MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 104 Hate the 21st 7

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Su Shi’s reaction was not good, and immediately covered his chest. However, several people facing him here have already seen the chest that he has only revealed. On a piece of skin on his chest close to the heart, there are dozens of black holes of different sizes.

Traces of riddled holes!

Moreover, this is by no means a bad scar left by the curse. If that is the case, look at the extent of the diffusion of these holes. At this time, the internal organs of the Soviet Union and even the Golden Dan should have been filled with black holes, and it is absolutely impossible to use spiritual power. However, he can repeatedly use a large number of power-consuming transmitters. Then there is only one explanation for the source of these traces - this must be the trace of his curse after cursing others and being cursed by the bounce!

At that time, Wei Wuzhen did not try to find out who the curse was and tried to name himself. But after all, it was impossible for people to find it, and what happened later was far from finding out who could If you solve it, you will not hope. Who knows that tonight, it is to break the iron shoes innocent, it takes no effort!

Jin Ling did not understand, Nie Huai Sang probably did not understand, but Lan Yichen had already looked to Jin Guangyao, saying: "Golden lord, is this also a part of the killing?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Why do you think so?"

Jiang Cheng cold channel: "I still use it? Jin Xun has no curse, everything behind will not happen! One cut, help you solve the two generations of Jin Xuan and Jin Xun, for you to inherit the blue Ling Jin’s seat on the Imperial Duty cleared all obstacles. The curse of Su’s involvement, he is your cronies, who is his command, and ask?!”

Jin Guangyao is undecided and seems to be concentrating on adjusting interest rates. Wei Wuqi was extremely angry and stared at Su Shidao: "I have offended you? I have no enmity with you, or even I am not familiar with you at all!"

Jin Guangyao said: "Wei Gongzi, shouldn't you be the clearest? Can you be safe without any enmity? How is it possible that everyone in this world would have been innocent and invincible? The first knife."

Jiang Cheng hates the voice: "Sinister villain!!!"

Who knows, Su is sneer: "You don't think it is right. Who said that I was cursing the gold lord in order to frame you? I didn't belong to the lord at the time. I only cursed because I wanted to do this! ”

Wei Wuwei said: "Then you have a hatred with Jin Xun?"

Su is involved: "This kind of person, no one, I see one kill one!"

Wei Wuzhen also wants to know that the most hated "the uninhibited generation" is definitely the blue forgetting machine. He can't help but say: "What is the festival between you and Han Guangjun? Where is he in the end?"

Su is involved: "Isn't it? Blue forgets that if you don't have a good baby, you have a good family. What qualifications does he have?" Why do you always say that I am imitating him?! The world praises him for his high quality and high quality. It’s a joke that the Yimeng priests who are screaming at the ruins of the Yiling ancestors who are reviled by the tens of thousands of people are really jokes!"

Wei Wuzhen was about to talk, and suddenly felt that such a gloomy and resentful look was familiar, and he seemed to have seen it.

He suddenly remembered: "It's you!"

Caiyi Town, Biling Lake, Shui Xingyuan, the sword that fell into the water, Tu Yu Xuanwu, the one who rolled out to the door, Su Shi!

Wei Wuzhen suddenly burst into laughter.

He said: "I understand."

Blue forgets the machine: "What do you understand?"

Wei Wuqi shook his head.

He is clear to Jin Xun. He often does not put the people of the affiliated family in his eyes, thinking that they are the same as the family servants, and even feel that they have lost their identity when they enter the banquet with them. As a member of the Lanling Jin family, Su Shi often inevitably went to Jinlintai for a feast, and rarely had to collide with Jin Xun. A narrow-minded mind, a self-important arrogance and pride, if these two people have had any unhappiness, Su Shiji hate the gold honour, it is not surprising.

If this is the case, then the beginning and end of Jinxun’s ridiculous curse will not be related to him. But in the end, it was him who had this charge.

The cause of the singular killing was because Jin Xun was squandered. If there is no such beginning, Lanling Jinshi will have no name to kill him. Wenning will not lose control and open the killing. Wei Wuzhen will not bear the heavy life of Jinxuan, nor will there be any later. More things.

However, he now knows that even the purpose of the murderer's curse may not be to frame him, the cause is not in him!

- This is really more unacceptable.

