MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 228 customer to order

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  Chapter 228 Customers come to order

  The two were still changing their diving suits when the satellite phone outside rang.

  Chu Mingcheng heard the ringtone and thought there was something urgent, he was only half dressed and didn't care about it, so he ran outside to answer the phone.

   It turned out that Chen Yang called, but it was not a big deal, but there were several seafood restaurant owners in the group who planned to cooperate with him for a long time.

  Because he was out at sea and could not be contacted, he directly found Chen Yang in the group and asked him to help pass the message.

  Chuming City sells relatively small fish and seafood most of the time.

  The fishing season is approaching, and there are five restaurant owners in the group who plan to buy from him and store a batch of high-quality seafood in advance.

  They have a low-temperature frozen warehouse. Although it is not large, it is no problem to store a batch of relatively expensive fish such as grouper and snapper.

  Like some large-scale fishes, they can be bought even during closed fishing seasons.

  Some seafood merchants will store in advance, but the freshness will definitely be lower and the price will be higher, which is also unavoidable.

  The owner of some rare fish restaurants originally got them from them, but now he chooses Chuming City because his products are of better quality.

   The delicacy on the attribute panel of the aquatic product illustration book has not been very conspicuous, and it is even easy to ignore, but its role is not small.

  Because of this delicacy, when Chu Mingcheng fished, all the fish caught were better quality fish of the same kind.

  The same two fish, because of the fat content and other issues, the taste will be very different.

  The reason why these bosses and customers have been chasing Chu Mingcheng's fish is because they have discovered that the quality of each other's fish is top-grade.

  Although the price is not cheap, it is also the market price, and the shipping fee is charged at most.

  For customers who are not short of money in the group, the shipping fee is nothing at all, what they want is quality.

  Although the restaurant owners hope that the price will be cheaper, they can still earn a lot even at the market price.

  The main reason is that their seafood is of higher quality, which will make customers choose their store first. If the business is good, they will naturally earn more.

   And the fish that Chu Mingcheng sold to them never turned out to be bad.

  Even customers have communicated, and no one has ever received poor quality seafood from him.

   Therefore, he has a very high reputation among this group of people, which is why most of the customers in this group are introduced to each other.

  Hung up the phone, Chu Mingcheng felt a little emotional. In less than a year, he went from actively looking for customer resources to the level where customers took the initiative to order and introduce each other.

   This is obviously a good thing, indicating that his career has officially entered a period of stable development.

  At this time, Jiang Luoluo had already changed into a diving suit and came out: "Ah Cheng, who is calling?"

   "Ah Yang called, saying that there are five restaurant owners in the group who want to order from me before the fishing ban, and plan to store some coral fish and grouper with less production."

   "Hey, I didn't expect that some bosses would take the initiative to place an order with us now. This is a good thing! If you don't count the diving practice, you should hurry up and go fishing and hunting!"

   "No rush, you only need half an hour for each diving practice, don't delay."

  Jiang Luoluo didn't say anything after hearing the words, half an hour really didn't waste much time.

  After that, she went to the deck to do Franzotong ear pressure, and move her body by the way to avoid cramping when entering the water.

  Chu Mingcheng also warmed up, no matter how strong his physical fitness is, he still will not skip these basic preparations.

   Then, the two went into the water together.

  Jiang Luoluo's training is not troublesome. The first one is to exercise endurance by diving flat on the sea surface for ten minutes.

   In the remaining 20 minutes, it was Chu Mingcheng who led her to dive repeatedly.

  Because he just started training, Jiang Luoluo only needs to dive to a depth of 15 meters, stay there for 1 minute and 30 seconds, then go back, and so on.

  Every time she trains, her physical fitness and breath-holding time will be slightly improved. After reaching a certain level, Chu Mingcheng will take her to deeper waters and increase her breath-holding time appropriately.

   As far as training is concerned, half an hour really passed quickly, but Jiang Luoluo was already out of breath, obviously exhausting a lot of energy.

  Training in seawater is different from swimming pools. No matter flat diving or deep diving, you need to consume extra energy to fight against waves and ocean currents, but the effect of such training will be very good.

  Back on the boat, Jiang Luoluo took out the spear gun and handed it to Chu Mingcheng, then went back to take a bath.

  With her current freediving level, it is obvious that she cannot follow the fishing and hunting, so she plans to go fishing later, and she can also help catch more fish.

  Chu Mingcheng took his spear gun and swam to the waters where many pepper snappers lived.

  For fishing and hunting, he is more familiar with the waters near the isolated island. On the other side of the isolated island, he had fished but never hunted, so he could go for a stroll at night.

  Going out to sea so late today, they obviously want to spend the night.

