MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 306 Reporter: I have never seen such a macho man

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  Chapter 306 Reporter: I have never seen such a macho man

   Another day has passed, and today's record is very good. Five bluefin tuna and two yellowfin tuna weighing more than two hundred catties were caught.

  Yellowfin tuna is not Chu Mingcheng's target, they are purely random.

  At that time, he had already caught three bluefin tuna, and it was only two o'clock in the afternoon.

  So he found his next target and was about to go there.

   It turned out to be a coincidence that they came to the cab and saw several big fish displayed in the fish finder.

  Since there are fish, they must catch them, so the two hurried back to the deck and caught two yellowfin tuna.

   Seven large tuna a day, this record far exceeds the single-day harvest of other players.

  But the surveillance cameras are all filming, and no one can find any flaws.

  Jiang Luoluo has completely calmed down now, and is busy with fishing tackle brands and fishing tackle factories again.

  The first time she started her own business, she was not sure that she would be successful, so after discussing with her father, she decided to start with a smaller initial investment and take her time.

  Chu Mingcheng didn't have much contact with this matter, and he didn't plan to intervene.

  His current focus is to play with peace of mind, win the championship and gain popularity.

  The number of domestic fishermen is extremely exaggerated, reaching 140 million people, and the recreational fishery output value created in the past two years has reached more than 80 billion.

   It is estimated that they have seen such a data, so the organizer will follow the trend of foreign countries and hold a sea fishing competition.

  Fishing tuna, the vast majority of anglers can only enjoy the eye addiction, but this eye addiction can make the sponsor a lot of money.

   With such a cake, my man is currently doing this kind of business, Jiang Luoluo has no reason not to spread some cream on it.

  At ten o'clock in the evening, Chu Mingcheng, who had cleaned up the deck, walked into the refrigerated cabin and looked at the harvest of the past three days.

  Currently there are four yellowfin tunas, all weighing about 200 catties. The combined weight of two bigeye tunas is more than 560 catties.

  The rest are all bluefin tuna, one of which is more than 350 catties, and three of which are in the early 200 catties.

   What is left is today's Wutiao, but today's Wutiao is slightly smaller, the smallest is only 156 catties, and the largest is 183 catties.

The nine bluefin tuna here add up, and Chu Mingcheng is estimated to be worth a million. If Wang Laoliu, who is the number one, does not catch another large bluefin tuna, then he will definitely be the number one after the next ranking update. .

  Besides, there are only fifteen tunas in the refrigerated compartment at present, and there is room for five or six large tunas of about two meters in the remaining space.

  Since he wants to make the opponent despair, the rest of him will still target the bluefin tuna.

   Unless you encounter other tuna on the road like today, you will definitely not let it go.

   Walking out of the refrigerated cabin, Chu Mingcheng played with the two milk dogs in the cabin for a while, and then returned to the room.

Jiang Luoluo was hugging his laptop and typing away. When he saw him coming back, he immediately saved and turned off the computer, got up and said, "Are you busy? I'll put some water on you. You'll relax after you lie down and soak in the bathtub." Bar!"

   "Alright!" Chu Mingcheng nodded, feeling the weakness of his shoulders and arms.

  Yesterday and today, a total of more than a dozen tuna were caught. Without using life transformation to recover, he was indeed a little tired.

   This is normal. After all, the physical fitness is only slightly higher than that of the peak athletes, not many.

  He is still within the scope of peak human beings, and has not yet reached the level of fantasy or science fiction.

  Chu Mingcheng feels that this level is already very good. If his physical fitness is too exaggerated, he must always pay attention not to expose it, but it will be a burden at that time.

  In case of exposure, there is a high probability of slicing or something, but trouble will definitely come to the door, and some extremely bad things may happen.

  Relying on cheating, he has obtained the life he wants, and there is no need to break this peace.

   This is also the reason why Chu Mingcheng no longer harms a large number of invasive species. He only needs to ensure that he has a certain amount of life transformation left on his body.

   After a while, Jiang Luoluo put the water in and told him to go into the bathroom.

  Chu Mingcheng thought she would be with him when he entered, but unexpectedly she was going to leave.

   She could bear it, so she hugged her horizontally and closed the bathroom door amidst her exclamation.

