MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

"This... I don't know." Wu Bu Bu felt that this topic was really not suitable for him, but the bright-eyed young man in front of him made him unable to bear to break his expectations.

The teenager's eyes brightened, "Then will your baby have beautiful black eyes like you?"

Wu Bubei didn't know where the teenager's full expectations came from, and why he peeked here, "I don't know this, are you a member of the 'Dawn'? You know the medical room of the 'Surrey' Is it there?" Wu Bubu guessed the identity of this young man, 'Sarri' is just a small ship temporarily used by the smuggling team, and he should not take such an innocent young man without any fighting ability to smuggle around in danger, it is only possible to think about it There are all kinds of strange people only because of the very personality of Captain Lottie.

"The medical room? Is that the place where a very strange person is lying?" The boy tilted his head, as if trying to recall memories. Wu Bubu found that the boy's expression was very... naive. If you put aside her cute and outstanding appearance, this This kind of childish and even a little dull taste, but there is no trace of stupidity in the pure amber eyes, some are just too clean to understand the world.

"Yes, how do I get there?" Wu can't keep his tone as low as possible. It's not that he is so understanding, but he just doesn't want to scare the nervous little guy away. Otherwise, he will use the communication terminal. Armor Embu them, he doesn't want to disturb anyone's rest.

The little guy was obviously embarrassed, "I'll take you there, yes, but you can't say that I came here, Lotty won't let me leave the Dawn."

Wu Bubu raised his eyebrows. Sure enough, this little guy is a member of the "Dawn", and he seems to be highly valued by that Captain Lottie. Although there is no real sense of leaving the "Dawn" here, but look at this little guy. With a nervous appearance, Captain Lotty's order must be that he does not want him to come into contact with strangers.

"Of course, we just happened to meet when I got lost on the Dawn," Wu Bubui didn't think much about this little lie, "How about it, can you show me the way now?"

"Well." The little guy nodded happily, then took Wu Bu's hand and strode forward.

You must know that being a rude man who is used to being held by hands is a little awkward, especially the little guy in front, who is shorter than him, he has to follow the posture and pace of the other party, and some awkward movements are not Bringing the slightest discomfort or fatigue, the energy in the body seems to be full again after a good night's sleep, filling like a huge energy storage pool, with a warm feeling spreading from the waist and abdomen.

Every time this feeling appeared, it seemed that a silent conscious body was reminding Wu Buqi of its existence, with eagerness and joy.

"What's your name?" Wu Bubu asked looking at the fluffy and slightly curly hair in front of him.

"Michelle, what Lotty said." The boy saw that he had returned to the range of activities of the "Dawn" safely, his expression relaxed a lot, and every frame of emotion was clearly reflected on his face.

"Luotie, is that your father?" Wu couldn't guess, the relationship that can be given a name should always be something special.

"Lotty is a relative, Lotty said." Michelle looked determined, almost religious.

Wu Bubu always couldn't help changing Captain Lotty's face with a mean face that deceived young children, and pushed back this delusion. Wu Bubu found out that this was the channel he knew, so he unconsciously accelerated his pace. Michelle was taken aback.

"Is that person important to you?" Michelle still held Wu Bu's hand and followed closely.

"Yes, it's important." It's too important to even use the word "important."

"Then this baby belongs to you and that person?" Michelle successfully stumbled Wu Bu, not knowing how to continue this embarrassing topic, but the brief silence was regarded as a default, "The baby Will it be like you or the strange person?"

"...I really don't know." Wu Bubu scratched his hair awkwardly.

"Is that so? It's a pity. I would like to take a guess as to whether I am more like my mother or more like my father." Michelle said childishly, but her expression was very serious.

Wu Bu Bu was a little surprised. Who is this young man? The door to the treatment room is in front of you, and the person on duty has been replaced by Bella. Wu Bubu walked forward, almost rushing in front of Bella.

"Is he awake?" After Bella shook her head gently, her eyes were full of anticipation, and she returned to calm. There is no bad news, it is the best news.

"Bella, go back and rest, I'll go in and accompany him." Wu Bubu patted Michelle on the shoulder, "Thank you, Michelle."

Michelle looked at the sincere smile in Wu Bu's black eyes, and also responded with a big smile. Bella, who was watching, couldn't hold back the corners of her mouth.

This guarding lasted for nearly 30 hours, but this time Wu Bubu was able to learn the essence. He should eat and eat for a while, and his daily life was almost moved to this treatment room. Of course, Dem and Xiuyin It's not surprising, but Enbu has to joke and run, "Hey, you said that the boss fell asleep like this, will he be unable to stand up when he wakes up?"

"Why?" Wu Bu was surprised, the food in his mouth almost fell to the ground.

