MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 14 emotional infection

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System intrusion is Dem's specialty. Although the crystallization of the Wright family of all dynasties - the Quanzhi system, under the perfection of the genius researcher Major General Xiuyin Wright, there is no possibility of exploiting loopholes, but hacking analog communication channels is for him. It's still very simple, but for some reason, he did not feel the captain's brain defense at all after making all the preparations.

The entire communication system is like an unguarded empty lane, leaving them blank unknowns.

It was impossible for them to imagine that such a tacit understanding and cooperation that seemed to be manipulated by one person did not use any communication!

"Maybe this is part of the captain's plan. I have strengthened our communication defenses, everyone act cautiously!" Dem gave the order seriously, but he always felt that something was wrong.

The captain's stealth fighter is unique, relying on the energy waves of the human brain to achieve energy resonance on the surface of the fighter to confuse human eyes.

This ability, because of the special optical environment in the universe, cannot be achieved by simple optical camouflage. It is the unique sword of Luo Yankel with the strongest brain.

To break this unique stealth skill, you must defeat the speed of Royanker's brain and hit the fighter plane!

A single hit can destroy the energy resonance on the surface of the mecha, removing the veil of invisibility.

Of course, theoretically simple, after putting on the name of the God of War Luo Yankel, it becomes an impossible task!

At present, apart from rumors that Wu Bubu once piloted Major Hayward's mecha to hit the captain, no one has been able to do it, causing the God of War's mecha to be damaged!

Dem carefully detected the subtle energy fluctuations that the stealth fighter would generate when approaching, alerted to the surrounding movements, and guarded against Luo Yanker's attack, while biting on Wu Bu's fighter.

But soon he found something wrong: Wu Bu's speed was too fast! As if they were laughing at their all-out pursuit, but the distance was pulled away!

Suddenly, Wu Bu's fighter plane did not turn or decelerate at the moment when it was extremely close to the space station, but instead accelerated suddenly and went straight to the main body of the space station!

The next moment! Disappeared out of thin air!

"What!" Dem moved his eyes quickly, searching for Wu Bu's trace! Got nothing!

The trend of flanking is disrupted by sudden changes.

"Hey, what the hell! Bella! Be careful!" Dem's eyes flashed, and he felt the tiny energy fluctuations. He suddenly dodged, but the warning was too late!

Bella's mecha was hit by the energy wave he escaped, wrapped in a burst of light, and became the second "victim" of this "war".

"Hey Dem! What's going on?!" After quickly finding the hiding place, Embu held a giant cockroach to monitor the melee in the field of vision from a distance, looking for the opportunity to snipe, and asked at this time, because he saw To the incomprehensible scene!

Wu Bu's fighter can be invisible like the captain? !

What does this represent? !

Sloan may usher in another God of War! Embu was taken aback by his own imagination.

"Hey, now, I really want to ruthlessly push that kid to the ground, smash, smash, smash, what a trick!" Enbu's long-winded words just came out, and disaster came from heaven.

"Make sure you have that fate first." The icy Luo Yanker dealt with Embu, who didn't even notice that he was approaching, with great ease.

Luo Yanker frowned slightly, the speed increased by 6%, and the pressure on the brain caused by stealth skills was reduced by 7%. Although it is not a huge number, it is more difficult to move forward when it reaches the top of the mountain. The weakness of stealth fighters- ---- There are subtle energy fluctuations around the fuselage, and it cannot be 100% invisible---- This problem that has always been insurmountable, under the premise of synchronizing with Wu Bu's brain waves, is easily solved !

Enbu didn't notice his approach, not because he was careless, but because the various functional data of his mecha had been changed more balancedly, realizing a smaller range and slighter energy fluctuations, making it easier to kill enemies Yu Wuxiang... However, he doesn't like this feeling, this feeling of being protected by someone!

"Woohoo!" Wu Bubui suddenly cheered on the channel, and Luo Yankee frowned even more.

"Gameover!" Wu Buxi came out of it, "You lost!"

It's just that Wu Bubei didn't have time to show off his heroic demeanor in destroying Dem as a winner, and he didn't have time to surprise his invisible skills. Luo Yanker decisively cut off his connection with the outside world.

After opening the experimental cabin, Wu Bu still did not calm down his excitement, "Hey, Luo Yanker, how did you make me invisible, this is the first time I fly so fast! Free flight without hindrance! Most importantly, we Win more with less! Haha, let’s see what Enbu and the others are up to now… By the way! Next time, if I actually fight, my fighter will be invisible too!”

"Get down!"

"...Uh...oh." Wu Bucai found himself squatting on the edge of the cabin door of the experimental cabin, clapping one hand on Luo Yanker's shoulder, in a very comfortable position, and looking at the pair from a head-up perspective for the first time purple eyes.

There was a momentary pause on both sides.

Wu Bubu couldn't forget the super cool feeling of combining the two into one, and then faced with this pervert that made him nervous, and his mood was strange and complicated, Luo Yanker looked at Wu Bubu's eyes simply because of the joy of victory, his pupils shrank, It overlapped with the self in my mind, and gradually became short of breath...

"...Get down!"

Wu Bubu was pulled down with great force, and looked at Luo Yanker who was in shock and anger, "What's wrong?"

"It's all right!" Luo Yanker saw Wu Bu's worry for a moment, and his heart was inexplicably touched. He felt that this soft guy with black hair and black eyes is really amazing, why there are so many obvious emotional changes.

Royanker's mind flashed, in the bright or dark dormitory, Wu Bu used to talk about the ancient earth for several nights, the prosperity and decline of the planet destroyed by human greed and the life of human beings in the past. Yes... he is a human from the ancient earth...

