MTL - The Female Supporting Role is So Handsome After Wearing a Book-Chapter 160 I don't know either

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Chapter 160 I don’t know either

Bai Yixi raised her eyebrows slightly. Could it be that she had guessed it right at first glance? Was it really that kind of thing? I love you but I can't, so I want to keep your body. Bai Yixi instantly felt goosebumps. Pimples all over the place.

"Who is that woman?" Bai Yixi brushed away her bangs, revealing her smooth and full forehead.

"That woman, the priest of the Bai family, the daughter of destiny who can predict destiny and even break it." Mingluo's eyes fell on the floor of the road ahead, and he scanned the circle carefully.

After hearing this, Bai Yixi raised her forehead slightly. These priests are not magic sticks, but in this special alien world, they may be really powerful and can break lives.

Bai Yixi is really not interested in predicting the future. The future is already known, so what's the point of living? It's more exciting to explore the unknown. She just likes soldiers to cover up the water and the earth.

"Let's go in. When you step on those stones, remember to step on half of the love heart and I will step on the other half, so that the mechanism will not be triggered." It can be seen that Mingluo has been to this cemetery before, but it is probably She felt half-understanding, because she was also cautious when moving.

 “You must synchronize with me.” Mingluo asked again worriedly.

Bai Yixi actually secretly observed the floor in front of her, including the walls and ceiling, taking in the tiny lines one by one.

"Yeah." Bai Yixi responded softly. At present, it seems that Min Luo does not want to harm her in front of the previous agencies, because Min Luo does need her help to pass these levels.

Bai Yixi was of course a little speechless about this way of passing the level, and she had to get out of the shape of a heart. The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, but she still jumped up together with Min Luo.

However, Mingluo thought she didn't understand, and he specifically told her to jump to which grid board, and then Bai Yixi finished the dance without making any mistakes.

When the two people jumped to the middle panel together, the surrounding flames were extinguished in an instant, the sky and the earth turned black instantly, and a strong wind blew over. Bai Yixi exerted her lower body and Ming Luo was prepared, and caught He caught Bai Yixi's wrist and was not blown away.

However, the feeling of being blown so hard that the face is deformed is very uncomfortable. In the darkness, Bai Yixi's eyes were dark, and she raised her eyebrows slightly. This strong wind brought wet heat, and there was also a whistling air. The smell of Ruowu floats gently, making people unpredictable.

"You, just grab me and wait a few minutes." Mingluo originally wanted to call Bai Yixi's name, but suddenly realized that she didn't know the other person's name, but it didn't matter, "This is Lieyanfeng."

“What are the characteristics of this wind?” Bai Yixi frowned.

"It doesn't have any special characteristics, it's just that it's powerful and hot." A hint of suspicion flashed in Mingluo's eyes. People from other worlds must know this thing. Judging from everything just now, Bai Yixi looks like an outsider. Don't know anything about this place.

"You are not from another world!" Mingluo turned his head and looked at Bai Yixi, but because it was too dark, he couldn't see Mingluo's expression. However, Mingluo grabbed Bai Yixi's wrist and exerted slight force, which seemed to be a little vague. of anger.

"Ah?" Bai Yixi was also a little confused. She could be said to be from another world, but she came from another time and space. But she was not from another world, but she also had powers that she didn't even know about. .

"Well, I don't know either." Bai Yixi really didn't know.

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion