MTL - The Favored Little Peasant Has Stolen the Heroine’s Life!-Chapter 508 No problem!

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   Chapter 508 Not a big problem!

   As the old saying goes, people are doing it, and the sky is watching.

The reason why    has such a statement is because in the cognition of traditional people, this God exists.

   In the eyes of materialism, there is no God at all.

  Science and metaphysics!

  Some people say that the end of science is metaphysics.

  It is also said that metaphysics can also be explained by science. As for why it can't be explained now, it's because the current science has not yet reached the level of explanation.

The expression    means that the metaphysical problems that cannot be explained by science today are simply because people today have not mastered the scientific knowledge in this area.

  Who is right?

  Who is bullshitting?

  This question, in the past, it was not easy to draw a conclusion about ingots.

   But at this moment, Yuanbao suddenly felt that there might really be a **** in this world.

   Of course, this God is not like the Jade Emperor in the traditional sense.

   In more professional terms, the God here should be the consciousness of the planet, well, let’s put it that way.

  All things are born and have their own laws of operation.

  When a crisis comes, everything will have its own response, try to avoid the crisis and stay away from danger as much as possible.

   At this moment, Yuanbao feels that this star is seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

   is just the price of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. In Yuanbao's view, it seems a little crazy.

  Abandoned place, although isolated, there are still many people living there.

  If the entire Abandoned Land is pushed away from this star, then the people in the Abandoned Land will all become victims.


   The people of the Abandoned Land were not meant to be victims.

  When a natural Jedi like the Hanhai Desert emerges and isolates the spiritual energy of the Abandoned Land, then, under normal circumstances, the people of the Abandoned Land should choose to migrate.

   However, no.

  Why not?

The age of    is too long, and Yuanbao has no way to explore.

   Furthermore, there is no point in pursuing these now.

   "Then, let me harvest another wave of incense and wishing power!"

  Because of the practice and a series of subsequent changes, the incense incense burner in the Yuanbao space has run out of power. If the Abandoned Land is allowed to be pushed away by the consciousness of the planet, the people of the Abandoned Land will inevitably be wiped out in the void, and she will naturally lose the constant stream of incense and desire.

   Even if it is for his own future, Yuanbao has to rescue all the people in the abandoned land.

   After thinking about this, Yuanbao decisively left the Hanhai Desert.

   "Little Junior Sister, so fast?"

  Leng Xueran, who was waiting outside, was stunned when he saw Yuanbao appear.

   The formation of the vast sea desert is a natural Jedi formation, even if the formation master comes, he will fall into it. There are no rules in this formation. Anyone who falls into it can only decide life and death by luck.

   This kind of formation, Yuanbao wakes up so quickly, this is simply a fantasy.

   "Senior Sister Leng, I haven't carefully studied the formation of this vast sea desert, I found a big problem!"

   "What's the big deal?"

   Leng Xueran did not think Yuanbao was alarmist.

   She trusts Yuanbao very much.

   "Senior Sister Leng, I found that there is always a power of heaven and earth lingering in the vast sea desert. This power of heaven and earth seems to be brewing to push the abandoned land away from this planet!"

   "Little Junior Sister, are you sure?"

   "For sure and sure!"

Yuanbao looked straight at Leng Xueran, "Senior sister, you know, I came from the abandoned place. To the outside world, it is the abandoned place, but to me, it is the place where I grew up, there There are so many people I know!"

   "The most important thing is that there are at least hundreds of millions of people living in the abandoned land!"

   "If we don't bring them out of the Abandoned Land, they're doomed!"

   "The Buddha said, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

   "And now, it is the lives of thousands of people!"

   After listening to Yuanbao's words, Leng Xueran was just stunned for a moment, then decisively opened his mouth and said, "Little Junior Sister, just say, what should I do?"

   "As long as Senior Sister can help you, everything will be fine!"

  Leng Xueran really trusts Yuanbao unconditionally.

   For such a big thing, she didn't ask much, and she didn't say anything to do research.

   This trust really moved Yuanbao.

   "Senior sister, it's easy for me to get people out of the abandoned zone, but how to arrange them, I have to trouble you and senior brother to find a way!"

  Although this planet is very large, it is still a big problem to settle tens of millions of people at once.

Although   Yuanbao has been here for some time, he still doesn't know much about the situation here.

   She only knows that in this world, martial arts sects are prevalent, and they have the right to speak in the world. But outside the martial arts sect, there are secular countries.

   The martial arts sect is superior to the secular state in a sense, but without the support of the secular state, the martial arts sect cannot develop stably.

   Take Shangqingzong as an example, it is located in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom and is the guardian sect of the Dragon Kingdom. The succession of the lord of the Dragon Kingdom also needs to be recognized by the Shangqing Sect.

   It is impossible to properly resettle the tens of millions of people in the abandoned land without the support of the secular state.

   "This is fine, leave it to me!"

   "Then, please, Senior Sister!"

