MTL - The Female Supporting Role is So Handsome After Wearing a Book-Chapter 227 recover

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Chapter 227 Recovery

 “You are just a fool!” the woman snorted coldly.

Bai Yixi flattened her mouth: "I'm not a fool."

 “Yunye, my husband is here!”

 There was a sudden commotion all around.

"How about giving way first." Yun Ye said politely. Seeing this look and the situation at the scene, the people around him wisely moved aside.

Yun Ye rushed to the scene and quickly pulled Bai Yixi behind. He looked at the woman. He didn't recognize her. She was probably a black girl. He spoke softly with his thin lips: "You said you like me?"

The moment the woman saw Yun Ye, her eyes lit up: "Yun Ye, I have liked you for many years, will you marry me?"

"Give me the knife first." Yun Ye walked over a few steps and stretched out his slender hand.

"I don't want it, you say marry me first!" The woman stepped back warily.

Yun Ye’s narrow eyes were slightly condensed: “Are you sure you are really my fan?”

“Husband, she is not from Yundian, she is just an illegitimate fan.” A woman shouted out.

“Yes, who gave you the money to frame our husband!”

“How much money the other party gives you, we will pay you double!”

 “Yundian will protect my husband to the death!”


The woman pulled out her knife and waved it around randomly, scaring the people around her into retreating several times.

 “What do you know!” The woman waved randomly, “I spent all the money for his treatment, and now I can’t get married. If he doesn’t take responsibility, who will?”

"I'm sick!" The people around me only felt that there was something wrong with the woman's logic. They didn't force her to buy it, so why should their husbands be held responsible.

"According to what you say, I have been spending money since my husband started his career. I spend more than you. If you want to marry me, you must marry me. Who do you think you are!" A woman was very angry at such an irrational fan. I still hate the irrational sasaeng fans the most.

The woman was speechless, but she shouted: "I don't care!"

Bai Yixi ran over stupidly, with a harmless look on her face: "I can really help you, why don't you believe me?"

 When the woman saw Bai Yixi running over, she stabbed her with the knife in her hand.


Yun Ye’s eyes suddenly widened.

A soft light flashed in Bai Yixi's eyes.

 After Bai Yixi recovered.

She opened her eyes and saw someone attacking her. Her eyes turned cold instantly. She quickly stepped away, raised her hand to grab the woman's arm, turned around and threw the woman to the ground, and kicked the woman's fruit knife away.

After she was uniformed, she clapped her hands and stood up. People around her took pictures of her with their mobile phones. After a long silence, a burst of applause broke out.

The police arrived and quickly took the people into the car. Bai Yixi was also taken into the police car. She thought what was the matter, then her eyes fell on the **** in her hands, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth: " Not dead yet!”

 "Please, please don't kill me!" A spiritual power reached Bai Yixi's ears.

Her indifferent eyebrows did not change at all, but the soft light surrounded her egg with danger, and it had been sealed for tens of billions of years. Now that it is so aggrieved, Bai Yixi will not let it have a chance to rise again.

 So Dandan finally disappeared.

 It started to rain lightly outside, and the humid air blew against my face.

After Bai Yixi came out of the police station, she saw Yun Ye waiting for her.

"Thank you." Bai Yixi thanked her and turned around to go somewhere else.

 “Wait!” Yun Ye chased after him.

“Hey, why are you so heartless, and you ditched me just after you regained your memory?”

Bai Yixi stopped and looked behind him, where there were paparazzi reporters standing there: "Don't chase me. I don't want to be on the headlines tomorrow with a popular star."

 “You’ve made the headlines.”

 Yunye doesn’t care.

 (End of this chapter)