MTL - The Female Supporting Role is So Handsome After Wearing a Book-Chapter 194 sacred tree

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Chapter 194 The Sacred Tree

Bai Yixi fainted. She didn't know that during her fall, a light bursting out from the ring enveloped her entire vertically downward body.

 Then her body was slowly repaired, and her time abilities increased rapidly. This was something that could not be broken or established.

Then she was gently placed by the river beside the cliff by the light, and the stream rushed towards an unknown place in the distance.

A group of people wearing black and purple clothes in the distance are gradually approaching.

However, the fair skin of the person lying on the ground was stained with a little rain and seemed to be deep orchid, but at this time he fell into a deep sleep and was unaware of everything in the outside world.


Bai Yixi's consciousness slowly returned, and she saw and heard low cries around her. She frowned slightly, sat up on the floor, and looked at the girls around her, confused for a moment.

 “Are you awake?” The girl sitting next to her in an ancient dress glanced at her.

Bai Yixi quickly scanned the surroundings. The whole room was very dark, with only the light bulb hanging in the middle shining faintly, but it was enough for her to see clearly what was going on inside.

There are all teenage girls here, wearing all kinds of clothes, including ancient long clothes, modern simplified skirts with retro clothes, ethnic minority-style waistless tube top skirts, and some wearing the same clothes as Bai Yixi. people.

The girl sitting next to Bai Yixi was wearing an ancient long dress, and her hair was **** with an ancient hairpin.

Looking at Bai Yixi's silence, the girl thought she didn't know her situation, so she said, "Everyone in this house will be sacrificed to the sacred tree. Aren't you afraid?"

Bai Yixi tilted her head: "What is the sacred tree?"

"Keep your voice down, don't let people outside hear us slandering the sacred tree, otherwise we will be punished. The sacred tree is used to increase the power of the warriors." The girl whispered.

"To put it bluntly, don't you just want us to die!" Bai Yixi curled her lips and talked about a man-eating tree in such a grand manner, just to cover up his own dirty heart!

This room is not big, and everyone is very quiet, so everyone actually heard the conversation between Bai Yixi and the girl, but no one said a word.

“Don’t speak so loudly, otherwise you’ll get beaten if you hear me.” A girl in the corner hugged her legs and buried her head inside, her voice coming out hoarsely.

 The girl next to Bai Yixi suddenly fell silent.

Bai Yixi has already guessed what the so-called sacred tree is, which is a wooden plant that can increase pirates' abilities. She originally planned to look for it, but she didn't expect to meet it by such a coincidence.

With a "bang", the iron door was thrown open, and a woman was pushed in and hit the ground.

"No, I don't want to be sacrificed!" The woman fell to the ground and struggled to get up, with a look of unwillingness on her face.

There were several men outside wearing black clothes from ancient assassins with several swords tied around their waists. One of the men counted the number of people and then nodded to the people next to him.

The woman got up and tried to rush out, but was kicked back.

 The iron door was slammed shut again.

The woman who was kicked to the ground continued to get up without giving up. She threw out the thorns and thorns from her palms, trying to destroy the iron door, but this door seemed to have more powerful power. No matter what damage the woman threw, , the iron gate did not move at all, and the woman continued to kick it several times without giving up. Except for the continuous loud banging noise, there was no change.

 After a series of loud noises, the woman finally gave up as if she was discouraged.

 (End of this chapter)

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