"I have applied for a weekly out-of-home for you. In addition to daily training, I will come here every week to conduct simulated battles until you can survive five seconds." Luo Yankee got rid of the inexplicable thoughts in his mind and came to a cold conclusion. , "Now, follow me to the bedroom."

Eh? ? !

Wu Bu Bu was suddenly surprised, "I'm not tired! It's okay to have a few more mock battles! Young people have to work hard to make progress, come and come, and a few more rounds, or are you afraid?"

Wu Bu's face twitched and his heart collapsed. He didn't want any unstable factors to stimulate this pervert!

bedroom? Not to die!

Luo Yanker wrapped his arms around, easily stopping someone who was about to jump back into the simulation cabin.

"Hey, let go!"

During the struggle, Wu Bu's raised arm hit Luo Yankee's chin, and the world froze for a moment...

God, don't make this perverted look any more perverted!

"At the banquet, you understood what I said," Luo Yankee was like an eagle staring at its prey, so scared Wu Bu nodded subconsciously, "Very well, I have already said that you are mine. People, and I, Luo Yanker, never disdain to be suspected, so we must shut up those troublesome flies with established facts as soon as possible."

What, what do you mean?

"Getting pregnant with my child as soon as possible is your top priority now." Luo Yanker said lightly.

Wu Bu's inner world collapsed!

"What are you kidding?! I'm a man! I like women! Who is going to give you this pervert to have a baby? By the way, how did the topic come to have a baby! Oh my God! Is the world crazy!" In the production of Hayward, Wu Bu still couldn't digest the weirdness of this world. Now this kind of weird thing is going to happen to him, oh, GOD, let him go to hell!

"You don't want to?" Luo Yankee frowned, annoyed at Wu Bu's refusal, "Do you want to be a tool for those politicians to do things that sound good but are actually disgusting?! Delusional use of your special physique to seek more favorable conditions? Stop delusional, no one can protect you except me, and when you are pushed to the precipice of no way out by those disgusting politicians, you will regret not choosing me embrace."

Wu Bubu's expression was so ugly that he was dying, the embrace in front of him was the same existence as a cliff!

"Luoyankel, don't get excited, let's talk about it, you are a hero, I don't think anyone will doubt your... that ability, so you don't need to rush to prove anything, and I solemnly declare that I I like women, but I don't like men, I can't be **** looking at the most beautiful man, okay?"

"You are a breeding body, what does this have to do with men and women, don't play tricks with me!" Luo Yanker couldn't understand Wu Bu's insistence that men and women are just different biological forms, what does this have to do with breeding offspring? Don't the propagules hope to find a strong belonging and can exert their reproductive ability?

Wu can not cry, who will save him!

Maybe it was because God had a little mercy for him. At the critical moment when Luo Yanker's coercion was rising, the servants came to report, and Major General Hayward and Major General Huynh Wright visited.

Sure enough, it was right to send a distress message to Hayward! terrific!

"...Hmm!" Wu Bu Bu patted Luo Yankee's shoulder and eagerly regained his lips.

Luo Yankee let go of Wu Bubu very impatiently and let in the two uninvited guests.

In the spacious and cold hall, Wu Bubu was at the corner closest to Hayward, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

"Colonel Direis, Sergeant Wu Bu is an important partner in my current research project. This experimental project is very important, so I hope you allow Wu Bu's spare time to spend more time on this experiment, okay? Of course, I I believe that Sergeant Wu Bu is very willing." Xiu Yin looked at Wu Bu with a kind smile.

"Of course!" Wu Bu answered immediately, as long as he could get rid of this perverted entanglement, let alone an experiment, he would be willing to let him defeat the orc army alone.

Luo Yankee's anger darkened again because of Wu Bubu's obvious resistance attitude, but a pair of black eyes that were obviously lonely and lonely, shimmering in the darkness, like a strobe warning light, made him hesitate a little. He has been accustomed to being tough since he was born, and feels that Wu Bubu's changeable and contradictory is something he has never seen before.

He never bothered to deal with these, even the betrothed who was not inferior to his background, he never paid attention to it.

"Yes, but I want to participate in all the experiments. If there is any potential danger to Wu, I demand that it be stopped immediately." Luo Yanker relaxed unprecedentedly.

He looked at Wu Bu's dark eyes, trying to find the pure joy after defeating Dem and the others.

"Of course, I will make sure that Wu Ke is safe." Xiu Yin was also a little surprised by Luo Yanker's compromise. After all, Hayward told him about the scene at the banquet, and he felt that Wu Ke had caused a lot of trouble.

"Thank you Major Derris for your understanding. In fact, this sudden visit is mainly to express my gratitude to the two of you. Thank you for saving me in a critical moment." Hayward has always been polite.

"You're welcome, I'm just acting according to the order of the military." Luo Yanker remained cold and stern.

"But I still want to express my gratitude. If we have time now, why don't we go out and relax. The war will not stop in a short time, and the universe is still in danger, but we have to try our best to relax ourselves, right?" "How about a drink?"

Of course Wu Bu was the first to agree, and he was glad that he could finally get rid of this misfit pervert.

"Yes." Luo Yanker's simple words broke Wu Bu's dream.

Are you here to save me? ? Wu Bu wailed inwardly...

Hai Yehua and Xiu Yin glanced at each other subconsciously, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes. This fearsome God of War seemed to be a little special to Wu Bucai.

The author has something to say: Wu Bu: Hello! Why does that pervert have the image of me in the dorm in his head? ! I was the only one at that time!

Slag author: (the lens flashes) Are you sure?

Wu Bu: Sure! No one but a nasty mechanical cat!

Scum author: (picks his nose)…

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