MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-~ Past and present articles: Reversal? The secret of rebirth.

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Ps: I am stuck in the text. I can't write the card. I have to send the previous and future articles... Many secrets have been revealed.

Past and present articles: Reversal? The secret of rebirth.

In the northern part of the Mayan, in the cold purple palace, a thin back is facing the wall, sitting straight, closing his eyes, and his long silver hair is vertical and down, because the hair is very long and the hair ends are scattered on the ground.

He stayed there for half a day, but he didn't move. If it weren't the slight undulating breath in his chest, it proved that this was a living person, and almost people thought it was just a sculpture.

At this time, there was almost silent footsteps in the empty and quiet palace. It was too quiet, and the already very light footsteps seemed so loud.

The man was awakened by this footstep, and the original low-hanging eyes suddenly opened, and the eyes did not have any emotions, only endless loneliness and freezing.

The footsteps finally stopped, and a cool, handsome man appeared behind the man, faintly said: "Chu Ge, have you decided?"

"I am alive and painful for today, you should be happy for me." The man turned and his cold face showed a hint of relief, reflecting the paleness, which made the handsome man feel a sadness in his heart.

"Chu Ge, you still can't forget him..." Junmei man don't overdo it, afraid that his emotions will be discovered by that person.

"Forgot him?" The pale face of the man began to glow with a blush. "He has been engraved in my soul, how to forget it, unless it is the end of my life."

The handsome man showed remorse: "If you didn't accept the investment of Nanling Base, you will not suffer from life for a long time..."

The man heard this and smiled: "Jingwen, you are wrong, I am glad to meet him, he let me understand what is love, I just hate, I understand too late..." He converges with a smile Both eyes show sadness. "Why was it that when he died in my arms, I realized that I had fallen in love with him. No one would think that the cold and ruthless Chu Haotian would fall in love with a person, even the original I could not think of."

It turns out that these two people are the founders of the new world, the king Chu Yutian, and the predecessor Chen Jingwen.

"But, is it right now that he is resurrected? You have not yet reached the legendary 12th order. The order has the ability to recreate." Chen Jingwen looked worried. In order to speed up the promotion, Chu Yutian continued to use the ban. Let his body be riddled with holes, how to look at it is not suitable for adventure and more ability to display.

"There is no time..." Chu Haotian reached out and held his chest. It was his family's heirloom, a magical baby that has been hanging on his chest for centuries. I have never left for a moment.

He used to think that this heirloom jade is only a symbolic item, but when his lover died in his arms, he realized how far-reaching his family's jade pendant was, and it could contain the soul. When his lover died, he gave him a family jade pendant that had been hung in his head and neck by his lover, and stored his soul whose lover was about to collapse in the jade pendant, that is to say. His lover has always been with him for a hundred years.

Chu Yutian smiled and said: "He can't wait, I feel the fire of his soul is getting darker. If I hesitate, there will be no Xiaoling in this world."

"For him, is it worth it?" Chen Jingwen looked at his boss. This first half of life was ruthless, but in the latter half of his life, he locked himself in the Purple Palace for a person, repenting day by day, and suffering from the whip of the soul.

"If there is an opportunity to resurrect Haozhe, would you like to pay any price?" Chu Yutian did not answer, but just thrown a question.

Chen Jingwen’s face has changed greatly. This person who has passed away for many years is his taboo. After a few decades, mentioning his name again, his heart is still as painful as being dug by a knife. His lips trembled, and he said that he was eager to say: "If there is such an opportunity, my life is willing to exchange..."

After Dong Haozhe’s death, when Chen Jingwen sadly packed up his relics, he understood his feelings for him. However, at that time he had become one of the hail and stayed in the heroes. And he can no longer accept the feelings of anyone, because he always thinks of the guy who is honest and honest, but he is black. He understands that his heart has long been stunned by the appearance. The guy stole it.

Chu Yutian bitterly said: "Look, it's just an uncertain opportunity, you don't care, but what about me?"