  Customers need to stock up to meet the closed fishing period, so the hunted fish does not have to be alive, so fishing is more suitable than fishing.

  Chuming City soon came to the familiar waters, perhaps because few people came here to fish, and the little sea lion also disappeared.

   When he came again, he found that the number of pepper bream was more than before, and the number of big fish had also increased significantly.

   It is of course impossible for the fish to multiply to such a degree in a few months. He guessed that the fish found that the environment was suitable for him to survive after they came here, so they all stayed. This is a good thing for Chu Mingcheng.

  Because there are too many fish, he has not turned on the fish gathering function for the time being.

  Pepper bream is obviously a high-quality fish. Turning on the fish gathering function will attract a large number of fish around him, which is really not helpful for him to fish and hunt.

  Because as long as he hits the prey, the hit fish will scatter and run away.

  The second 13% chance may not be able to attract the largest fish in the school, but it will block his sight and hinder him.

  Come to a huge reef, this is a very good ambush location.

  Chu Mingcheng loaded the speargun, and then chose the target.

  There are many fish, but the size of the big fish is always so obvious.

   There are at least several pepper breams weighing more than ten catties, and he chose the one that was closest to him and seemed the easiest to hunt.

   Press the trigger, and the fish arrow instantly penetrates the fish and hits the vital point.

  The hit pepper bream circled in the water with the fish arrow, and then leaned against a reef, and the other pepper bream fled in all directions when they were frightened.

  Chu Mingcheng let go of the speargun and grabbed the fishing line, and pulled it back little by little according to the resistance of the fish.

  The fish resisted strongly, so he just loosened his strength and held it.

  The fish has little resistance and withdraws quickly.

   This can ensure that the wound will not expand due to the struggle of the fish. After selling the fish for so long, Chu Mingcheng now subconsciously cares about the appearance of the fish.

  If the wound is accidentally enlarged, causing a large area of ​​fish to be torn, the value of the fish will also drop simultaneously, and the gain outweighs the loss.

   Less than three minutes into the dive, the 10-pound pepper snapper barely moved and was pulled to him.

  Chu Mingcheng took out the diving knife to bleed the fish, and the pepper snapper's tail shook rapidly again, which was its last struggle.

  Hung the fish on the live hook, he loaded the harpoon and swam to where the fish had scatter.

  The group of fish didn't run very far, but came to the middle of the reef next to it, the distance was only about ten meters, obviously thinking that this side was safe.

  At this moment, a sharp arrow pierced one of their partners, letting them know that this side is also not safe.

  In just half an hour, Chu Mingcheng harvested twelve pepper snappers.

   Five of them weighed more than ten catties, and the rest were around seven or eight catties. The total weight definitely exceeded one hundred catties.

  In the past, with more than 100 catties of fish with him, Chu Mingcheng would obviously feel dragged when he swam.

  But now that his physical fitness has been strengthened, he is still very relaxed with more than 100 catties of fish.

   Judging from this situation, he can bring an extra live fishing rope.

  Back to the boat and saw that Jiang Luoluo had just fished, Chu Mingcheng didn't bother her, but carried the fish onto the boat by himself and put the fish in the foam box.

  Looking at these fish, he felt that he should buy a vacuum packaging machine so that the fish can be better preserved.

   As for the ultra-low temperature freezing, there is nothing he can do for the time being.

  Although a low-temperature refrigerator is not very expensive, it is a pity that it is meaningless to buy a small one, and the big one cannot fit in the cockpit.

  Jiang Luoluo also caught a fish, and it turned out to be a small golden yellow croaker.

  She was stunned for a moment when she saw the fish, and then immediately brought the fish to Chu Mingcheng excitedly: "Acheng, Acheng, look quickly, there are actually big yellow croakers here."

   "This is a small yellow croaker. Look at the scales on its back, are they much thicker than the big yellow croaker?"

   After seeing the fish, Chu Mingcheng couldn't help but smile and told her the difference between big and small yellow croakers.

  Jiang Luoluo recalled the appearance of the big yellow croaker, and found that it was quite different from this little yellow croaker, and the excitement suddenly disappeared: "So it's the little yellow croaker, it made me happy for nothing."

   Obviously, she knows the price difference between big and small yellow croakers.

   "Small yellow croakers are also good. Now is the season for small yellow croakers. If you catch more, customers will definitely be willing to buy them. And we can also save some as gifts, or eat them ourselves."

   "Well, then I'll go fishing."

  With comfort, Jiang Luoluo's sense of dissatisfaction was not so great. After regaining his strength, he stored the fish and continued fishing.

  Chu Mingcheng put the lid on and returned to the water to continue hunting pepper bream.

