MTL - The Favored Little Peasant Has Stolen the Heroine’s Life!-Chapter 468 Old man, what a genius!

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  Chapter 468 Old man, what a genius!

   Grand Princess Mansion, located in the southeast corner of the palace, a whole street with only one mansion, this is the Grand Princess Mansion in Daxia.

   Compared with the palace where the emperor lived, the palace of the eldest princess is undoubtedly much smaller.

   But compared to any other family, any noble mansion, the princess mansion of the eldest princess can crush each other.

   Just from the size of this mansion, you can see the high status of the eldest princess.

   Correspondingly, the guards of the eldest princess' residence are also very high.

   It is even rude to say that the guards of the eldest princess' mansion may be a bit higher than that of the palace.

  Yuanbao and Wei Wushang entered the palace of the First Princess. They were very careful, but when they entered the second gate, they were discovered by the female guard who was hiding in the dark.

  As the gong sounded, a large number of female guards appeared.

   Yuanbao and Wei Wushang soon fell into a tight siege.

   "Go ahead and capture it!"

   The head of the female guard of the eldest princess' mansion is an acquaintance of Yuanbao and also the sister of Mei Jiu, named Mei Yi.

   That's right, the female guards of the eldest princess' mansion basically have such names.

   A surname, plus a number.

   The female guards of the Grand Princess Mansion are divided into four guards: Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju, with Mei Wei as the head and the strongest.

   And Mei Yi is the strongest among all female guards.

   "Sister Mei Yi, it's me!"

Although the    ingot has changed its face, at this moment, it has exposed its own voice.

  As soon as Mei heard the voice of Yuanbao, she immediately raised her hand and let the surrounding female guards retreat.

"follow me!"

   confirmed the identity of Yuanbao, then, even if the other person did not say anything, Mei Yi could guess that it was Wei Wushang.

  Under the leadership of Mei Yi, Yuanbao and Wei Wushang soon met the eldest princess and Yuanbao's master Yingli.

   "Master, why are you here?"

After    greeted the eldest princess, Yuanbao jumped to the front of his master.

   As far as she knew, Ji was Emperor Xia, and when she met her master, she had to be respectful and be friends of the same generation.

   Now, with her master here, Yuanbao's heart that has been hanging has finally calmed down.

   "If I don't come, are you going to poke a hole in the sky?"

   Yingli looked at Yuanbao dotingly.

   At first, she did not think Yuanbao could pass her test and become her disciple. But it was later proved that Yuanbao's aptitude was the only one she had ever seen in her life, and even she, or her master and ancestor, couldn't compare to Yuanbao's terrifying aptitude.

   Even, Yingli thinks, Yuanbao may reproduce the miracles of Shimen and become a legendary practitioner.

   After all, Yuanbao got the Xianjia treasure.

  If it was said before, Yingli had doubts about the legend of Shimen's cultivation of immortals and immortals, but now, she believes it.

   Yuanbao has reached her realm at such a young age, and even has a faint trend of surpassing.

   "Master, I'm so good, how could I stab a hole in the sky?"

   Yuanbao quickly denied it.

   She would not admit that she really had the idea of ​​going to Emperor Xia to settle accounts.

   When she came to this world, the people who were the best to her were taken to the Heavenly Prison by Emperor Xia. If Yuanbao was just an ordinary little girl, she could only stare blankly.

  Unfortunately, she is not an ordinary girl.

   Her current martial arts are so high that even she herself does not know how strong she is!

   Of course, her martial arts skills alone are not enough to make Yuanbao dare to go to Emperor Xia to settle accounts. The most important thing is that she has the incense and willpower in her body. In other words, her battery life can't be seen at a glance.

  Other people's martial arts are high, at most a hundred enemies, a thousand people slaughtered, but when she comes to Yuanbao, as long as she wants to, she can always be in a prosperous state until the incense and willpower is exhausted.

   "You think I can believe it?"

  Yingli raised his hand and lightly touched Yuanbao's forehead.

   "Master, Emperor Xia bullied his disciples!"

   Yuanbao did not ask the eldest princess what happened, but directly complained to his master.

"I know!"

  Yingli smiled slightly, "This time, it was Emperor Xia and the old man of the Wei family who made a plan to lure Beili and Daxia to increase their troops, thus destroying the main forces of the two countries in one fell swoop."

   "As long as the main force of the two countries is destroyed, Daxia can dominate the world, and the war will be completely eliminated from now on!"

   "In order to convince the two countries that Emperor Xia really wants to wipe out the Wei family, Emperor Xia will arrest the entire Wei family!"

   "This matter, you just know it, don't spread it out!"

