MTL - The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn-Chapter 597 597th Kyoto

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   Chapter 597 Return to Beijing

Seeing that he had taken it in his mind, Li Yu nodded in relief, "Okay, have a good time with Wei. Your brother-in-law is very busy at the household department and can't take care of the house. Yue'er and Xing'er are at home, so I'm not at ease, seeing that you are all right. , I can rest assured, I will set off back in two days."

   Li Qing looked at Li Yu reluctantly, "I knew it, you'll be leaving for at most two days."

   Li Yu laughed after hearing this, "Yeah! Sister doesn't worry about you when she doesn't see you. She doesn't worry about your brother-in-law and Yang'er when she doesn't see you. She's born to work hard."

   "Sister, I remember you said you like to look around. When Yang'er and the others are all grown up and brother-in-law is not busy, you can go out with brother-in-law to see and play around."

Li Yushi smiled and said: "Come on! Who knows when he's not busy. I remember you mentioned last time that your aunt asked you to go back and move your father and mother's graves to Fengming Village. It seems that these years You don't have time to go."

   "Well! Only after Lexian's term of office expires, then go back and move the graves for the parents."

  Fan Mingfang coaxed Dongdong to sleep, came over and said to Li Qing: "Aqing, you too, my sister is tired from the journey. If you have anything to say, I will wait for my sister to rest."

  Li Qing nodded with a smile, "Okay, go and rest with my sister!"


   Chu Sihai led people to wipe out all the bandits in the caves, and they also had those caves closed and used as a burial place for those bandits.

   The group walked back with the two little leaders who were captured alive, and arrived at Liangjia Village in the evening.

   Yang Liu and San Qiao came out of the yard with a load of rice, and when they saw the two little leaders pressed by the officers and soldiers brought by Chu Sihai, they shouted angrily: "Beast, I will kill you..."

   The two threw down the baskets and held up the poles to fight. Chu Sihai asked them to fight a few times, and they were stopped by someone.

  Chu Sihai said to the two of them: "Two sisters-in-law, those gangsters who went out from Liangjia Village have all been killed, and you can live in peace from now on."

   "Thank you eldest lord, thank you all the soldiers." Yang Liu and Sanqiao saluted Chu Sihai and those officers and soldiers, turned around and ran back, "Let's go back and tell the second sister-in-law and the others the good news."

   After hearing the news, Alian and the women happily cooked food and sent it to Zhuangzi to reward them all over the world.

   went home and went to the tomb where the dead in Liangjia Village were buried, worshipped them, and asked them to rest in peace.

  Chu Sihai rested overnight in Liangjia Village, and took those people back to Kyoto early the next morning.


   The day after Li Yu arrived in Lexian, the people sent by the imperial court to Lexian arrived.

   There were more than 20 people in the group, and the leader was the Prince of Fu County.

  Li Qing gave the list of people captured by Mr. Cheng's house and Wenchang Pavilion to the Prince of Fujun.

   After seeing the Prince of Fu County, he said to Li Qing, "Master Li, why isn't that lord on the list?"

Li Qing looked at him with a sad face, and said in anguish: "Master Shizi, the lower officials searched their hiding places, but couldn't find the person. According to Mr. Cheng from his family, he said that a few days ago He left Lexian with the guards, and he didn't say hello to him before leaving. I was also very worried! What if he was still in Lexian, what would he do if he was an official? Please bring someone with you. Stay here for a while and take a good look around."

  The Prince of Fu County also understood Li Qing's feelings after hearing this. Having such a person in the territory under his jurisdiction is a troublesome matter whether he lives or dies.

   I also had bad luck, so I took on such an errand.

   But the best thing is that the Lord is not there. It is not good for anyone who is obviously dead to be brought back to Kyoto alive.

   "Master Li, I want to test Mr. Cheng first to see if he can think of something?"

  Li Qingba couldn't help throwing these hot potatoes, and hurriedly threw them to the Prince of Fujun, "Okay, I'll take you to the county jail and hand over the people to you."

  The Prince of Fu County tried Mr. Cheng for a long time, and the conclusion was the same as what was written in the Li Qing file.

  The prince and the people accompanying him breathed a sigh of relief.

   The leaders discussed it in a low voice, and felt that a few big living people had to go out on horseback to be relieved.

  The Prince of Fu County greeted Li Qing and took people to the surrounding counties to quietly search.

  Li Yu set off and walked back under the reluctant eyes of Li Qing's family.

  In the afternoon ten days later, the three finally appeared at the door of the house.

   Zhou Jia, who learned the news, brought his three sons to the second door.

  The two little ones ran over happily and held Li Yu's hand, "Mother, we miss you so much."

   "Mother misses you too." Li Yu looked at the father and son and narrowed his eyes.

  The father and son surrounded Li Yu and entered the house. Li Yu gave the gifts that Li Qing and his wife had prepared to the children. There are wooden toys, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and clothes prepared by Fan Mingfang.

   The family happily ate the meal. Li Yu looked at Yangyang, who had not been very active since he came back, "Mother's eldest son, do you have something on your mind?"

   Zhou Jia glanced at him with a smile, "It's normal for the child to have his own thoughts when he's older."

"No way," Yang Yang looked at Li Yu, "Mother, Pan Sheng said he was going to take the county exam next year, and asked me if I would go? Qi Dingbang also said that we have Enmeng, so we don't need to take those exams. Mother, what do you say? Do I need to take the county exam?"

  Li Yu thought for a while, then said softly, "Do what you think. If you want to test what you have learned over the years, taking the imperial examination is the best way to test it."

  Yangyang looked at Zhou Jia, "Daddy thinks I should go."

Zhou Jia looked at him and said without hesitation: "As a scholar, my father thinks that you should go. When you experience it, you will understand that Enmeng and his own achievements in the exam are two completely different feelings. "

  Yangyang looked at the two tangled, "But I don't want to be a civilian, I want to be a general."

   "Then you should take the literary test first, and then the martial arts test." Zhou Jia looked at him, "Men, don't be fickle, just do it when you think about it."

  Li Yu looked at him with a frown, and rubbed his head with a smile, "Son, taking the imperial examinations is not in conflict with your being a general! Isn't there a Confucian general!"

  Yangyang lowered his head and thought for a while, "Okay, I decided to take the county exam next year."

   Zhou Jia glanced at him and decided to provoke him again, "I think you'll think about it tonight, think it through, and tell us tomorrow morning."

  Yangyang looked at his parents and said loudly, "Dad, you said just now that a man can't be awkward. I've been thinking about it for two days. This is my decision."

  Li Yu looked at Zhou Jia and nodded, Zhou Jia said, "Okay, we respect your decision. Your mother is also tired. You go to the garden and take your brother to wash and rest."

   After Yang Yang responded, I went to the back garden to find my brother. Li Yu and Zhou Jia returned to the house.

   (end of this chapter)