MTL - The Era of Rebirth: Supermarket Space is Easy To Get Rich-Chapter 332 little girl

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  Chapter 332 Little Mistress

  No one told her that Director Zhang is married! Otherwise, she wouldn't pester her father to come to work in this auto parts factory.

  She fell in love with the director Zhang, but she never thought of being a third party.

   For a long time, the battle between heaven and man was in her mind, but she found that she was a little unable to make her no longer like Director Zhang.

  How could it be like this, I finally fell in love with a man, but he is still married, it is too unfair to her.

"Comrade? Don't be in a daze! Continue!" Lin Xue shook her hand in front of her, trying to wake her up from her stupefaction, so that she took the dumpling involuntarily, then Lin Xue withdrew her hand, leaned on Beside Zhang Yuan, watching with a half-smile.

   "Let's go out if you have nothing to do! It's lunch break time!" Zhang Yuan said coldly, and pulled Lin Xue to the table.

   "Daughter-in-law, the braised pork ribs you made are the best, come on, eat more too!"

   "Well, eat it! I'll lose weight!" Lin Xue shook her head.

   "Why lose weight? You're not fat! I like being fat too!" Zhang Yuan scratched her nose dotingly, and then stretched out a piece of ribs in front of her.

  Lin Xue ate the ribs with Zhang Yuan's hands, and then gave him a piece of ribs as well, "Let's get fat together!"

   But looking at his muscular abs, no matter how much he eats, he doesn't gain weight, which is really enviable.

   Originally, she didn't get fat no matter what she ate, but she didn't know how to do it. Recently, she has been feeling fat, and her mouth is getting more and more greedy, and she is always hungry.

  The two of them completely forgot about Shen Yue who was standing at the door, and watched them feed each other blankly while holding the food box.

   "Secretary Shen! Close the door when you go out!" Zhang Yuan reminded again, as if eyes were on the back of his head.

  Shen Yue came back to her senses. She was full of confidence, but when she left, she was disheveled and hurriedly closed the door and fled.

   "Little girl! She's pretty!" Lin Xue said coolly without raising her head.

   "No one is as beautiful as my daughter-in-law!" Zhang Yuan hurriedly said, "She is the leader's daughter, and we can't let her go, but usually I don't have a chance to come to my place. Today may be..."

   "Hmm..." Lin Xue covered her mouth and vomited before listening to Zhang Yuan's explanation.

   "What's wrong with you, daughter-in-law? Why are you still vomiting? Did you eat your stomach?" Zhang Yuan was startled, and then helped to pour water on his back.

  The blood on her face was gone from fear, and she kept spinning around her, "Daughter-in-law, I'm going to drive, let's go to the hospital!"

"It's not that serious, just thinking that my man is missed by other women, I feel uncomfortable, and then... um..." Before Lin Xue finished speaking, she turned around and vomited out the food in her stomach It's over.

   "Daughter-in-law, I don't worry about you like this, let's go to the hospital to have a look!" Zhang Yuan was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

   "Husband...we should take protective measures every time, right!" Lin Xue looked up with staring eyes, and asked Zhang Yuan.

   Zhang Yuan didn't understand it for a while, but after thinking about it for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up and he became excited.

  Unconsciously, she held Lin Xue's shoulder tightly with her hands, " mean you are pregnant?" That excitement really made people ignite.

   "Let go of me first, don't shake like this!" Lin Xue broke free from Zhang Yuan's restraint.

   "Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Didn't hurt you?" Zhang Yuan hurriedly let go, and went to check if she was hurt, and carefully supported her. "Daughter-in-law, let's sit down first and then talk! Sit down and talk!"

Lin Xue sat down obediently, still muttering in her mouth, "I remember that every time there is a way, how could I get caught? It should be a coincidence! I can't really get pregnant, right? I'm still so young, what's the matter? I haven't finished it yet, so I can't ask my child to be a full-time mother so early!"

  Looking at his wife's reaction, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but start to worry. The daughter-in-law means that she doesn't want a child, but if she becomes pregnant, will it be bad for her to get rid of it? After all, there is another example of Zhang Ting, who had her uterus removed in order to abort her child.

   "Tell me! Did you do something secretly?" Lin Xue viciously grabbed Zhang Yuan's collar and began to question.

   "I didn't, daughter-in-law! Don't get excited! Let's go to the hospital! Isn't this something that hasn't been confirmed yet?" Zhang Yuan begged for mercy, picked her up and walked out.

   "You think I'm coming down! I'll go by myself!" Lin Xue was angry, her mind was in a mess now, if she was really pregnant, this child was out of her plan! She wasn't planning on having kids yet, she wasn't ready yet.

   If she is really pregnant, what will happen to her studies? What about her business empire. What about her university?

  Zhang Yuan carefully helped his daughter-in-law who was in a daze all the way to the place where they parked.

"The more I feel, the more real I feel! These days I always feel that I can't sleep enough or eat enough! I used to eat a figure that didn't gain weight, but these two days I feel that I have gained a lot of meat!" Lin Xue analyzed while walking, and was afraid while analyzing, Chatters when scared.

   Zhang Yuan said that he was happy in his heart, but after thinking about it, his daughter-in-law is not ready to be a mother yet, so he started to worry again.

  If the wife insists on aborting the child, what will he do? If something happens to my daughter-in-law, he...

   Along the way, Zhang Yuan became more and more frightened as he thought about it, and he broke out in cold sweat.

  The impact of this child on the young couple was so great that both of them were a little nervous.

  Until she arrived at the hospital, Lin Xue was a little afraid to enter the hospital for examination.

   "Daughter-in-law, whether it's true or not, let's have an inspection before we can rest assured! Your husband will support you in whatever decision you make, okay? Let's go in!" Zhang Yuan coaxed her like a child.

  Lin Xue was finally coaxed into the hospital for examination.

  When the examination report came out, the two of them were still stunned. Lin Xue was indeed pregnant. It had been more than a month, and the fetal phase was very stable.

  Zhang Yuan hurriedly asked the doctor, "Doctor, if this child is to be aborted, will it be dangerous?"

  The doctor was stunned for a moment, because few people would abort their children at this time, so she didn't expect these two young couples to ask about abortion.

  Before the doctor could speak, Lin Xue pulled the man out and dragged him out of the hospital. Amidst Zhang Yuan's frightened expression, Lin Xue spoke viciously.

"Zhang Yuan, what do you mean? You want to kill my baby! What do you mean?" Lin Xue's eyes turned red as she spoke, "You don't want her, right? Fine! Don't regret it!" After finishing speaking Just turn around and walk away.

   Zhang Yuan was speechless for a while, and suddenly realized that the wife he thought would kill the child was all made up by himself. The daughter-in-law never said that she would abort the child.

  He was in a hurry to ask the doctor what. This is over, the daughter-in-law is in a mood.

   "Daughter-in-law, listen to me! Listen to me!" Zhang Yuan chased Lin Xue, but Lin Xue just ignored him.

  She knew that Zhang Yuan asked the doctor because she was not ready, so she thought she wanted to abort the child, but she just wanted to play tricks and scare him.

   Keeping ignoring people and walking forward, Zhang Yuan kept chasing her to explain, so she had to stop and "take me home!"

   "Okay, okay! Let's go home now!" Zhang Yuan helped her back into the car, and drove home slowly.

  (end of this chapter)

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