MTL - The Feast-v2 Chapter 214 :Entrapped

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"Su the landlord, Wang Ye has a tricky thing here, I think about it, there is no more suitable candidate than you, so I want to send you to perform in the past, it matters, you have to do it yourself."

In the office of Changshi, Lu Fengyu invited Su Donglou to come over. When he saw him entering the door, he opened the door and saw the purpose of asking him to come over.

"But I don't know what is so important? Does the gentleman really believe me now?"

Su Donglou turned the teacup carelessly. What matters? It’s all shit. When is this snake of Lu Fengyu willing to give him a major thing? If it is a major event, most of them are temptations, such as the Pingguo public grain. There is nothing to test, but after you have tried it, it is **** trust me. I bite my teeth to help you with those bad things. Finally, I was suspected that Dou Yu is not as embarrassed as me.

Therefore, Su Donglou did not put this in his heart, but he did not expect the next moment, he listened to Lu Fengyu Shen Sheng: "Help me kill a person, a **** person."

"What do you mean?" Su Donglou suddenly looked up: "Where to go? Who is going to kill?" I went, did this snake finally believe in yourself? Just plausible to say a few words of doubts about Duan Tingxuan, help him flatten a few things, and finally keep the cloud open to see the moon?

“Go to Shenxianling.” Lu Fengyu’s look is more dignified. One word and one word: “You are listening to Su Donglou. This is not a temptation. This is the first thing that I and you should do after I really trust you. The matter is finished, and in the and I will help the prince to achieve great cause, and the richness of the heavens is at your fingertips."

Su Donglou licked his lips and the fairy tales came out. He knew that this was definitely not a temptation. Previously, Duan Tingxuan only said that Shenxianling is likely to have the people they are looking for. This shows that this is a very important place, and before. Lu Fengyu never talked to him about this place. Now he suddenly wants to go there to kill people. It is obvious that the other party has truly trusted himself.

As soon as I read this, Su Donglou’s heart was both excited and nervous. The excitement was that this year’s effort was not in vain, and finally waited until this day. What is nervous is that I don’t know what Lu Fengyu sent to kill himself? Can this person kill? This can be different from the case of Ping Guogong in the day, the reason why he did not hesitate to start. I know that there is a paragraph of Duan Ting Xuan. At the very least, Ping Guogong can save his life and wait for the case to be rehabilitated. The person who died in the case is either the confidant of Lu Fengyu. Either greedy, all dead and awkward.

But this time, Lu Fengyu, who has always refused to get blood, has clearly stated that he wants to kill him, but he does not know the weight of this person. But now is not the time to consider this. It is most important to be able to gain the trust of Xiangyang Wang and Lu Fengyu. Then he nodded calmly, faintly said: "Who kills?"

"Long Pingzhang."

Lu Fengyu said a word. Almost no surprise, Su Donglou jumped up. He shook his fist and tried to control his emotions. He was surprised and said: "Long Pingzhang? That Jiangnan Road censor? But he..." said here. He seems to suddenly realize that he nodded and said: "Understood, it is no wonder that you will say that you are going to kill a **** person. How? Is this person not dead?"

"Yes." Lu Fengyu has always added a bit of temper to the face of the cloud. Taking a deep breath, he just bit his teeth: "The waste. Before you push everyone down the cliff, you don't know to confirm it first. The most important thing is that you have not fallen to the cliff, it is how much life. ? But I will not let him have a blessing, since he knows, he must die. Su Donglou, this matter is extremely important, only success does not fail, you ... understand what I mean?"

"This kind of words is an insult to me." Su Donglou smiled: "A nerd with no hands on the strength of the chicken, it is worth saying that only success can not be defeated? OK, give it to me. But... Is the news accurate? Is it the Longping Zhang? Isn't it someone who deliberately uses this dead man to make a fuss? You are careful to be thrown out of the hole."

"I'm so stupid in your eyes?" Lu Fengyu glanced at Su Donglou, but he felt quite comforted in his heart. He said that this can actually take this place for me. It is obvious that there is no second heart. Well! I have been unwilling to believe him for more than a year. It seems to be a bit too much, but I am careful to drive the ship for thousands of years. This is the sale of the family. It is not excessive.

Thinking this way, watching Su Dong Lou also feels a lot of pleasing to the eye. The two said a little while, and Su Donglou left without saying goodbye.

Lu Fengyu turned around and was about to clean the remaining snacks on the plate. I saw a **** coming in from the door and said that it was called by Xiangyang Wang. The goods supported the forehead and muttered: "Wait, I will take this. The rest of the snacks are finished."

When I saw the King of Fuyang, there was still a residue left in the mouth of Lu Changshi. It naturally provoked the prince to laugh at him. He only said that the face of the food was red, and he was angry and said: "Wang Ye called the next official, is it For fun?"