   The weather on the sea can change as it says it will!

  The originally calm night sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and then a strong wind blew, and the waves followed one after another.

   It wasn't until three or four in the morning that the sudden bad weather moved to another place.

  Jiang Luoluo, who was already limp into a ball, weakly hit the **** lying beside him a few times.

   Animals, how can you still be so energetic after catching so many fish? Don’t you really know what it means to be sympathetic?

   Under normal circumstances, there is no juice from the fruit. Why is there not a drop left in her water tank?

   "It's so late again, you don't fish during the day, I'm so mad!" After checking the time on his watch, Jiang Luoluo went crazy again.

  Chu Mingcheng touched her ruddy little face, and teased: "That's not what you yelled just now!"

  Jiang Luoluo blushed even more when she thought of the situation just now. Knowing that no matter what he said, he would lose, so he just stuck his whole body on him and found a comfortable position to sleep.

  Although she complained, she knew very well that she would definitely make a fortune when she met Chu Mingcheng.

  This physique, even if it takes another twenty years, it will not be subdued by wolves and tigers.

  Chu Mingcheng also rarely felt tired tonight, so he fell asleep with his arms around her.

  The next day, unsurprisingly, both of them got up late.

  However, Chu Mingcheng has a strong recovery ability, and he is full of energy after sleeping until ten o'clock in the morning, and his body is no longer sore.

  Leaving the bedroom, he came to the kitchen and opened the map while cooking lunch, looking for today's target fish.

  At present, it is possible to return to the voyage by catching almost a thousand catties of fish, but Chu Mingcheng is not in a hurry. He is going to wait for two more days, and go back together on the day when the tide returns to Hong Kong.

  Anyway, if you don't want to keep a low profile, then you can simply make a high profile and directly detonate the audience.

   Therefore, for the last few fish, he plans to spend more time looking for the best bluefin tuna.

  If it weighs more than 500 kilograms, the remaining space in the refrigerated cabin can probably hold three or even four.

  The difference in weight between a 200-jin fish and a 500-jin fish is more than twice, but it doesn't mean that the area required is more than twice as much.

  After opening the bluefin tuna map, Chu Mingcheng suddenly found that the number of bluefin tuna in the sea area he was in today was a little more than the previous two days.

   Several batches of them are located close to the high seas, and there are seven marker points within 50 nautical miles.

   There were more than a dozen of them, and there was still one less, adding up to forty-seven bluefin tuna.

  This range is quite close for his kind of sport fishing, and it will not be too troublesome to fish.

   Maybe just after fishing here, the nearby school of tuna was just attracted to this side by the bait.

  Chu Mingcheng turned off the map, and just halfway through lunch, Jiang Luoluo yawned and walked over with a mobile phone in his hand.

   "Acheng, a reporter has contacted us, and we are going to board the ship to shoot in the afternoon."


  Chu Mingcheng was taken aback for a moment, but he was already prepared for this matter.

  Today, I just went to catch extra-large bluefin tuna. Some reporters also took photos. I just wanted to give them a promotion and increase their popularity.

   "I plan to go to the edge of the open sea in the afternoon, you let them go directly, and we will meet again at that time!"

   "Where are you going? OK, I'll reply right away."

  After replying to the reporter, Jiang Luoluo didn't go back to sleep. Although her legs were weak now, she still had to do something within her power in the afternoon.

  If she encounters a particularly big fish, she has to help catch it together.

  That is to say, Chu Mingcheng's cheating has improved her physical fitness a little and increased her recovery ability.

  If it weren’t for the fact that there was not a drop left in the water tank yesterday, she would have come out swinging her legs, clutching her stomach and supporting the wall.

   After lunch, Chu Mingcheng set off directly to the edge of the open sea. His first target was only a bluefin tuna.

  The reason for choosing this target is that it may be relatively large, and secondly, there are two schools of fish nearby that are relatively close.

  When he came to the destination, he stopped the Poseidon when he found the target fish in the fish finder.

  Jiang Luoluo is preparing on the deck now, and when the Poseidon stopped, she immediately started to nest.

  The baits in the refrigerated compartment are relatively consumed, and there are only the last three hundred catties left.