"Of course it's because... the bones are all turned by you." Enbu prepared to dodge in advance, so he was not sprayed by Wu Bu's mouthful of food scraps.

"What are you talking about!" Wu Bubu chased Enbu with his fur all over his body. Now that his physical function has taken a qualitative leap, the pursuit of the two is still quite evenly matched.

"Really? Can human bones be seen?" a bewildered voice muttered.

Wu Bubu patted Enbu's smiling face away and rubbed the top of Michelle's head fiercely, "I didn't pay attention when it came, you must not listen to him."

"You all came to see this strange guy, so I thought you should be here too, so here you go." Michelle reached out and grabbed Wu Bu's arm. This natural dependence did not disgust Wu Bu.

"Why is it a strange guy?" Wu Bubu wanted to ask last time, but was eager to see Luo Yankee, so he forgot to ask, "Where is he strange?"

Of course, if Luoyanker is awake, then you don't need to ask, that guy is strange everywhere, but now Luoyanker is in a coma, no matter his personality and style of doing things, there is really nothing strange about this guy.

Michelle opened her mouth subconsciously, but closed it tightly, refusing to open her mouth, just shook her head blindly.

"It doesn't matter, in fact, I also think he is very strange, so we can exchange secrets, how about it?" Wu Bubu coaxed the boy.

"Okay," Michelle strode into Wu Bu's bait area, "This person is really strange, but today is even more strange. Last time, the big man was watching over him, but he fell asleep, so I'm here. When I peeked at this person, I found that his brain’s excitement value was constantly fluctuating. He seemed to be fighting with something, and was trying his best to protect himself, but the excitement value once dropped to 1.69, which is a very dangerous value, but these The instrument did not issue any warnings. When I tried to see more clearly, the value returned to a stable level, so I said that he is a strange person. If the human brain excitation value is lower than 3.5, it is already very dangerous. Needless to say, such a sudden ups and downs is really incredible, what is the structure of this person's brain."

Wu Bubu was first surprised that these words came out of Michelle's mouth, and then when he understood the meaning of them, his heart was pounding in shock. On the premise that the monitoring equipment did not issue any warning, his brain was excited again. The sudden drop of 3.5 is really scary, Wu Bubui exhaled slightly, "Then why do you say he's even weirder today?"

"I don't know why, but I always feel that he is very calm today." Michelle tried to express, and she was completely different from when she just talked about medical-related matters. Of course, Wu Bubei didn't know at that time, this Michelle Teenagers' innate cognition of the brain exceeds that of many scientists who have been studying for most of their lives. Although they can't fully grasp it, Michelle's understanding of the brain is absolutely abnormal, and I don't even remember when I learned it.

Wu Bu's mind was very messy. The last time it was lower than 3.5 was when Luo Yanker came to rescue him. After driving with one brain and multiple controls, part of his brain waves were trapped in the Quanzhi system and could not be recovered. now what? why is that?

Before he could think about it, the alarm sounded suddenly, and Xiu Yin just rushed in from the outside, looking anxious, "Bad news! We have been attacked, it's the orc mech team, no, we need you!"

Wu Bubu looked down at Luo Yankel, who had a calm face, "Enbu, you stay here and help me watch him."

Michelle looked worried, "Everyone, don't have an accident, Lottie."

Wu Bubu met Bella, Willie, Dem, and Philot in the emergency passage, "Where's Mintor?" Wu Bubu felt that the more credible comrades he had when he faced the enemy, the more at ease he felt.

"That guy was left by Major General Xiuyin to protect Major Hayward and the child," Philot smiled helplessly. "It's actually just to let people watch Major Hayward and prevent him from going to the battlefield."

Boarding the silver fighter plane, the Quanzhi system is activated, and the ability sharing is turned on. At the moment when the ejection channel is opened, Wu must close his eyes and open them again. A firm gaze is his persistence to life.

"Guys, let's go!"

The moment of leaving the mothership is the most dangerous moment. It is very difficult to use the senses that have just adapted to the weightless environment to capture the enemy that has already aimed at you. Some mechas are hit the moment they just leave the mothership Fortunately, Wu can't enter the invisible state in time. With the help of the ability sharing state, the attacking mecha has a great advantage. Wu can't concentrate on bringing out all the performance of the mecha and maintaining the relationship with his comrades. balance.

However, when Wu Bu was attacked like a ghost by the orc mecha, he had to insist on exporting his abilities while fleeing, so that his comrades could get better cover. After countless exploratory attacks, he was finally hit by the orc mecha under the pincer attack. It took a while to recover the ability to be invisible. This brief moment was like a test of hell. threaten.

"Be careful!" A familiar and somewhat unfamiliar voice sounded in the cockpit.