MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 10 It's a pity that you are so beautiful not to be seen by beautiful women

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  Chapter 10 It's a pity that you are so beautiful, so beautiful women can't see it

   After Zhang Wei got over his two-hand addiction and two more crucian carp were added, Chu Mingcheng urged him to pack up his tools and go back.

   "The mouth is so good, I will catch it again!"

  Zhang Wei is reluctant to leave, which fisherman would like to leave when the fish situation is good!

She is not a pretty girl, Chu Mingcheng is not used to him, and immediately went up to **** the fishing rod back: "I resigned, and now I have no source of income, so I plan to get up early tomorrow and go to the vegetable market to sell fish, so I can't go to bed too late .”

   "You resigned?" Zhang Wei was stunned, "Then what are your future plans?"

   "I have no plans for the time being. I plan to catch up with the sea first, go fishing and sell money. If the money I make can keep me alive, let's live like this first!"

   "This" Zhang Wei didn't know what to say for a while.

   Introduction to work?

  He himself is working for his friends.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he seemed to think of something: "By the way, why don't you open an online store! Some of Chen Yang's friends have opened an online store, and they buy goods from him. If it is less than two or three thousand a month, if it is more There can be tens of thousands."

   "No, it's too troublesome!" Chu Mingcheng shook his head and refused.

  Chen Yang is his childhood friend, and the two played Xiaobawang together when they were young.

   Zhang Wei is currently working in Chen Yang's store, and the relationship between the two of them is a little closer.

   It's the kind of creditor relationship where you lit the bed with incense and smashed the TV screen with marbles.

  Chen Yang’s family has been in the electrical appliance business for three generations since his grandfather, and he has also successfully created his own brand.

  He also suggested that Chu Mingcheng set up an online store before, so that he could have extra income.

  Chu Mingcheng has no interest in these things, and he often works overtime and has no time or money to pay bills, so nothing happens.

  Seeing that he still disagreed, Zhang Wei sighed softly, brushed his hair, and took out his mobile phone: "Ah Cheng, you should also know that handsome, graceful, imposing, and romantic have always been synonymous with me."

   "I've been so handsome that I almost have no friends these years, and you are the only one who can compare to me."

   "Now I won't hide it from you. I have a few rich women here. It shouldn't be too easy to win with your beauty. Do you want it?"


   "Why, you don't want it?"

   "Yes, why not, my stomach is really bad recently, I need to eat something soft."

  Chu Mingcheng immediately got the numbers of several rich women, it doesn't matter if they are soft or not, the main thing is to prove their charm.

  But now there is a good opportunity to make money. Although the money is not much, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are!

   "Let's go fishing for alligator gar tomorrow. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to catch it?"

   Zhang Wei was a little hesitant after hearing this: "I haven't caught it for two days, and I haven't seen anyone else catch it. I suspect that this is a fake reward specially made by those parks for the sake of gimmicks."

   "Let's go and see if there is any. It's a pity that you are so beautiful and not let the beautiful women see you!"

   "To tell the truth, but it's a pity to have my face at home!"

  The two talked and laughed and drove home, but Apiao didn't appear in the reservoir in the middle of the night, maybe they just twitched when they saw the two handsome boys in the water.

  The next morning at six o'clock in the morning, Chu Mingcheng was awakened by the alarm clock of his mobile phone in a daze.

   It’s been a long time since he woke up so early, he wanted to continue to take a nap, but thinking about going to sell fish today, he struggled to get out of bed.

  Go from the attic to the bedroom on the left of the second floor, open the door and walk in. Zhang Wei is sleeping soundly with a pillow in his hands.

  Chu Mingcheng thought about it, but he still didn't ask him to get up, and went to sell the fish first.

  Come to the first floor and look at the crucian carp I caught last night. Because he divided it into two buckets, the space is much larger, and with the oxygen being used all the time, the vitality of this meeting is not bad.

   There is also a small vegetable market on Yanmen Island, but people on the island like to eat sea fish, and crucian carp is not easy to sell, so he drove across the sea-crossing bridge and came to the vegetable market in the town.

