MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 239

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The flower girl's head was bitten off by the flowers on the vine, and a mass of pink petals burst out from the severed neck. The spore babies on the ground smelled the blood and rushed up hungry, crawling on the flower girl with their hands and feet to eat her. Body.

Even so, the nutrients excreted by the spore babies were absorbed by the roots covered by the bottom of the flower girl's skirt, and the speed at which the flower girl was swallowed by the baby gradually couldn't keep up with the speed of her regeneration, and her head began to have a tendency to recover.

Lanbo threw out the closet, drew a Dead Sea Heart Rock dagger from the collar on Bai Chunian's neck, broke through the layers of petals, and inserted the knife into the flower girl's heart.

"slenmeikimo. (Rest in peace Rimbaud touched the wound on her heart with his left hand, and turned the dagger with his right hand, completely smashing her heart, and at the same time cutting every major artery in her.

The flower girl's body burst into a mass of blood flowers, and the wound was bitten and swallowed by the spore babies, and was finally swallowed up.

As soon as the heart of the tree dies, the whole brain melon vine begins to wither, the roots stop absorbing the excrement of the spore babies, and the branches start to wither from green to yellow from the base point of growth, and gradually wither along each branch that extends out of the room.

Rimbaud climbed to the wall, shook his body, and shook off the spore baby that had crawled on him and licked the wound. The wound cut by the petal knife was not deep and healed quickly.

Bai Chunian breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled off the little baby who couldn't get rid of Lan Bo's body: "Newton? Don't let go of someone else's wife, come down."

Rimbaud licked the wound on his shoulder: "It's not Newton. Newton has two little devil horns."

Bai Chunian grabbed the baby by the back of the neck and slid it to the front of the face for details: "Really, there are a pair of black spots on this face, is it Galileo?"

"It's Mozart."

"You can recognize it? Have a name?"


Eris picked up the petri dish that Bai Chunian threw on the ground, and inexplicably touched his chin to observe that the bottom of the petri dish had become a bright and smooth mirror, and his face was clearly discernible in the mirror.

"Why does it become a mirror?"

"Silver Mirror's reaction, I'll tell you when I go back." The puppet master habitually arranged the reagent bottles neatly, took off the rubber gloves and threw them into the medical trash can, "God makes his brain turn really fast."

Eris put the petri dish in his pocket, glanced at Bai Chunian, who was whispering to Rimbaud's cheeks, and whispered, "He will get stuck in the experimental body bug, I won't play with him anymore."

"Is the stuff in here so useful? Bring it home with decoration." Eris thought it was the magic reagents in the medicine cabinet. He took a fancy to the concentrated sulfuric acid barrel stored at the bottom of the cabinet, so he picked up the iron bucket and put it into the puppet master's apron pocket. plug.


"Okay, put it in."

The seemingly small leather apron pocket contained a pistol, a sacred clockwork, a few spore babies, and an iron barrel of concentrated sulfuric acid. From the outside, it did not seem to have changed, and there was no sign of bulging. The puppet master also Show no bearing.

Bai Chunian stayed by Lan Bo's side and helped Lan Bo lick the wound on the side of his neck, licking off the blood.

Rimbaud put his hand on his head and rubbed it hard.

"It seems that these spore babies not only eat corpses, but as long as there are wounds, they will be attracted to eat. There are so many, it is too dangerous." Bai Chunian pulled Lanbo and walked towards the elevator blocked by vines, "Go. ,hurry up."

The vines blocking the elevator became fragile because of withering, and it was much easier to cut with a knife, but due to the large number, it was still time-consuming and laborious.

Bai Chunian took a picture with a flashlight, and the vines blocked it, so he couldn't see the deepest situation, but according to his position and the building map, he could reach Ai-Lian's office by climbing down about ten floors.

Eris pointed to the flamethrower on the ground: "How about using fire."

"I don't know where the vines have grown, and rashly burning the fire may cause a fire in the whole building." Bai Chunian weighed and considered whether there was a better way. He was worried that the equipment would explode and the chain reaction would cause more trouble. .

But just as they were hesitating, a spore baby from the ceiling suddenly fell and clacked onto the switch that unplugged the flamethrower.

The raging flames sprayed out, Eris and Bai Chunian jumped up, and quickly retreated to the distance. The dry hollow vines were flammable, and the flames splashed on the vines, and quickly burned down the elevator passage, and the vines were burned. The ashes floated gently in the air, and a faint grassy scent of ashes permeated the whole body.

Although the elevator passage has been cleaned up, the elevator has been completely damaged by the brain vines and can no longer be used. There is only a bottomless vertical passage behind the elevator door.

"Hey! Fire extinguisher, bring a fire extinguisher down." Bai Chunian quickly hugged a fire extinguisher in the corner, jumped down with the flames, and climbed down the elevator rope. Eris also followed, and cursed gold The thread is wrapped around the waist to make a zipline to slide down.

