MTL - The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn-Chapter 6 Aunt Li Mei

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   Chapter 6 Aunt Li Mei

The people watching the fun also scattered, Chen Yaohui walked up to Li Yu, handed the silver and the wedding book Gengtie to Li Yu and said, "Xiaoyu, you put the money away first, and my uncle comes home and brings two hoes. This yard needs to be properly repaired before it can live in."

  Li Yu took the silver and Gengtie, shredded the marriage certificate, pulled Li Qing and bowed and said, "Uncle Chen, Aunt Li, thank you."

   Li Mei also came over and bowed to Chen Yaohui and his wife, and said, "Brother Yaohui, brother and sister, thank you for bringing me the letter."

  Chen Yaohui waved his hand and smiled heartily, "Thank you? Don't you just bring a letter!"

   "Big sister, fortunately you came here, this brother is really not a thing." Chen Li looked at Li Mei and smiled.

Li Mei looked at Li Yu's sister and brother, and smiled at Chen Yaohui and his wife: "It's all up to you to help each other with righteousness, otherwise those things will be ignorant. Look, there are many people who are watching the lively here today who have accepted Ah Shan's advice. Relief, only your husband and wife will stand up to help, sister thank you for Ah Shan."

  Li Mei's husband, Liu Changmin, came over and said to Li Mei, "Amei, let's fix the house for the Yu'er sisters and brothers first. Where will we stay if it's getting late?"

   "That's right, let's go back first and get a few guys." Chen Yaohui took Chen Li's to the house.

   On the way, Chen Li looked at Chen Yaohui worriedly, "Ahui, won't you scold us when you go back later?"

"I don't care, the Zhang family still speaks to others like this. It's not just because Zhang Guisheng has passed the exam, he is afraid that he will retaliate against us in the future, but he can't help his conscience! There is still a long way to go! "

   "If you want me to say that it was all instigated by your stepmother, I don't understand. She just gave birth to two daughters, so she doesn't want us to care for her in the future."

   The couple talked and walked towards Chen's house in the center of the village.

  Li Mei looked at Li Yu's sister and brother, and then looked at the dilapidated yard, her eyes could not help reddening: When my brother and sister were alive, what a well-manicured yard! In just a few short years, it fell into disrepair.

  Li Mei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and asked Li Yu, "Yu'er, Ah Qing, why don't you go home with your aunt and live at your aunt's house for a while, and then come back when the house is repaired?"

   When Liu Changmin heard this, he became anxious, "Amei, let's go back and discuss with my mother before picking up Ah Qing and the others, will it work?"

Li Mei thought of her arrogant and unreasonable mother-in-law, and then looked at her nephew and niece who were pale and skinny. She pointed at Liu Changmin and complained: "It's all your fault, cowardly and incompetent, listen to your mother for everything, otherwise Ah Shan will entrust the child to him. Is Zhang Defa that bastard?"

   "Amei, but she's my mother, alas! I can't do anything about her!" Liu Changmin stomped his feet, turned around and entered the yard and started to work.

   Li Yu now understands a little, why did Li's father entrust the little Li Yu sister and brother to Zhang Defa, it turned out that there was an evil mother-in-law in the aunt's family.

   Li Yu said to Li Mei, "Auntie, we're staying at home and not going anywhere. I'm going to ask someone to repair the house and settle down first."

Li Mei's heartache, Li Yu's sister and brother, burst into tears, "Aunt told you to stay at home instead of Zhang's, just because you were afraid that you would suffer, now you know that it's not too late to look back, now that you have the money to buy something, your life will be better. It's better."

   Li Yu smiled and comforted Li Mei, "Well, aunt, you can rest assured that we will be fine, and don't quarrel with your uncle after you go back."

Li Mei glanced at Liu Changmin who was busy in the yard in disappointment, "Don't worry about him, let him go back alone, I'll talk to you in a few days," Li Mei took out a red bean cake from the back basket and handed it to Brothers and sisters, "Eat this pad for your stomach first."

  Li Qing took the red bean cake and took out a piece, and handed a piece to Li Mei and Li Yu, "Aunt, sister, eat them all."

  Li Yu looked at the mud on his hands and the mud on Li Qing's hands, "Aqing, let's wash our hands before eating."

