MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 86

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The unfamiliar environment didn't make Wu Bu have any worries. He didn't have any lofty goals like Seymour or Lottie. All he wanted to defend was Luo Yankel and his brothers. His idea was very simple, let him Caring about the safety of the people you care about may be the hardest wish in troubled times.

And there was one more thing he couldn't let go of. At his strong request, Luo Yanker finally agreed to bring him to the combat readiness area and sat in the cockpit. Wu Bu closed his eyes and felt the slight fluctuations in the connection between the Quanzhi system and the brain. He felt every wave of fluctuations carefully, waiting. He believed that the sound he heard when he was in danger was definitely not an illusion. Is Hundred really in his omniscient system?

Will that unrestrained data ghost dormant in this small world like this? Why does it come back? Angry at leaving for his betrayal? still…

Wu Bu can turn on the Quanzhi system 100%, and the records in the system are slowly filtered in his brain, but there is no trace of that key reminder, Wu Bu can smile bitterly, if Hundred deliberately avoids him, then no one can Force it out in the illusory data ocean.

Wu Bu Bu was a little disappointed. He didn't regret throwing away Hundred. For Luo Yankeer's safety, he could risk everything, but the faint pain could not be healed in his heart. That kind of separation like abandonment made him feel disturbed.

Hundred, even if your relationship with Luo Yankee is complicated and you try to hurt Luo Yankee, he just can't hate the big cat who saved him and helped him protect him. The days of sleep seem to be in sight, Wu Bu's mood is low, but he feels a slight heat in his abdomen, which relieves the depressed mood.

Wu can't get back on his feet quickly, and he can't affect the child because of his emotions.

Everyone has their own affairs, but Wu Bubu can't do anything but expecting to give birth. Luo Yanker is the strongest guard, even taking a bath at night with the two of them, Wu Bubu thinks it's amazing that he can stand it. .

"How long until the little guy is born?" Wu Bubu was curious and worried.

"It's usually four to five months, but your physique is special, and your child's development is relatively fast, so it should be faster." Luo Yankee hugged him from behind, and caressed his bulging abdomen with his big palms, slightly The dawdling of Wu can not feel comfortable.

But this comfort could not last, and Lottie sent someone to inform them that there was news that could not be better or worse.

"What? Orcs attack the Maystar system on a large scale?!"

"How is this possible for a large-scale attack without any signs? The gang of Maistar can't be idiots like this, right?"

Everyone was suspicious, and some even thought that the disappearance was fake and a trap, but Lottie's source was very reliable. When Saier, who had just set off to return to the capital star of the Saier galaxy, hurried back, they knew it was true. of.

Not only the Masdar galaxy, but the other two galaxies were also harassed and attacked by orcs to varying degrees, and several assassination incidents broke out at the same time. Being assassinated, one death and two serious injuries, the three galaxies that lost their leaders and faced the massive attacking orc fleet at the same time, this is the biggest crisis facing mankind.

The strong smell of conspiracy made Wu Bubu and the others know that things were definitely not simple. It was a premeditated and detailed plan, but the beastman's behavior was simple, and his physical appearance and signs were very strange to humans. It was impossible to lurk in human society and wait for an opportunity , The assassination must be done by humans, but when it comes to a plan that will be so in tune with the orcs, then people will not only doubt whether it is possible for humans to join forces with the orcs to plan a conspiracy!

Wu Bubu frowned and looked at Luo Yankel. If they had ever seen such an incredible thing, it would be only Navier!

However, Navi is dead, they saw it with their own eyes, so this cannot be related to Navi.

Luo Yankee's eyes were firm, and he silently gave Wu Bubu's support and comfort. No matter who it was, no matter what their purpose was, they had to work out a way.

Wu Bu saw something unshakable in Luo Yankeer's firm eyes, which made his heart sink.

"The current situation requires everyone to make a decision," Seymour said quickly and solemnly to everyone without the dramatic exaggeration, "The plan will never keep up with the changes, and this abandoned 'star of wish' is my hidden weapon. , It seems that now I can only activate the 'Wish Star' for my homeland, you have to make a decision now, should you leave here or go back to Maistar?"

Seymour's words are very sharp. Even though there are defectors who left from Masdar, Masdar is still their homeland. It is not so easy for relatives and friends to cut off the relationship. Now they are facing the crisis of the entire human race. , Even though the rulers of Maystar have decayed, there are still countless innocent people who are facing death.

Wu Bubu held Luo Yankeel's hand slightly. He knew that Luo Yankee had already made a decision when he heard the news, and he would fully support Luo Yankee's decision.

