MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 100 Hate the 21st 3

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This string is too thin, and it is also coated with a special color material, which can hardly be caught by the naked eye. In addition, Wei Wuzhen is only in a big mess, and he has no intention to pay attention to anything else. This makes it put on his own. The key.

Wei Wuwei said: "Blue Zhan, don't! Don't go back!"

Can forget the machine in an instant and he did not hesitate to retreat five steps. Jin Guangyao said: "Great. Then, please take the dust out of the sheath."

With a bang, Blue forgets the machine and immediately did it. Wei Wuxi angered: "You don't have to take a shot!"

Jin Guangyao said: "I am so insatiable? I will also ask Han Guangjun to seal his own veins. What is it called?"

Wei Wuxi said: "You..."

The voice did not fall, there was a sharp pain in the throat that was cut by the throat. Some liquid slipped down his neck. The blue forgot to face the white, Jin Guangyao said: "How can he not listen to me? Wei Gongzi do not want to think about it. His life can be hung in my hands."

Blue forgets the word and says: "Don't touch him."

Jin Guangyao said: "That Guangjun knows what to do."

Speaking, Blue forgets the machine: "Good."

Lan Yichen sighed. He raised his hand and doubled it, locking his own veins.

Jin Guangyao smiled slightly and whispered: "This is really..."

Blue forgot to stare at them and said: "Let him go."

Wei Wuzhen said: "Blue Zhan! I, I have something to say to you."

Jin Guangyao said: "I have something to say later."

Wei Wuwei said: "No, very urgent."

Jin Guangyao said: "That can be said."

He was just a casual sentence. Who knows, Wei Wu said: "It is also true."

After that, Wei Wuxi screamed exhaustedly: "Blue Zhan! Blue forget the machine! With light Jun! I, I just wanted to go to bed with you!"




Jin Guangyao's hand was loose, and the strings were withdrawn. It felt that the slight tingling between the necks disappeared, and Wei Wuzhen couldn't wait to rush to the blue.

The only one of his stunned words is like a smashing body. The blue forgetting machine has not yet reacted to it. The face that has always been stunned is hard to show a few sorrows and ignorance. For the first time, he was stopped by Wei Wuzhen with his arms and his life. But this time, the body of the blue forgetting machine seems to have become a heavy wood, so stiff that even his hands don’t know where to put it. Wei Wuwei said: "Blue Zhan, I just said, have you heard it?!"

Blue forgets the lips of the machine moving, half awkward, said: "You..."

His words have always been concise, simple and neat, and never stopped. At this moment, he was extremely hesitant. Speaking, and said: "You only said..."

It seems that I want to repeat it and confirm that I am not mistaken. But that kind of thing is really too difficult for the Blue Forgetting Machine. Wei Wuzhen immediately prepared to say it again without hesitation: "I said that I really want to be with you..."


Lan Yichen stood aside and held a fist in his right hand, reaching the lips. For a moment, he sighed: "...Wei Gongzi, the timing of your words is true, and the occasion is true."

Wei Wuzhen did not apologize for his sincerity: "I really can’t help it, Blue Master, but I can’t wait any longer."

Jin Guangyao can't wait any longer. He turned his head and said, "I haven't dug it yet!"

One person said: "The lord, you buried too deep..."

Jin Guangyao's face was suddenly white and white, extremely ugly. Rao is so, he did not blame his subordinates, only said: "Accelerate!"

The voice did not fall, and the sky suddenly flicked through a pale lightning. After a while, the thunder jumped. Jin Guangyao looked at the sky and his face was dull. In a short while, the slanting tiny raindrops floated in the air. Wei Wuzhen grabbed the blue forgetting machine, and was still trying to squirt his chest □ □ full of thousands of words, the cold rain silk floated to his face, let him calm down a little.

Jin Guangyao said to Lan Yuchen: "Ze Yujun, it’s raining, go to the temple to avoid it."

