MTL - The Fallen Merman-~ The past of the magician: I'm so annoying

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The warden's private house is on the same island as the International Severe Penitentiary Prison, and it is not a long distance away from the prison.

Since all the experimental subjects have been moved out of the prison, there will be basically no emergencies in the heavy sentence prison.

But today is a little different.

There were a few stray cats hanging out on the lawn of the manor. Li Huang put down the newspaper he was browsing, looked out the window, then got up slowly, went to the locker to scoop up a few spoonfuls of cat food, and carried it downstairs.

He put on his coat and dragged his slippers to the yard, poured the cat food on the platform, and squatted on the ground waiting for the wild cats to come.

A few obese wild cats were not vigilant at all, they paced over, bypassed Li Wang's hand holding a few grains of cat food, and nimbly jumped onto the platform to feast on them.

Li Juan had to sit on the manicured lawn, watching them scramble for food lazily.

The sky was overcast, and soon it started to rain. Li Wang held up his black umbrella and sat on the platform, and the wild cat took advantage of the opportunity to shelter from the rain in the shadow of the umbrella.

Half a year ago, his subordinates handed in new news, saying that the researchers who were lurking in the Anfiya Military Academy in Aphid City had also been arrested.

However, the informant they placed at the Union Police Station still took the risk and handed out a copy of the document, which led to the exposure of the informant's identity and was killed on the spot by the sniper Xiao Xun who was on the mission that day.

It was a piece of information about the origin of synephrine ingredients. With this information, he could let his hospitals go to imitate synephrine products. Funding was never a problem for him.

The iron gate of the manor was pushed open with a creak, and the black panther walked in with a weary footstep, his black trench coat was soaked wet, like an alpha with kidney deficiency who came back from a nightclub.

He is very weak, with drooping black plush ears buried in his hair, and a smooth black leopard tail trailing behind him. The full-mimicry messenger experiment body will basically not reveal its body characteristics unless it loses control.

The black panther knelt down on the ground softly, and breathed heavily on the ground with his hands on the ground. He was on the verge of deterioration. The synergist brought out from the research institute had been used up. Even if the other messengers deteriorated, their messengers would do their best. Protect them, do everything possible for them, and I can only hold on.

Black Panther was in so much pain that he didn't notice someone on the lawn. It was Li Wang who opened the mouth.

"Wait for me." Li Juan spread out the rain cloth in the gardening warehouse and put it on the platform to cover the group of wild cats. He had injured his back, and doing such large-scale movements made him a little stretched. He said something in his mouth: "My cat owner rarely comes back from wandering, so I will take the umbrella first, and you can eat slowly."

"Okay." Li Juan picked up the black umbrella at hand, shook the water, and walked to the black panther.

The shadow of the umbrella moved to the top of the black panther's head, and the shadow projected on the ground became bottomless. Some smoky devil's thin hands climbed up and grabbed the black panther. The energy in the darkness was transmitted to the black panther through the hand of the ghost, which greatly relieved his pain and gradually recovered his physical strength.

This black umbrella is exactly the demon-driven object "Devil's Shade". In the closed state, it is a scepter of judgment and can convict the soul. When the target's sin is greater than the good deed, the target will be punished according to the proportion of the sin. When it is turned on, it has a strong recovery ability, and the recovery ability of the magic messenger is doubled, which can reach 300% to 600%, and in the shadow of the umbrella, the magic messenger will not be attacked.

If Black Panther is willing to stay by Li Zhang's side, he will smoothly pass the deterioration period and grow into a free body naturally, but he is not willing, the battle is over, and he is still wandering outside.

The black panther was displeased because his embarrassment was exposed in Li Wang's eyes, but Li Wang urged: "I still have milk boiling in my room, and it will be mushy later."

The two returned to the villa with umbrellas.

Li Li took off the mud-stained slippers in the entrance hall. At this time, the black panther could no longer maintain the human mimicry, and completely turned into a pure black fur leopard, pacing proudly into the living room.

The messenger's consciousness will not be very clear in the original state, so the black panther will not hate Li Wang as much as usual, Li Wang took the opportunity to touch it, but the black panther slipped from the bottom of Li Wang's palm as soft as water.

Li Li has always been unwelcome to cats. There seems to be no reason. Some people are born with a cat-hating constitution, and no matter how hard they try, it will not help.

When I met this little guy, he had not yet retired from the army, and was stationed in the South American jungle theater with the PBB troops. He was stunned by a grenade at the time. When he woke up, the main force had already withdrawn from the fire area, and almost all the ammunition supplies on his body were seized by the enemy. , he was trudging through the jungle with wounds. The jungle at night was full of dangers, and he only ate some raw fish for three days. The inflammation of the wound made him have a high fever. If he could not find any supplies, he would be buried in this deep forest.

Just when he had lost all hope of life, a black leopard swept past his eyes. The leopard's lips were still stained with stinky blood, and she stared at him contemptuously with golden eyes, like an arrogant queen.

This female leopard was extremely irritable. When she found out that there were humans in her territory, she started to attack madly. Li Zhang had been stationed in South America for nearly two years and knew how dangerous it was to meet an adult leopard in the jungle. This animal is lightning fast and has excellent eyesight. , and even more frightening is that it climbs trees.

