MTL - The Evil Imperial Monarch-Chapter 6543 Find fault

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"Dangdangdang" The next day Ye Chu heard a knock on the door as soon as he got up. After Ye Chu opened the courtyard door, he saw a young man in his twenties standing outside. Ye Chu asked: "Who are you?"

"You are Ye Chu. I am Chen Ling, the disciple of the Great Elder. It was your dispatch after my master asked me to come over." Chen Ling looked at Ye Chu with disdainful eyes and said arrogantly. Ye Chu looked at Chen Ling's arrogant expression in his heart. This great elder was really thinking about taking advantage of him all the time. Now he even sent his own disciples to fight against him. However, looking at Chen Ling like this, the thought of the great elder might be In vain


Ye Chu just wanted to know about Chaoyuefeng's situation, so he nodded and said: "I want to turn around Chaoyuefeng and just lack a guide. Since you are here, you will do it for you."

"Huh?" Chen Qing looked at Ye Chu with a puzzled look. He wondered if he had found the wrong person. "Are you really Ye Chu?"

"Why, didn't the Great Elder let you come?" Ye Chu looked back at Chen Ling and said. When Chen Ling rolled his eyes, he was sent by his master early in the morning to wait for dispatch. To put it bluntly, he was to be a medicine concoction boy for Master Ye Chu. This incident has already made him very upset. In his capacity, he walked sideways in Xingyue Sect. No problem, now let

Wouldn't he make people laugh to death when he went out as a refining boy?

What made him even more unexpected was that the alchemy master in the master's mouth turned out to be a young man not much older than him. If he did not understand the nature of the master, he would doubt whether he was lying to him, or that his master was deceived. "Are you sure you are Ye Chu?" Looking at Ye Chu's calm expression, Chen Ling was not calm. He suppressed the anger at Ye Chu and glanced at Ye Chu severely, then turned away. Secretly said in his heart: "You are here to make a fat man with a swollen face,

After a while your true shape will be revealed, I see how you are still mixing in Chaoyue Peak. "

Ye Chu didn't stop Chen Ling from leaving. He needed an obedient guide instead of a babysitter. Ye Chu, who was watching Chen Ling leaving, also turned and left the courtyard.

"Brother Chen, who is this person!" asked Ye Chu, a disciple of Chaoyuefeng who had been friends with Chen Ling, who followed Chen Ling. "His name is Ye Chu, but we are the new'Great Alchemist' from Chaoyuefeng." Chen Ling deliberately said loudly to the disciples. Especially the words of Great Alchemist are extremely important. He deliberately wanted everyone to hear, only more people came to surround

Guan, it was time to expose Ye Chu's true face and make him embarrassed in public. "He is Ye Chu? The alchemy master who asked the Great Elder to ask himself yesterday." The disciples suddenly woke up. "Oh my God! Yesterday you heard that he passed the assessment of the Great Elder. This incident has caused a sensation in our Xingyue Sect.

. "

"That's not right, Ye Chu only came to us at Chaoyue Peak for a few days. Even if he was a genius in cultivation before, what does it have to do with alchemy? And the elder personally assesses it. What are you kidding?" someone deliberately cooperated.

The most powerful person on Chaoyue Peak is the peak master, but if the most severe is the Great Elder, every time anyone fails the test, the scene is quite hot and sour. Therefore, all Chaoyue Peak disciples will not involuntarily mention the Great Elder. The body shook.

Ye Chu, who was just a few days ago, passed the assessment of the great elder, and even the great elder warmly entertained him.

Only for a while, all the disciples who knew that Ye Chu passed the examination heard the sound and gathered around to see Ye Chu's true face. Ye Chu turned a blind eye to these people and wandered alone on Chaoyue Peak.

Seeing more and more disciples of Chaoyue Peak behind him, Chen Ling was quite satisfied. You Ye Chu’s Xingyue Sect will entertain guests, and you are still Chaoyuefeng’s most promising great alchemist. Waiting for me to expose your mask. Time I see how you step down.

After turning around for a while, Ye Chu found that there were more and more people behind him. He was not used to being regarded as a monkey onlookers, so he stopped a Chaoyuefeng disciple and asked, "This junior, I don’t know Chaoyuefeng’s elixir. Where do I need to pick it up?"

The man was stopped by Ye Chu suddenly, and then he gave Ye Chu a guide to the location of Ling Caotang. Ye Chu thanked him and left.

Chen Ling heard that Ye Chu wanted to go to the Lingcaotang, so he whispered to the people around him and left. Chen Qing looked at Ye Chu who was going to the Lingcaotang with a sneer.

"Excuse me, where is the principal of Lingcaotang?" Ye Chu came to the Lingcaotang to look around, and asked the middle-aged who was sitting next to him enjoying the coolness.

"I am Liu Tong, who are you, what can I do?" The middle-aged man didn't even look at Ye Chu.

Ye Chu looked at Liu Tong's brow on the reclining chair next to him, and then said, "You are the principal of Ling Caotang. I will come here to get some elixir for alchemy by the order of the great elder. Please do it for convenience. "You are Ye Chu?" Liu Tong looked at Ye Chu and said disdainfully: "You are not a character with three heads and six arms, why are you upset in the Xingyue Sect, do you think you can't hold it outside? My Ling Caotang is here.


Liu Tong didn’t catch a cold to Ye Chu. It’s fine for an outsider to stir up the wind and rain. Now he has found him on his head. Especially when I heard that yesterday’s assessment, the elders all made me want to see him. Liu Tong felt very unhappy. Liu Tong didn't know how much he was older than Ye Chu, but he was still an inner disciple of the Xingyue Sect, so why could an ant get the attention of so many people of Xingyue Sect. He happened to find an opportunity to give Ye Chu some power, but he didn’t expect Ye Chu to be so fast.

It's delivered to the door, if you want the elixir to dream.

Ye Chu looked at Liu Tong's attitude, how could he not know what he thought, this is really difficult for Yan Wang to see a kid, but some people think that he is a soft persimmon and everyone wants to squeeze it, then he has miscalculated.

Ye Chu said, "Master Liu, since you are the principal of Lingcaotang, you should know the order of the great elder and please make it convenient."

"Master Ye Chu, you just arrived at Chaoyue Peak. I am afraid that you don't know much about the situation here. The panacea hall is short of manpower, so I am afraid that there are not so many panacea for the master to practice. Why don't you come back after waiting for a while." All smiles squinted. Ye Chu already knew that Liu Tong was deliberately trying to pinch him today, and he knew that he must have passed the limelight during this period of time, so someone wanted to trouble him. And as long as Ye Chu is still in Xingyue Sect for one day, things like today will continue

It happened, in order to have such trouble in the future, Ye Chu decided to kill the chicken and curse the monkey.

Ye Chu said, "You just said that Master Liu is not without the elixir, although it is acceptable for me to have less! So please trouble Master Liu and take out my share." Liu Tong looked at Ye Chu. I don't know how to advance or retreat, so he said with a cold face: "Master Ye, did you not understand, I said that Lingcaotang has no elixir today and there will be no elixir in the future, you know?

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