The building was completely damaged by brain vines. When they went down, they only saw a whole piece of machine wreckage ignited by dry vines, which was burning with raging fire.

Bai Chunian emptied a bottle of fire extinguisher, but it was nothing but a drop in the bucket. He pushed his hands deep into the elevator entrance and shouted to Rimbaud, "Come here, I'll take you there."

Lan Bo jumped down without even thinking, threw himself into Bai Chunian's arms, curled up into a fish ball, activated the accompanying ability Rupert's Tears, and defended himself. Bai Chunian took off his bulletproof suit and wrapped the fish ball quickly. Run through the flames, dodging every piece of the charred and falling ceiling.

The vines burned much faster than he imagined, and the white spore babies on the walls were constantly scorched and stinged by the flames and appeared, and were swallowed by layers of flames. The ears were filled with the cries of babies, the roar of flames, and the roar of unknown equipment exploding. Bai Chunian could only avoid all the exits blocked by the flames, and ran at full speed into a closed corridor. .

The password lock screen of the room at the end of the corridor was on, Bai Chunian took out the ID card in his pocket, swiped Abiduo to show that he had no permission, and swiped Renault's to show that the permission passed, and the door slowly opened.

Bai Chunian ran in, the flames licked the door behind him, and was isolated from the outside by the closed metal door.

Looking around at the furnishings, there is a curved white desk in the middle of the spacious room. There is a computer on the desk, and the desk is covered with scribbled manuscripts.

There are various indications that this is Ellen's office.

According to the map, Pharmacy No. 1 is separated from Ellen's office by a wall. In addition, there is a special elevator on the wall on the right hand side of the office, which can only be opened with the iris password, so don't leave it alone for the time being.

Lan Bo stretched out his body and crawled on the wall to find the secret door. Bai Chunian was sitting at Ellen's desk. He couldn't open Ellen's computer with Renault's ID card, so he took out the decoder given by instructor K to decipher the encryption. past computer.

"I found it." Rimbaud stopped at the lower right corner of the left-hand wall, and tapped the tip of the fish's tail on the wall, "There is room here."

"Wait a minute, the password reading progress bar is still a little short."

"No hurry." Rimbaud raised his hand and hit the wall with a punch. The wall vibrated and roared, and the cobweb-like cracks hissed and split from the point where his fists landed, followed by another heavy punch, the metal wall was knocked out by two punches, and the heavy load-bearing wall was cracked by another punch.

Bai Chunian stared at the progress bar of code deciphering. There was a ping-pong sound like a construction team hired by a neighbor to work. another slice.

Before the code was deciphered, Rimbaud broke through the wall first. Tore out a large hole between the office and the No. 1 pharmacy, and climbed in.

"You are too fast." Bai Chunian followed closely and got in.

At the same time as they entered the pharmacy, Eris squeezed in through the small window, then switched places with the puppet master, replaced the puppet master, and climbed in again.

The hem of the puppet master's trench coat was still burning with sparks, which he swayed twice to extinguish it.

The scene in the pharmacy was contrary to their imagination. The freezer used to store the pharmacy was empty and was emptied, leaving only a few scattered pharmacies.

Several people searched the pharmacy cabinet, and finally found a box of injection needles containing red synephrine, a total of six.

The four looked at each other, their thoughts were different, and their eyes flashed.

Rimbaud and the puppet master glanced at each other, stretched out his hand at the same time, and held the injection incubator firmly. Rimbaud raised his eyes, his narrow and upward eyes staring fiercely at the puppet master, and his sapphire blue pupils slightly moved upwards. Move: "Aren't you looking for a battle chip?"

The puppet master's face is indifferent, but his hands are not loose at all: "Aren't you trying to rescue IOA's undercover agent?"

The medicine box was pressed on the table and pulled back and forth in their hands. Bai Chunian flipped onto the table, and the lion's tail was raised high to maintain balance. The bell at the end jingled. He quickly skipped the table and grabbed the medicine box. Entangled by a ball of cursed golden threads falling from the sky, Eris grabbed the golden thread and pulled it back, dragging Bai Chunian away from the puppet master. Bai Chunian crawled forward with his hands on the ground, but he couldn't break free from the materialized body. The cursed golden thread was pulled back by Eris inch by inch, leaving six long paw prints on the ground.

"What's the use of you wanting this..." Bai Chunian gritted his teeth and struggled with the cursed golden thread wrapped around him.

Eris gritted his teeth and dragged him desperately: "I...don't know...Knicks said it was useful...I'm going to grab..."

The puppet master stared at the collar on Bai Chunian's neck, and suddenly woke up, the corners of his lips raised: "Bai Chunian, you have entered the stage of evil, right, you have been injected with synephrine, and you are relying on medicine to maintain your senses, so Don't you dare to take off the collar no matter what?"