Li Li could only fight against the queen, slaughtered her with the only tactical dagger left on his body, and cut off her legs to satisfy his hunger.

He took a few bites to realize why the mother leopard was mad, because she was pregnant, about to give birth, and even during the battle her first child had been born and fell into the weed, and the other children suffocated. In the belly of a female leopard.

Li Juan could only pick up the little thing with his eyes closed and put it under the mother leopard's belly, so that it would also satisfy his hunger, so the little guy drank his mother's milk, and Li Huang ate his mother's meat, and survived this. Dangerous night, waiting for the dawn.

Li Juan named this unfortunate little guy "Day", which means the most hopeful hope in the endless night. After returning to the team, he gave the day to the military doctor of the Thunder Support Team of the support force, and the military doctor gave it to the military doctor who was in the An old classmate working at the 109 Institute.

In the third year, the jungle war ended with a crushing victory by PBB, and Li Zhang was discharged from the army due to a spinal injury, and then entered the political world.

He learned about Zhou's current situation while chatting at a comrade-in-arms gathering. He said that the 109 Research Institute had developed a new production line, and Zhou had been perfectly remodeled, a human mimicry appeared, and he was looking for a buyer.

Li Huang asked someone to contact him and asked Li to come over. I heard that the prices of all the pseudo-messenger-type experimental subjects are all in the mid-teens or more, and Li Huang is not stingy, but at that time, the 109 Research Institute was already headed by Ellen, and shrewd women didn't want his money, as long as his political influence force, and want the International Prison to become a warehouse for the recovery of experimental subjects.

Because the experimental body sold is very powerful, once it loses control and causes damage to society, the organization and country that buys it will be punished, and the experimental body will be permanently detained in prison. , or replace the identities, and return the detained experimental body to the research institute, which greatly saves costs.

The black panther was airlifted, and the helicopter dropped the sealed box with the parachute on the lawn of the manor. An alpha teenager with wheat-colored skin and short black hair was sitting in the cage, with a bright blue bow tied around his neck. The golden cat's eyes glanced around contemptuously, the plush ears stood up alertly, the tail slowly swayed, and he licked the back of his hands proudly.

With five years of rich experience in the jungles of South America, Li Li was confident that he had the ability to get along with beasts, and tried to reach in and pick out the manual.

But the little black panther bit his hand, tearing, kicking and biting. Li Wang reluctantly pulled back his **** hand and read the broken manual that he risked his life to rescue.

The first item on the instruction manual reads: "Never put your hands in the cage."

Li Wang sighed, opened the sealed box according to the steps, and carried the irascible kitten back to the residence by the back of the neck of the boy. Since it was still in the breeding period, he tried to use goat milk with meat as much as possible.

There are also some gifts in the consignment box, a box of AU nutritional medicine, an Ac booster, and a preventive IN infection medicine. The nutritional medicine is used to ensure the upgrade of the experimental body, and the Ac booster can promote the experimental body from breeding. As it matures, the IN infection agent is used to terminate the subject if it gets out of control.

The instructions say, please be fully familiar with the subject before injecting the Ac enhancer.

However, I really don't have relatives, and often scratches Li Huang so much that his arms and thighs are covered with blood marks. Sometimes when he is resting in his original state, Li Huang holds it up under his arm and **** it hard, but most of the time he will be caught by the black panther. Pushing his face with his two front paws forbids him from coming closer.

The messenger will grow very fast around the driver, growing up almost visibly to the naked eye, and soon grow into the appearance of a young man in his early twenties, and it is basically fixed.

He was very lonely during the day, except for sleeping, he spent the rest of the day sitting on the roof in a daze, but Li Wang would not force him to come down.

He also gradually got used to the life of a house cat with an owner. Occasionally, he would get into Li Wang's bedroom in the middle of the night, trample him to wake him up, and then lie on his bed to sleep recklessly. If you try to touch him, you will be bitten.

After getting to know him, Zhou rarely bites Li Huang again. Li Huang injected him with Ac enhancer, which made him enter the mature period from the cultivation period. His voice was as cold as his character, but young and nice.

But after entering the mature stage, he grabbed Li Wang's neck and said the first sentence: "Old man, if you touch my belly again, I will kill you."

This made Li Wang sad for a long time, not because of "killing you", but because of "the old man". Although he is not young, the existence of the shadow of the devil gives him an infinite lifespan, and his appearance will stay at the age of thirty-six forever.

The black panther is also getting wilder, and sometimes only comes back once every six months. Li Li had to send him some tasks, and he didn't care whether he completed the task, just because after completing the task, the Black Panther needed to come back and report the results and receive his salary.

However, no matter how cold the Panther is, an alpha will always usher in a warm sunny period. One night, after completing the task that Li Wang had given him, he returned home with a **** smell, and Li Huang had just finished taking a shower and made coffee in a bathrobe in front of the coffee table.

Black Panther doesn't like to be close to anyone. If he must find someone he can trust in the world and make sure that the other person will not endanger his life during his sunny period, he can only think of Li Huang.

