MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 24 disappearing brain waves

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In the chaotic meteorite group, the atmosphere is tense and solemn.

"Peano! Are you really sure? Before the boss has a new order, it's best not to attack!"

"If you are afraid, you can hide here and watch the battle." The red-haired Peano stared at the huge space station isolated on the asteroid, with a look of great interest, "Hey, the legendary God of War was injured and hid in the shell. Zili, this is not something you can see every day, it's interesting!"

"Hey! The person who just attacked Luo Yanker was really the person the boss asked us to find? We have been investigating for so long, and we have no clue at all, but why did that guy come out in person so easily today?"

"Also, why didn't that guy just kill that Luo Yanker just now, why did he just give up the opportunity and just leave?"

Peano turned into a mecha, the red mecha was like a ball of orange fire, "Whatever, the God of War is always treated in a special way."

"Hey! Peano, wait! Really, always so selfish!" The two companions complained to each other and quickly followed.

Peano injected energy into the heavy artillery, and instantly tore a gap on the side of the space station.

As expected, the blue mecha quickly ejected.

Run away, Peano sneered disdainfully. In the last short battle, he didn't feel that this man who was deified by everyone had any real skills.

Stealth fighters may require a super brain to control. However, since someone broke this unique legend today, he really wants to see how the God of War who has lost the invisible protection can maintain his proud posture!

I want to kill that arrogant God of War with all my strength.

But after several blows, they were all easily dodged, and Peano was full of murderous aura.

Wu Bubei felt that even without all the advanced technical support, Luo Yanker was the most powerful man. His strength was always unfathomable, and neither the damaged fighter nor the seriously injured body could shake him.

Wu Bu was horrified by his super driving skills. What kind of person was this man? Why was he able to have such strength at the age of a teenager, and how much hardship was used in exchange for these strengths!

Although the battle situation is urgent, and the broad line of sight is full of intertwined attack waves, like the cold light of the scythe of the death god, attacking them, but Wu Bu's heart can't be afraid.

The pain of the abdominal wound clearly reminded him that in war, in the face of life and death, no one is special, but because Royan Kerr is the one who drives the mecha, everything becomes so natural: they will be safe!

Luo Yankee's face was cold and unafraid, as if he was carrying out a normal exercise, his slender and powerful fingers shuttled across the complicated light screen.

"Find a way to disperse the enemy!" Although Wu Bui expected that Luo Yanker would not answer him, he still said to himself.

"The meteorite group on the right side will help us to disperse the enemy planes!" Wu Bubu actively fulfilled his responsibilities as a co-pilot. No matter whether Luo Yanker agreed with him or not, he was not willing to let himself be only a bystander.

However, neither Luo Yanker nor the Quanzhi system in the 100% open state responded to his words, and the blue fighter did not follow his advice to disperse the enemy in a favorable environment. Quickly changing the angle to fight back, and not far from the space station that was just bombed.

Wu couldn't help but think that Luo Yankeer was blindly avoiding, he must be planning something, but this feeling of being excluded is really bad, Luo Yankee once got angry because he subconsciously rejected the synchronization with his brain waves , He once complained in his heart that this man was really naive, but now, the feeling of being ignored really made him feel out of control.

Just when a dangerous and crazy idea popped up in Wu Bu's heart, the situation of the battle suddenly changed!

An enemy plane that had been chasing after them suddenly exploded, and the one who flashed through the burst of light turned out to be Wu Bu's "Silver Queen"!

"What?! How is that possible?!" Wu Bubu was stunned, thinking that there was a problem with his vision.

The broken body of the "Silver Queen" is rapidly attacking the enemy from behind! Although the speed was greatly reduced, the enemy was defeated with one blow, causing a great deterrent to the enemy.

It turns out that Luo Yanker has been using the blue mecha as a bait, waiting for the moment when the enemy relaxes, and then raids from behind!

The blue fighter and the "Silver Queen" cooperated seamlessly, disrupting the rhythm of the remaining two enemy planes, and soon hit another one, leaving only the red mecha to deal with.

Wu Bu was surprised and didn't get any response. He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. Why could Luo Yanker control his "Silver Queen"? Under the circumstance that it is impossible for the Quanzhi system to fly the fighters independently, how did Luo Yanker manage to fly two fighters at the same time! ?

Too many doubts squeezed Wu Bu's emotions, causing faint unease.

"Hey! Peano, retreat now! Frans was hit! My mecha is also damaged, don't act impulsively! I will retreat immediately! If you want to stay and die, just stay!"

