MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 252

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Ai Lian was taken into custody, during which she was investigated and collected by Interpol. All her experiences from birth to the present, and back to her parents and grandparents, were all investigated.

They found out that Ellen's father died when she was six years old, and she had two wives, both of whom died.

Regarding the ages of the two wives, the police found something suspicious and found that the age of the first wife was very different from that of the second wife.

The police continued to trace and found that the identity of Ellen's father had been forged. His actual life span was 122 years old, but he did not attract the attention of the media, nor did he show off the secret of his longevity in any books and newspapers. Obviously, he was deliberately concealing it. own real age.

The police retrieved clues about Ellen's father and found that only photos of him before the age of nineteen could be found. It seemed that his appearance remained at the age of 19.

After confirming the true appearance of Ellen's father, the investigation went smoothly, because he was a very famous magician in that era. When he took his daughter to the streets of Paris to perform street magic, he turned the blue rose in his hand into a white dove, and his daughter stood beside him and played the violin for him.

People don't care about how he lived in his later years, they only remember that when he was full of fame, he proudly said a famous saying that swept the world:

"My supreme ideal is to make the world go crazy with my mystery."

Elaine's files were sorted and sealed, and handed over to the International Criminal Court together.

International Criminal Court.

Twelve judges were seated majestically, the presiding judge read out the rules of the court, and his solemn voice echoed in the empty hall.

The International Criminal Court has accused Ai Lian, director of the 109 Research Institute, of illegally conducting human experiments and illegally manufacturing biological weapons in drug research. She will be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

The auditorium is full of valuable national leaders and international organization presidents. Both inside and outside the courtroom are protected by high-level special armed forces and Interpol.

The nameplate in front of Yan Yi's seat is printed with the IOA Freebird logo and name. Sitting next to him is the chairman of the armadillo of the IOA South America branch, a female A3omega with healthy wheat-colored skin and a strong long hair covered with scales. tail.

The armadillo touched Yanyi lightly with his elbow under the table, his thick eyelashes rose slightly: "That old **** Li Huang is here."

Yan Yi raised his eyelids and glanced at the alpha who was surrounded by bodyguards who walked in. The man's back was slightly hunched, but he had a youthful face with obvious white eyes that were slightly mean and cunning. He held a black umbrella in his hand, a military uniform. He forgot to fasten the buttons of his coat, and the collar of his shirt was half tucked inside and half exposed. It was as sloppy as when he was the warden of an international prison in the past. It made people think that he should not wear the pair of high-definition soft leather shoes on his feet. Instead, you should pull two flip-flops.

The alpha gland type is a mutant of the fluorescent scorpion, the Hera scorpion, who served in the PBB Storm Special Forces for eleven years.

Li Juan handed the black umbrella to the black-clothed bodyguard beside him, and walked to Yan Yi and sat down with his pocket in his pocket. The name tag in front of his desk was printed with the words "International Prison Warden Li Zhang".

"I have admired the heroic appearance of the president in arresting Ai Lian for a long time. I thought that her soul siphon might at least stop you." Li Zhang leaned his elbow against the armrest of the seat and leaned over to Yan Yi, "One trick Enemy, cool. After the immortal souls are taken into custody, no A3 will have the power to fight against you."

Yan Yi didn't want to take his words, he just greeted him lightly, "Congratulations on the reinstatement of the official."

"Tong Xi, Tong Xi." Li Juan sat with his shoulders crooked, looking out of place among the dignified and solemn public officials.

"Come on." Li Juan slowly reached into his suit pocket and rummaged. After touching the left pocket and the right pocket, Yan Yi frowned and looked at him, waiting for him to write.

Li Wang groped for a long time, found something in his trouser pocket, took it out, held it in his hand, and handed it to Yan Yi.

Yan Yi didn't know what trick he was going to play, but a candy fell into his hand.

"Happy Candy." Li Zhang sat back crookedly again, the tassel of the military uniform swayed with his movements and hung messily on the buttons.

Yan Yi coldly twitched the corner of his mouth and threw the candy to his bodyguard.

Half a month ago, Jin Xi was arrested by the International Police Station in front of the 109 Research Institute, and temporarily detained, and then counted the losses around the world. The undead summoned by the immortal undead's M2 ability to summon the **** of death caused large-scale disasters in major cities. , countless casualties, and serious damage to urban facilities. Jin Xi may face life imprisonment, and his parents are accused of abuse. The case has not yet opened.

However, in this undead disaster, the international prison was also attacked and destroyed by the undead summoned body. More than half of the prisoners were killed or injured, and the prison director was immediately dismissed, and even Yan Yi had no chance to protect him.

Li Wang cleverly retreated from the sight of the crowd, avoiding the disaster, and when the dust settled, the smooth official resumed his post.

