MTL - The Favored Little Peasant Has Stolen the Heroine’s Life!-Chapter 479 Take control of your own life!

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   Chapter 479 Control your own life!

   "Then, let's make a deal!"

  Yuanbao saw his little uncle entering the pit, and instantly decided this matter.

  Emperor, if you have to do everything arbitrarily, it will naturally be very tiring. But if there is a constitutional monarchy or something, the emperor is a symbol, and most of the things are left to the people below, and the emperor himself is naturally liberated.

   Of course, getting this constitutional monarchy will make it easier for Yuanbao to help her gain the beliefs of the people and thus gain more incense and wishing power.

   "Brother Fifth, I feel that you may lose!"

  After Yuan Bao and Wei Wushang left, Ruan Wan looked at Yuan Yindi, who was still thinking, and spoke softly.

"Why do you say that?"

  Yuan Yindi looked at Ruan Wan in surprise, "Is there an emperor who is not tired since ancient times?"

   "Unless it's a fool!"

   "But obviously, it's impossible for Jiaojiao to make me a fool!"

   "So, you say, how can I not be tired when I want to be the emperor?"

  Yuan Yindi is a true spectator of ancient and modern, familiar with history. In his memory, anyone who wants to be a good emperor will have to work hard.

   Otherwise, the people below will play the emperor as a fool.

   "Although I don't know what Jiaojiao has in mind, but since childhood, did Jiaojiao want to do anything, did she do it?"

   "If she's not completely sure, do you think she'll bet with you?"

   Ruan Wan is commensurate with Yuanbao's sisters.

   After Yuan Shouqian and Yuan Shouxun were born, Yuan Bao helped Ruan Wan bring the baby.

   Speaking of her understanding of Yuanbao, Ruan Wan did not dare to say how profound it was, but she could be certain that what Yuanbao had to do was basically achievable.

   Anyway, in her cognition, there is no ingot want to do, do things that have not been done.

   "That's right, this girl is a ghost, shouldn't I really lose?"

  Yuan Yindi really didn't want to be emperor.

  Perhaps other people want to be the high-ranking Nine-Five, but Yuan Yindi never thought about it.

   What's more, the lord of the world is just an emperor in a small dry well, and above the emperor, there is the existence of a patron.

  In the past, the patrons basically didn't care, but now, the patrons want the world to be unified, and then they will force the world to find good seedlings, then they will become the existence above the imperial power.

Is there any difference between an emperor like    and a puppet?

   Thinking of that situation, Yuan Yindi felt that she had been trapped by Yuanbao.

   "Fifth brother, I think, you must have wronged Jiaojiao!"

   Ruan Wan looked at Yuan Yindi, "Jiaojiao must have her thoughts when she wants you to be the emperor, and she will never make you a puppet!"

   "You mean, Jiaojiao can keep those three patrons from interfering in government affairs?"


   Ruan Wan's attitude is very positive, "Besides, what do you think, if Jiaojiao is not completely sure, why did she let fifth brother you be the master of this world?"

   "So, I think, you better think about it, when you become the emperor, what do you do!"

"doing what?"

   "I don't do anything!"

  Yuan Yindi rolled her eyes, "How comfortable are we living these days, this stinky girl suddenly wants me to be a tired emperor, you say, her conscience won't hurt?"

   "Let me tell you, Jiaojiao's conscience will definitely not hurt!"

   Ruan Wan laughed and looked at Yuan Yindi, who was a little annoyed.

   Ruan Wan can understand Yuan Yindi's anger.

   However, understanding is understanding, but she did not intend to stand in the same camp with Yuan Yindi.

   In contrast, she hopes that Yuan Yindi can be the master of this world. It's not because she can become the queen of the mother world, but because, in Ruan Wan's view, if her fifth brother becomes an emperor, he must be a very good emperor, a good emperor who can bring happiness to the people of the world.


  After Yuanbao and Wei Wushang left, they did not go back to their current temporary residence, but walked around the street, found a restaurant with an elegant environment, and ordered a few dishes.

   "Jiaojiao, do you really have a solution?"

   On the way, Wei Wushang has been thinking about how to make an emperor not tired.

  Unfortunately, after thinking about it, I couldn't think of a way.

  The emperor, the ruler of the world, is in charge of this huge country, even if it is a small matter to be handled by the officials below, if it is just a big matter, it is also a mess, how can you not be tired?

   "Of course, I'm not going to lose my battle!"

   Yuanbao is confident and confident.

   "Then tell me!"

  Wei Wushang looked at Yuanbao and wanted to hear what Yuanbao's plans were.

   Yuanbao smiled slightly and said, "This time, the unification of the world will be promoted from top to bottom. In other words, this is a unification under the suppression of absolute force!"

   "Anyone who doesn't cooperate, I guess I'll die!"

   "But, God has the virtue of good life, I am going to save these people!"

   "What does this have to do with being an emperor or not?"

   "There is a relationship, and the relationship is big!"

   Yuanbao smiled slightly and said, "You think, who was the power in the past?"


   "By the way, in the past, the emperor was in the hands of the emperor. Even those royal relatives, or noble families, were vulnerable in the face of imperial power."

   "So, they formed a group and made various plans to limit the imperial power!"

   "To put it bluntly, they are just trying to survive!"

   "After all, the power is in the hands of the emperor, which means that their life and death are in the hands of the emperor."

   "Not to mention the dignitaries, even ordinary people, how many people are willing to control their lives in the hands of others? Uncle Wushang, do you want others to control your life and death?"

   "I don't want to!"

  Wei Wushang didn't even think about it, so he gave the answer directly.

   If it was before, Wei Wushang would proudly say that the life and death of the Wei family have always been in his own hands, but after the last incident, Wei Wushang understood that it was all nonsense.

  Under the conspiracy calculations, the emperor can really easily destroy the Wei family.

   It seems that the Wei family has been checking and balancing the royal family, just because the emperor did not attack them.

  If the emperor wants to destroy the Wei family, there are ways.

  The calculation of the Queen Mother is one of a kind!

   There is also medicine, which is also a kind!

   Of course, if it wasn't for the Wei family being still useful to Da Xia, then the Wei family might have encountered various conspiracies and calculations, and even naturally cut off their children long ago!

   After all, it is too simple for those skilled in medicine to want people not to have children!

   "These people don't want their life and death to be in the hands of others, then, I'll give them a chance!"

   "Let them take control of their own life and death!"

   "As for the emperor, from now on, it will be just a symbol!"

   Yuanbao talked eloquently and expressed the idea of ​​constitutional monarchy.

   (end of this chapter)