Puyang Wang just held back his smile and nodded: "No, it is a matter of fact to discuss with the gentleman." After finishing a letter, Shen Sheng said: "You take a look, Duan Tingxuan and his wife finally appeared. It’s the original shape.”

Lu Fengyu’s hand couldn’t help but tremble. At this moment, his heart almost fell, and he was shocked and afraid to come up together.

It is no wonder that he is flustered. Once Xiangyang Wang knows the identity of Duan Tingxuan, he must be cut off. These two people have been around for so long, and they have not noticed it. This is a big mistake. Even since then, the lord will not trust him any more. The efforts of the past years have been exhausted. The most important thing is that he can no longer enjoy the warmth of the Soviet Union, and how can it not let Lu Fengyu panic.

Fortunately, Wang Chuan’s number one think tank is not white mixed for so many years, and cultivation is still very home-based, so even if the heart is already crying, the wind is still calm. After reading the letter, he quietly sighed in his heart, but his face was dignified: "The couple finally appeared. If this letter says, Pingguo Gong really said this after drunkenness. That means that Duan Tingxuan must have obtained some key evidence, and he is sure to rehabilitate him, otherwise he would not dare to say such things."

Xiangyang Wang also sighed: "Yes. Duan Tingxuan has always been insidious. He went to Niutou Mountain, but he has not appeared for so long. Even local officials do not know where he is. This is definitely not to visit the father-in-law's school. Nowadays They suddenly appeared, but they did not deal with people. Only the Pingguo Gongda confessed their words. This is because there is any evidence that they are in the hands of their husbands and wives. Hehehe! A decent Houfu son, to do this for the lost parents. To the point, I really don’t know how much Duan Tingxuan is fond of his Hedong lion."

Lu Fengyu was indulging in a long while, and he said: "Wang Ye does not have to worry, this fire will not burn on our heads. The things that have been handled on the day are very appropriate, the important people’s cards have been extinguished, and now the food has been sold in batches. Nothing is missing. Even if Duan Tingxuan can trace the whereabouts of the grain, there is no way to bring the fire to us."

Xiangyang Wang nodded: "I also know that this is the case, but I still feel more at ease when I hear you say it. Now I want to come. Fortunately, I listened to your advice on the same day and did not hand over the grain to the East Building. Otherwise, let Duan Tingxuan traced the head of Mingyuu, and we were afraid that it would lose a single arm.

Lu Fengyu smiled and said: "This is exactly the case. Under the current situation, the power of Mingyulou is becoming more and more important. The lower official knows that Wang Ye’s heart has already trusted the East Building, but it is only hindering the lower official, so he is cold. Rest assured, the lower official is not the generation of the sages, as long as it can help the prince to become a major event, the lower official can not wait for the talents of the prince here as much as possible. This time, if the East Building can simply do what I said, did not say, he will be The brother of the lower official, the lower official and he is willing to become the prince's mind and arm, and seek common world."

"Well, well said." Xiangyang Wang nodded his head and shot the color of his appreciation: "This king likes your cool and intelligent character. If he wants to pay for his wish, he will not be able to pay you."

From the Shuyang King's study room, Lu Fengyu no longer has the calmness and excitement in front of the Xiangyang King: On the other side of the Niutou Mountain, there is a pair of sons and his sons, so that this matter is even more confusing. In the end, where is the couple in the south of the Yangtze River and the Niutou Mountain, which pair is true? It seems that it is because I am afraid of my own doubts, so there will be a couple of people in the world, in order to hide the eyes and ears. If this is the case, why not appear earlier? If it is said that Duan Ting Xuan and Su Donglou collusion, know that they have begun to doubt, so they have arranged such a out, then they are too stupid, right? This is simply that there is no silver in this place, but it is also exposed to the Sudong Building. The guy who is called the fox by the middle-aged people will do this stupid thing?

Rao is Lu Fengyu's wisdom and extraordinary At this time, I only feel that my head is surrounded by some pain. I simply don't think too much about it. The dark road is gone. Everything only depends on the performance of Su Donglou. Whether he is loyal or vacillating, this time he will be able to test it out.


Hangzhou is not far from Suzhou. There is no boat in the Sudong Building. Only one person rides to Suzhou.

At the contact point of Lu Fengyu, he looked down at the lush mountain. He took a deep breath and secretly clenched his fist. Then he turned around and looked around. Sure enough, he saw a pergola in the distance and walked. The past. If it is hot today, some people on both sides of this mountain road will take a pergola to sell some tea and snacks for the passers-by to quench their thirst.

Su Donglou entered the tea shed and set his eyes on the body of the tea-selling woman. I saw that the woman was quite beautiful, but she was only sitting in the chair lazily. Seeing that Su Donglou came in did not say hello. See him at this time. To myself, I am impatient: "The tea is over there, and you fall down. Don't expect the old lady to come and serve." (To be continued.)

Ps: Su Donglou entered, guess what will happen? Wow Kakaka () "Food Kam" only represents the author's point of view, if found that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete the treatment, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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