Although the 109 Research Institute has been banned, there are still a large number of experimental subjects living in the private sector. The anti-human experimental subject organization "Bai Xue" was established in Canada led by the former member of the red-throated bird Nix, which still poses a strong threat to human security.

Some political parties and countries support Li Juan's reinstatement. The reason is high-sounding, but in fact it is to weaken the power of the IOA, so as to prevent the IOA from jointly controlling the PBB, the International Chamber of Commerce and the International Prison at the same time, and the power expansion will cover the sky in the future.

Li Zang laughed at his luck, but Yan Yi knew very well that his luck had another reason.

"When cleaning the battlefield, did your people let Eris go?" Yan Yi said while glancing at the bodyguard standing behind Li Zhang. The black panther alpha had an indifferent face, golden-brown skin, and a pair of angular faces embedded in it. Gold cat-eye and a sapphire ring on the index finger outside the black gloves.

"You can't talk nonsense, you're making a false accusation, um..." Li Wang tapped leisurely with his slender fingers on the armrest, tasted the words "your person" in Yan Yi's mouth, and raised his hand to help the bodyguard beside him. , The Black Panther quietly took a step into the distance, letting Li Juan catch the air.

Li Wang was not annoyed, and tried his best to sit upright: "The court session is over. Some people just like to be tough and refuse to accept softness, and they will always be severely punished. Do you think so, President."

Yan Yi nodded when he was talking about Ai Lian.

The black panther standing behind their chair had his fingertips hanging by his side, his fists clenched too tightly, the knuckles rattled softly, and the fist bones trembled slightly.

At the same time that Ellen was put on trial, the arrest of wandering experimental subjects has also been quietly launched. Since the human rights of experimental subjects have not been fully recognized, except for experimental subjects owned by various national organizations, unowned experimental subjects are not allowed to escape.

Some wandering subjects are willing to surrender to the IOA, but a considerable number of subjects do not trust humans and choose to flee to the Snow White Castle in the Lawrence Mountains of Canada.

The pursuit team dispatched by the Storm Troop, led by He So-called, led an elite team into the mountains.

The blizzard quickly covered up the footprints of one of the experimental subjects they were chasing, and the flying snow and sand blocked the team members' vision, and the outline of a castle could be vaguely seen ahead.

The pursuit team continued to march until they could see the entire castle. He So-called raised the binoculars and looked at the snow-covered castle. It seemed that their target had escaped inside.

There are many claw marks and bullet holes left outside the city walls, and it is obvious that there has been a defense battle not long ago.

The blue and white continuous castle stands quietly in the center, and you can see that the balcony of each independent spire and round building is planted with roses, flowers are in full bloom, and the varieties and colors are different.

Every small balcony window showed a warm yellow light. A girl in a white skirt suddenly pushed open the window and reached out half of her body with a kettle to water the roses. After watering a balcony, she spread out her dragonfly wings and carried the kettle to fly. Another balcony.

He So-called peeped deeper, behind a small window with undrawn lace curtains, a woman in a dark green cheongsam sat in front of the dresser to choose lipstick and tried the color in the mirror.

He So-called carefully compared her appearance, and determined that she was the fugitive on the wanted list, the peacock alpha was odd.

From time to time, there are some noisy children playing in the castle, and the exquisite woodcut gear birds fly and chirp in the courtyard.

This snow-white castle and the blizzard outside the wall are like two different worlds. Looking at the rich scenery inside, it seems that you can temporarily forget the chill on your body.

He called the telescope up and found dangerous elements on the steeple clock tower at the highest point of the castle.

The dial of the big clock shows that the current time is 3:5 in the afternoon. Eris is sitting on the horizontal clock hand, holding the shorts straps in both hands, two spherical joint legs swinging in the air, and the pupils of both eyes are strange. The ground turned into a black cross, and behind him was a pair of silver scissors that stood tall.

Eris sensed the unfamiliar and hostile smell outside the castle, his crossed eyes shifted in their direction, suddenly raised his hands, hooked the corners of his lips and tugged at the base of his ears, making a terrifying grimace at them:

"Go away."

Only the strong sense of oppression that can be emitted during the deterioration period was weighed down heavily, and the creatures around the castle were shocked and fled away.

He So-called cold back, ordered everyone to retreat a dozen meters, stopped when Eris showed no sign of rushing over, and made a gesture behind him.

He Wenxiao told him the results of the alien radar scan—

"Special Operations Weapon Number: 61012

Code Name: Spellcaster

Differentiation level: Cursed Doll A3

Model: All-mimetic messenger-type inanimate experimental body

Growth period: Deterioration period

Analysis result: The mantra makes the mood stable and has no desire to attack. "

He Zuo picked up the walkie-talkie: "The target has entered the Snow White Castle, and the curse is guarding the entrance, please instruct."

"Evacuate back."