"General Thorford will protect Mrs. Direth, and we will arrive in time." Wu Buwang entered Luoyanker's eyes, and there was no need to say more.

In a short period of time, everyone was at war in their hearts, but what the soldiers had in their bones and blood could not be easily discarded. Hai Ye was the first to say that he wanted to go back. Although Xiu Yin was full of worries, he couldn’t stop it. Everyone’s final decision was to rush back. The border garrison troops of the Maystar galaxy converged, and Lottie sent his men to protect Michelle away, and the group of Philot, who was protecting the Hayward child, rushed to the rear troops of the border troops first.

Before leaving, Lottie disbanded the "Dawn" as long as the members who wanted to leave could get a sum of money and live the life they wanted. Life.

However, contrary to Wu Bu's expectations, all the members of the "Dawn" did not choose to leave. Although the informal big men were used to business for money, they all got together because of Lottie. Kindness and love don't just go away.

Michelle was the last to know the news, and the person who took him away did not give him time to say goodbye. He never dared to appear in front of everyone, and he has been hiding in his own world. Now the sudden bad news makes him feel Too many regrets and can't let go.

Michelle's trembling eyes narrowed slightly, and she left with determination.

Wu Bui activated the Quanzhi system and looked at Luo Yanker on the other mecha at the last moment when the cockpit was closed. Wu Bupiously said first, "Be careful and follow me closely."

He had long wanted to try such handsome lines.

"Okay." Luo Yanker's voice came through the light screen.

Parting ways in the vast interstellar space, whether the day of reunion can be realized, no one is entangled in this issue, they only do what they think is right, and only fight for the loved ones and the new year.

Lottie arranged all the battle positions, and contacted Luo Yankel as the front-line commander to make plans. They responded outside and did not go into the main battlefield. Luo Yanke knew the combat style of the border defense fleet, and they would definitely try their best to put them together. The orc fleet is scattered, and the enemy is annihilated on the premise of ensuring the safety of the capital star.

Fortunately, they got in touch with Lieutenant General Soford, and confirmed the news of Mrs. Diris's safety. Luo Yanker and Wu Bu can also concentrate on fighting against the powerful enemy.

But unfortunately, they were unable to contact the border defense fleet. Luo Yanker was not nervous. He had been there for many years, and with Lieutenant General Sofort to determine the approximate position of the border defense fleet, Luo Yanker deduced how many A possible point of contact, large fleets make space jumps, and the energy released is their only means of tracking.

But until the last point of contact, when everyone thought that the defensive fleet would not be found, Luo Yankeer's expectation finally came true. They saw a large number of fleets emerge from the huge energy halo. Luo Yankee has been in The place not far from Wu Bubu blocked the energy fluctuations for him.

Lottie was relieved when he received the news that the reunion was successful. Although he decided to participate in this war, he didn't like the reckless fight to the death. Fortunately, the initial plan went smoothly. The captain's room seemed very messy. Because he hadn't cleaned up for many days, Lotti suddenly remembered a small figure.

At this moment, the contact device rang, and Lottie's heart skipped a beat. It shouldn't be the time for Michelle and the others to arrive. They were farther away than them, but the flash of the exclusive contact channel made him frown.

"Lorty, please speak."

"Captain! Michelle is gone! He clearly followed me on the shuttle ship! But now he's gone!" The big man who was assigned to protect Michelle reported in a panic.

"When did you disappear? Has the entire shuttle ship been confirmed?"

"Between three or four hours, I thought he was sleeping. I looked all over!"

Luo Ti was upset, and there was a vast sea of ​​stars. If he really lost a person, what a terrible thing it would be.

Lottie wants to find him, but he can't leave now, there are more people who need his cooperation, but...

When Lottie was upset, there was a slight knock on the door, and Lottie was taken aback, because for the electronic door with a communication device, there was always only one person who would knock on the door of his captain's room.

Lottie opened the electronic door and looked at the familiar little figure in disbelief, "What are you doing?!"

After being stunned for a long time, Luoti finally couldn't help but get angry!

"Lottie..." Michelle shrank her head and didn't dare to make a sound, but she was so happy that he didn't need to leave Lottie.

"What the **** is going on?!" Lottie held Michelle's shoulder.

"I didn't leave at all, and I left with the mechanical pet you gave me." There was also a little pride in Michelle's guilty expression, and he managed to keep himself.

Lottie lowered his head, sighed countless times, and finally could only hold Michelle tightly in his arms.

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