Smiling and smiling, Wei Wu’s eyes are red, seemingly ironic, and seemingly self-deprecating, saying: “It’s because of you... because of this boring reason!”

Jin Guangyao seems to have seen through his mind, saying: "Wei Gongzi, can you think so?"

Wei Wudao said: "Oh? Do you know what I think?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Of course, this is a good guess. You are just thinking, too embarrassed. In fact, it is not awkward. Even if Su is not going to curse the gold lord, Mr. Wei will sooner or later be used for other reasons. Coffering."

He smiled and said: "Because you are like this person, it is good to say that it is a man who is arrogant and arrogant. It is ridiculous to say that it is sinful. Unless those who have offended you are safe all the time, as long as they have something wrong, or What is the guise of being slain, the first object of doubt will be you, and the first object of revenge will also be you. And this, you can't control it."

Wei Wuzhen actually smiled and said: "What should I do? I actually think that you are very reasonable."

Jin Guangyao said: "And even if you didn't lose control when you were in a strange situation, can you guarantee that you will not lose control for a lifetime? So, you are destined to be short-lived. You see, is it so much better?"

Jiang Cheng angered: "You **** is short-lived!"

He ignored the wounds and rushed to catch the three poisons. He suddenly rushed into the blood, and Jin Ling was busy pushing him back. Jiang Cheng can't move, and he hates it in his heart. He said: "You are a child of this sorrow, don't care about what kind of shame to climb up, isn't you instructing Su to do it?! Who do you want to lie to!"

Hearing the words "The Son of the Skull", Jin Guangyao's smile stagnate.

He looked at Jiang Cheng, thinking for a moment, and faintly said: "Jiang Zongzhu, calm down, I understand your mood at the moment. You are so angry now, just know the truth of Jin Dan, recall what you have done for so many years. For, your proud heart feels a little embarrassed, so eager to find a murderer for Wei Gongzi’s past life, a devil who can shirk all responsibility, and then lashing the crusade, it is to avenge the vengeance of Wei Gongzi, by the way Reduce yourself a little burden.

"If you think that it is all from the beginning to the end that I can reduce your troubles from scratching the hole to the curse, then you don't care if you think about it. Please feel free. But what you have to understand is that Wei Gongzi is so endless, you are also responsible, and it is a great responsibility. Why do so many people try to punish the Yiling ancestors? Why are the irrelevant ones screaming? Why is he shouted by one person? Is it really just a sense of justice? Of course not. Part of the reason is you."

Jiang Cheng sneered aloud, Lan Yichen knew that Jin Guangyao had to come and smack, and whispered: "Golden Lord!"

Jin Guangyao was unmoved and continued to smile and talk: "... At that time, Lanling Jinshi, Qinghe Nie, and Gusulan had fought together, and they had already divided the big head. Others could only eat small shrimps. And you, just rebuilt the lotus dock, there is also a dangerous immeasurable Yiling ancestor Wei Wuzhen. Do you think other families will be happy to see a young owner with such a unique advantage? Fortunately, you and Your brother-in-law relationship doesn't seem to be very good, so everyone feels that they can take advantage of it. Of course, you can try your best to help you split your eyes. Anyway, letting you not be stronger is to make yourself stronger. Jiang Zongzhu, You used to be a little better at your brother's attitude. It seems that the alliance between you is indestructible, letting others know what to do and not trying to provoke, or you will be more tolerant after the incident, and things will not become what they are. Ah, when you say it, the main force of the encirclement and mass grave is also a copy of you..."

Wei Wuwei said: "It seems that the son of the scorpion is really the anti-scale of the gold lord? It is no wonder that you will kill Chi Feng Zun."

Referring to Nie Mingqi, the feelings of Lan Yichen have changed. Jin Guangyao’s smile also condensed, and then he stood up.

After he adjusted his interest, he tried his left hand and the five fingers finally worked. He immediately said: "Send people."

Su is involved: "Yes!"

The two monks, one by one, slammed the blue sergeant, and were about to open the door. Jin Guangyao suddenly said: "I forgot."

He turned to Lan Yichen and said: "Actually, the spirit of Ze Yujun's seal is quickly solved."

Lan Yuchen is much higher than him. If Jin Guangyao wants to seal his veins, he must seal it once every hour, otherwise he will be freed by Lan Yichen. He went to the front of Lan Yuchen and said: "Sinful."