  This time he brought two live fishing ropes, so he could hunt more fish.

   Fifteen pepper breams were caught again. The fish schools in this water area have almost dispersed, and all of them are far away from here.

   Judging from this situation, it is obviously impossible to continue fast and easy fishing and hunting, and it is necessary to look for prey repeatedly.

  So Chuming City turned on the fish gathering function, swimming slowly in the water, waiting for the attracted fish to automatically come to the door.

   As a result, two green lobsters arrived before the fish came.

  It's not big, it should be around seven or eight taels.

  Chu Mingcheng let go of the spear gun, ready to grab them with his hands when they approached.

   As a result, at this moment, a moray eel also appeared in his sight, slowly crawling over like a water snake.

   There is also a parrotfish that just appeared within his range of influence, and also came to join in the fun.

  Chu Mingcheng was a bit difficult to choose. It was right not to use the function of gathering fish before.

   Now there are no valuable aquatic products around, but after opening it, they all popped up one after another. If it was opened before, he probably didn't know which fish to choose.

   Fortunately, the function of gathering fish can only attract high-quality aquatic products. If it can also attract ordinary aquatic products, he will be even more dazzled.

  Chu Mingcheng finally chose to catch the lobster first. When he grabbed two lobsters with both hands, he immediately alarmed the gathered creatures.

  The parrotfish ran away with a whoosh, but he didn't care.

  The main reason is that the parrotfish is too small, it is only a little more than a catty when it is stretched to death, and its value is not as high as two lobsters.

   Putting the lobster into the net bag that he carried with him, Chu Mingcheng grabbed the speargun and immediately caught up with the slow-moving moray eel.

  However, although the moray eel is not fast, there are rock crevices where it can hide under the water, allowing it to hide its body.

  But the moray eel didn't get into the rock crevice, but found a sandy place and buried itself directly in the sand.

   It's just that its head and tail are exposed, which is very conspicuous to Chu Mingcheng.

  For moray eels, he would choose to sell them directly in Xia City, so he planned to catch them alive.

   Released the speargun, Chu Mingcheng found the position of its neck, and grabbed it with both hands.

   As a result, the moray eel was so fierce that it suddenly turned its head to bite its hand.

  Chu Mingcheng's reflex nerves have been strengthened a lot because of his enhanced physical fitness, and his reaction speed is very fast.

   Before the moray eel bit him, he let go of his hand, causing the moray eel to bite him immediately.

  The scary thing is that it bites itself and doesn't even let go.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Mingcheng quickly grabbed it, put it in the net pocket, and then picked up the speargun and went back.

  Put the moray eel and lobster together, the moray eel is likely to be bitten by the lobster, so you have to separate them quickly.

  This moray eel is a high-quality aquatic product, the price is not cheap, it is a pity to be bitten.

   Returning to the boat again, Jiang Luoluo found him back before he got on the fish, so he was already waiting at the boarding port on the back deck in advance.

  Chu Mingcheng handed her the net bag: "There are two lobsters and a moray eel in it, please separate them so as not to fight each other."

  Jiang Luoluo immediately took the net bag, separated the contents and opened it, and then returned the net bag to him: "Is this moray eel worth much? It's full of spots, it doesn't look very cheap."

   "It's a short-bodied eel, also called a flower-bone eel. It also has the title of an earth dragon. It's rare in the market, and the price should be around two hundred. It's not as valuable as the earth dragon here."

   "Two hundred and one catties, that's not cheap. It's a pity that this moray eel is too thin, it feels like two or three catties."

   "As long as there is a harvest, we don't expect every harvest to be tens of thousands?"

   "That's right." Jiang Luoluo smiled, and then said, "Are you tired, why don't you come up for a rest first, and I'll cut some fruit."

  Chu Mingcheng looked at his watch, saw that it was 4:30 in the afternoon, and said, "No hurry, I'll be busy for another half an hour while the sun is still shining."

  Jiang Luoluo nodded: "Alright then, I'll go prepare dinner, please be careful."

   After Chu Mingcheng handed her fifteen pepper snappers to put away, he set off again, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

  Go fishing or hunting, it will be more convenient if you have someone to accompany you.

  If Jiang Luoluo is here, the logistics can be done well, allowing him to devote more time and energy to work.

  Because of the function of gathering fish, Chu Mingcheng did not look for fish in the upper part of the water layer first, but directly dived to the bottom of the water.

  I didn’t meet any grouper today. I’m not very lucky. Next time I want to catch grouper, I still have to go to places like coral reefs.

   At this time, he didn't know that a cute little guy was rushing towards him a few hundred meters behind him.

  (end of this chapter)

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