He suddenly rushed over, knocked over the coffee pot, and fought with him in the steaming heat. Li Zhang had eleven years of experience in special forces training, while the Black Panther was a full mimic experiment. The two were of the same level. Intertwined for a while, it is indistinguishable.

Usually, Li Li coaxed him and let him be irritable and irritable. This was based on the fact that the Black Panther did not touch his bottom line, because the messenger was destined to be unable to defy the will of the driver.

"Day, do you want to **** me? How did I offend you, why do you despise me so much?" Li Juan was completely annoyed by his disrespect, and wiped the blood from the broken skin of his lips, A3-level fluorescence The scorpion's scorpion tail grew out from behind, and the fluorescent scorpion tail wrapped around the black panther's legs, stabbed into his lower back, and injected the paralyzing venom into his body.

"I've spoiled you." Li Yan approached the back of his neck, stared at him gloomily with his long and narrow eyes, his sharp teeth biting through the back of his neck, and injected the rich peony pheromone into his glands. .

A fluorescent scorpion mark spread down the black panther's spine and branded him.

The characteristic of fluorescent scorpion makes this fluorescent mark unable to be covered by any clothing, so that he will always remember his mistakes.

Li Li knew how to combat a person's arrogance very well. He took off the sapphire ring on his ring finger, injected venom into it, put it in the black panther's mouth, and told him - put on this ring, the fluorescent scorpion tail mark on the back will turn Disappear, take off the ring, the mark will appear, anyway, always choose a way to tell your kind that you have a master.

However, it has been a few years since this incident, the attachment with a little hatred between them has been forgotten, and they usually get along not too badly.

Li Wang forcibly took the degraded black panther into his arms, used a small comb to comb his hair, combed a bunch of waste hair, and dragged it to the bathroom to take a shower. The black panther reluctantly grabbed two rows of claws on the wooden floor print.

After taking a bath, I have to blow my hair, pluck my ears, shave the bottom of my paws, and pick up my tail to check the health of Dandan.

"Don't bite the comb." Li Wang patted his head and finally finished the tossing. Black Panther was lying on the carpet without love, shaking his ears, and biting Li Wang's trouser legs to let out his breath.

The exacerbation period has made him weak, but as long as he gets back to the driver and rests for the night near the black umbrella, it will be much better.

The next day, Black Panther recovered and was ready to go out.

"Wait, I heard that Bai Chunian and Lan Bo have returned from traveling around the world. You go to see the situation and investigate his follow-up plans." Li Wang explained, "And the movement of Snow White Castle."

"Oh." The black panther put his hands in the pockets of the trench coat and walked out of the manor.

He went to Snow White Castle first. Through the window, he saw that the puppeteer was sanding Eris' waist joints. He placed him on his lap, one hand supported Eris's back, and the other hand was fine-grained with fine-grained sandpaper. Polished and oiled.

"Knicks, wait a minute." Eris sensed the presence of the magician, guarding the puppet master with one hand vigilantly, and touching the sacred clockwork not far away with the other hand.

Black Panther suddenly felt unlucky, frowned and left.

He went to Aphid Island again. After investigation, he found that Bai Chunian and Lan Bo were currently teaching a new generation of students on the island. The students and the experimental subjects were receiving education together, and the order was not chaotic.

Having said that, there is a free-period messenger-type experimental body sitting on the podium, and an A3-level ocean king and sea clan leader, basically no one dares to mess around.

Their classroom door was open, and the black panther walked in silently, sitting in the last row of the large classroom to listen to the class. Today's class is the fighting method of the full mimic experiment.

Bai Chunian's eyes were sharp, and at a glance, he saw a late guy sneaking in through the back door of the classroom, and he insisted that the black panther get up and punish him.

Black Panther stood up and looked at Bai Chunian coldly: "It's me, what's the matter."

In fact, since the black panther approached Aphid Island, Bai Chunian sensed his existence, but he didn't expect him to come in and sit in the classroom.

Bai Chunian suddenly raised his hand and pointed: "Look, classmates, the second of the world's only three full-mimicry messenger-type experimental subjects, the A3-level alpha magic messenger Black Panther, is something that ordinary people will never see in their lifetime!"

The students were so excited that they rushed over to sign autographs, and it took half an hour to climb out of the crowd of people.

The world was so noisy that it was a headache, and the black panther had nowhere to go, so he had to return to the warden's manor ahead of schedule.

Usually, Li Wang would put the pocket money prepared for him on the windowsill, but today was a little different. In addition to the card, there was an extra package on the windowsill.

Black Panther squatted down and tore open the package, which contained a 3ml synesthesia. I don't know where he got it, but he was quite capable.

The cunning old scorpion, every milliliter of pro-syndroxin can keep him alive for ten days, it seems that he wants to use this method to make him come back once a month.

The black panther looked into the room through the window. Li Huang was still making coffee and reading the newspaper at the coffee table, because this time he came back early, otherwise Li Huang should have waited for the opportunity to rua him twice by the window.

But this time, he didn't take the things and left, but walked towards the gate of the villa.

Sit down for a cup of coffee and stay for two days before leaving.

Read The Duke's Passion