   Fortunately, the refrigerated cabin is almost full, so Jiang Luoluo doesn't need to save bait.

  However, shortly after she made a nest and Chu Mingcheng threw the small bonito into the water, a speedboat came over.

  The reporter who came was Cai Xueting, mainly because she was more concerned about these two contestants, and she happened to be going overseas for interviews today, so she chose them both.

   "Hello, have you found a big fish? It seems that I came at the right time!"

  Jiang Luoluo nodded with a smile and said, "Come up on your own, I will help you fish together later, so I can't leave for now."

  Because of the reporter’s shooting, and the fact that the fish at the bottom may be relatively large, she specially tied a top belly belt.

   Later, Chu Mingcheng will help carry the fishing rod from behind her, and she will be responsible for retrieving the fishing line.

  The two of them deliberately tried this method, it was easier to cooperate, and the fishing was easier.

  Of course, the premise of fishing like this is that the arms of the person behind should be a little longer, and the person in front should be slender and close enough.

  Because the bodies are stuck together when fishing, if there are two men, it will be so eye-catching when lifting the pole.

   Cai Xueting was allowed to board the ship, and immediately let the speedboat driver approach.

  There were three people on the speedboat, but only two boarded the boat, except for Cai Xueting, who was the male photographer who followed her all the time.

  The time of boarding the boat is not fixed, they came to shoot the fishing process of the contestants.

  Fishing content will be edited into a documentary. If the contestants perform well, the recorded content will naturally be more, and the broadcast time will also be longer.

   "Have you eaten at noon?" Because not long after noon, Jiang Luoluo, who was throwing bait, asked along the way.

   "I have eaten. There is a patrol boat not far from here. After we ate on board, we came by speedboat." Cai Xueting replied.

   At the same time, the photographer was asked to prepare quickly. After all, Chu Mingcheng and the two of them were already preparing to go fishing.

  She felt that she was really lucky in this interview. Before interviewing other contestants, sometimes in the morning, it took until midnight to photograph the contestants successfully catching fish.

   Some people were almost unlucky, and they wasted a day without encountering even a single tuna.

  The other part is that the fish finally took the bait, but the thread was cut due to improper operation, so the work was in vain.

   It's just that Cai Xueting and the photographer are a little curious, why Jiang Luoluo is wearing a belly belt, so she is a fisherman?

  But although she was puzzled in her heart, she still stood quietly on the side without disturbing them, and asked them after they finished fishing.

  Jiang Luoluo and Chu Mingcheng didn't have time to talk to them at this meeting. The bait nest has gradually formed. According to past experience, the tuna should be hooked soon.

  The tuna panel has now been upgraded to level four, and it has more or less influence on the tuna.

   After about ten minutes, when Jiang Luoluo started to slow down the speed of making nests, the fishing rod bent down with a "swish".

  The photographer immediately turned the camera to the fishing rod, and Cai Xueting showed joy.

  But they didn't notice Jiang Luoluo's serious expression and Chu Mingcheng's surprise.

  Because the fishing rod is bent into an inverted U, the fish in the water are obviously testing the quality of the fishing rod.

  Chu Mingcheng did not hesitate, immediately raised the pole to stab the fish, and at the same time released the unloading force, so that he could take down the fishing rod later.

   And when the unloading force was released, the crank handle on the drum suddenly turned rapidly, almost turning into a hot wheel.

  In about four or five seconds, the fishing line was pulled out more than one hundred meters, and the speed reached more than one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour.

  Jiang Luoluo quickly came to the fishing rod with a sullen face, and grabbed the fishing rod with both hands.

  Chu Mingcheng was behind her, with his arms around her, and then he also grabbed the fishing rod: "Are you ready, I want the fishing rod out!"

   "Hurry up, wait until the fishing lines are all out!"

   Facing Jiang Luoluo's urging, Chu Mingcheng smiled without hesitation, and immediately took the fishing rod out of the fishing hole.

  However, because of the loosening of the unloading force, their pressure is not great.

   But the real challenge has just begun. Chu Mingcheng holds the fishing rod with both hands and is ready at any time.

  Jiang Luoluo also held the fishing rod with his left hand, and began to adjust the unloading force with his right hand.