With the experience of dealing with the immortal souls, in the face of the deteriorating stage of the experimental body guarding, almost no one will choose a head-on conflict.

The minute hand of the big clock on the castle moved forward a few steps and touched Eris' head.

Eris looked back at his watch, it was ten past three.

"Thirty-thirty three!" Eris jumped from the height with cheers, and swayed inward with both hands on the rose trellis on the balcony. The petals and green leaves rustled downwards, attracting a few strange scolding. .

Eris turned into the puppeteer's workshop and pushed the door to go in. The fireplace beside the workbench was burning with warm flames, and three fat white spore babies lay on the carpet and swayed half an octopus's feet.

"Who let you in?" Eris kicked one by one, and the spore baby clacked against the wall, flowed down and returned to its original shape, and crawled back onto the carpet to continue chattering.

The puppeteer was sitting in front of the workbench wiping a pair of newly tempered glass eyeballs with chamois leather.

Hearing Eris coming in, the puppet master didn't lift his head: "Take off the head and put it on the table."

Eris stepped over the doll's limbs that had not been polished and assembled on the ground, and settled down carefully so as not to step on any small part.

He held his head with both hands, lifted it up with force, removed it from his neck, took off the tendons on the metal hook, put his head on the puppeteer's workbench, then went to the fireplace to pick up a small wooden stick, The rubber band used to hook the head is placed on the neck to prevent the tendon from retracting, and then go back to the bed to sit and so on.

The puppeteer pried open Eris's head along the slit and pulled out the eyeballs from the inside.

This pair of eyeballs turned into a cross, which really affected the appearance. The puppet master did not allow flaws to appear on his excellent works, and patiently put on a new pair of eyeballs.

However, as soon as the new eyeballs were glued on, the beautiful light green pupils turned into crosses again.

The puppet master sighed.

He had already tried four kinds of materials: ceramic, resin, wood, and glass, but no matter what material the eyeballs were, once they were pressed into Eris' eye sockets, they would immediately be marked with black crosses. This was an inevitable manifestation of the deterioration period.

The puppet master rubbed the bridge of his nose, soothing his tired eyes. Some regretted that he was eager to get rid of Bai Chunian and the others, and pretended to be dragged into the abyss by the octopus Kraken without discussing with Eris in advance. He knew that Eris would definitely catch up, but he did not expect that this action would directly stimulate Eris to enter the abyss. Expect.

"Will I lose control like an undead?" Eris asked with his head in the hands of the puppet master. "Will you break me to protect the useless children at home?"

"No." The puppet master replied.

After getting synephrine, the puppet master studied all night for half a month, and used Eris to do experiments to detect changes in the glands. It was found that the root cause of the uncontrolled deterioration was that the growth stage of the glands was too high, which was incompatible with the internal organs and brain cells of the body. Compatible, thus causing the mind to run out of control.

However, Eris had neither a body, nor internal organs, nor a brain.

"Okay." Eris cheered, "When are we going to kill them all?"

The puppet master said while assembling his head: "I won't easily step out of here in the next twenty years."


"The 109 Research Institute has fallen. If we move too frequently, many countries will be afraid, and if we unite against us, it will not be worth the loss."

"What about IOA?"

"IOA just lost Bai Chunian, and Rimbaud also left the land. They have suffered heavy losses. At this time, they will not use all their manpower to kill us." The puppet master closed Eris's head and combed his hair. "It's Li Li who has repeatedly sent magic envoys to help us, so that we can firmly take root and expand our power, and become the next thorn in the side of IOA after the Institute. IOA will definitely point the spearhead of future planning at us, rather than rush to gain power. Li It's really cunning to return to the position of the warden by yourself and take a leisurely retirement."

Eris seemed to understand.

Suddenly, with a click, the small wooden stick that was hooking the tendons on Eris' body suddenly broke, and the tendons suddenly twitched in. Eris' limbs fell apart, and he was spread out on the bed.

"As I said, it is very troublesome to stretch with a sturdy wooden stick." The puppet master stood up helplessly, put Eris' head on the table, and sat beside the bed to assemble Eris's broken frame. The body, by the way, polish the details that I didn't have time to dig out before, and the toes and fingers are still a bit rough.

When the puppeteer was concentrating on assembling the broken body of the doll, he had to turn the direction. When the ceramic spine of the doll was facing upwards, the red-backed spider pattern printed on the back waist was seen by the head of Eris on the table. .

"logo?" Eris' head widened his eyes. He was so shocked that he forgot his ability to control. The bad luck of J1's ability came and started automatically. The screw on the side of the bedside shelf suddenly loosened, the wooden board was tilted, and a series of pieces fell on people. On the puppet master's head.

"Oh oh oh! Logo! For me! I never found it! I like it so much, can it be printed on my face?"

"Don't be noisy."

The content of the previous chapter has been supplemented, everyone remember to clear the cache in the personal settings