   "Also, you two, since you are back in the capital, you have to follow the plan!"

   "What are we going to do?"

   Yuanbao looked at his master.

   At this moment, although she still had doubts in her heart, she did not interrupt her master's words, but sat there quietly and listened to her own master's words.

   "The Wei family has basically been arrested, and only the two of you are still at large. Therefore, what you want is to assassinate the Emperor Xia, make the matter bigger, and make everyone in the world believe that the Emperor Xia really broke with the Wei family!"

  Yingli calmly explained what needed Yuanbao and Wei Wushang to do.

   "Master, this is not right!"

After listening to his master's words, Yuanbao just thought about it for a while, then shook his head, "My uncle and I went to assassinate Emperor Xia, and there was a lot of noise. Of course we could deceive Beili and Dayin, but we assassinated Emperor Xia. Just sit tight.”

   "When the overall situation is settled, if Emperor Xia wants to settle accounts in the autumn and liquidate the Wei family, the assassination of the two of us is iron proof that the Wei family bears the name of treason!"

   Yuanbao doesn't want to marry others!

  This plan, at first glance, is really good and reasonable.

   But if everything is arranged according to this, they will hand over the handle of their rebellion to Emperor Xia, and send it to the people of the world.


  Yingli was silent for a moment.

   She looked up at the eldest princess, wanting to hear what the eldest princess had to say.

  The eldest princess was also silent!

   This situation, Yingli did not expect, nor did the eldest princess.

   After all, neither of them thought that Emperor Xia would break with the Wei family completely. The death of the queen mother, in the eyes of outsiders, is because of the Wei family, but in fact, there is also the reason for the emperor Xia.

  If Emperor Xia didn't want to take the opportunity to plot against Dayin and Beili, then the Queen Mother might not choose to commit suicide.

   But the fact is that the queen mother has committed suicide!

  Why did the Empress Dowager commit suicide? It's just their guesses, without any basis.

   Huang Xia's thoughts on the suicide of the Queen Mother, no one knows.

   But one thing, because of the Queen Mother's suicide, Emperor Xia's life has been burdened with an uncleanable stain.

   "Master, Madam Zeng, you can't be sure, right?"

Yuanbao looked at the silent Yingli and the eldest princess with a heavy expression, "If Emperor Xia settles after the incident, and the Wei family is charged with treason, Emperor Xia occupies the righteousness, and then relying on the splendid name of ruling the world, the Wei family has a little more. way to live?"

   "Of course, I can actually assassinate Emperor Xia!"

   "But if Emperor Xia was killed by me, what would this world be like?"

The problem of    ingots, at first glance, is not a big problem, but in fact, this problem is very serious!

   What we want is not the lives of one person and two people. If we don’t get it right, the world will be in chaos and life will be ruined.

   "Your Highness, what do you think?"

  Yingli looked at the eldest princess.

   At this moment, she is in a bad mood.

   She had high hopes for the apprentice Yuanbao, expecting her to recreate the glory of the master and even open the legendary path of cultivation.

   But if this incident caused Yuanbao to have a demon, then the future of Yuanbao would be cut off.

   "Mr. Ying, I will discuss this matter with Your Majesty!"

  The eldest princess saw that Yingli was in a bad mood, and knew that if she could not give Yingli a perfect answer, then Yingli would be furious, and the world of this big summer would be over.

   "I'm waiting for the result of your negotiation!"

  Yingli got up and directly greeted Yuanbao and Wei Wushang to leave.

  Wei Wushang originally had a lot of doubts, but now, he has no doubts.

   There is no doubt that this is a big game.

   As the chess player, Emperor Xia and his grandfather bet everything.

   Wei Wushang couldn't figure out why his grandfather trusted Emperor Xia so much and bet the future of the entire Wei family.

   Now, the Wei family has given up all power and has become a prisoner.

  If Emperor Xia took the opportunity to take advantage of the Wei family, then what future would the Wei family have?

   This step-by-step calculation shows that the Wei family is always in the position of fish and meat.

  People are knives, I am fish!

  Wei Wushang wanted to ask his grandfather why?

  Because of this game of chess, it's okay for the men of the Wei family to suffer some grievances, but why are those aunts and cousins ​​who married out?

   Even if the Xia Dynasty finally dominates the world, what about the Wei family?


   When did your grandfather become so great?

  Wei Wushang followed Yuanbao and Yingli to a quiet courtyard in the backyard of the eldest princess' mansion, where Yingli stayed.

   "Jiaojiao, what do you think grandfather is thinking?"

  Wei Wushang looked at Yuanbao with a heavy expression on his face.