"But, the technique of re-creation is just a legend. One is unfortunate. You and Xiaoling are both scattered at the same time." Chen Jingwen still feels that this legendary ban is too unreliable. After all, this is only a legend, and no one looks at it. I have been there, perhaps just a conspiracy on the military side. The purpose is to relocate the big stone of Chu Yutian so that they can become the powers of the new world.

Chu Yutian mouth smirked smile: "Who will do that stupid thing." Resurrection? Really be yourself a god?

Chen Jingwen heard a word and confusedly asked: "Chu brother, then what do you want?"

Chu Yutian mouth reveals a touch of madness: "I want to break through time and space, back to the past..." When he reached the eleventh stage, he had already realized the possibility of breaking through time and space. If it was true to the legendary twelveth order, he The space power is not expected to have this skill. The twelveth order does have the power of God. It is not the so-called re-engineering ability, but the ability to awaken.

"Reverse the sky!" Chen Jingwen exclaimed!

"Yes, I just want to change my life. I want to give my Xiaoling a new life. I will also give you a chance to start again. I hope that this time, you and I will no longer lose the people we cherish. "Chu Yutian looked up at the sky and looked sad. "What is the glory of Jiangshan is not as important as the one who loves it. I realized this with the price of blood..."

"And this time, I don't want to miss it again. This is my last chance." Chu Yutian's eyes are firm, for this, even if his soul flies, it is not enough.

Chen Jingwen's eyes flashed, and then gradually clear: "If it is true as Chu Ge said, then I also blog once." Once again, he must work with Dong Haozhe for a lifetime.

"So come with me." Chu Yutian came to the Maya with Chen Jingwen, the moon is more rounded than below.

Chen Jingwen looked at Chu Yutian curiously, wondering why Chu Yutian brought him here.

"Wait a rare triple match, the moon's earth is in a straight line, and it is also the weakest time and space barrier." Chu Yutian's feelings are dignified, this is their only chance, for this day, he overdrafted his own Vitality, let his order equal infinitely close to the twelfth order of the legend. It also gives him a little more opportunity to travel through time and space.

Finally, the triple fit officially appeared, Chu Yutian said: "Jingwen, this is the time!"

A spurt of blood, Chu Yutian single-handedly stroked, the air suddenly split a black mouth. Chu Yutian dropped a sentence: "Stabilize the entrance for me!" Then the whole person entered it and disappeared.

"The enchantment of water!" Chen Jingwen saw that Chu Yutian disappeared, and the black mouth slowly became close, knowing that it was not too late, and quickly released an enchantment of water. Put it in the black mouth, it is against the closure of the mouth.

However, the crack pressure in time and space is not so good. Chen Jingwen only thinks that his water enchantment is crumbling and seems to be crushed by this force. He did not expect that with his ninth-order ability, he regretted that this force had a feeling of power.

He only hopes that Chu Haotian will be faster because he can't resist this power for a long time.

The end of the day has not yet arrived. On April 4th, Qing Ming, Xiao Ziling worshipped his parents and returned home. Looking at the loneliness of the room, I couldn't bear it anymore, and finally took out the liquor. I will be drunk, and he will only be able to let go of this day and vent his grief.

no doubt. Xiao Ziling was drunk and fell asleep during vomiting.

At this time, a crack appeared in the air in the bedroom. Chu Haotian came out from the inside and coughed up. He covered his mouth, but could not cover the blood spilling from his fingers.

"After reversing time and space, is this serious injury? It is a god-level skill. Even if I use the ban to enter the fake. Twelveth order, I can't resist this anti-phasing force. However, a success can make me do what I want. I did something.” Chu Hao’s finger flicked, cleared the blood on his hand, and then threw it into the space. Doing this well, put the line of sight on Xiao Ziling’s bed and saw the tender one. Small face, which makes Chu Haotian could not help but smile.

"It turns out that my family Xiaoling really is like this. It is a lot better than the body he borrowed." Chu Yutian slowly touched the face of Xiao Ziling with his hands, and the original cold eyes gradually had temperature.

"This time, you can't let you suffer the pain of that decade." Chu Yutian took out the jade pendant from his arms and used his power to guide the soul in the jade pendant. Soon, a soft soul The fire rises and falls on the hands of Chu Haotian, but the fire of this soul is somewhat stunned, and there is even an illusion that it will be extinguished if it is not careful.