   Li Mei stuffed the red bean cake in her hand into Li Yu's mouth, "What are you afraid of? As the old saying goes, you won't get sick if you don't eat it cleanly."

   Li Yu was stunned for a moment, Li Qing covered her mouth and looked at Li Yu with a hey smile, and said to Li Mei, "Aunt, will the rice and vegetables be cooked and eaten without washing in the future?"

   "Pongzui, you two have a break after eating, and my aunt will help my uncle with the work." Li Mei said hurriedly into the yard, carrying the weeds and heaping them on the outside of the Taoist yard wall and spreading them out to dry.

  Li Yu swallowed the red bean cake with difficulty, remembering that the house deed, land deed and household registration of the Li family's house were still hidden in the firewood house at home.

  Li Yu walked into the firewood room and saw a few holes in the roof. Following his memory, he went to the foot of the left wall, and digging through the soil, he found a hole under the corner of the wall, and a small pottery pot was placed in the hole.

  Li Yu stretched out his hand and took out an oilcloth-wrapped thing from the clay pot. After opening it, he saw that it was wrapped with the title deed that Chen Zhaodi longed for, as well as a bunch of keys, a jade gourd pendant, and the household registration and house deed of the Li family.

  Li Yu saw that two acres of fertile land were written on the land deed. The house deed had the location of the house, and the house base was two acres. Only Li Yu and Li Qing were left on the household registration, and Li Qing was listed as the head of the household.

  Li Yu put the pendant, house deed, land deed, and household registration back into the oilcloth and wrapped it up, took it to the yard, put it in the back basket and hid it with the silver.

After hiding, he took the key and went outside the courtyard. Li Yu opened the courtyard door, and went back and took a piece of silver and stuffed it into Li Mei's hand, "Aunt, I'll clean up the kitchen first, and you can go to an acquaintance to buy some for us. Rice and millet are back."

  Li Mei looked at the money in her hand, thinking that her wallet was empty, and complained that she had no money to buy food for her children. Li Mei took the money and nodded to Li Yu, then turned and walked towards the village.

  Li Yu walked to the door of the main room with the back basket. When he opened the door of the main room, he saw nothing inside.

Li Yu entered the main room, opened the bedroom doors on both sides, stood at the door and looked into the room, there was only an empty canopy bed and a full house of spider webs, plus the broken window paper, a bit like in a movie Horror movie scene.

Li Yu put the back basket in the bedroom, came out and locked the door, walked towards the kitchen room, and when he got to the kitchen room, he was dumbfounded. There were only two holes left on the stove top. Next a water tank, a low wooden table and some old bamboo stools.

  Li Yu thought to himself: I have to go to the town to buy two pots and some bedding and utensils.

Li Yu went back to the bedroom to get some money, went to the courtyard and gave the key to Li Qing, and whispered to Li Qing, "Aqing, sister went to town to buy pots and pans and oil back, you stay at home and watch the little sister The money is in the house."

   "Understood, sister, be careful on your way."

   "Got it!" Li Yu and Liu Changmin greeted each other and hurriedly walked towards the town.

   After Chen Yaohui and his wife returned home, they took two hoes, Luoji and Wuji and planned to go to Li's house to help. The village chief Chen Changzong stopped him and said, "Where are you going if you don't work?

  Chen Yaohui looked at him nonchalantly and said, "We just went to work, are you still not satisfied?" After that, he picked up the basket and left.

  Chen Changzong looked at the back of the couple, sighed and went back to the house with his hands behind his back.

   Li Yu ran into Chen Yaohui and his wife just as he walked around the corner. Mrs. Li looked at Li Yu and said with a smile, "Xiaoyu, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

   "Aunt, there's no pot on the stove at my house. I'll go to the town to buy two pots and some soy sauce vinegar or something."

   "Oh, then be careful and come back early."

  Li Yu remembered the leaking roof, stopped, turned his head and stopped Chen Yaohui, "Uncle, is there anyone in the village who can repair houses?"

   "Yes, I'll call you a few to repair the walls of the stove and firewood while it's still early in the morning."

   "Okay, then I'll ask you, tell everyone that my house doesn't provide food, and you can help me look at the wages!"

   "Okay, let's go! The market is long gone by now."

   In order to facilitate the calculation, here one catty is calculated as ten taels, and one stone is calculated as one hundred catties.



   (end of this chapter)