MTL - The Feast-v2 Chapter 278 : Cut your mind

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After waiting to finish, I saw Jiang Yaniang raising her hand and swearing: "Grandma teaches you, remember to remember. In the future, dare to violate, call me a million arrows to wear heart, not to die... No, call my Chuangeer dead without funeral place."

"You don't have to say that it is so heavy." Seeing Jiang Yanniang taking her to see her son who is more serious than her life, she swears, and Su believes in warmth. Before this woman was murdered by Chuangeer, she was notoriously weak.

Sure enough, I listened to Jiang Yanniang and cried: "Grandma doesn't understand my mind. I don't have any thoughts now. I just want to make me and my children safe and peaceful. Looking at Chuange's wife and children, I thought about it." In addition, there is no regret in dying. In addition, there is really no point in winning the battle. To be honest, if the grandmother of the cloud wants to die, she will lie and not lie, but I will not hate her. Who wants to be a slave? But she wants to take the life of my Chuangeer, I can't promise, I am a slave, but my Chuange is not, he is a child of the Lord, even if it is out, this is also The young master of the government, why should she harm her grandmother, take my Chuangeer to fill her life? Didn’t harm Chengchuan’s brother, she did not say regrets, but resentful that Chuangeer refused to die, so that every time Seeing each other, seeing Chuan Geer’s eyes are not good, Chuan Geer is so small, knowing that Er Niang is terrible. If she wants to die, she wants to know that she will not let my Chuan Geer live. Can we not remove the roots of the sedge? So 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾 婢妾Living thing Lan told Grandma, not wishing ...... so quickly. "

After listening to the words of Jiang Yanniang, Su warmly sighed: "So I disagree with Xu Yunyun. She is self-satisfied. She does not know that women are weak and mother is strong. You are in the old lady's house that day. Red mouth white teeth frame me, everyone will not accept you after the matter is exposed. Why do I have to say something for you? It is because I value you as a mother, in order to protect his son, he will give up all this courage and determination. Even if you were blinded to me, I think this is a normal act of doing a mother, so I will protect you. If Xu Xiaoyun understands this truth, she probably won’t be a master. It’s a pity that it’s a pity. Now she’s dead and doesn’t matter. But she’s a bad boy, so a little child, watching her mother have no breath in front of her. If it’s not done well, it may become a psychological shadow of his life. ""

Jiang Yanniang’s tears slammed down and slammed down. Su warmed and saw her crying out of breath, and couldn’t help but wonder: “You’ve been so scared when you first came in. Haven’t cried like this. What’s wrong with this?”

Jiang Yanniang can't make a noise: "I don't feel bad in my heart. Why didn't you be a slave to your grandmother on the same day? This is a thousand people in the capital, and which one is the only son of Kennedy? What about the mother? It is also a slave, can ventilate at any time, even with the children of slaves, is that a person? But it is a thing, usually for the sake of the cage, with a few laughs can be a few words. But once he needs to die, there is no second. Not to mention any pity, even the child is not dead, it is also the child's fault, this little nephew refused to die, plainly broke my plan. Not with such resentment, Yun grandma will not be our mother and child Such grievances. If you followed your grandmother earlier, how could you fall into the realm of today?"

Su warmly smiled and said: "You have been the same with me. You are a smart person. You can even guess that Xu Xiaoyun's mind is so thorough. OK, at this time, crying is not helpful, Xue Zhilan is clear. It is necessary to buckle this 屎 子 咱 on our heads, we can't wait for you, and you will come up and tell me what is going on in the day?"

Jiang Yanniang dared to stand up, his knees were already a little numb, because he sat on the couch with a small half and pulled his **** on the couch. He recalled the way: "That day, the grandmother next to Lan’s grandmother is looking for Ronger to borrow money. I knew some troubles about her, but hòu met Lang Grandma in the garden in a few days, and I secretly inquired about her tone. This made a lot of words with Grandma Lan. Grandma Lan is very good to me. It happened that my grandmother was not at home in those days. I was afraid that Yun’s grandmother would take the opportunity to find me. The old lady and the wife had a low status in front of me. It’s not easy to get together. So when I looked at Lan’s grandmother and her sister, she went two more to her, also... ... I don’t know how to make the gods worse. In my heart, I suddenly raised such an idea. I told the grandmother that Yun’s grandmother couldn’t eat it, but... but although I thought so, I never thought about Lan. Grandma really dare to do this, and...and it’s still so fast... I know the news of Yun’s grandmother’s violentness today, scared me to death, and dare not go, but I’m afraid that people will say that I don’t have a point of master servant. More suspicion, because I finally came back after a trip. Who knows that I am afraid here, and there is a gimmick telling me that Grandma Lan said that, causing an uproar..."

