MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 248

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Rimbaud put his hand on Little White's neck, causing the Dead Sea Heart Rock collar to deform, casting it into a pair of shackles, locking the alpha's sharp teeth.

Part of the power in Bai Chunian's body was suddenly released, and a brandy pheromone exploded. The experimental body that approached them was strongly impacted, and a layer of glass was condensed on the surface of the skin.

After the control of the collar becomes weak, the annihilation loses control, and indiscriminately attacks the target within the range.

Rimbaud embraced Xiaobai, pressed his cold lips to his neck, and whispered in his ear, "I really, really like the name you gave me."

"Ranbo, Lanbo, don't go!" Bai Chunian's vision was blurred by tears, and the frantic roar of the experimental subjects behind him woke him up.

A clear blue glass bead is suspended in the air, and lightning is flowing inside, like a rounded sapphire without edges and corners.

The lightning current inside the glass beads exploded, causing a cobweb lightning at Bai Chunian's feet, instantly knocking back the experimental body behind him by more than ten meters.

Lan Bo's voice reverberated in the vast space, comforting Bai Chunian's ear: "Our fate is not over yet, if life really goes back and forth, I think I will find you again. The power of the edict, my messenger, while I sleep, take charge of the sea for me for the time being."

The glass beads flew into Bai Chunian's mouth, which was shackled by the mouth, and were automatically embedded in his tongue. A ray of electric light extended from the glass beads, forming a sapphire blue eye on the alpha tongue.

The pupil of the living eyeball elongated into a vertical line, which twitched on Bai Chunian's bright red tongue.

When the clouds engulfed the setting sun, it was accidentally ignited, so it burned into a continuous piece, and the color of the flame covered the sky.

The research institute building standing in the red cloud grass was trembling faintly, and the metal and bricks were shaken and fell into the roaring waves outside the cliff.

The camouflage helicopters painted with the PBBw logo have surrounded the building, and the Storm Special Forces team members are on standby, and a group of four mounts the gun radar on the helicopter.

"Captain, the alien radar is on!" He Wenyi leaned over to He Suen's side, and reported loudly against the strong wind, the hair under the helmet and goggles fluttered in the wind.

He Wenxiao stood in front of the alien radar, wearing earphones and staring at the radar display, there were many red dots moving fast inside the building.

"Captain! The experimental body inside is about to rush out!"

He So-called wearing light-proof sunglasses, grabbed the armrest and hung half of his body on the helicopter, and raised the walkie-talkie: "Prepare the aircraft's heavy weapons, prepare the detonation point, and strictly guard against it. No experimental body is allowed to rush into the city's defense line."


In the distance, a helicopter painted with the military blue flying eagle logo flew into the front line from the rear, and stood side by side with their plane. He is very familiar with the physique that has not been slack in training. It is rumored that the current boss of the Flying Eagle Group also served in the PBB secret agent organization many years ago, and now it seems that there are indeed traces to follow.

Lu Shangjin held on to the hatch and stretched out his upper body. He had to raise the volume due to the hum of the propeller, and shouted at He Suen, "My child is still inside! Who dares to detonate it!"

He so-called frowning and contemplating, the position is high and the weight is immeasurable, and he really can't be offended by a captain.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Lu Shangjin sent a message to Yan Yi: "Tell their leader that Xiaobai hasn't come out yet, and the building will be buried when it blows up!"

When He So-called heard it, his eyes widened, and he took off his sunglasses: "What? Where is the one with the surname Bai in there?! Mixed with this group of hundreds of experimental subjects?"

"Tsk, get up, let me take a look." He So-called dragged He Wenxiao who was beside the radar up, sat down by the console, and observed the red dots running on the screen.

The red dot running at the front was very fast. He So-called clicked the red dot to start the radar analysis, and the pheromone detection analysis was immediately pulled on the screen—

Special Operations Weapon Number: 9100

Code Name: Angel

Differentiation level: White Lion A3

Model: Full mimic messenger type beast experimental body

Growth period: ∞

Analysis result: Extremely dangerous, not to be confronted head-on.

