MTL - The Evil Imperial Monarch-Chapter 6522 Get off the horse

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"Michar! Why are you here?" Phelps shrugged off the grass and exclaimed when he saw that the six people behind the grass were all children of Murphy's Holy Land. "What's the matter, you are all injured?" Phelps saw the six people lying on the ground from behind, their complexion suddenly gloomy. Judging from their situation, the situation of the six people is quite bad, if not for today They Michael this

Some people will die here, which is a big blow to their holy land.

Phelps said: "Don't talk, we won't let you accidentally happen." Then he greeted the five people behind him to give them medicine and bandage.

After dealing with everyone, Phelps said: "Your situation is very bad. We can only temporarily stabilize their injuries. I am afraid that only Master Ye Chu can make a complete recovery."

Michael turned his head and glanced at the six people on the ground. They now have an extra account with the people in the Hades Palace. These people have been abandoned by them, so they must be responsible.

"Where is Master Ye now?" Michael asked. Two days later, the six people of Michael finally stabilized their injuries. After their narration, they realized that they were really abandoned by the people of the Hades. The moths knew that they were not opponents of those monsters at all, so they wanted to let them go. rescue

Those disciples of the Hades Palace that had been lost caused them to encounter a large number of monsters, and instead of saving those people, they almost fold themselves in.

Ye Chu said: ‘Don’t worry, we will get back this account in the Holy Land sooner or later. "Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Although they didn't know Ye Chu's record in Netherworld, they knew Ye Chu's brilliance in the martial arts competition. At this moment, Ye Chu is the backbone of their hearts, and their strength to Ye Chu is still Very much

Confident, as long as Ye Chu personally rescues nothing that can't be done, the people in Hades will definitely pay the price for their actions. "But I heard that something went wrong inside the Holy Land, so they didn't come to participate in this siege at all this time." The eyes of everyone was a little dim when they heard the words, and they all heard about Murphy's Holy Land. Ye Chu

Even with great strength, it can't quench the near thirst.

Phelps laughed and said: "Those are just minor problems. Our Holy Land has already solved them. You just need to rest assured and heal your wounds."

Ye Chu waved his hand and said, "Now you can go back, and I will take care of the rest."

Phelps opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but finally gave up the plan in his heart. With their strength, staying here would only become a burden to Ye Chu, and there were people like Michael and others to escort, so he planned to leave first.

After Phelps left, Ye Chu came to the outside of the Shenyue Mountain Range. As soon as they approached the camp, they were discovered by the patrolling disciples. "Whoever dares to approach our station, don't blame us for being impolite if you keep on saving it."

Ye Chu swaggered out and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone, I'm Ke Qing from Murphy's Holy Land. I heard that the Palace of Hades was besieged by monsters, so I came to support me."

The disciples of the Hades Palace also looked at Ye Chu strangely after hearing this. The support of other holy places also brought thousands of disciples, but now Murphy's holy land has come to Ye Chu, and it is what the strength of the saint’s early stage can do .

However, just to be cautious, the man said: "You wait a moment here, I will inform you now." Everyone in the camp is discussing how to destroy the monsters. It is strange to receive the report from the outside. The elder Tai Shang sneered: "Murphy's Holy Land is really unpopulated. It would be a must to send such a small shrimp.

I look down on our holy places too much. "

Others also agreed very much, thinking that the people in Murphy’s Holy Land are too big, and sending these people here is obviously to look down on them and should not let them in.

The city lord of Enze City said: "Everyone, please calm down your anger. Anyway, it is the kindness of Murphy's Holy Land. We will invite them in first before talking." So he ordered Yue Qingfeng, his subordinate, to greet them. When Yue Qingfeng came to the front and saw Ye Chu who was in front of him, his pupils shrank. He once had a face-to-face with Ye Chu, but the other party left him a very deep impression, especially his tyrannical combat power. Compared with the Supreme Elder

It's not as good. It's not expensive. What makes him wonder is that Ye Chu didn't go to Netherworld, why did he suddenly appear here.

"Young Master knows these people?" Seeing Yue Qingfeng's expression, the elders of Enze City couldn't help but ask.

Yue Qingfeng said: "Of course I know, this is not a simple character, even if compared with the elders inside, it is no wonder that the people in Murphy's Holy Land dare to send only these people."

The people behind Yue Qingfeng were shocked when he heard the words. They didn't know what the identity of the person came. They were able to make their young master so important and directly lift him to such a high position.

Yue Qingfeng stepped forward and said with a smile: "Master Ye said goodbye that day. I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

"It turns out that it is an honor to have Brother Lao Yue greet Ye in person." Ye Chu said.

Yue Qingfeng said: "Master Ye is polite. If we don't even ignore Master Ye's visit, it would be too eye-catching. If there is anything in Master Ye, let's go in and talk." Ye Chu followed Yue Qingfeng and his party into the big tent, but instead It was Yue Qingfeng, Manchester United and Ye Chu, who looked like a junior welcoming a respected person. Yue Qingfeng's respectful attitude aroused everyone's curiosity, and they were investigating Ye Chu.


When he came to the gate of the big tent, Ye Chu did not hesitate to follow Yue Qingfeng toward the inside of the hall. As soon as Ye Chu walked into the hall, he felt a strong pressure, and the mountains rushed towards Ye Chu like a tsunami.

Ye Chu's eyes swept across everyone's faces, and the folding fan in his hand clasped his fists and said to the city lord of Enze: "Murphy's holy land guest Ye Chu has seen the city lord and the holy lords." From beginning to end, it seemed that the pressure did not exist.

The eyes of everyone looking at Ye Chu were full of surprise. They all pressed Ye Chu just now. At least their aura was like they had encountered a tough rock. They couldn't shake Ye Chu at all, and they all guessed Ye Chu's strength. .

"Master Ye, we finally met again. Fellow Daoists have come from afar, and I am grateful for Enze City, please sit down!" said City Lord Enze. City Lord Enze has been looking at Ye Chu since he came in. Facing dozens of Saint Master level powerhouses without changing his face, few people can match this courage and calmness, but he felt a little embarrassed when he spoke to Ye Chu. Ye Chu was neither the elder of Murphy’s Holy Land, nor was he a saint, so he had no choice but to call Ye Chu a friend.

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