Su warmed and listened to the slightest nod, after listening to a long while, Fang Xiaoxiao said: "A good poison meter, both harmed Xu Xiaoyun, and pointed the spear to me. Xue Zhilan looked like a mountain dew, this The mind is really amazing."

Jiang Yanniang quickly said: "Grandma forgot? She used to do such a thing, the last time Chuangeer's things, after I quietly inspected, although it is the hand of the cloud grandmother, but the introduction is in the grandma Over there. Now think about it, isn’t it a strategy for one stone and three birds? I lost my son and turned a big hate with my grandmother. After I used my grandmother, I watched when I revealed the truth to me. I was then Naturally, I want to hate and work hard with Yun’s grandmother, so that Grandma’s grandmother is only a little provocative, so she can take advantage of the fisherman’s benefits.”

This is very reasonable, and Su is warm and deep. I thought about it and said: "Oh, go back, I don't believe it. There is a **** in the head. The water in this house is so deep. Can it still be as dark as the deep sea? I will let the Lord do it well." Children check, who did it, whoever has to recognize, I want to let others take the black pot."

Jiang Yanniang thanked him a little more, and then he quit. Going back to the house, seeing that Yang has already taken over Duan Maochuan, she said to her son: "You have to go to the second mother. These days, I will probably stop classes. Your second brother is now in Chunfengyuan, waiting for him to wake up. You used to talk to him in the past, remember, don't tell him the bad things about your second mother. In any case, after all, people are dead and big. In the past, everything is a cloud of smoke. You just have to talk to your second brother and play. He wants to cry, you will smear tears with him, then hòu will say goodbye, understand?"

Duan Maochuan didn't really understand it, but he understood one thing, that is, he wants to be good to his second brother. He had eaten the scare of Jiang Yanniang and knew how terrible nightmare it was to lose her mother. She went out because she knew something and nodded.

Yang’s side laughed and said: “I didn’t expect my sister to be so sensible now. I thought that Grandma’s grandmother had been like you before. She is now violent, and you will be somewhat gloating, but you are so caring for the young master.”

Jiang Yanniang sat down, and her lips suddenly showed a cold smile, faintly said: "I am gloating, she is dead, my heart is so happy, not a little bit sad, that point of master and servant feelings, as early as her There are no more slags in the persecution. But Grandma said that she is not guilty of death. She is self-satisfied. The famous brother and the sister-in-law are pitiful. Whoever does the work will recognize it. Yun’s grandmother’s bad things are done, but the two children are okay, I naturally pity them, and I will be very good to them in the future. I will not hate them because of their mothers. This is what Grandma taught me."

Yang nodded: "Yes, since my sister has been with Grandma, it is a good change."

"Is there? I just learned some grandmother's way of life. What changes can people make?" Jiang Yanniang laughed, but listened to Yang's words: "Why didn't you? You didn't find yourself, now you walk. Speaking, although still soft and whispered, but the waist is also quite strong, and the breath of speech is enough. No longer look down on the weak look of the former, I look at you more smiles, treat people more amiable than before..."

Waiting for it, I listened to Jiang Yanniang and wondered: "I was not sympathetic to people before? Like me, how can I be qualified and blind? It is a common girl, I don't dare to play the prestige."

Yang smiled and said: "You see yourself and say it. It is not daring, it is not amiable. You are kind to this person now, it makes people feel comfortable, and will not look down on you. You used to look at those things, but always When you ban yourself, you will show some of the yyng of the knot. The surface of the people is very good with you. I don’t know how to scream at the back. Now there is definitely no such person."

Jiang Yaniang’s face showed a bit of joy, and smiled and said: "That is, the near Zhu is close to the ink black ~ ~ followed by the grandmother like Yun grandma, how dare I care? Big Grandma is not the same. You see a little girl under her hand, and she is living upright and looking up. There is no slave."

Just talking, I saw Ronger coming in and saw Yang, and she smiled and said: "The young master woke up. This time, the young master of Sichuan was accompanying him to sit down and talk. I saw Mama’s mother squatting on the pillar. I think it’s too much to worry about. It’s not as good as Yang’s mother used to help her look after the two young masters. The weather is cold and they can’t be outside for too long.”

Yang nodded: "This is true, the young master has already been sad, but can not go through the wind." After rushing out, Ronger went out to see it once, see no one left, arrange a small Shantou feeds the birds under the gallery. She flies into the back room and does not dare to speak. She just asks with her eyes and sees Jiang Yanniang nodding her head. So he sighed aloud, and his two palms filled the Buddha in silence. Then he sat next to Jiang Yanniang and gently licked her legs. While suppressing the voice in the eyes of the blind man, he whispered: "My mother looked at her grandmother. Really believe? Didn’t you see a little flaw?” (To be continued.)

PS: How? Jiang Yanniang’s performance is very dripping? Don't say warm letters, I will believe in me, hahaha! Of course, the author is omniscient! Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

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