"It's really him. What is the symbol of the growth period? Isn't it a mature body? Is it deteriorating?!" He So-called put on sunglasses, pressed He Wenxiao back to the radar, picked up the walkie-talkie and redeployed the blasting plan.

Lu Shangjin also got Yan Yi's answer. Amid the loud and deafening sound of the propeller, Yan Yi's voice was firm and clear: "We have reached the sky above our destination, the advance force is responsible for removing threats, and the International Police Agency and our people are preparing to enter the research area. Search inside the institute for suspects and evidence."

At this time, a dark shadow passed by from a distance, it was an IOA agent wearing a wingsuit and a parachute bag sliding fast. Lu Shangjin looked up at the sky, and nearly a hundred wingsuit soldiers swooped down, breaking through and swallowing the sunset. The thick clouds flew towards the ground.

Lu Shangjin looked into the distance, searched among the soldiers with his extreme vision, and sure enough he saw Lu Yan's face.

The blood and sweat on the boy's face were mixed together, and bandages were wrapped around his neck and wrists, as if he had suffered serious injuries.

Lu Shangjin didn't know either. It seemed that from a certain day, the squeamish bunny suddenly stopped being coquettish and crying, and became more tenacious and tenacious than any child of the same age that Lu Shangjin had ever seen.

He also found many young and immature faces among the fighters who dived and landed. Some of them looked as young as Lu Yan, but they were as indomitable and fearless as the battle-hardened soldiers.

The warriors flying in wingsuits reached a height and pulled out their parachutes. Hundreds of parachutes with gold patterns on a green background bloomed one after another in the air, and the three letters of IOA were clearly printed on the surface of each parachute, along with a free bird flying with wings.

After Lu Yan landed, he rushed to the front with a submachine gun, Bi Lanxing was in the middle of the team, paying attention to the situation of everyone around him.

When Xiao Xun parachuted, he jumped directly to the elevated signal tower, skillfully assembled the sniper rifle, and placed it on the gap of the steel railing, and then entered a state of motionless observation.

Domino **** the flaming butterfly wings mixed with blue patchwork, and flies from the air through the stacked helicopters and propellers, slipping the reptile's backpack in both hands, the reptile hanging in the air, holding the computer in one hand, using his M2 ability to parallel the earth The plane to pull the damage in the research institute at the moment.

"It seems that there have been many collapses and large fires inside." The reptile analyzed, "Can't break in now, wait for the experimental body inside to come out, put out the fire, and then enter."

Bi Lanxing replied: "Okay, I will report to the superior."

Domino flew in the gap between the helicopters, searched for the grass near the research institute at a high place, and suddenly found the jeep left by Bai Chunian: "It's the car in the video! The one with the hostages in it, ask for it. Going to save...will it attract the dead?"

"Don't worry about it so much, the rear protective gates of the research institute were damaged one after another, and they were about to rush out! There are still 100 meters, the speed is very fast, 50 meters, 20 meters, 5 meters! They came out!"

The airborne heavy weapons of the special forces suddenly adjusted their aiming, and turned to the side of the institute facing the sea.

He Zuo raised his right hand and commanded loudly: "Attention to identification! Prepare to shoot!"

The outermost wall of the institute by the sea suddenly collapsed into a large hole with a diameter of 20 meters, followed by deafening cracks and explosions.

The waves under the cliff were summoned, and the waves became violent and angry. When they hit the rocks, they set off thousands of waves, soared into the sky, solidified in the air, and frozen into a platform higher than the top of the building.

A shadow as white as a bright moon rushed out of the building first, drawing an arc dragging blue light from the blazing sunset. The huge and holy white lion beast, like the bright moon piercing the clouds, landed on the top of the high platform where the ocean was condensed, with a tail hanging on the tip. A dark Dead Sea heart rock bell, the sound of the bell is moving and captivating.

The white lion slowly turned around, his eyes were burning with blue flames, and two lingering blue lights were drawn as the body turned around.

