MTL - The Era of Rebirth: Supermarket Space is Easy To Get Rich-Chapter 340 you got me

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  Chapter 340 Understand Me

  Lin Xue actually has nothing to clean up, everything is in the space, but she also needs to prepare a little change of clothes on the surface, because they will definitely live in a guest house or something along the way.

   As for the food on the road, her mother will definitely not miss the preparation.

  She just came out with a bag, but was snatched away by Lin Chuan, who had quick eyes and quick hands.

   "You still dare to lift heavy objects? Be careful of my nephew!" He still warned fiercely.

  Lin Xue covered her face and smiled, what these people often say is, how dare you do this? How dare you do that? Be careful with my big nephew. She was speechless, so happy first.

   "Sister, you must be careful on the road! Those bumpy roads must make my brother-in-law so easy to drive! Why do I feel so worried all the time in my heart, I'm so worried!" Seeing the elder sister coming out, Lin Yun immediately stepped forward to chatter.

   "It's okay, it's okay! Don't worry! I won't let your eldest nephew get into trouble!" Lin Xue waved her hand, this is a good opportunity, she wants to go out for a walk! Can't let these few destroy her.

   "I still said it's okay, I told you to be careful, just be careful! Don't be careless!" Lin Xia tidied her clothes angrily, and taught others in the tone of an elder sister who lectured her.

   "Sister, why don't I go with you! I'd better take care of you on the way!" Lin Shuang, who usually doesn't talk much, couldn't help worrying this time.

   "Shh! Don't talk anymore, you guys! Otherwise, I really won't be able to leave! Look at the faces of your parents! If you add fuel to the flames, be careful that I will get angry!" Lin Xue drew them together and warned.

"Be careful on the road! Pay attention to safety." The calmest person here is Lin Shan. He knows that no one can stop the eldest sister who wants to go, so he doesn't talk nonsense, "I prepared a few books for you! You can read them if you are bored on the road! Don't worry. Let's go! I'll definitely supervise the second and third sisters to take notes! I'll give it to you when I come back!"

   "The fourth brother is still the best! When you come back, the eldest sister will grant you one wish! Hahaha!"

  The others looked at each other in dismay, and immediately expressed the same expression, and gestured out synchronously to ask, "Sister, be careful on the road! Be careful! I wish you a good time!"

  Lin Xue couldn't help laughing, "You guys are the only ones who play so much all day long! It's over! I'm leaving! Come back and treat you to a big meal! Each person has one wish!"

  The hustle and bustle here is over, and the grandparents over there are ready to come out.

  Zhang Yuan ran over, carried the luggage of the two of them and put them in the rear compartment, and Lin Chuan also put everything packed by her elder sister in it.

  Wang Cuihua packed a big bag of food and carried it over, the trunk was stuffed to the brim.

   "Grandma, Grandpa, we will definitely visit you when we are free!" Lin Xia's eyes were red.

  Although the two uncles and aunts are not very good, grandpa and grandpa are really kind to them. After getting along for so long, they are reluctant to part with them.

  Lin Xue simply got into the car and waited. This kind of parting scene was the most unbearable.

  Zhang Yuan opened the car door for the two elderly people and waited beside them.

   The group bid farewell for a long time before letting the two old people get into the car. Zhang Yuan immediately closed the door and ran to the driving seat by himself.

"Let's go! Wait for a while, Mom has something to do again! When can I leave?" Lin Xue was afraid that her mother, who had been attracted by grandpa and grandpa just now, would think of her again, and then she would give her instructions, and even later she didn't want to let her go. she goes.

  Zhang Yuan understood his wife, so he quickly started the car and drove out.

   "Okay! Parents are gone! Let's go in!" Lin Dalang comforted his wife.

  Wang Cuihua wiped her tears and walked into the house, and suddenly stopped, "Has Xiaoxue brought the anti-fetal medicine I prescribed for her?"

  Lin Xia snorted coldly, "Mom, you just remembered? It's late!" Then she walked past her mother to her room.

   "Eldest sister didn't bring it!" Lin Yun said behind, and went back to his room with a complicated mood.

  Wang Cuihua stayed where she was and stomped her feet, "Why is this child so ignorant? Ask her to bring an anti-fetal drug, just in case! Why is she still disobedient..."

   "It's alright, it's alright, with Xiaoyuan here, and parents following, everything will be fine!" Lin Daliang was also worried, but what could be done? Everyone is gone.

  Lin Yun got himself busy after returning to the room alone.

  She originally wanted to go back with the eldest sister and the others, but then she thought about it, Sun Bing asked her to give him two years, then she waited, almost jumped into the car, and held back her own steps.

   Now I feel a little regretful. I asked her to give him two years and didn't tell her not to see him. Why did she wrong herself like this?

   But it's too late now! Everyone walked away.

  But after a while, Lin Xia barged in, "Let's go, Second Sister! Zhang Yu came to find us for an outing!"

   "I'm busy! I don't want to go!" Lin Yun flatly refused.

   "Hey! It's time to go out to relax! The scenery is so beautiful, it makes you happy physically and mentally! It can also stop missing someone for a while!" Lin Xia didn't care, and wanted to say something.

   "Do you hate it?" Lin Yun knew that this younger sister had seen her thoughts again, and this was to comfort her.

   "Hurry up!" Lin Xia pulled her up and walked out, "Xiaoshan Xiaochuan also goes! It must be fun!"

On Lin Xue's side, after setting off in the morning, she walked for a whole morning, then found a restaurant in a small county town for lunch, took a rest, and set off again. At night, she didn't come across any town or county town at all, so she could only spend the night in farmer's house.

   Just like that, for several days, they stayed overnight without a hostel. They rarely drove at night, and Zhang Yuan drove alone. It would be very dangerous if he didn't have a good rest at night.

   Originally, Lin Xueren said that he would change him, but the person who loved his wife was reluctant to let her drive.

   In this way, it took six or seven days before we arrived in Chenxi County.

   Along the way, grandma and grandpa were also very tired, and the two of them drove the car back to their home in Chenxi County, Xiaoyanglou.

   "Xiaoxue! Didn't we all reach the county seat? Why did we stop?" Grandma was puzzled, because it was only morning, and if we went home, we would be home before dark.

"Grandma, this is our home in the county seat. You are also very tired along the way. Rest here for a day and go home tomorrow! Let's go out to buy something and come back. It's not good to go back empty-handed!" Lin Xue arranged two The old man went to the room to rest.

  He took Zhang Yuan and went out.

  They didn't go shopping, to be precise, they did the shopping incidentally, and she was going to meet Wang Cheng.

It’s been a while since we didn’t provide them with supplies. Now they must be empty-handed. There are not many speculators in the black market now, so the price has dropped a lot, and they can’t make much money. It’s time to talk to Wang Cheng talked about.

  She needs someone right now, if he wants, she can take him away.

   "Daughter-in-law, what work are you going to arrange for him?" Zhang Yuan asked her while driving.

   "It depends on his vision! But now there is only the job of supervisor." Lin Xue smiled.

  Finally, Wang Cheng agreed to settle down in Kyoto, taking his wife, children, and a few subordinates with him.

  Also agreed to Lin Xue's proposal, starting with the supervisor, it was so easy, Lin Xue handed over the supervision of such a large project to Wang Cheng and his subordinates.

  The matter was settled, the two of them fell asleep deeply, and sent grandma and grandpa home the next day lightly and refreshedly.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion