MTL - The Evil Imperial Monarch-Chapter 6546 frank

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When Chen Ling heard the words, he looked at the elder, but he didn’t expect that the elder had not dealt with the murder, but instead questioned him, he knew that he underestimated Ye Chu’s weight in the heart of the elder. Chen Ling's heart trembled when he thought of this. Master won't expel him from the teacher's door, because then he would really become the laughing stock of Xingyue Sect.

Chen Ling said in trepidation, "Master disciple knows that he is wrong, and I ask Master to punish him. No matter what Master disciples deal with, he will never complain."

The elder nodded in his heart when he heard this. It seems that Chen Ling still knew the seriousness of the matter. Although this incident was a conflict between Ye Chu and Liu Tong, he also saw the crisis of Chao Yuefeng from it, especially Chen Ling secretly and privately. There are already signs of provoking Liu Tong, so he wants to take this opportunity to beat Chen Ling, and at the same time warn those who are restless.

The elder sighed when he saw Chen Ling now bowing his head and confessing his mistake. He was really afraid that Chen Linghui would be dissatisfied. In that case, he would really have to clean up the door himself. If it were to that point, it would be truly sad!

Then he said: "Chen Ling, you are a direct disciple of this seat, so you should lead by example. Who knows that you have secretly formed a gang, which caused the disciples of Chaoyuefeng to be ununited. It is unforgivable, but I think that you are still very young. You still need to exercise lightheartedness, so I will punish you to be a pill-refining boy for Ye Chu to see the after-effects. If you don't repent, I will expel you from the teacher."

Chen Ling almost slumped to the ground when he heard Master’s words, but fortunately, Master only asked him to make Ye Chu a pill-refining boy, and did not kill him completely. He was relieved and hurriedly assured the elder: "Thank you, Master. Respect, the disciple must follow the instructions of the teacher and change his past mistakes. If he commits another crime, the disciple would rather apologize with death."

"Chen Ling, you made a lot of mistakes this time, but for the sake of our masters and apprentices for so many years, this seat gives you a chance. I hope you can keep it in your heart." The elder really values ​​this disciple and can't bear him to leave. On the detour, couldn't help but remind again.

"I," Chen Ling's eyes were red when he heard the words. He knew that Master was caring about him, and he really regretted the mistakes he had done under the honorary seat of Master over the years. So I vowed in my heart that I would never fail Master's instructions.

"Master Ye, I wonder if you are satisfied with this kind of treatment?" Then the Great Elder asked Ye Chu.

Ye Chu rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and when the old guy really punished his disciple, letting him be his refining tube was clearly rewarding Chen Ling, but Ye Chu did not refute the great elder. He was just a guest in Xingyue Sect. The relationship between the two parties has froze, and with Chen Ling's insights to learn something from him, it is better to sell his personal affection.

Seeing that all of Ye Chu and the Great Elder who left, all secretly wiped out the cold sweat. Since the Great Elder didn't fall out with Ye Chu in public, he knew that this incident was over. The only pity was that Liu Tongbai died.

Everyone recalled Ye Chu's madness when he murdered. Everyone felt cold. From now on, they had listed Ye Chu as an unprovokable object. They didn't want to follow in Liu Tong's footsteps.

The turmoil dissipated, and Ye Chu's position in the eyes of all Chaoyuefeng disciples was even more noble. Just because he killed Liu Tong unscathed, we can see his weight in the hearts of several big brothers. If there is no need to believe that no one will not open their eyes. Is looking for a dead end.

Ye Chu followed the great elder to his other courtyard, only to hear the great elder sigh: "Master Ye has seen everything about Chaoyue Peak."

Ye Chu nodded. He was once the overlord. He could feel an unusual atmosphere for Chaoyuefeng and even Xingyue Sect. The Xingyue Sect, who looked normal on the surface, could find the strangeness after careful taste. Even a person who just entered Xingyue Sect can feel abnormal, it seems that Xingyue Sect is really going to be in big trouble.

After a while, the great elder said: "I have been in Xingyue Sect for many years. I don't know when the taste of Xingyue Sect has changed. If it hadn't been for this time, Man Xinghai and they were assassinated, we would not have discovered the problem. Although the peak master wanted to rectify Chaoyue Peak, he found that he did not know where to start.

At this time, you suddenly appeared, and some of our inconveniences had to be dealt with by the master's hands, so we hope that the master will not be offended. "

A trace of surprise flashed in Ye Chu's eyes. He did not expect that Sect Master Xingyue would have such a meaning in arranging him to fall towards Yuefeng. But he wasn't angry. Didn't he also want to use his own power to rectify Xingyue Sect? Right now, he just used each other, and when Ye Chu opened in the future, there would be no guilt in his heart.

As for someone from Xingyue Sect against him, Ye Chu would not let go of anyone who was hostile to him. Whoever dared to get ahead would chop him off. "Why don't you see Man Xinghai and them?"

"He's in retreat." After the elder said, there was a glimmer of expectation on his face. It seems that many people in the Xingyue Sect have placed heavy responsibility on Man Xinghai. If Man Xinghai can retreat and break through their troubles of Xingyue Sect this time It will be much less.

"Retreat?" Ye Chu was taken aback when he heard this. No wonder they haven't heard from him since they separated at the inn.

"Actually, Man Xinghai went out this time to rescue my fellow junior and the alchemist with the highest alchemy of the Xingyue Sect, but I didn’t know that this was a secret temptation from us, but I didn’t expect those people to be frantically surrounded by others on the way. Kill, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to return to Xingyue Sect."

Ye Chu heard the words of the elder, and realized why the elder had such an attitude toward him when they first met, but just wanted to test whether he really helped Man Xinghai, and Ye Chu's affection for the elder rose a lot.

So he said: "So the Great Elder and Sect Master think this matter has something to do with Xingyue Sect?"

The elder said: "My junior went out here and was seriously injured, and something changed the night he came back, which means that he must know the inside story of the incident, and the people behind the scenes had to kill people to prevent the news from leaking out."

"Assassination!" Ye Chu tentatively said.

"It's poisoning. Although the cultivation base of this seat is not high, there is still Lord Sect Master in Yuezong Peak. It is impossible to hide any disturbance from his ears. Moreover, he was poisoned and died when we discovered my junior brother." The elder angrily said.

Ye Chu frowned. Every alchemy master knew everything about elixir. Anyone who wanted to hide from a master alchemy master had successfully poisoned it was impossible, and it was not easy for the other party to be able to see behind the scenes. "Then I don't know what the Great Elder needs me to do?"

The Great Elder looked at Ye Chu with a strange expression and said, "What do you think you need to do?"

Ye Chu burst into laughter after hearing this. He himself is an anomaly. As long as he is placed on the bright side, it is enough to attract everyone's attention.