Damn it! Peano looked at his companion who suddenly threw away the silver fighter, dragged the cockpit that Frans ejected, and left the battlefield with a low curse.

"You're a good Luoyanker, I really underestimate you!" Peano was exhausted under the attack of two fighter planes. Although the heavy artillery had strong lethality, its weakness was that the interval between energy filling was slightly longer, while Luoyanker did not It will give him plenty of time to recharge.

However, Peano, who was impulsive, noticed the silver mecha behind him at a critical moment. His movements suddenly became slow, the attack of pincer attack became weaker, and the accuracy of shooting also decreased!

still have a chance! Peano's eyes flashed, and he chose the silver fighter with a more broken body as the first target to be destroyed, and rushed away.

At the same time, Wu Bubu was also keenly aware that Luo Yanker's attack was somewhat out of order, and was about to ask for brain wave synchronization again, but saw Peano hit the "Silver Queen" with firepower, although he felt sorry for him fighters, but finally found a chance to breathe.

"Luo Yankel! Quickly synchronize the brainwaves! If you have any comments, we will settle the accounts when we are in a safe place. Now we must agree to the outside world!"

Anxious Wu Bufei didn't hear Luo Yankee's answer, but what he got was a request from the Quanzhi system that puzzled him.

"Sergeant Wu, the control of the fighter has been handed over to me by Colonel Direth, but three seconds ago, I lost Colonel Direth's brainwave frequency, and the Quanzhi system cannot operate the fighter independently, requesting a brainwave connection , Confirm whether to hand over control?"

Luo Yankee's Quanzhi system obviously has no character setting, so all the language is a mechanical cold dialogue, but now Wu Bian is not concerned about this.

Blinking his eyes, Wu Bubu completely couldn't understand the meaning of Quanzhi System!

"...What can't capture the frequency of brain waves? What a joke, if Luo Yanker is not here, how could he not be able to receive brain waves!" Wu Bubu felt a chill down his spine.

"Royan Kerr! Answer me! You bastard, don't make such bad jokes with me!" Wu Bu Bu panicked out of the full field of vision and saw Luo Yan Kerr in the cockpit sitting motionless in the driver's seat. Wu Bu stretched his arm, but couldn't touch Luo Yankee's shoulder.

What exactly is going on! ? Wu Bu has never been so powerless!

The complicated emotions made Wu Bu's eyes red, but looking at Luo Yankel's unresponsive body, Wu Bu Bu forced himself to calm down!

"Hand over the control to me! Report Luoyankel's body and brain condition!"

Wu Bu couldn't make a quick decision, no longer fighting, a mecha in exchange for the opportunity for him and Luo Yanker to escape, there is nothing worth hesitating, "Prepare to return!"

"Colonel Direth's physical function values ​​are all within the normal range, the wound is recovering on its own, the brain test is in a state of deep dormancy, and the brain cell excitation value is 1.37."

"1.37?!" Although Wu Bubu is not a biologist, he also knows that the excitation value of brain cells is lower than 3.5, which is equivalent to a state of near brain death! Although the functions of the semi-rocked human body are different, Xiu Yin gave him a lot of knowledge about this world in the experiment, so he can judge that 1.37 is definitely a dangerous value.

what happened? ! Why did Luo Yankee suddenly look like this?

and many more!

A terrible thought crossed Wu Bu's mind!

"Contact Dem to report the new coordinate position! Activate the isolation layer and protect Luo Yanker!" Wu Bubu shouted, driving the blue fighter to rush back to the star field where he just fought the red mecha, "Immediately search for the 'Silver Queen' 's position!"

Wu Bu's heart was beating wildly. Since Luo Yanker can fly two fighters, and it is impossible for each full-intelligence system to fly a fighter alone without a driver, then the cooperation between the blue fighter and the "Silver Queen" just now , must be under the control of two brains!

Luo Yanker's brain waves did not disappear, but was trapped in the "Silver Queen"!

"Sergeant Wu! If 'soul' succeeds, we will be the heroes of mankind, the pioneers leading mankind to new fields, and our name will be praised by generations!"

Wu Bu's mind suddenly appeared that the "weird" professor of the Military Department's highly exaggerated words was always full of yearning for fame.

He used to be extremely disdainful and laughed secretly, but now, a huge sense of fear enveloped his whole body!

Could it be that his coming to this world was not a simple accident! ?

Read The Duke's Passion