  As the unloading force is slowly adjusted to the maximum, the pressure on the two of them is also increasing.

   Especially Chu Mingcheng, the muscles in his hands swelled up, as if his clothes were about to explode.

   This scene stunned Cai Xueting and the photographer behind her.

  The fact that the two were fishing together just now was enough to surprise them. They never expected such a fishing method.

   Then Chu Mingcheng, who was already in good shape, suddenly turned into a perfect muscular man, which shocked them even more.

  Especially Cai Xueting, her eyes are blurred and her face is slightly red. This figure and sense of strength make one's body soft just by looking at it.

  Chu Mingcheng is currently feeling the power of the fish, and Jiang Luoluo has already turned the force to the maximum.

   Fortunately, after feeling it for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, the fish was still within his acceptable weight range.

  It was much easier than the black-skinned marlin last time, and even lighter than the 700,000 bluefin tuna. It should weigh more than 400 catties, but not more than 500 catties.

  A bluefin tuna of this weight is quite big, and its strength can drag a small boat to run.

  Currently, the fish ran more than 500 meters away, but the momentum has been successfully stopped by the two.

  The two began to cooperate now, Chu Mingcheng raised the pole with both hands, and every time he lifted it, Jiang Luoluo would immediately take a few laps of the line.

  Occasionally, the fish would burst out a little. At that time, the two of them would not rein in the line, but would hold on to the fishing rod tightly to prevent the fish from running.

  When the fish pauses to rest, continue to cooperate with the take-up line.

  Jiang Luoluo already knew what fish was in the bottom of the water, and couldn't help showing a beautiful smile on his face: "Ah Cheng, this feels like tuna!"

   "And this sense of weight means that the fish is very big. Generally, it is difficult for yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna to have such a sense of strength, mainly because they can't grow to such a large size."

   "So this one, is most likely bluefin tuna, right?"

   "Not bad, now you can guess the type of fish based on the feel of your hand." Chu Mingcheng was obviously a little surprised when he heard Jiang Luoluo's analysis, "There is a high probability that the bottom of the water will be a relatively large bluefin tuna."

  Hearing what he said, Jiang Luoluo's whole body was full of motivation, and the strength in his hands was also a little stronger.

   Originally, their catch this time had a high possibility of surpassing the first place. Now that they have caught a relatively large bluefin tuna, wouldn't the first place be more stable?

   When the leaderboard changed two days ago, she was still a little disappointed. She felt that the championship would miss this time, and it was really hard to keep the top three.

   Unexpectedly, they changed their luck on the night when the rankings changed. Today is only the third day, and they have encountered so many bluefin tuna.

  If it wasn't for the fact that she caught every one with her own eyes, she couldn't believe that the luck of the two of them had suddenly become so good.

   Cai Xueting also heard Jiang Luoluo's analysis, and her eyes lit up when she heard that there was probably a relatively large bluefin tuna in the water.

   This is a very good gimmick, and compared to other contestants, she has a better impression of this combination of handsome men and beautiful women.

   There is no other reason, appearance is justice.

  Time passed slowly, and the fierce fighting continued.

  Chu Mingcheng was already drenched with sweat, and his clothes stuck to his body, immediately revealing his perfect muscular figure.

  Cai Xueting looked parched, as if she was the one fishing.

  At this moment, she suddenly envied the woman in Chu Mingcheng's arms.

  Jiang Luoluo at this meeting was also drenched in sweat, and the vest inside was clearly visible.

  Wearing a small vest in summer is actually very hot. She doesn’t usually wear it like this when fishing. However, there are surveillance cameras and photographers on the boat now, so she can’t help it.

   Fortunately, the fish has lost much strength and is only fifty or sixty meters away from them.

  At this time, the bluefin tuna at the bottom of the water was gradually pulled to the surface, but it was still making its final struggle.

   When the fish tail slapped the water surface, it immediately made a "crash" sound.

  Cai Xueting was attracted by this movement. When she saw the size and distance of the fish, her small mouth opened unconsciously in surprise, feeling incredible.

  She turned her head slowly, and asked the photographer beside her, "Time flies so fast, it's already night now?"

  The photographer was also shocked. He turned his wrist and glanced at his watch, his pupils shrank suddenly: "Yeah, it's only been two and a half hours."

