MTL - The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn-Chapter 535 535 and Li hijacking, leave a message

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   Chapter 535 535 He Li hijacking, leave a message

"I've never beaten her before," the old woman sighed, "Since my wife had a miscarriage, the master has treated her a little bit better. The two of them lived together for more than two months, and the master went out to a private school to become a husband. In June of last year, the master didn't go home very much, and he didn't bring money back to make a living, my wife and I all depended on sewing and the money brought by my wife's family to live."

   Jixiang frowned and asked, "Uncle Li doesn't go home, where did he live?"

The old lady looked angry, "Madame doesn't ask him or look for him, and every time the master comes back, he comes to get his clothes. On the day of the beginning of autumn last year, the master removed all his clothes as a gift, and left them before he left. In a word, say we want to leave."

"The madam asked him to make it clear. He said that marrying him was the worst thing in his life. He said that he had never liked the madam. He also said that he was willing to leave because of Mr. Zhou's face, otherwise it would be too early. I wrote a divorce letter to my wife."

   Jixiang thought: Miss Biao's eyes are really bad, such a refreshing person married Li Fengqi's ruthless and unrighteous person, how could Li Fengqi want to divorce? It's hard to find a better home.

   "What did your wife say?"

   "Madam didn't agree and quarreled with him. The master threw the Heli book to the wife and left. When the wife was too angry, she went to the private school to find him. The teacher of the private school said that the master had already quit his job and left."

   Jixiang didn't expect things to get to such a point, and asked the driver to remove the things from the car and hand them over to the old woman, "Grandma, take the things in first, and I'll go back and report to Madam."

Mrs.    nodded, thinking about it and then admonishing Jixiang, "The in-law housekeeper, you tell the madam, don't say that I told you, the madam will sell me if I talk too much."

   "Okay, I know what I have in mind." Jixiang answered and asked the driver to drive the car back to the house, and told Li Yu what the mother-in-law had said.

   "Let's go, let's take a look and ask, go to the yamen to find out where Li Fengqi went?"

   When he arrived at Laidi's house, Li Yu walked into the yard and saw Laidi sitting under the porch with a needle and thread. His expression was calm and not too bad.

   Seeing Li Yulai stood up in surprise, "Cousin, you just sent something, why did you come in person."

   "Jixiang heard someone in the guild hall say that Li Fengqi moved out of the house, so let me ask what's going on? What do you think?"

  Laidi lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I plan to live like this. As long as I don't agree to reconciliation, he can't do anything about me."

  Li Yu looked at her and couldn't understand what was in her mind, "Is he not afraid that you will tell us that he asked you to steal the child?"

  Laidi looked at Li Yu in surprise, "You all know?"

  Li Yu nodded, "If it wasn't for your sake, you would have thought he could finish these days in peace, and would have been expelled from his fame and jailed long ago."

  Laidi looked at Li Yu apologetically, "Cousin, I'm sorry for you, and I'm sorry for my parents. It's me who has no eyes and mistook fish eyes for pearls."

  Li Yu looked at her and said earnestly: "Laidi, today I will tell you clearly that you are thinking of marrying this man for your desires, and wishful thinking for this man will break your parents' hearts.

I don't know if you have let go of your dreams of wealth and glory. I just want to tell you that you are still young and have a long way to go in the future. If you can learn from this and get out of it, then you can find what you really want. the days passed. "

  Lai Di got up and went into the room and took the He Li book written by Li Fengqi to Li Yu, only to see that Laidi's signature was already on it. Li Yu didn't expect that she had already figured it out, so she looked up at Laidi, "Just figure it out, and live your life well in the future."

"He came back that day and threw the Zhang Heli book to me, and said that he had never liked me. I said angrily that he would never want to get rid of me in his life, and he would disappear when he dropped the Heli book. These days I also want to It's OK, I want to find him on the day he will try, give him the book of Heli, and make a clean break with him."

   "You wait at home, I'll let Li Fengqi find out, you give him the Heli book in person, what are your plans after giving it to him?"

  Laidi looked at Li Yu, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Cousin, can I go to the countryside to collect vegetables and sell them as pickles you made before?"

  Li Yu nodded, "Yes, do it if you want!"

  Laidi bowed her knees at Li Yushen, "Thank you, cousin, I will definitely live a good life in the future, and I will no longer be ignorant and think about unrealistic things."

Seeing that she really wanted to repent, Li Yu said: "It's good for people to have dreams, but they must set goals based on their actual abilities, walk step by step down-to-earth, and then slowly improve themselves before they can go further. The farther away, the unrealistic dream is a dream.”

  Laidi listened to Li Yu's words and smiled bitterly: "Cousin, I was dreaming before, but it was still a nightmare."

   "Okay, I'll go back if you're okay. You write a letter to your aunt about you and Li Fengqi, so they don't worry about it."

   "Got it." After Laidi responded, she sent Li Yu out.

   Li Yu went out and got into the car, and said to Jixiang: "Go to the yamen to find someone to check Li Fengqi, where will you live after you move out from here?"

   "Yes, ma'am." Jixiang turned the horse's head and went to Jingzhao Yamen, looking for someone to investigate Li Fengqi's whereabouts.

  The driver drove the car back, the car moved forward slowly, Li Yu leaned on the pillow in the car and fell asleep.

   Suddenly felt that the outside was quiet, not as noisy as the road back to Dongcheng. Li Yu gently lifted the curtain of the car and found that the car was on a secluded street.

  Li Yu took out a knife from the space, intending to see who was instructing him, and where did he intend to pull her?

   The car moved forward slowly, Li Yu looked out through the gap of the car curtain, and saw the North City Gate in front of him.

  Li Yu thought to himself, it seems that he is going to drag himself out of the city, so he has to tell Xiaoxi to save him from worrying.

  Li Yu took out the paper and charcoal pen from the space. The time was urgent, so I only had time to write: Zhou Jia, I'm fine, Li Yu.

   breaded a piece of silver barley in the paper and threw it out through the gap of the car curtain.

A city defender saw a piece of paper thrown out of the car, and quickly picked it up, pinched the hard piece inside, opened it and saw the silver barley inside, happily holding the silver barley and smiling to his companion: "Brother, Drink two cups later."

   The companion pointed to the paper in his hand, "Hey! You see that it means peace. You said, did you run away?"

   "Maybe it is! Put it in your pocket first, and someone will find it and show it to him."

  Li Yu found the car not long after leaving the city, so he jumped two people into the car, one sat on the front urn, and the other sat on the rear urn of the carriage.

  Li Yu then said, "Lao Lin, why did you pull me out of the city?"

   (end of this chapter)