Bai Chunian's eyes changed slightly. Although he immediately realized the change in his expression and put away his strange eyes, he was still caught by the puppet master. The puppet master sneered, "Eris, kill him."

"Does he dare?" Rimbaud was angry, the fish tail suddenly turned red, grabbed the puppeteer's neck, and hit it to the ground. The glands ripped and grabbed his hands, and the puppet master desperately supported Rimbaud's arm against the long, pointed nails that he was about to stab deep into his neck.

Rimbaud turned back and threatened Eris: "Let go of him, or this human will immediately burst blood."

Eris really hesitated to step back.


A woman's shrill laughter came from the computer in the next office.

Bai Chunian looked up and found that there was a surveillance camera above the No. 1 pharmacy warehouse. The camera was facing them, and the red light that was dimly lit up showed that it was working.

The computer on the desk in the office didn't know when it started to turn in the opposite direction, and the screen was facing them.

On the screen, Ellen was sitting in the swivel chair with a glass of red wine. Her red lips made her even more coquettish and gorgeous. She smiled and watched the four of them, as if she had witnessed the whole battle.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Ai Lian put down the red wine and clapped her hands gently, "He De He Neng, let the most powerful messengers and drivers perform this comedy for me, but unfortunately the magic messenger is not here, otherwise it will be much more exciting. Maybe He's smarter than you."

Ai Lian laughed loudly: "God, curse, you are the children I created with my own hands, and you will come back to me after going around. I only regret that I did not enter the fate-recognition program in your battle chip, you will not. It's going to be where it is today."

"Let's show you something good." Ellen's image was blurred and closed, and another image window was opened.

In the image taken by the drone, the Snow White Castle is being attacked by a large number of undead summons, and the strange bones lead the experimental subjects and guard puppets in the Snow White Castle to resist.

When the puppet master entrusted the Snow White Castle to Qi Shenggu, the arrogant woman rolled her eyes and said she didn't care.

In the cruel shot, the woman's skirt has been torn to pieces, lying on the ground with one hand supporting her body, raising her **** right hand, clutching the gun tightly, and shooting at the summoning body of the undead at the front, Jin Lanhuahua The splendid gorgeous tail feathers spread out, guarding the gate behind him.

Another video file was also opened. It is a bird's-eye view of the city of Aphid. Countless undead summons are walking and destroying the city. Civilians are fleeing in the driveway. A series of car accidents occur one after another. The army and police cars are opening fire to resist and evacuate citizens. , the whole city was soaked in the smoke of gunfire.

The image suddenly closed, and Ellen's face reappeared on the screen.

"Gentlemen. My lifelong dream was to make the rich and powerful all over the world go crazy for my masterpiece, and I got it. Everyone is crazy about my product, including you who want to get rid of me." Ellen chuckled, "I dedicate my life to the earth and human science. This is a height that you can't understand. Don't you hurry back and be the savior?"

The puppet master's face was calm, but his breathing became heavy, and his eyes gradually became gloomy.

Bai Chunian clenched his fists fiercely, grabbed the medicine box, there were six in total, divided three of them into his pocket, and then threw the box to the puppet master.

"Enough. Get Ellen out."

two days ago.

In Bai Chunian's resident apartment.

Lu Yan woke up from the drowsiness caused by the hypnotic gas, rubbed his dim eyes, and staggered to get up, only to see Bi Lanxing's lonely back at the coffee table.

Lu Yan looked around, the windows were all opened to ventilate, but Bai Chunian and Lan Bo were nowhere to be seen, so he became anxious, ran over to grab Bi Lanxing's shoulder, and asked in a panic, "Where are they?"

Bi Lanxing took out the ATC ATC that he picked up on the ground and placed it in front of Lu Yan: "Let's go, about thirty minutes."

Lu Yan's eyes widened: "You said, you said you wouldn't let them go. They are going to the headquarters of the research institute. You said that you would find a way, and we will all follow, right? In time!"

Bi Lanxing shook his head and handed Lu Yan the note that was unfolded in his hand: "Brother Chu knows that I am awake."

The letter was written in Bai Chunian's words, and the strokes were clear and correct.

"Little devils, I know what you're thinking, don't think I'm rude, reality won't be like a hot-blooded comic, you won't be able to achieve miracles by going forward with courage, and if you are below A3 level, if you want to help me, you will die. Just stay in Aphid City and do what you have to do.

Lan Xing, I have resigned as the chief of the search section, and a new senior will take my place, but I have already recommended you to the team leader in writing, with my badge at the end.

Your mission is more important than my life, please be sure to defend the city and residents for the president while I am away until the president returns.

Oh, maybe I'm overestimating you guys, if you wake up and see this letter after I've been gone for three days, then I didn't say it, **** dim sum, taught in vain for years, it's useless, **** it. "

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