He was about to reach out and suddenly fell into the same white flower. Jin Guangyao is more alert, and keeps his eyes on it. This is actually a flesh of white flowers!

A naked/naked woman kneels on the floor, her face is facing down, twisting her body and limbs, and seems to want to climb in the direction of Jin Guangyao. Su was involved in a sword and the woman screamed and suddenly caught fire. She stood up and stumbled and continued to reach out to Jin Guangyao. The body and face are burnt in the flames, but they can't always see the ultimate grievances in those eyes. Su Shi is a sword that will wipe her away. Jin Guangyao took a few steps back and picked up one thing. Looking back, it was two entangled human bodies, and one reached out and grabbed his ankle. At this time, a whistle came from behind, Su said to hate the earth: "Wei Wuwei!"

I don't know when, on the Guanyin statue in Guanyin Temple, I was painted with blood and several frantic spells.

The eyes of this Guanyin Temple are in this Guanyin Temple. Now the eyes of the next generation have been removed by Wei Wushao, and the things in the town are constantly flowing out!

Suddenly, Jin Ling screamed: "What happened?"

Jiang Cheng slammed on him with his hands, and it turned out that his clothes were burning himself. And Jin Ling is still good, a few monks have been covered in flames, screaming and screaming. Su Shi and Jin Guangyao knew that the blood marks on Wei Guan's paintings on Guanyin's image could not be erased, but they were stopped by the monks who were rolling around and the naked bodies that appeared constantly. Those naked men and women were ordered by Wei Wuwei and did not attack Jiang Cheng Jinling and others. However, Jin Ling still put the old age in front of him and said: "What are these things, I have never seen this..."

Such a / silk / no / hanging, do not know the shame of evil!

Jin Guangyao caught fire in the eyes, and a palm burst, and the fire burst. Before he finally grabbed the Guanyin image, he was about to wipe away the charm of Wei Wuzhen’s painting, and suddenly he was cold after the waist.

Lan Yuchen’s low voice came: “Don’t move.”

Jin Guangyao still has to fight back, but Lan Yichen has hit a palm on his back. Jin Guangyao said: "Ze, restore your spiritual power."

Lan Yichen has not answered yet, and the suede’s sword has been stabbed to Wei Wuzhen. Who knows, it has hit another sword with similar swordsmanship and a clearer and clearer spirit.

Avoid dust!

Two swords hit each other, the difficulty is even a fold for two!

In an instant, Su’s tiger’s mouth cracked, blood flowed, and even an arm was stuck in the bones. The hilt fell to the ground, and he used his left hand to cover his right arm, his face as dead. The blue forgetting machine is holding the dust in one hand, and the other hand is holding Wei's waist and turning him behind him. Wei Wuzhen did not need him to protect him, but he still quite enjoyed and cooperated with him.

A series of accidents occurred between the electric fires, but a few blinks, the Lanling King's monks reacted. However, Su was holding the right hand of the bleeding, the wound in the chest had cracked, and the edge of the dust was in the throat of Jin Guangyao.

The main heart is restrained, and they are all afraid to act rashly.

Lan Yichen was about to speak, but everyone in the Guanyin Temple suddenly changed his face. Lan Yuchen said: "Wei Gongzi, you... you have to collect these things first."

These evil spirits are not only naked, but also ruined, and they are extremely embarrassing. I know what I am doing. Everyone has never seen such a **** sinister sinister sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrows. Wei Wuzhen looked at the blue forgetting machine beside him. He wanted to let such a young man who was irritated when he was looking at the **** palace. It was too disappointing to read this kind of thing. He argued: "My original purpose was to release his town at Guanyin Temple. The evil spirits in the moment can be dragged for a while, where do I know that I will release this kind of thing..."

At this time, Blue forgot to look at the grievances and the same as Lan Yuchen, and looked at the other words: "Big fire."

Wei Wuzhen immediately nodded, a serious saying: "Yes. These grievances are all burned to death. It seems that this place has had a big fire, burning a lot of people, and then the gold lord in order to hide people's eyes and ears, and to suppress these A **** of Guanyin was built here by himself.

Lan Yuchen said: "Golden lord, this fire, is it related to you."

Jiang Cheng cold channel: "Those grievances hate him, and there is nothing to do with it!" /p

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