MTL - The Era of Rebirth: Supermarket Space is Easy To Get Rich-Chapter 369 get married

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  Chapter 369 Finally married

  But after hearing Zhang Yu say that this is the last time, if it’s a girl, she still doesn’t like herself, so he will leave the stage. She panicked, and she was so panicked that she was suffocated by the sense of loss.

"Who said I don't like you! You idiot, you dare to say that you like me for so many years, you can't tell whether I like you or not!" Lin Xia didn't dodge anything this time, and directly said what was in her heart .

  Zhang Yu was both surprised and delighted, and threw away the umbrella directly, and the two kissed passionately in the rain like this, inseparable.

  Feng Tao, who came out behind him, could only leave the stage with a smile.

  He is also a person with self-respect. When his conditions were completely incomparable with Zhang Yu, he only chose to leave the stage silently, and he didn't even have the courage to confess.

  The two of them were drenched, and drove to the elder sister's house one after the other. When the two of them were together, Lin Xia would not hide it. She must tell the elder sister immediately.

   The two got out of the car, and it was Xiao Linbao who saw it first. While her parents were talking about something, she sneaked out and stretched out her hands to play with water at the door.

   The little girl saw the second uncle and the third aunt when they came down from others.

   hurried back to the house, "Mom, Third Aunt and Second Uncle are fighting again!"

  Lin Xue and Zhang Yuan ran out when they heard the sound, and what they saw were two soaked chickens holding hands and giggling.

  The two people knew what was going on at a glance, so they quickly brought him in, found out their own clothes and changed them for them, and made **** soup for them to drink.

   Sitting on the sofa, the four of them just looked at each other, and no one spoke first.

  Only Xiao Linbao asked curiously, "Second Uncle, Third Aunt, who won this fight?"

  Lin Xue covered her face, this girl was too noisy, she kept asking this and that.

   "Second Uncle wins this time!" Zhang Yu put down Jiangtang, hugged Xiao Linbao, and looked proudly at Lin Xia answering Xiao Linbao's question.

   "Cut, that's because I'm too lazy to fight with you anymore! Otherwise, how could you win?" Lin Xia glared with a pun.

   "Yes yes yes! Spare the heroine! Don't fight anymore! It's too torture!" Zhang Yu immediately confessed.

   "Hahaha...Second uncle, adults can't brag!" Xiao Linbao laughed in her second uncle's arms.

   "Eldest sister..." Lin Xia ignored them and looked at her elder sister, a little hesitant to speak.

   "I thought I should have heard the good news from you two or three years ago! It's been too long!" Lin Xue shook her head with a smile.

  Zhang Yuan also laughed, "You really have perseverance, that's good! Finally, you can embrace the beauty!" Give Zhang Yu a thumbs up.

  The two brothers are already good brothers who talk about everything, unlike Zhang Yang, who can't get along at all.

   "Hey... as long as you work hard, you can grind an iron pestle into a needle!" Zhang Yu's pride was beyond words.

I was having fun here, but the riots broke out next door. Wang Xiaofang and Shen Xiaoran were arranged in the same room. Because Lin Yun was not in the country, her room was arranged for two people to live in, but the two people didn't know why they were making trouble. can't leave it alone.

  After the heavy rain, Shen Xiaoran found Lin Shan and said that he was going to find a job and would not disturb their family.

  Lin Shan was surprised, because Shen Xiaoran, who he knew well, was a character who couldn't mess around even at a young age. How could he make a fuss to find a job when it was raining heavily?

  No way, he came to find his eldest sister, because Shen Xiaoran just didn't say why she was leaving, and she had no money with her, where could she go?

   "I'll go and ask what's going on!" Lin Xue had no choice but to agree, and went to the next door.

   "Sister, I'm going too!" Lin Xia hurriedly threw Zhang Yu's hand away and followed.

   Zhang Yu is so angry, what a big Ran Xiaoran, it's annoying.

When Lin Xue passed by, Shen Xiaoran had already packed her luggage. Lin Shan asked her to wait for a while, and she waited obediently. It was raining heavily, and it was not good for her to stay in Lin Shan's room, so she could only stay in the room arranged for her. stay here.

  When Lin Xue and Lin Xia arrived, Wang Xiaofang was going to sleep in the room.

   "Eldest sister, third sister, why are you here?" She greeted the two cousins ​​as soon as she saw them.

   "Well! Let's come and have a look!" Xue Lin nodded, then ignored her, walked in, and sat on the sofa in the room.

  Shen Xiaoran stood by the bed, her bag on the floor.

   "Xiao Ran, Xiao Shan said you want to go? Where are you going?" Lin Xue asked.

   "Sister, I want to find a job, and earn money quickly to pay back Lin Shan's money..." Shen Xiaoran lowered his head, and his words were soft.

   "Xiao Shan said you?" Lin Xia asked directly.

   "No... how could he say that I..." Shen Xiaoran immediately vetoed.

   "Then why did you leave in this heavy rain? Where can you go now?" Lin Xia continued to ask.

   "I..." Shen Xiaoran lowered her head, looked at me for a while, then raised her head, "Sister, can you help me find a job? I'm not afraid of being tired or hard, as long as I can earn money!"

Lin Xue nodded, "That's no problem, I've been thinking about it for you! But you have to tell me why you left so late and it was still raining? Is it that we are not considerate or you are not used to it? If If you want to leave, you have to leave at dawn tomorrow, and you must speak clearly before leaving! Because it was Xiaoshan who picked you up from your parents! If something happens, he can’t explain to your parents! Although your parents say you have already You are from Xiaoshan, but now it is a society ruled by law! If you do not have a marriage certificate, it is not considered a marriage, and you have also said that the 500 yuan is not a bride price, and you have to pay it back yourself! So! If something happens to you, we will Everyone is responsible!" Lin Xue said clearly.

   "Tell us the reason why you left so late!" Lin Xia also asked.

  Wang Xiaofang who was sitting on the bed couldn't sit still, her face was ugly, "Shen Xiaoran, can you stop being so childish? Didn't I just say something to you? Why are you leaving?"

  The two sisters Lin Xue raised their eyebrows. It turned out that they had a conflict?

   "What did you say about her?" Lin Xia asked Wang Xiaofang.

  Wang Xiaofang's heart skipped a beat. She knew that what she said was too much. If her two cousins ​​found out, they would definitely be scolded. She lowered her head and stopped talking.

   "What did she say about you?" Lin Xia asked Shen Xiaoran again.

Shen Xiaoran didn't lower her head this time, she looked directly at the two sisters and said, "I know it's because of me, if I didn't come, this room is indeed hers alone, but I also told her, I just borrowed it for two days , and left soon, she still didn’t want to let me sleep on the ground, I don’t have any opinion on sleeping on the ground, I don’t care that much, but which mattress I have... Well, I don’t want to repeat the original words, that is, the mattress cannot be placed on the ground , Mai Tai! Just let me just sleep on the ground like this! I really have a little pride, I'm sorry, I shouldn't leave in the heavy rain!"

  After Lin Xue heard what she said, she didn't believe it right away. She looked at Wang Xiaofang again, because she thought that the child who had been with Niu Yingying for so long should have changed, "Is that so?"

Wang Xiaofang raised her head and looked at Shen Xiaoran viciously, "The villain will sue first, right? That's what I said, it's not because your clothes are dirty, what should you do if you dirty the mattress by sleeping on it? I haven't seen this mattress so dirty. okay?"

  (end of this chapter)