MTL - The Evil Imperial Monarch-Chapter 11 Attitude change

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Liang Shanqing couldn't help but let Su Rong, who made the tea, also slammed the action. The beautiful woman turned to Ye Chu, and she was also curious. This time I saw Ye Chu, but it is very different from the past. She also wants to know what kind of experience Ye Chu has in the past three years!

"Walking in the world for 100,000 miles, I will only do good deeds! I am anxious to help people, and it is my motto for good, and evil is my life creed. I have been doing good things for three years. Leave a name!" Ye Chu said very seriously.


In a word, not only did Pang Shao not hold back, even Su Rong and others did not hold back. The wine and tea in the mouth were sprayed out, and the body could not help but shudder. One by one stunned and looked at Ye Chu, wanted to see if Ye Chu had blush, but they were disappointed, and Ye Chu’s thick skin was not visible.

Liang Shan couldn’t hear her ears. A character who was famous in the city of Yucheng for passing the street mouse actually threatened Jiang’s good career. If he was shameless, if he was heard by the people of Yucheng, would he drown the leaves with sputum? Chu?

Pang Shao even snorted. He followed Ye Chu and did a few things. Ye Chu’s despicableness has long been seen. He can actually say in front of him that he has only been so shameless for three years. Pang Shao thinks that His Royal Highness is also reasonable for him to look at him. After all, he can't reach such a shameful realm.

Su Rong and Zhang Suer looked at each other. The faces of the two men were red, and they were dyed with a layer of color. They added a bit of intoxicating beauty. From the population of the whole city called the scum, they said that they should do good deeds. The creed, Su Rong suspects that the river will not be poured, the world will not be reversed! After three years, Su Rong felt that Ye Chu was not shameless, but she had no face at all!

"What? You don't believe, you don't know, everyone outside is calling me a gentleman, a saint, I..."

"Trust! Letter!" Ye Chu still wants to say something, Pang Shao and Liang Shan quickly interrupted. They can't listen to it, and then listen to Ye Chu's disgusting shame, and really can't help but be violent.

"Have you used to be a city man?" After Pang Shao was stunned by Ye Chu, he couldn't help but get excited. "I have never known your roots before. Now I can finally dig out some."

Pang Shao is somewhat excited. The identity of Ye Chu is very mysterious. He is still quite deep in contact with Ye Chu. However, the understanding of Ye Chu is still covered with a layer of yarn. Now that Ye Chu is a Yucheng person, maybe he can dig out something.

Ye Chu sees Pang Shao, and there is still no idea what Pang Shao thinks. But Ye Chu’s heart is very disdainful, thinking that in Yucheng, he can at most hear his infamous reputation, but the other can’t find out.

Three years ago, Ye Chu was driven out of Yucheng by Ye Jiaxuan, and he had another chance. In the past three years, there have been no less than 100,000 miles of travel, and there have been many, because some special people have put a layer of mystery on him. One of the things that Pang Shao people want to do most is to dig out. His roots, but each time ended in failure, so they are very unwilling.

"It seems that you are not in the status of Yucheng? Hey! Even the jumping clowns like Fang Xinyuan dare to lie in front of you!" Pang Shao said with amazement, "I will be your ability! Don't say Fang Xinyuan, even if Fang Xinyuan is old. All the time, you must respect you."

Pang Shao's careless words made Liang Shan and Su Rong puzzled. What do you think Ye Chu has? Does he have a hand to remove the evil? Is there any other skill! Fang Tianhou is a very famous figure in Yucheng, and he is unruly. He is only respectful to Wang in the whole city. Pang Shao actually said that Fang Tianhou would like to respect Ye Chu, he is laughing?

Seeing that Su Rong and Zhang Suer’s nephew had some disdain, they knew that the two women thought that Pang Shao was telling a big story for himself. Ye Chu smiled and did not explain, and reached out and took over the tea that Su Rong had just brewed and said to Su Rong: "Su Xiaorong! How about we open a teahouse in the future? You make tea, I collect the money!"

Liang Shan heard Ye Chu’s words were almost not picked up. I wonder if you would go to tea in the teahouse? It’s fine for you! What's more, will Su Rong open a fart teahouse with you? This time, if it wasn’t for Ponsau’s sake, let’s not drink her tea, and she didn’t even have the chance to make tea.

"Ye Chu really is still a thief is not dead, remember Su Rong!" Liang Shan feels that Ye Chuzhen is doing daydreaming more, Su Rong and Pang Shao are afraid to touch, he actually hopes.

Su Rong was not happy, and turned to look at Pang Shao: "Pang Gongzi, tea is also drunk, accompanied by. We can go?"