   "Before, my grandfather told me that he set up a game with the emperor's uncle to lead Dayin and Bei Li to the end. But, he didn't say that he would take the whole Wei family!"

   "Grandfather told me that if you want to take it, you must give it first. At least, let the other party think that he got what he wanted, let the other party think that he got what he wanted, and let the other party think that..."

   Wei Wushang repeated what his grandfather said over and over again, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

   "Jiaojiao, I think, I understand!"

  Wei Wushang suddenly looked up at Yuanbao, "I think, I understand what my grandfather meant!"

"What's the meaning?"

  Yuanbao looked at Wei Wushang in amazement, recalling what Wei Wushang had just repeated, Yuanbao had a faint guess in his heart. If her guess is true, then she can only say that Mr. Wei is a real genius!

   This old man bet on the entire Wei family and provided Emperor Xia with a chance to destroy the Wei family in one sentence.

  So, how did Emperor Xia choose?

  If Emperor Xia chooses to destroy the Wei family, it will fall into Old Master Wei's calculations.

   By then, Emperor Xia's end will definitely be miserable.

   But what Yuanbao couldn't figure out was, why did Mr. Wei be so sure that he could come back?

  According to the current trend, those who are in-laws with the Wei family chose to divorce their wives and jumped off the boat of the Wei family. Then, how will the other people choose?

   For the sake of morality in your heart, continue to stay on the Wei family's broken ship and die with the Wei family?

   This matter is unreliable no matter how you think about it.

  Although the ancients paid attention to loyalty and righteousness, they also paid attention to the choice of wood for good birds, and those who knew the current affairs were the heroes.

  If the Wei family was doomed to perish, there would not be many people who would be buried with the Wei family.

  So, what is the confidence of this old man?

   The vast sea countries?

   Or is it the competition for reserve law? New gentleman?

   In just a short time, Yuanbao's mind was turning a thousand times.

  Wei Wushang didn't know that Yuanbao had thought about so many things in such a short period of time, so he explained his conjecture unhurriedly.

   is the same as Yuanbao's conjecture.

   "Uncle, why does grandfather think he can turn the tide at the last moment?"

   "Isn't he afraid of taking off the play?"

   All Wei family members were put on the gambling table. If they win, everything is easy to say. But if they lose, it will be the end of the genocide.

"I do not know about this!"

   Wei Wushang smiled bitterly, "I can only guess that my grandfather deliberately made the emperor's uncle think that the Wei family could be manipulated by him."

   "As for what grandfather relies on to make a comeback, I can't think of it!"

  Wei Wushang felt that he, the heir of the Wei family, was really useless.

   For such an important matter, he did not receive any news beforehand, and even his family did not communicate with him.

   "I feel like I'm superfluous!"

  Wei Wushang was really in a bad mood at the moment.

   There is no need for him to know the little things at home.

   And the big thing, he doesn't seem to be qualified to know.

   "Uncle, you think too much!"

   Seeing Wei Wushang's sad look, Yuanbao couldn't help but be happy, "Maybe, my parents don't know what happened!"


  Wei Wushang shook his head violently, "If my parents didn't know anything, they wouldn't be honestly imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison."


   Yuanbao thought about it, and it seemed like the same thing.

  If the Wei family didn't know what happened, when Emperor Xia was going to shoot at them, how could they honestly choose to capture them?

  The Wei family can keep pace with the royal family and become the sword of Damoris hanging on the Xia Emperor's head. How could it be so easily captured by the Xia Emperor?

   "Uncle, maybe, grandfather needs you to know nothing!"

   "What do you mean?"

   Wei Wushang was stunned when he heard Yuanbao's words.

   And Yuanbao was stunned after saying this.

  If the old man really just wanted them to know nothing, then all this would make sense.

   Her identity, her master is Yingli, the old man must know.

   After knowing that something happened to the Wei family, he would definitely not stand idly by.

   Then, he will eventually find his master and come to him.

   And what his master means to Da Xia, ordinary people don't know, Mr. Wei must know.

   Therefore, the reason why Mr. Wei is not worried about playing off is not because he has a perfect back-up.

   But, she is the backhand!

   Realizing this, Yuan Bao intuitively sweated on his forehead.

  What kind of evildoer is this old man?

  It is no wonder that he can become the great general of Daxia because of his calculations. How many people can resist this monster-like method?

and many more!

   Yuanbao narrowed his eyes, no!

  I am not the only one behind!

  Because the ancestral motto of the Wei family is to control their own net worth and life.

   Mr. Wei must have other backers, and this backhand is the real backhand of Dingding Qiankun!

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   (end of this chapter)

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