MTL - The Era of Rebirth: Supermarket Space is Easy To Get Rich-Chapter 289 misunderstood

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  Chapter 289 was misunderstood

  But this scene misunderstood Lin Xia again. She felt very sorry for the elder sister, and when she saw the wine bottle that was finished with less than one glass of wine, she had an idea in her heart.

   Stand up with a huff, "I'll go out for a while, I'll be right back!"

   "What are you doing?" Lin Yun stretched out his hand, and ran out without even touching the corner of her clothes.

   "Why is Xiaoxia in such a hurry? What did she do?" Sun Qianqian asked worriedly as she saw that it was getting dark outside.

   "Who knows, she should be back right away, you don't need to worry about her when you eat!" Lin Xue shook her head, this sister always said that the wind is the rain, who knows what to think of now and go out.

  It was already dark at four o'clock in winter, and Lin Xia rode home panting, then took several bottles of good wine from the big sister's wine cabinet, and rode back to the state-run hotel in a hurry.

  When Lin Xia came back with a few bottles of wine, Sun Bing had already finished eating, and there were dishes in the bowls in front of the others, but no one ate any more. The wine in the elder sister's wine glass was indeed empty.

  In addition to Liang Mancang and Sun Bing, only Lin Xue drank. Both Sun Qianqian and Lin Yun said they would not drink.

  Lin Yun was afraid of making a fool of himself in front of Sun Bing and didn’t dare to drink. Sun Qianqian really didn’t know how to drink, so she didn’t drink it, and Lin Xia just went home to get wine...

  Passing by, to be honest, they were all afraid that Lin Xia would get drunk, it would be too difficult to serve her, and the wine quality was poor.

   Once drinking, she is proficient in all eighteen martial arts, and no one can stop her.

   "Come on! Sister, I'll drink with you today, we won't go home until we're drunk!" Lin Xia ran into the private room, put the satchel on the table, and took out the wine from it.

  Sun Bing knows the goods, and he can tell at a glance that this wine is not ordinary wine, as if he has seen it in a small western building.

  Lin Xue also stared wide-eyed, did this girl run home to get wine?

   She also specially picked what she likes to drink, what is going on?

   "What are you going to do? Don't get drunk! Let me tell you, no one can get you if you are drunk!" Lin Xue waved her hand in warning, "I won't drink either!"

   "Xiaoxia, did you go home to get some wine?" Sun Qianqian also had a look of disbelief.

  She also wanted to finish the meal quickly, follow the second sister-in-law to live in the small western-style building, and then take a look at the winter clothes she designed.

Originally, Lin Yun said that he would give her a set, but she didn't want it. She couldn't afford such expensive clothes, but she liked to look at all the clothes designed by Lin Yun, and she was satisfied just by looking at them. .

  But Lin Xia is trying to fight for wine. She doesn't know how to drink, and she doesn't like the taste of wine.

"Eldest sister, I won't go crazy with alcohol anymore, I will drink enough with you today, second sister, Qianqian, you two don't drink! I will leave the task of taking care of us to you!" Lin Xia didn't answer Sun Qianqian's question. Asking questions, he proudly opened the wine bottle and filled it up for the elder sister, then picked up his quilt, drank the wine in one gulp, and poured himself another glass.

   "This... Comrade Lin Xia, you can't drink like this!" Liang Mancang, blushing after drinking a glass of wine, tried to stop Lin Xia.

  Sun Bing also stepped forward and took away the wine bottle in her hand, "Xiaoxia, don't drink like that! Yun'er can't help you when you get drunk!"

   "Xiaoxia! Stop messing around!" Lin Xue also stopped her.

  She probably figured out why this girl was. She accompanied her one by one until she got drunk and didn’t return. She was still below for Xiaoyun just now, probably because of herself and Zhang Yuan.

   But it’s true, the two of them have been meeting each other in space. On the surface, Zhang Yuan has indeed ignored her for a long time, and he hasn’t even written a letter.

  The girl thought she was drinking just now because she saw Xiaoyun and Sun Bing missing Zhang Yuan, so she didn't even care about the meal, so she ran home to get wine and came back to drink with her.

   "Second brother-in-law, don't stop me! I want to have a drink with the eldest sister, and the rest of you stay away! Don't stop!" Lin Xia sat next to the eldest sister, pointed at Sun Bing, and motioned for him to put down the bottle.

  Not to mention her poor wine quality, she also has a poor capacity for drinking. She was already a little drunk from the glass of white wine just now, otherwise she wouldn't have opened her mouth and called her brother-in-law.

  Sun Bing just started to listen, but he was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

   A smile gradually bloomed on his face, his mouth was grinning behind his ears, and the wine in his hand was unconsciously put down.

   "Second brother-in-law will drink with you!" Sun Bing moved Lin Yun aside, then sat next to Lin Xia, and poured her a glass of wine.

   "No, you go talk to the second sister, don't meddle, I want to drink with the eldest sister! If you don't get drunk, you won't return!"

  Although Lin Xia was a little drunk, she still did not forget her mission today.

   That is the task she set for herself, that is to let the eldest sister drink up to her heart's content, and then sleep, her heart should not hurt so much.

  There are thousands of men in the world, and Zhang Yuan is not the only one. The elder sister has such good conditions, is so beautiful, and has such a good figure. Some people want her, so she doesn't have to be so sad.

Seeing this, Lin Xue was so moved for her little sister. Although she had to pick up people after ten o'clock today, and Brother Yuan was coming back, but she was good at drinking, so she should be fine, so let's have a few drinks with the little girl. Get others to join in for a few drinks, then take people home in a hurry.

  She still needs to go back to clean up. Although she has been cleaning up for the past two days and hasn't got up to clean up, it's good to sit at a table and have a good meal when grandparents get home.

   "Okay, let's drink together! Come and raise a glass!" Lin Xue poured everyone a glass. This is not the loose baijiu that Liang Mancang brought just now, it is a famous wine.

  Liang Mancang was a little reluctant, let alone famous wine, he would have more important things than this in a while.

  In case of getting drunk, it would be quite a mistake. This is a matter related to his whole life.

   It turned out that Liang Mancang had an excuse to ask Lin Xue out in order to confess his love to Lin Xue, but he knew that if he only asked Lin Xue out, she would not be able to come out.

  So I thought of such a way, called out several people, and then confessed my love when I had a chance after dinner.

  For this reason, he also stole a bottle of wine hidden by his father, and drank a little to strengthen himself, so that he would not be cowardly when he confessed his love.

  But looking at it now, Comrade Lin Xia has brought so much wine over again, if he gets drunk after a while, he will be a fart.

   It only counts if someone listens.

  When Liang Mancang was annoyed, Lin Xia had already poured Lin Xue a second cup.

Seeing that her younger sister was already drunk, Lin Xue originally wanted to persuade her to go home, but how could Lin Xia go back so easily? She was already drunk, pouring wine to Sun Qianqian and Lin Yun one by one, and then kept mumbling what.

  Lin Xue leaned closer to listen, Lin Xia was saying, forget about getting drunk with the eldest sister! When I am drunk, my eldest sister will not be cranky, and I can sleep well. I will not be unable to sleep all night thinking about my eldest brother-in-law, and my mood will go up and down during the day. Sometimes I am overjoyed, and sometimes I have a headache!

Lin Xia muttered these words in her mouth, kept muttering, and then urged them to drink. Originally, Sun Bing thought that girls should not drink too much. But he insisted on drinking with the eldest sister and pouring wine for the other two, so he had to put down his glass and always pay attention not to cause any problems. Liang Mancang was also watching, and if there was anything he could help.

  (end of this chapter)

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