Even though Lan Yuchen has been subject to his hand, he still has a lot of rituals for Blue Jason. He is not harsh and half-hearted. It is no different from the past. It is only very polite, and it is difficult for him to rush to him even if he has temper. The so-called reach is not a smile. What's more, Lan Yichen was originally a man with no temper. Jin Guangyao took the lead and stepped into the main hall, and other people followed. Wei Wuzhen and the Blue Forgetting Machine came in during the day. The interior of the main hall is spacious and quite atmospheric. The red walls and gold paints are all as good as new ones. It can be seen that people often take care of them. The monks and monks dig the earth behind the main hall. I don’t know how deep it has been, and still haven’t been able to dig up the things that Jin Guangyao buried. Wei Wuzhen looked up inadvertently, but he was embarrassed.

The Guanyin enshrined on the platform of God is like a picture, and it is a little less kind and more beautiful than the ordinary Guanyin. It is a bit more delicate and beautiful. What makes him slightly stunned is this statue of Guanyin, which is actually faint and somewhat good, like a person. Isn't it the Jinguang Yao on the side?

At first glance, the contrast of Jin Guangyao is more and more like it, almost five or six points are similar. Wei Wuxuan said: "Is Jin Guangyao so narcissistic? Isn't it enough to sit in the capital of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect? What do I don't know about practicing sorcerer?"

The sound of the blue forgetting machine suddenly sounded in his ear: "Sit."

Wei Wu’s thoughts were immediately pulled back. Blue forgot to find four futons in the temple, two for Lan Yuchen and Jin Ling, and two for him and Wei Wuzhen. But somehow, Lan Yuchen and Jin Ling both moved the futon far from here, and they looked at the distance in the same place.

Jin Guangyao and others have circled the temple to see the situation of excavation. Wei Wuzhen took the blue forgetting machine and sat down on the futon. I don't know if there is still some heart and soul, and the blue forgetting machine is pulled by him, and this is stable. Wei Wuzhen slightly calmed his mind and stared at the face of the blue forgetting machine.

He looked down and couldn't see any emotions. Wei Wuzhen knows that, just a few words from the party, I am afraid that I have not believed in him. A person who was insulted but uninformed smiled so late for a long time, he did not believe that it was human nature. Thinking of this, Wei Wu's chest is stuffy, and his heart hurts a little, and he dares not to continue thinking. I only know that I have to give him a few more drugs.

He said: "Blue Zhan, you, you look at me."

His voice is still a little tight, and the blue forgets the machine: "Well."

Taking a deep breath, Wei Wuzhen whispered: "...I remember that **** is really bad. There are many things I can't remember before. Including the night, that happened in those days. What I have, I don’t remember it at all."

It was said that the blue forgetting machine slightly widened his eyes.

Wei Wuji slammed his hands and grabbed his shoulders tightly. Then he said, "But! But from now on, what you said to me, what I have done, I will remember, one will not forget. !"


Wei Wuwei said: "You are very good. I like you."


"Or change the word. I am happy, love you, want you, can't leave you, whatever you want."


"I want to spend the night hunting with you all the time."


Wei Wuzhen and three fingers, pointing to the heart of the heart: "I still want to go to bed with you every day. I swear I am not a moment to rise up and not to tease you as before, not because I appreciate you. In short. Nothing else is wrong, just really like you like to go to bed with you. No one wants you, not you can't. You can do anything you want to do, how do you come to love? I like it, as long as you are willing to be with me..."

The voice did not fall, and suddenly there was a gust of wind whistling into the fire, extinguishing the row of candlelights in the Guanyin Temple.

Unconsciously, the drizzle became a torrential rain, and the lanterns that swayed outside the Guanyin Temple had already been extinguished by the rain. It was dark in the surrounding area.

Wei Wuzhen couldn't make a sound. In the darkness, the blue forgetting machine has violently held him tight and blocked his mouth.

The blue forgetting machine's breathing was messy and rushing. He was hoarse and voiced. He said in Wei Wu's ear: "...please you..."

Wei did not hold him tight and said: "Yes!"

Blue forgets the machine: "... love you, want you..."

Wei Wuzhen loudly: "Yes!"

