MTL - The Evil Imperial Monarch-Chapter 6535 War

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"Huh, these people really don't give up." Man Xinghai exhaled after killing a few people again.

Ni Canghai was sitting on the ground with a pale face and now he didn't even have the strength to speak. They killed six waves of chasing and killing in a day, even the iron man would be exhausted.

"It won't work like this and what we kill is just some small shrimps. Then we will be in a more dangerous situation." Yi Canghai said after a short break.

I pondered for a while and said, "I haven't been forced to such a situation for many years. Since they are looking for death, I will give them a gift."

When Man Xinghai heard Ye Chu’s words, there was an inexplicable fear in their hearts. The Ye Chu they saw was scary enough. They really didn’t know what Ye Chu would do when they were angry. Their control.

"Don't you want to relieve Xingyuezong's pressure?" Ye Chu said as he looked at the two. When the two heard Ye Chu’s words, their hearts were suddenly awe-inspiring. At this time, you don’t need to think about Ye knowing the pressure that Xingyue Sect is facing. Even if Wei Wuya dare not really hit Xingyue Sect, who knows what those brave fanatics will do? Since these people are like

Don't blame them for making trouble with them. At the same time, you are also curious about what hole cards Ye Chu has in his hand.

Funiu Mountain is an unknown hill. No one knows this place except for some ordinary people nearby, but there are countless immortal killers here overnight, all of whom are tracking Ye Chu.

Yi Canghai and the two looked at Ye Chu who was sitting on the side and adjusting his breath. They didn't know what Ye Chu had set up on this hill. Ye Chu stopped until dawn.

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a tremor in the space, and I saw a figure falling from the sky.

Yi Canghai looked up, only to feel that there was a fierce beast standing in front of him, and his breath was overwhelmed by the momentum of a mountain.

Half-step holy king strong! Yi Canghai sighed: "Tonight is probably the most difficult day."

"Hand over the spirit fire." Wu Tianji's arduous voice was like two tiles rubbing, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing that Ye Chu didn't move, Wu Tianji was furious that such a young man dared to ignore him, raised his hand and hit Ye Chu.

Seeing Wu Tianji's hands, Yi Canghai's complexion changed. The saint king was one step beyond the scope of ordinary immortals. Watching Wu Tianji's fallen palms on the hill, the wind and clouds changed color and felt like a starry sky was spinning.

See Ye Chu who was still motionless. Yi Canghai gritted their teeth and could only step forward to stop the palm for Ye Chu.

It was only when Yi Canghai and the others really faced Wu Tianji that they felt the horror of each other. Facing the slowly falling palm, Yi Canghai felt like the world would break and the ground would die at any time. At this moment, an aura suddenly rose from Ye Chu's body, which offset Wu Tianji's terrifying aura. Yi Canghai thought that Ye Chu had woke up and immediately separated from the two. Looking back, I saw Ye Chu still sitting there and moving

Not moving, just fighting against Wu Tianji by virtue of his mind.

Wu Tianji was also taken aback when he saw Ye Chu's sudden burst of momentum. He thought that the other party was a master of the same level as him, so his attitude also converged, because he was uncertain about the depth of Ye Chu's face and hesitated.

At this moment, the power of the foggy form in Ye Chu's body was rapidly circulating in the meridians. If it weren't for the arrival of Ye Chu's enemy, he would have merged with the phantom in the Tai Chi picture at this time, and he would come and go freely in the chaos.

Ye Chu opened his eyes and saw two rays of light burst out, Wu Tianji also felt that he was piercing his soul with two daggers, and he was a little bit jealous of Ye Chu in his heart.

Ye Chu looked at Wu Tianji in front of him, Ye Chu felt a great deal of pressure since Rang Tianji appeared, but after this breakthrough, his spirit was also a lot stronger again, so he could resist Wu Tianji's powerful aura.

"Nine Nether Phoenix Palm!" Ye Chu screamed on the ground and his figure suddenly violently rushed towards Wu Tianji with a fierce howling sound. The whole movement was lightning fast, and even Yi Canghai did not react. "Junior is rampant!" Wu Tianji was also startled by Ye Chu's speed. After reacting, he became more angry, so he raised his hand and collided with Ye Chu's palm. As soon as the two of them touched and opened with great speed, there was a muffled sound, followed by a

The air wave spread, and the two men's clothes blew and hunted.

Wu Tianji looked at Ye Chu with a cold expression: "Junior good means, even this seat was almost fooled by you, but even if you have a thousand means, this seat will have to extract the spirit fire from your body today."

Wu Tianji had already known Ye Chu's true strength in his hands, and the secret path almost suffered a big loss in the hands of the juniors. Wouldn't it be laughed to death if he passed out, so at this moment he couldn't frustrate Ye Chu.

"The Rats who are in danger, die!" Ye Chu didn't bother to talk nonsense with these guys who took advantage of the fire to kill Wu Tianji directly.

"Junior with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, really overwhelming!" Wu Tianji looked at Ye Chu with a sneer, and shouted: "Look at fist!" Although Wu Tianji is a casual cultivator, he is also a half-step saint king. , Who would have thought that in Ye Chu’s eyes, he would turn into a thirsty little boy who took advantage of the fire, of course, no one would admit that in the world of cultivation, no one would care.

What methods did he use in the process, so instead of making him angry, Wei Mingdao's words revealed Ye Chu's naivety.

"Nine Nether Phoenix Palm!" Although Ye Chu has not advanced yet, his use of the law is more subtle. The black and red palm prints seem to be intermingled with a burning world, like a falling fire from the sky and Wu Tianji's palm. Collide together.

The black flames collided with the bluish-white sound of the wind, and the brilliant rays of light intertwined, stirring up the boundless air current on this hill, like a raging wind instantly destroying everything around it, leaving a mess on the ground where the storm passed.

"Peng!" There was a huge explosion, and the two figures withdrew from the smoke five feet apart and stared at each other. After this fight, Wu Tianji really took a look at Ye Chuling. Although his cultivation was only half-footed into the Saint King Realm, he could use various techniques to cancel out the excess power. This way he still Seeing it for the first time, no wonder

He was able to kill so many pursuers in one day, so he had the idea of ​​cutting the grass and eradicating the extinct troubles.

The two people moved vertically and horizontally on the top of the mountain, and the wide space allowed them to exert their full strength. There was a lot of rocks during the battle, and the two Yi Canghai also avoided far away from the mountain. However, Yi Canghai quickly ran into other chasers from down the mountain, and without Ye Chu's help, they could only fight alone. Fortunately, the mountain roads are narrow. Even though there are many people, they can’t use their advantages.

Nor does it work.

Suddenly, Ye Chu stood still and shot two bright lights in his eyes. Two figures appeared in his eyes and slammed towards Wu Tianji. Wu Tianji was taken aback when he saw it, and then the situation changed and he found that he was already in a strange space. "Divine consciousness?" Wu Tianji, as a half-step saint king, can naturally distinguish the situation. When he saw Ye Chu's divine consciousness, he cried out: "How can you have such a strong divine consciousness?"

Read The Duke's Passion