: "Even if your father is him... but you too..."

In the end, I couldn’t think of any suitable judgments. When I said something, I sighed, "What do you do now?"

Jin Guangyao laughed and said: "No way. Do the bad things, but still want people to pity. I am such a person."

When he said the word "person", he suddenly turned his wrist. A red string was placed on the neck of Jinling.

Jin Guangyao still has teardrops in his eyes, Shen Sheng said: "Don't move!"

This is really unpredictable, Jiang Cheng said: "Wei Wuwei! You have not paid his weapons!"

In desperation, he even shouted directly to Wei Wuzhen, his tone was exactly the same as that of a boy, and Wei Wuzhen also shouted: "I did take away his strings!"

It’s not always that Jin Guangyao’s cultivation is already high enough to be empty!

Blue forgets the machine and sees the mystery at a glance, saying: "He is hiding in the body."

Others followed his guide and saw a blush on the white flank of Jin Guangyao, which was gradually spreading. This string is red because it is bloody. Wei Wuzhen certainly couldn't find it before. Jin Guangyao did not hide it in his body, but hid it in his body. Waiting for some words to say, the mood of Lan Yuchen was fluctuated by him, the attention of others was also transferred, and Jinling rushed forward to approach him. The time was ripe, and this was not enough to quickly pierce the abdomen with his fingers and take it from The body was dug out.

Who can expect that in order to stay this the most, Jin Guangyao can treat himself like this. Although the strings are extremely fine and fine, they are a group of metal foreign objects. They are buried in the flesh and blood and act with others. Not very happy.

Jiang Cheng groaned: "A Ling!" Wei Wuzhen also did not move with his own, but immediately someone grabbed himself, turned around and saw that the blue forget the machine, this is barely fixed, not chaotic. Jin Guangyao made Jinling stand up and said: "Jiang Zongzhu does not have to be so excited. After all, A Ling is also growing up. I am still saying that the road will go all the way, and naturally I will see one after another. A Ling, which is intact."

Jiang Chengdao: "A Ling, don't mess! Jin Guangyao, you want a hostage, change me the same!"

Jin Guangyao frankly said: "That can be different. Jiang Zongzhu you are injured and inconvenient, it will drag my hind legs."

Wei Wuzhen sweated and said: "Golden lord, have you forgotten something? Your loyal subordinates are still here."

Jin Guangyao looked at Su, who was forgotten by the blue to avoid the dust. Su said immediately and dumbly shouted: "The sovereign does not have to pay attention to me!"

Jin Guangyao also immediately said: "Thank you."

Lan Yichen slowly said: "Golden lord, you lie again."

Jin Guangyao said: "Only this time, the next is not an example."

Lan Yuchen said: "You said the same thing last time. I can't tell you what words you really are."

Jin Guangyao is about to open his mouth, an unprecedented thunder and thunder. Although far away from the sky, he was as close to his ear, which made him involuntarily take a nap and swallowed his words back. Then, the three loud noises of "咚!咚!咚!" came from outside the temple.

This voice is not so much a "knocking at the door" as it is a "crash door." Unlike a person's arm that is beating, it is like a person carrying another person's head and violently hitting the door. One more than one sound, the crack on the temple door bolt was larger than once, and the expression on Jin Guangyao's face was also twisted at a moment.

When it hit the fourth, the bolt finally broke. Intensive rain and a dark figure flew together and broke into the door.

Jin Guangyao shuddered and seemed to want to dodge, but quickly stopped this impulse. The direction in which the figure flew in was not against him, but against Wei Wu and Lan. The two separated from each other for a moment, and quickly and naturally stood side by side. Looking back, Wei Wuwei said: "Wen Ning?"

Wen Ning slammed into the Guanyin image in the temple. He hung his head down and down for a while, and slammed it down. This said: "... son."

Seeing him, Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling look a little hard to look. Nie Huaisan shouted: "Big brother!!!"

In addition to the Wenning that flew in, another tall figure stood still at the entrance of the temple. The outline is hard, the face is iron gray, and the eyes are nothing.

It is Chi Fengzun, Nie Minghao!

He is like an iron tower, blocking the front of the Guanyin Temple in the rainstorm, stopping everyone's way. The skull is falling right on the neck, and the black line stitches can be seen between the necks. Someone used a long line to sew his head and headless body!

Lan Yuchen said: "...big brother."

Jin Guangyao also murmured: "...big brother..."

In this temple, three people are called Big Brother to Nie Mingxi's body, but the tone of the three people is completely different. Jin Guangyao’s face was full of fear of extinction, and the whole person was stunned. Whether he was alive or behind, Jin Guangyao’s most feared person is undoubtedly his temperamental and unpalatable righteous brother.

His body trembled, his hands trembled, and the **** strings held in his hands began to shake. At this moment, the blue forget machine suddenly took out the dust, and a sword was cut.

In the blink of an eye, he flashed in front of Jinling and held one thing. Jin Guangyao felt that his arm was light, slightly squinting, looking down, only to find that his right hand was gone.

His right hand was cut off from the front end of the arm. The thing that the blue forgets to hold on is the palm of the hand that he had pinched the string of the weapon.

When the blood was squirting, Jin Guangyao was so pale that he didn't even have the strength to scream. He just stepped back a few steps. He stood still and fell to the ground, but Su was screamed. Lan Yichen seems to want to help him for a moment, but he does not dare to do it again.

Blue forgets to open the finger of Jin Guangyao's palm, and the strings are loose, and Jinling is out of danger. Jiang Cheng was trying to pounce on him to see if he was injured. Wei Wuzhen grabbed the front and held Jinling's shoulders. He carefully checked and determined that the skin of the neck was intact and there was no scratch. This was a relief.

Blue forgets the machine to go out in the past, always has three points, but the situation is really critical, the string is extremely sharp, in the hands of people who will use the string to kill the meat and bones, such as chopping melons and vegetables, but Jin Guangyao’s hand still Trembling, as long as he shakes again for a moment, or more terrible, he forgot to hold the individual in his hand, holding the strings and pulling the legs and running. If it wasn’t for the blue, the machine was cut off, and he quickly and accurately broke his grip. The right hand of the string, I am afraid that Jinling has already separated from the body at the moment, and the blood is a few feet high!

Jin Ling was sprayed from the blood of Jin Guangyao's broken hand. Most of the body and half of his face were stained with blood, and they did not react. Wei Wuzhen hugged him and said: "The next time you are away from the dangerous person, the stinky boy, what have you been doing so close!"

If Jiang Nai and Jin Xuan’s only son is gone in front of him, Wei Wuzhen really does not know what to do.

Jin Ling was not used to being held by others. The pale face suddenly burst into red, and strongly rejected Wei Wu’s chest. Wei Wuzhen grabbed him and hurled a few more hard. He patted his shoulder and pushed it to Jiang Cheng. He said, "Go! Don't run around, go to your side!"

Jiang Cheng grabbed Jin Ling, who was still a little dizzy, and looked at Wei Wushen and Blue forgot to stand there, hesitating for a moment, whispering to the blue forgetting machine: "Thank you."

Although it is low, it is unambiguous.

Jin Ling also said: "Thank you for the grace of Han Guangjun."

Blue forgot to nod, nothing to say, avoiding the dust and pointing to the ground, the clear and sharp sword front does not touch the blood beads, and quickly slipped clean, turned to the Nie Mingzhen standing at the door. Wen Ning slowly climbed up and gave himself a hand that had been folded. He said: "Be careful... he is resentful."

The author has something to say: So premarital sex|behavior is dead (not /p

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