Blue forgets the machine: "I can't leave don't want anyone except you...not you can't!"

He repeated the words that Wei Wuzhen had said to him over and over again, his voice trembled with his body, and even gave Wei Wuzhen the illusion that he would cry out.

Every time he said, he tightened his hand at Wei Wu's waist. Wei Wuzhen was hooped and painful, but the arms around his back were getting tighter and tighter. He almost couldn’t breathe himself, but he was still ashamed and hated.

Nothing can be seen clearly.

But their chests are closely attached to each other, and the two hearts are inevitable. Wei Wuzhen clearly felt that the blue forgets the heart that is beating wildly, and the hotness that broke out of the heart, and it falls on his neck, disappears silently, I don’t know if it is illusory. A little tears.

At this time, a quick footsteps entered the front hall, and Jin Guangyao, who had only visited the temple, folded back with a few monks. The two monks were in the strong wind, one left and one right, and the strength of the temple was closed again, and the bolts were heavy. Jin Guangyao turned out a fire symbol, gently blowing it, and the paper was burned, and then used it to redeem the red candle. The faint yellow flame became the only light in the night rain temple. Suddenly, two crisp sounds came from outside the door.

Someone knocked at the door. Everyone in the temple mentioned the spirit and looked out the door. The two deaf people who closed the door were as enemies, and they pointed the sword at the door silently. Jin Guangyao does not say: "Which?"

One person outside the door: "The sovereign, it is me!"

Su’s voice.

Jin Guangyao gestured, and the two monks pulled out the bolt, and Su was stalking a gust of wind and rain.

The row of red candlelights was almost affected by this storm, and suddenly and faintly, the two monks immediately re-opened the door. Su Shi’s body has been wet by the rain, his face is cold, his lips are purple, his right hand is holding a sword, and his left hand is carrying a person. When I entered the door, I just had to throw this person down, and I saw Wei Wuzhen and Lan Forget the machine that was sitting on the two futons.

Su was not long before eating the big loss of these two people, immediately changed his face, immediately pulled the sword to Jin Guangyao, seeing him as if nothing had happened, knowing that these two people must have been restrained at this moment, this calmed down.

Jin Guangyao said: "What happened?"

Su Shidao said: "I met him on the way, I think it should be useful, and I grab it."

Jin Guangyao came down and looked down and said, "Have you hurt him?"

Su is involved: "No injury. Frightened and fainted." He said the man in his hand was thrown to the ground. Jin Guangyao said: "You don't want to be so heavy when you start, he can't help but not fall."

Su was busy: "Yes." This brought up the person who was only littered by him, and carefully placed it next to Lan Yuchen. Lan Yichen has been staring at this person, and has opened the wet hair of this person's face to see it. This is a faint stunned, and it really is Nie Huai Sang. It should be stopped at the lotus dock and returned to the Qinghe River.

He looked up: "Why are you deducting Huai Sang?"

Jin Guangyao said: "More than one owner is always able to make other people more jealous. But the second brother, please rest assured, you know how I used to go to Huai Sang, when the time comes, I will let you unscathed. Leave."

Lan Yichen said faintly: "I should believe you."

Jin Guangyao said: "Be free. Believe it or not, you can't help your second brother."

At this time, Su Shi turned his cool eyes to Wei Wuzhen and Blue Forgot.

He smiled slyly and said: "With Guangjun, Yiling ancestors, I really can't think of it, we met so soon. And the situation has completely reversed. How, how is it?"

Blue forgets the machine without a word. He has never ignored such a meaningless provocation. Wei Wuxi’s heart, where is reversed. You are fleeing in the mass graves, but now you are not fleeing?

The generality of Su’s involvement is that it has been shackled for many years, and it can be self-satisfied without spurring people. He looked at the blue forgetting machine and sneered: "At this time, you still have such a self-righteous calming shelf, when is it ready to be?"

Blue forgetting the machine is still silent. Lan Yichen said: "Su Zongzhu, during the period of studying under my aunt Su Lanshi, we should not treat you badly, why should we forget this opportunity?"