He looked down at everything, opened his blood-red giant mouth and roared, and the roar that shook thousands of miles of clouds caused the helicopters arranged in the sky to be jolted and shaken by the airflow.

The experimental subjects who were chasing behind him were shocked and slowed down their pace.

The thick and fluffy mane of the white lion has grown completely, and he no longer looks immature and young, and has grown into a real male lion.

The white lion's huge mouth is slightly open, and a sapphire blue eye is inlaid on the tongue.

The body of the white lion gradually shrank, the hair disappeared, and the powerful limbs turned into a human.

The phantom white lion disappeared, and Bai Chunian sat on the high platform with his head raised, his hands on his knees, and one leg hanging in the air.

His hair turned snow-white, his eyes completely transformed into sapphire blue, and his entire body was clean. Only the Dead Sea Heart Rock collar and the shackles around his neck bound him to death.

The bright look in Bai Chunian's eyes was gone forever, and he looked forward indifferently.

The turbulent water hit the high platform where the waves condensed, and the ancient and thick whale sounded long, bringing the deep-sea question with the slow undulating tones:

"Messenger, why are you here?"

Bai Chunian raised his hand to rest on the outside of the mouth flail, and slammed it down. The Dead Sea Heart Rock snapped, and the flail and collar fell off his neck.

Bai Chunian removed the flail from his face, opened his mouth slightly, his fangs pressed against his thin lips, and the blue eyes inlaid on his tongue moved flexibly.

He choked and replied, "God, send me here."

The free body of the gods, the A3 ability "God sent me", the guiding ability, the highest ability power of the person named by the gods will evolve again, and the energy consumption will remain unchanged, and the maintenance time is determined by the gods.

The students on Aphid Island froze and looked up at the instructor on the high platform. Although they once joked and nicknamed the instructor "Ogre Lion Nemea", they never thought that the word would become a prophecy. body can be seen.

Lu Yan was also stunned by this shocking scene. Suddenly, a blue light ring appeared under his feet. He followed to the left when he walked to the left, and followed to the right when he walked to the right.

"I, I seem to have been named by him..." Lu Yan looked at his palm in disbelief, and tried to activate his M2 ability to split in four dimensions.

Immediately, Lu Yan's body erupted with a series of cross shadows, and 3,600 rabbit entities appeared on the battlefield without a sound.

The four-dimensional split of Lu Yan's M2 ability has undergone an A3-like evolution, and the ability has become a "second speed time axis". When using the ability, he can summon himself every second for one hour, and they are independent of each other, and one injury will not affect the other.

Bi Lanxing paid attention to Lu Yan at any time, and suddenly found that a blue halo appeared under his feet.

In an instant, with Bi Lanxing as the center, the wild grass in the vast wilderness grew wildly into thick vines. Bi Lanxing tried to move his fingers and found that the movements of all the plants around him were under his control.

Bi Lanxing's M2 ability has evolved into "everything grows", and any plants in his area will be under his control.

The blue circles appeared one after another at the feet of the students of Aphid Island. Tan Qing's ability to superhydrogenate was upgraded to atomic fusion, and the "joint explosion" that occurred when he merged with Tan Yang's ability evolved into a "nuclear explosion".

Xiao Xun, who was lying on the elevated and preparing to snipe, also found the blue circle of roll call that appeared under his feet. He checked his ability. The M2 ability hunting back lock has been upgraded to "Ten Ring Calibration". After the bullet hits, he will assist in the calibration range. The shooting accuracy of friendly weapons is 100% accurate.

The reptile that was pulled by Domino and floated in the air was also selected by the blue ring, and the M2 ability "parallel plane of the earth" evolved into a "parallel plane cracked version".

The reptile was shocked and tried to use the ability to pull the architectural structure in the research institute building.

At this time, the architectural drawings he extracted are no longer floor plans, but color 3D modeling drawings that can be moved. He can even directly push the furnishings in the building on the computer.

The crawler tried to click on the glass outside the research institute building on the architectural model, right-clicked, and selected "delete".

He looked up carefully and found that the decorative glass in the corresponding position outside the research institute building had disappeared.


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