  Cai Xueting took a deep breath immediately, almost catching a tuna that was obviously not small in such a short period of time, which directly washed away her cognition.

  It has been nearly half a month since the competition, and she sometimes interviews two or three groups of contestants a day, and has interviewed nearly 30 groups of contestants so far.

  She saw with her own eyes that a group of two players spent almost an afternoon catching a tuna weighing two hundred catties under the condition of non-stop rotation.

   Some players are physically stronger, maybe a little faster, but not much faster.

   "Is this fishing method really effective?" Cai Xueting, who couldn't figure it out, could only attribute the reason for catching fish so quickly to Chu Mingcheng and Jiang Luoluo's combined fishing method.

  She didn't know that Chu Mingcheng, who was holding the pole with both hands, was the real main force.

  But seeing such an incredible scene today made Cai Xueting very excited, because there was another topic.

  If it wasn't for the fact that the fish hadn't been fully caught and was afraid of disturbing the two of them, she couldn't help but start the interview now.

  Twenty minutes later, a huge bluefin tuna was caught by Chu Mingcheng's head with a hook, and then he directly dragged it up from the small door.

   Seeing this scene, Cai Xueting raised her pretty eyebrows, and she already understood a little bit.

  She has seen other people tow fish onto the boat, and even a fish that is much smaller than this bluefin tuna requires two people to pull it up together.

   As a result, Chu Mingcheng easily dragged the bigger one up by himself.

  Cai Xueting said that she has never seen such a strong man, and she occasionally watches foreign strong men show off their muscles in the video.

   Unexpectedly, the hunk man was by his side.

   Now Chu Mingcheng began to bleed the fish and process the internal organs.

  Cai Xueting could only resist the urge to interview again, and let the photographer take a close-up of the fish and the data first.

  After a short while, the processed bluefin tuna was hoisted in the air by the crane.

  Because of the shooting, Chu Mingcheng also cooperated with measuring the length of the fish with a ruler.

  This bluefin tuna measures 2.3 meters and weighs 425 catties.

   "Congratulations on harvesting such a big bluefin tuna, I believe your ranking will be greatly improved in the future."

   Seeing that they were all busy, Cai Xueting couldn't bear it anymore, and started the interview with a microphone.

  She congratulated first, and then began to ask her doubts.

   "I believe that the audience friends are also very curious. Is it because of the fishing method you just did that the two of you were able to catch a tuna weighing more than 400 catties so quickly?"

   "Of course!" Chu Mingcheng nodded and admitted to the microphone handed over, "We went to Nansha once before."

  He attributes most of the quick tuna catches to fishing techniques and explains why they fish the way they do.

  When fishing the Masu tuna in Nansha before, Jiang Luoluo took the initiative to get into his arms to help, and let him know that fishing in this way would be much easier for him, and at the same time, he could conceal his powerful strength.

   As for other people trying this method to no avail in the future, then ignore his business.

  Cai Xueting nodded after listening, and asked some more details, then changed the subject and brought up his strength.

  The scene of one person easily dragging four hundred catties of fish onto the boat just now really surprised her.

  Chu Mingcheng didn't evade, let Jiang Luoluo sit on his arm, and easily showed his strength.

  Seeing this scene, Cai Xueting's eyes became moister.

   But she sighed again in her heart, sighing that Chu Mingcheng already had a girlfriend.

  After asking some questions again, Cai Xueting ended the interview.

  When Chu Mingcheng opened the refrigerated compartment and was about to put the bluefin tuna in, she and the photographer came to the door curiously and took a look inside.

   At this glance, I saw a row of bluefin tuna.


  Surprised too many times, Cai Xueting found that her heart seemed to be a little numb.

  But she suddenly discovered that the real champion was right in front of her eyes.

   And the value of these fish.

  The beautiful reporter glanced at the sweetly smiling Jiang Luoluo again, and the envy in her heart almost burst out.

   Originally, she wanted to stay a little later at night, but she suddenly lost interest as she continued to shoot fishing in Chu Mingcheng.

  So I contacted the patrol ship and asked them to send a speedboat to pick up the people, so that they would be out of sight.

  (end of this chapter)

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