Su Shidao said: "Which do I dare to target the blue son who is proud of being a child? I just can't understand what he always thinks is great."

Although Wei Wuzhen is not the first time to know that a person's hatred can come without reason, but can not help but for a moment, somehow said: "Huan Guangjun said that he felt that he was awesome. If you remember correctly, aunt Does Su Lan’s family training not have the ban on pride and pride?

Jin Lingdao: "How do you know the family training content of Gusu Lan?"

Wei Wuzhen touched his chin and said: "I remember this if I don't copy too much."

Jin Ling blurted out: "It's okay, you copy the family training of Gu Sulan, you are not..." He wanted to say "you are not their family". face. Wei Wuxi smiled and said: "Isn’t it that Guangjunjun has a cold face since he was a child, so Su Zongzhu thought this way? If so, then Han Guangjun is really dying. He clearly knows who is this. Face. Su Zongzhu, you should be glad that you are not studying in Yunmeng Jiang."

Su is cold and vocal: "Why?"

Wei Wudao said: "Otherwise, you have been mad at me. When I was a child, I felt sincerely that I was a shocking person. I was so fucking. And I don't feel so inside, I still said it everywhere."

Su’s forehead bursts into the blue veins and says: “You shut up!” He seemed to be in the palm of his hand. The blue forgetting machine would take Wei Wu’s glimpse into his arms and hold him firmly in his arms. Su is involved in a stagnation, hesitating should not start, Wei Wuzhen immediately sneaked out from behind the blue forgetting machine: "Or don't start, Su Zongzhu, Confucius respects Ze Yujun is still respectful, you If it hurts the light, do you guess that you are happy and unhappy?"

Su Shi originally considered this to be close to the hand, but Wei Wuyi said that he was particularly wronged. In the end, the heart is unwilling, and I have to ridicule a few more words: "I can’t think of the Yiling ancestors who are both yin and yang in the legend, and they will be afraid of death!"

Wei Wuzhen did not shyly say: "It's good to say. But I am not afraid of death, but I don't want to die."

Su Shi sneered and said: "Bite chewing, ridiculously extreme. Is there a difference between fear of death and not wanting to die?"

Wei Wu's nest was in the arms of the blue forgetting machine. He said: "Of course there is a difference. For example, I don't want to get up from Lan Zhan now, and I am afraid to get up from Lan Zhan. Can this be the same thing?"

After thinking about it, he said again: "Sorry, I take it back. I feel like it is almost the same thing."

Su’s face is green. Wei Wuzhen intended to be angry with him. At this moment, suddenly a light smile came from above him.

Very light and very light, almost suspicion is wrong.

Wei Wei slammed his head up, but it was really right, in the corner of the blue forgetting machine, I saw the light smile of the wipe that had not yet had time to dissipate, as if the snow reflected the snow. This time, not only Su Shi, even Lan Yuchen, Jin Ling are stunned.

As everyone knows, the light-filled king is always a pair of frosty, unsmiling, seemingly uninteresting faces, almost no one has seen him smile, even if it is only slightly hooked. No one expected it. Seeing his smile was actually under such a scene.

Wei Wu’s eyes instantly became big and round.

For a long while, he swallowed his throat and rolled his throat up and down. He said, "Blue Zhan, you..."

At this time, there was a buzzing sound outside the Guanyin Temple.

Su Shi took out his sword and held it in his hand. He was alert: "Who?!"

No one answered, the door jerked open to both sides!

In the wind and rain that broke into the door, a purple electric light flowing in the middle of the light hit the chest of Su Shi and flew him backwards. Su Shi slammed into a mahogany column and spewed a blood on the spot. The two monks who kept guarding the gates in the temple were also shocked by Yu Bo. A purple figure passed the threshold and steadily entered the hall.

The wind and rain outside the temple, but this person has not been wet, but the purple color of the clothes is slightly deeper. The left hand is holding a paper umbrella, and the raindrops are smashing on the umbrella surface, the water splashes, and the cold light of the right hand purple power is still mad. His face looks darker than this thunderstorm night. /p

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