MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 2 70%

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"Trick!" The harsh tearing sound made Wu unable to recover and suddenly opened his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he turned his head to look at his torn shoulder, Wu Bu's mind still had time to complain, the dead old man from the Academy of Military Sciences really lied to him! How could a lab coat that can defend against all cold weapons be torn apart with bare hands! ?

Well, the "crystal prosthesis" on the opposite side can't be regarded as an unarmed hand, but his last bit of protection has also been destroyed, so let's see if the other party intends to let him go.

FUCK! Damn bastard! A bunch of son of a bitch! Wu Bubei cursed in his heart, but the smile on his face became more and more flamboyant, and his words were even more spineless, "Lieutenant Mintor, I also think the design of this lab coat is too rigid, it's your bare shoulders design. More fashionable, practical and handsome, if you want me to wear the same style, don't bother you, I can improve it myself..."

Wu can't be extremely nervous. It's not that he hasn't heard of the fate of those prisoners captured by the rebel forces on the battlefield! He is just a technical soldier with a small innocuous hobby. He is not very motivated but a little clever. He has not had the chance to see the real battlefield, but now he is very doubtful that his little cleverness will let him before the enemy's interrogation. , just tell everything you know.

The sleeve that was separated from the main body was held in Mintor's hand, Wu Bu Bu could hear the other party snort softly, his eyes still despised indifference, frowning and staring at his arm, as if there was something dirty there!

In any case, try to communicate with each other, and don't give up the chance to live!

"Lieutenant Mintor, may I ask, where is this place? In the end..." Unfortunately, Wu Bu's words were interrupted and ignored again.

Mintor stared at his eyes, the coldness inside made him involuntarily close his mouth.

"You, with half of the people, inform Lieutenant Bai Bai and let him be in charge of the next cruise mission! The rest of the people are on standby here, guard this place for me, and no one is allowed to enter here without my order to deal with this situation without authorization. No one is allowed to touch the recovered space junk, especially the capsule where this person is hiding!"


"Lieutenant Philot! You and I take this man to Major Hayward."

"Eh? Why? There's no need for such a thief to bother Major Hayward, right?" The blond Philot frowned, reluctantly.

"Stop being wordy, execute the order!" Mintor sternly stopped the blond boy's complaint, and at the moment when the guards rushed to their posts, he took off the cloak behind him and tied Wu Bubu, who was rubbing his arms, into a mummy.

"Hey! I won't resist, you don't need to tie me up like this!" Wu Bubuy's arm, which was so painfully twisted, has not yet recovered, and he was tied tightly again, shouting in a very lacking military spirit, "You want to Where are you taking me?!"

Mintor tied the man and dragged him towards the exit, "Shut your mouth, if you make any more noise, I'll cut off your tongue."

Wu Bubu obediently closed his mouth, but kept glancing around, hoping to see where this place was, but after reading it for a long time, he could only guess from the signs on some doors that it might be a huge ship. Of course, in Wu Bu's cognition, the ship was at sea, so why he appeared here, he couldn't understand.

Being pressed by two people, he walked a long way, took a lot of elevators and conveyor belts, and the transition between passages also made Wu Bubu guess that he was probably going to take him to see their leader. It's a good phenomenon, Wu can't comfort himself.

His throat rolled twice, thinking of the threat from the cold-faced man just now, Wu Bubu still suppressed the words that came close to him, ready to act by chance.

After the two guards standing outside the door saluted the two people beside them, they fixed their eyes on him in confusion.

"Lieutenant Mintor, the major is resting, what's the matter with you?"

"Please pass it on and say that Lieutenant Mintor and Lieutenant Philot have something important to report."

The guards are with Major Hayward all the year round. Everything is based on the major's safety and health. The major must not be disturbed when he is resting. This is what they got from the adult when they set off. The order is also their most important task, "I'm sorry Lieutenant Mintor, there is still an hour, and the major's nap time will end. When that time comes, I will report to the major immediately, please wait patiently."

"Stupid!" The blond Philot couldn't help it at first. Although he complained about Mintor's temper, the two were the closest comrades-in-arms. To be rude to Mintor was to be rude to him. , "If the cruise fleet is attacked now, do you also plan to let the major finish this nap?!"

"This..." The guards were obviously frightened, but they still didn't plan to back down.

At this moment, the electronic door of the room suddenly opened to the side, and an equally tall man stood at the door.

"What's the matter?" the amber-haired man asked.


"Major Hayward, we have something important to report." Mintor's right hand had been holding Wu Bubu tightly, and at this time he was leading him forward.

"Come in," Hayward obviously trusted Mintor, and didn't ask the origin of this person who was **** so funny. Before closing the door, Hayward's amber eyes showed a bit of coercion, " This kind of thing is not allowed to happen again in the future, and anyone who has something to report is not allowed to block it again, and those who violate the order will be transferred immediately."

"Yes, Major Hayward!" The guards were trained very wrongly, but they knew that this good-natured major was usually very approachable, but once someone broke the rules, the major was also famous for his sternness, majesty, and It's not whether he is fierce to others, but a person who has a principled soldier adheres to the principle and does not give in, will not be angry and arrogant.

Wu Bu was originally stunned when he saw the man named Hai Yehua, because even his goddess was not as beautiful as the man in front of him, yes, beautiful and moving!

With long amber hair and eyes, and pearl-like skin, although he is a straight man, he is a straight man with no morals, so the first moment he saw Haye, he kept the goddess in his mind. With **** and buttocks, he changed his face to the one in front of him.