"No hurry!" Pang Shao smiled, not paying attention to the cold eyes of the two women, watching Ye Chu said, "Star Brake you take over and do not take over? Handle the treasurer has done this for a long time, you will not say no matter what! Your Highness You won't really see it?"

"Of course!" Ye Chuli said of course, "Nature does not matter!"

"Bastard!" Pang Shao finally couldn't help but stunned. He could actually say that he was so righteous. Did he forget that the Star Brake was built with him?

See what Pang Shao wants to say, Ye Chu interrupted: "You are useless again! I am a peace-loving, long-awaited friend, and the life of violence and violence is not suitable for me! After all, I am with you. Violent people are fundamentally different!"

Pang Shao finally couldn't help it, and the wine glass in his hand was lost to Ye Chu. I don't know who was carrying them rampage in the past, who is yelling ‘I’m laughing from the cross knife to the sky, whoever disobeys me will do it! ’

A man who is so mad, at this moment actually said that he began to be compassionate? Who believes!

Su Rong saw Pang Shaoqi's straight teeth, she and Liang Shanxin's doubts deeper, Ye Chu and Pang Shao in the end what relationship. It is said that their relationship is very intimate. It can be said that their relationship is not close. Pang Shao’s words only make people feel that they have a deep involvement before. Moreover, who is Pang Shao mentioned? It can be like the relationship between Ye and Ye Chu!

And what is Pang Shao’s handy treasurer? Is there any industry in Ye Chu?

Pang Shao saw Ye Chu twisted his head to avoid the glass of his past, and he couldn't help but sit down and drink a few mouthfuls of wine. This came back: "Forget it, I am too lazy to take care of it. With this time, I would rather find a few women. Come with me."

When I said this, Pang Shao’s eyes couldn’t help but look at Zhang Suer, and Zhang Su’s heart was fiercely tightened.

"Beauty! Really don't accompany this less? If you stay with me for one night, whether it's gold coins or any level of practice at the level of your own spirit, feel free to choose, how?"

In a word, Liang Shanxin jumped and the gold coins disappeared. However, the practice of repairing the realm of its own spiritual spirit is extremely rare. The top-level practice of this realm is not much in the whole city.

Ye Chu looked at Zhang Suer and saw her face pale and pale. He smiled and said Pang Shao: "Don't use these things to seduce women. I have already told you that hooking up a woman doesn't work."

Pang Shao saw that he had no means of failure in the past, and he thought that the conditions he gave were not high. However, he was swayed by Ye Chu, and he did not continue to seduce Zhang Suer, but slandered Ye Chu: "This is not going to hook up a woman, is it you?" Who in the world can match my charm, this world has not yet Uncertain woman..."

Pang Shao just wanted to boast, but stopped immediately. He couldn't help but think of the Highness of the Virgin, thinking that he had been drawn many times in the pursuit of the Virgin. On the contrary, His Royal Highness has a certain difference to Ye Chu, and when Ye Chu was in the Imperial Capital, those ladies were also willing to contact Ye Chu.

Thinking of this, although Pang Shao did not want to admit that his method was wrong, he still wanted to listen to Ye Chu’s means and learned the means of Ye Chu. It is also a very happy thing to not hook up on a woman without spending money.

"Then tell me how can I get a woman?" Pang Shao smiled and was very interested in this.

Ye Chu shrugged and smiled: "It is very simple to get a woman. This son will pass you on the heart of the girl: if she is not deep in the world, she will take her to see the prosperity of the world; if her heart has been vicissitudes, take her to the carousel. If you like to be pushed, then you will start to open your mouth, and you will be familiar with yourself. The woman will undress for you! Of course, if you are a good man, if he is gentle, you will sniff the rose. If he has a tiger, then you will Take him to check out the disease! By the way, check yourself and stay away from us!"

"High!" After listening to Pang Sha, he thought about it, then slammed his thigh and gave a thumbs up to Ye Chu. Obviously, he forgot to say that he was unparalleled before his charm. "No wonder the Highness is different to you. There is a set. I said that you have nothing to do before the temple. Oh, now I finally understand!"

Liang Shan couldn’t help but admire Ye Chu’s admiration. He also felt that this passage was shameless. I don’t think that Ye Chu has not seen it for three years. The summary is quite the same thing!

Only Su Rong and Zhang Suer looked ugly, and all three were blind children. Actually, they talked about how to hook up women in front of them. Obviously, they are not in the eyes. Is this still Ye Chu three years ago? ? The one who trembled in front of her, dare to look at her own leaf Chu? At this moment, Ye Chu is more like not taking her seriously!

Read The Duke's Passion