Just when Chu Haotian wanted to put the fire of the soul into the eyebrows of Xiao Ziling, he thought of what suddenly stopped his hand: "Can't do this, I can't let Xiaoling bring her hatred to me again." He made it instantly. Decided, "Xiaoling, don't blame me, people don't kill themselves. For our future, I have to remove the memory of your corpse, I don't want you to hate me, I don't want you to drive me out of your life."

With this sentence, Chu Haotian slowly used the fire of the soul in his hand to expel a small group. This small movement made Chu Yutian’s forehead cold and sweaty. This separation must be careful, but it can not destroy the soul. main body.

Chu Haotian, who has done this step, finally introduces the soul fire into the eyebrows of Xiao Ziling. Because it is the same soul power, the original soul does not resist the fire of this soul. The two quickly merge together. The only difference is that the power of the soul of Xiao Ziling is stronger and stronger.

"Sure enough, it is the true body of Xiaoling, there is no rejection." Chu Haotian finally let go of his heart, he looked at the small group of soul fire in his hand, and wanted to introduce this small group soul fire into his own jade pendant again. However, when he had just done this, the jade pendant suddenly shattered and turned into a powder that dissipated in the air and completely disappeared into the world.

Chu Haotian sighed heavily at the fire of the small group of souls: "Xiaoling, you don't want to lack this memory? So don't let me take it away?" What should he do? Once Xiao Ziling has this memory, he will definitely escape from him, and this is definitely not what he wants to see.

However, he did not want to violate the wishes of Xiao Ziling, and he thought about it. Chu Haotian finally decided to return this memory to Xiao Ziling. After all, this is what he owes him.

"In this case, please forgive me for doing a little hand and foot, and your pure and childish appearance really makes me worry, I must think of ways to protect you..." Chu Yutian looks determined.

I saw Chu Haotian stretch out the vacant fingers, slowly approaching his eyebrows, and began to lead a soul fire. This action made his face groan, his whole body began to tremble violently, and seemed to be in severe pain.

This time is very fast, but it seems to be very slow. When Chu Yutian exported a group of bright and incomparable soul fires, he was soaked all over the body, showing how much pain he suffered.

Chu Haotian slowly relieves the soul that is so painful that he is numb. He is not a simple soul, so the division of the soul will cause him to have severe pain, but in order to protect the safety of his small tomb, this pain is a must. Hey.

The soul body separated by Chu Yutian is hot and powerful. Perhaps the power of the soul makes the fire of the soul in his other hand begin to react violently. Chu Yutian puts the two together, the group is bleak. The fire of the soul is like the energy supplement, and it starts to brighten up, no longer the bleakness of the beginning.

Chu Haotian smiled gratifiedly: "It seems that Xiaoling's memory likes my memory." He turned to look at Xiaoziling on the bed and finally chose his right eye as the home of these two groups of memory. .

"This is the experience memory that I have come to in the last century. I believe it can give you some help, and your memory, I will put it in your right eye." Chu Yutian sealed the two groups of memory into Xiaoziling In the right eye, set the order for the memory to be unsealed: "When you get to the tenth order, it is the moment when the two are unsealed. I will return the missing memory to you." I hope that I and I have already loved each other at that time. Then this memory will not cause any storms.

After all this, Chu Haotian slowly kissed Xiao Ziling's lips, and his eyes fell with a tear: "Xiaoling, don't blame me for being mean, I want to come back again. Before I have become a scum, you have to find me. , save me, this world, I will be loyal to you, no woman will intervene between you and me..."

At this time, the crack in the air suddenly violently shakes up. Chu Yutian feels this powerful attraction. He knows that it is time to leave. He looks up and touches the hair of Xiao Ziling. He feels his heart and his fingers are slightly forced. One of them: "Xiaoling, let your hair replace you with me to solve my love of Acacia!"

When Chu Haotian stepped into the crack in space, he looked back again and looked at the sleepy Xiaozi Mausoleum, leaving a sentence: "Only I am a lover, you have to remember this for me. Don't give me a bee to guide the butterfly!"

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