  I went to buy an electronic scale first, and a large plastic box, which can be used for fish in the future, but the bucket is still a bit small.

  Different from marine fish, when most people buy freshwater fish such as crucian carp, they will ask to be killed and processed.

  Chu Mingcheng does not intend to set up a small stall here to slowly kill fish and sell them slowly, it is a waste of time.

  He wandered around the vegetable market and found a stall selling freshwater fish.

   "Boss, do you accept wild crucian carp here? I caught it myself last night."

  The owner of the fish seller immediately became a little interested when he heard this. After selling the fish for so long, usually no one would bring the fish directly to him and sell it to him.

   "Let me look at the fish first."

  There is a big difference between wild crucian carp and farmed crucian carp. The color of wild crucian carp is white, and it will appear yellow in the sun. It has a higher back and better flexibility.

  Cultivated crucian carp is dark in color, fat in body, big and soft in belly, and relatively poor in flexibility. You can tell at a glance that you must eat and sleep in the usual time.

  The owner of the fish shop stretched out his hand and pulled a few times in the bucket, and he knew that this batch of crucian carp was indeed wild, and the smallest one looked like half a catty, so it was a good batch.

   "I want your batch of fish, and I'll give you fifteen yuan per catty."

"I'll sell it to you for twenty-five yuan a catty. Now everything is farmed, and there's no need to worry about selling wild products. I'll just sell the fish to you if I have something to do today, otherwise I'll set up a stall outside for thirty-five one Someone snatches every catty."

  Chu Mingcheng didn't talk nonsense, and directly quoted his own price.

  He still has to rush to the city to catch eels and crocodiles, planning to catch all eels and crocodiles today, so he has no time to waste here.

   Otherwise, as he said, wild crucian carp is really not hard to sell.

  After all, the fish here are good in size and fresh enough. The only trouble is that you have to kill the fish yourself, unlike sea fish that you can sell directly.

"All right, twenty-five is twenty-five. I'll take it." The price was originally a bargain, but the fish shop owner saw that he understood the market, and that he was indeed making a profit with the twenty-five yuan price, so he no longer The low price agreed.

  Wild crucian carp can indeed be sold for thirty-five pounds at present, and thirty-one catties is said to be a general price on the Internet, and the price varies from region to region.

  The boss agreed straightforwardly, but Chu Mingcheng did not regret the low price.

   Talking about the price, it can indeed be a few dollars higher, but it's a waste of saliva, and the boss is not a beautiful woman, so don't waste this saliva.

  Chu Mingcheng took out his newly bought electronic scale. The owner of the fish shop twitched his eyes when he saw this, but he didn't say much.

  Last night, Zhang Wei also caught two, so there were 29 fish in total. After weighing it, he didn’t expect it to be 18.3 catties. The average weight of each fish was over 6 taels, and the total was 457.5 yuan.

  But the change was wiped away by the boss, and he only received 450 yuan. Chu Mingcheng didn't say anything about the few dollars.

  Borrowing some fresh water from the fish seller to flush the bucket clean, Chu Mingcheng bought two breakfasts, and then drove to the fishing tackle shop first.

   "Boss, do you have any recommendations for lure rods?"

   "Are you fishing on a boat or on the shore?"

   "What's the difference?"

   "Of course there is. For boat fishing, the pole does not need to be too long. 2.1 meters or 2.4 meters are fine. If you are fishing on the shore, you need to throw the pole. The longer the pole is, the easier it is to cast. You can use 2.7 meters."

  Chu Mingcheng thought about it and decided to buy a 2.4-meter one, which can be used for boat fishing in the future, and it is enough to cast it for twenty or thirty meters.

  If you really want to cast far from the shore, you might as well buy another sea pole.

   "Then choose a 2.4m one!"

"Yes, I recommend you to use the M-tuned straight-handle Lure pole, which is suitable for beginners. When you use a spinning wheel to throw the pole, it will not fry rice noodles like a water drop wheel. The disadvantage is that the throwing will not be so accurate, and the sensitivity will also be low. Slightly worse."

  (end of this chapter)

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