   "Thank you, Senior Sister, on behalf of the thousands of people in the Abandoned Land!"

   "Little Junior Sister, you don't have to be so polite with Senior Sister."

  Leng Xueran waved his hand and walked away dashingly.

   Yuanbao was not idle either, she turned back to the Vast Sea Desert again, and carefully observed the situation in the Vast Sea Desert. After all, if she wants to ban the Heavenly Gate where Immortals and Gods return, she has to master the natural Jedi formation in the vast sea desert.

   Otherwise, she wouldn't even think about banning the area where Tianmen is located.

  Leng Xueran turned back to the Qing Sect and explained the situation to the real person Wuwei simply and directly.

After listening to Leng Xueran's words, Real Master Wuwei's first reaction was that his little junior sister was going to do something again. However, this time, Wuwei Zhenren did not object.

   As Yuanbao said, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Although   Wuwei Zhenren has become an immortal, he did not ignore human life because of this.

   He always insisted that he was a human being, not a fairy.

   Tens of millions of innocent people, he just doesn't know about this situation. Since he knows, he must do something.

   Do you think Yuanbao may have made a mistake?

   What if it was really a mistake?

   Bringing the people out of the abandoned land and getting rid of the living environment that lacks spiritual energy, isn't it a good thing?

Doing good deeds without asking for reward!

   "I thought you would question the judgment of the younger sister!"

  Leng Xueran's attitude towards the real person Wuwei this time was somewhat unexpected. She was ready to beat the real person Wuwei if she didn't cooperate.

   Never thought that the development of things was completely different from what she thought.

   "Junior Sister Leng, this is a major event that affects the lives of thousands of people."

   "I would rather believe something like this than not believe it."

  Leng Xueran heard the words, nodded, and said, "So, do you think Long Country can accommodate so many people?"

   "No problem!"

The real person   Wuwei smiled slightly and said, "The development of the Dragon Kingdom over the years is still very good. Moreover, since ancient times, the Dragon Kingdom has been vast and sparsely populated. The game is in the central and western regions, and the population is still quite sparse!"

   "The site, I'm not worried!" Leng Xueran waved his hand, "I'm worried that there will be problems with the food of the Dragon Country?"

   "Don't worry about this, the Dragon Kingdom has always kept food reserves, which are enough for the country's needs for three years. An increase of tens of millions of people will have little impact on the Dragon Kingdom."

  Wuwei Zhenren sighed slightly, "I'm just worried, the people of the abandoned land are seriously derailed from the outside world. When they come here, they may not be able to adapt to the life here!"

   "What can't you adapt to?"

  Leng Xueran waved his hand in a grand manner, "As long as you give them work, food and accommodation, what's the problem?"

   "Junior Sister Leng, in the abandoned land, there are still royal families and nobles, and all the systems are at least a few hundred years behind compared to the outside world."

   "Don't say anything else, in the Abandoned Land, polygamous!"

   "Violent suppression is enough!"

   Leng Xueran snorted, "We have a heart of compassion, but we can also look angry at King Kong!"

   "I only know one thing, this is a way of life for the younger sister to give them. If some people don't know the good and the bad and insist on doing things, then I don't mind helping the younger sister to get rid of these people."

   "After all, they were abandoned!"

   Good words and good words to persuade?

   Leng Xueran was not in this mood.

   Not to mention the imminent return of the immortals, even in normal times, Leng Xueran was not in the mood to pay attention to these trivial matters.

   She is not a person who likes to reason with people. When encountering problems, she is more accustomed to simply and rudely solving them.

   If you don’t accept it, I will hit you!

   Do you understand?

   She is not obliged to explain it to you.

   "Junior Sister Leng, you have such a temper, why are you still like this now?"

The real person   Wuwei was quite speechless when he heard Leng Xueran's words.

   If you want to save people, then save them to the end.

   This saves people, but turns around and physically transcends them. It’s better not to save people. He clearly did a good deed, but in the end he caused a lot of right and wrong, and he was notorious.

   Leng Xueran laughed and said, "What is the use of fame to me?"

   "I do things all my life, but I want to do whatever I want, and I am worthy of the world!"


  Wuwei real person was silent for a moment.

   On the issue of attitude towards life, Leng Xueran and him took two completely different paths.

  Leng Xueran's thoughts on many things are more detached, and he is more like a practitioner who sees through the world.

   "Okay, since this matter is settled, then, I don't care, I will go to guard outside the Vast Sea Desert, and wait for the little sister to come out!"

"it is good!"

The real person   Wuwei nodded, "Then I'm going to see the Lord of the Dragon Kingdom now. This time, we must discuss this matter with the Dragon Kingdom!"

  Leng Xueran waved to the real person Wuwei, and he was flying.

   What she brought came and went in a hurry.

   and Wuwei Zhenren called the suzerain of the Shangqing Sect, Chu Qiufei, and told him the general situation.

   This time, it is the real big event, Shangqingzong, I am afraid that we will all participate in it.

   (end of this chapter)

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