Fortunately, the three people present didn't pay much attention to him, and his "short" stature also became a weapon to conceal his expression, otherwise he would cut off the last bit of vitality by himself with such a lustful look on the verge of death.

He was about to cry to Major Beauty about his innocence, but when he was pushed into this huge room, he was so shocked by what he saw that he didn't know how to breathe.


The entire dome of the room is completely transparent, and the outside is like a universe containing countless abyss. In the 360-degree endless darkness, there are bright stars in the distance and a huge group of meteorites like a net. The small ships on both sides, what he saw made him terrified, could it be that this is not a ship at sea at all, this is in space! A universe away from Earth!

Wu Bubei felt that his heart was about to jump out. Since the 30th century, the universe is no longer unknown and mysterious to human beings. From space mining for energy to planetary travel, it is already a very common thing, but that was all in 3015. previous thing!

In 3010, the global population has exploded, and the resources on the earth have been exhausted. Therefore, human beings have extended their hands to the universe even more greedily. However, the territorial airspace system applicable to the earth cannot be framed in the boundless universe. Their madness finally broke out in 3015 in 3015 in order to compete for the solar system and wider space in conflicts of all sizes.

After that, it took people nearly a hundred years to establish new habitats, and another fifty years to establish a new United Earth Government and a sound social system, and with it came opposition forces The endless harassment and destruction of the world, big and small conflicts are still taking place, for the sake of peace, in order to prevent mankind from self-destruction, the two camps have reached a consensus: stop the development of all projects for interstellar exploration, and all remaining space launch stations. closed.

Only by controlling our ambitions first can we make people care more about everything in front of us. The earth is the foundation for human survival. Giving the earth time to breathe is to give human beings hope for survival.

This is actually a long time ago for Wu Bu. He was born in a time when human ambitions were once again growing uncontrollably, and the conflict between the coalition government that always advocated peace and the opposition forces intensified.

But in a blink of an eye, he stood at the source of human disputes, in the universe.

Wu Bubui didn't pay attention to what the other three people were saying. With the last glimmer of hope, he broke free from Mintor's control, rushed to the edge of the room, and kicked **** the transparent wall with his feet raised. Maybe this room was just using optics. The interstellar illusion created by the camouflage, it may happen that this major Hayward is an interstellar fan, but the touch under the soles of the feet is really incomparable, and the scene in front of me does not fluctuate in the slightest because of the impact!


Wu Bu seems to have had all his soul taken away, and everything in front of him is crazier than all the movies he has seen!

Mintor did not expect that this thin and frail waste would suddenly break free. The next second Wu Bubu kicked the wall, he pressed him to the ground, and his arms that had recovered to close to his skin color once again lit up with a pale golden light. .

"Don't play tricks! If you still want to walk on your own legs, just stay with me and don't move!"

With the sound of intimidation, Wu Bu Bu could feel a strong pressing from his thigh, the huge force seemed to crush his bones, "Ah!"

Unable to suppress the pain, he asked Mintor to stop exerting force, "Useless waste!"

"I'm sorry, Major, I was careless!"

"Okay, don't embarrass him, you said that he might be an exiled demihuman?" Haye frowned slightly, it would be a little troublesome to deal with this black-haired man in this way.

"Yes Major," Mintor untied Wu Bu's shackles and grabbed his arm, "being threatened and attacked, he doesn't have any instinctive defensive response, and... the body structure is a bit strange, I'm afraid it's a subspecies. Inferior among them, that's why they were exiled."

Wu Bubu had not recovered from the pain, so he could only let Mintor carry him around like a frog.

Hayward thought for a moment, the exiled aliens themselves are sensitive topics, and they may cause political problems if they are not careful, "To see if he is injured, first arrange a room for him, and let him be guarded. After all, he can't be thrown back into space, and when he gets back to Gepp, he can be handed over to the foreign affairs department."

"Yes, major." Although Philot was dissatisfied with one more job, he still took out a metal bracelet from his waist and walked over to put it on the defensive Wu Bu's wrist.

"Hey, if you are sent back to your hometown, you will receive a warm welcome." Philot couldn't help making a bad joke while operating on the green projection unfolding from the wristband.

"Haha, if you can really take me home, I'd be really grateful to you all." Wu Bubu smiled, the expression on his face was extremely ugly.

"Hmph." Philot replied disdainfully, and quickly browsed the various human data measured by the bracelet.

Suddenly the green screen turned red, and the alarm sounded!

Wu Bu Bu was startled. Looking at the metal ring that vibrated slightly on his wrist, he felt extremely uncomfortable. He was about to take it off, but Philot and Mintor, who were beside him, grabbed their arms from left to right. Can't move.

The alarm bell stopped when Philot moved his finger, and then Philot trembled in disbelief, "...Mintor! Am I dazzled?!"

"...No," Mintor also widened his eyes in shock, "Major, we are in trouble."

Hayward straightened his body, staring at the 70% number flashing on the red screen, and suddenly felt very heavy on his shoulders.

The author has something to say: (??′??`?)??????? Thank you for your support, love you all!

Wu Bu: Damn it! Bad luck! What the **** is this place! Why was she thrown into the universe without even touching the goddess! (╬◣ω◢)

Philot: Although at first I thought we were the unlucky ones, but... (eyes flashing blue light), now it seems that it is very likely that we have picked up a big bargain. ?(★_★?)

Wu Bu: What are you talking about, little bastard! What's the matter with your lustful eyes! Σ(|||▽|||)

Philot: Little bastard? ! You are a softie! Authentic soft goods! (Both arms are golden...)

Wu Bu: (…Damn, I can’t beat it!) (?ó﹏ò?)

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