MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 276 : Introduction? Re-understand.

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Ps: I thought it would end today. It seems that there will be more than one or two chapters, but there will be no more.

Chapter 276: Introduction? Re-understand.

The shock of Qin Xiaoqiang's heart was finally stabilized. He looked at Chu Yutian and asked in amazement: "Which is this?" The strength is definitely above the crowd, and it is also one of the seven top executives.

Xiao Ziling smiled and said: "My bodyguard, is it very good?"

Qin Xiao is extremely angry. This is obviously perfunctory. How can there be such a strong bodyguard? Isn't their Lingtian base feng shui so good, and the experts are endless?

Chu Yutian only has silence, but now his family Xiaoling is the master, he can only listen.

"Captain!" Huo Zhengyu was hard to hide his excitement. He didn't expect his captain to be the demon of Lingtian base. It was the legendary strongman. I didn't expect them to see the day. Not only that, but also became the demon. A member of the team.

Xiao Ziling waved to them and motioned them to wait and say, he went to Qin Xiao and approached him: "I want to bring all the people in Lingtian, will you not let me down?"

Qin Xiao’s face was blue and white. He replied for a long time and replied: “After an hour, I will be sent to a restaurant.” He must have swallowed this loss. Otherwise, it will be a trouble for the Alliance. No more. Qin Xiao believes that if you want to completely leave a demon, half of them here will probably pay a price, and the demon is not a person. The person who is said to be a bodyguard is not under him. The most important point is that the leaders of these western bases who stay here cannot listen to his orders to kill these people. They are more likely to stand on the sidelines, watch them fight, and finally come to a fisherman.

"Happy!" Xiao Ziling patted Qin Xiao's shoulder with satisfaction, and then turned to Chu Yutian: "Let's go, can't disturb the big event of Qin."

"Yes, Captain!" Chu Yutian's performance is like a competent deputy team. This makes a look at Xiao Ziling at the place, and has such a horrible deputy. He wants to be the captain. He should be even more terrifying. Coupled with the cold and **** means of Xiao Ziling at first, people can't help but feel chilling.

Xiao Ziling didn't know the minds of these people on the scene. He nodded and left with the sword in his hand. The awakened people outside the Qinling base, surrounded by him, saw Xiaoziling walking towards them and felt an invisible pressure. The footsteps involuntarily retreated backwards, and soon gave up a road with a three-meter width.

The cold eyes of Xiao Ziling glanced at the past, and the compelling sight made them involuntarily bow their heads and dare not look again. Xiao Ziling kept the face of the face, but his heart secretly wiped the cold sweat, surrounded by so many people. He was still very stressed. He couldn't help but sigh that his face was really useful. He used it to shock the audience. Xiao Ziling really wants to go out when he doesn't want to leave. It’s really tiring, and it’s all survivors of the last days. If it’s not necessary, he really doesn’t want to kill and kill too many kills.

After all, he still likes to kill the zombie mutants. That is the battlefield of mankind, not between humans. Consume each other.

The awakening of the Qinling base witnessed the legendary ruthless demon who left their sight. This way, they can't start a little rebellious thought, Xiao Ziling's powerful strength. The cold action and the understatement gave them endless pressure, and they proved that they all existed in his eyes.

Chu Haotian did not immediately catch up. His cold eyes glanced around the faint gaze, and this kind of indifferent sight made everyone feel a pressure. Some of the base leaders blinked slightly, while others steadfastly looked straight, but most of them turned away and even looked away. Blowed his head.

His eyes finally fell on Yu Hualei Yunzhang's body, and asked: "Yu leader, I don't know if I have this honor, invite you to walk with us? Pray for the base we are very admired."

Chu Yutian’s words have two meanings. One is to help them get out of here smoothly, and Yu Hua’s reconciliation of Xiao Ziling’s knot. Of course, the other layer of meaning is not so good. He is telling the other leaders in the west clearly. This praying base can be related to their Lingtian base. It will make the base of the praying base and the west in the quiet. The base produced a knot of heart, and it was desperate to form an alliance with their Lingtian base.

When Yu Hua heard this, he knew what Chu Yutian was playing. However, in this case, he can only accept Chu Haotian's "good intentions." So he replied indifferently: "Thanks to the invitation of the deputy team, it would be better to be respectful." If this person is really what he thinks, he can't refuse him.

Chu Haotian was satisfied with the nod, his cold eyes swept to Qin Xiao, the eyes of the killing machine did not hide, which makes Qin Xiao back cold sweat, very sorrowful, do not know when he offended the other side.

"He is not something you can count." Chu Yu Tianyi gave this sentence and left with Huo Zhengyu Qian Lu Ye Wen left. Yu Hua, regardless of the people around him, took Lei Yunzhang to Qin Xiao friendship and said goodbye. Just chasing Chu Yutian and going.

At the entrance, Xiaoziling was waiting there, and there were no more people around him. The guards at the door were already shocked by Xiao Ziling’s momentum, and they didn’t know which corner. He saw that Chu Yutian almost came down at the same time, couldn't help but laugh, and tweeted: "Why, Yu Yu, you are willing to come down?"

Yu Hua heard a bitter smile: "The devil should not make fun of Yu Hua again. Is Yu Hua apologizing still not?" As long as he knew this, he should not deliberately call him the original. I did not expect that the original revenge was very strong, and immediately referred to him as Yu Yu. This demon is really a person who does not want to suffer.

Xiao Ziling listened to Yu Hua’s words, and suddenly laughed. This name was originally a joke. It was Yu Hua’s teasing of his emotional indecisiveness. Of course, he did not let Yu Hua be better, copying the name of the other party, and losing his face together. the meaning of. Neither of them is willing to admit defeat, so the original Yu Yu called a non-stop, it depends on who is disgusted and can not endure.

Xiao Ziling knew that this was a good opportunity to reintroduce himself, so he slowly converges his smile and carefully extends his right hand: "Re-recognize, Xiao Ziling, the Minister of Safety Supervision of Lingtian Base."

Yu Hua heard Xiao Ziling's serious self-introduction and his expression was excited. He held the hand of Xiao Ziling's extension: "Yu Hua, the leader of the original base." Then he smiled. "What do you call now? Call you Xiao?"

Xiao Ziling shook his hand and shook his hand: "Of course. Yu, you are my friend!"

Yu Hua seriously said: "Xiao, you are also my friend!" Perhaps they were friends in their past lives, so they will see each other in this life.

They didn't notice that the two men around him were glaring at the two hands that were tightly held together, and they wanted to pull each other out. I saw that Chu Yutian couldn't bear the vinegar and snorted, and gnashed his teeth: "Can you let your man let go?"

Lei Yun screamed with anger: "Why not let your man let go?"

"Don't you see that your man grabbed the hand of my family?" Chu Yantian eyebrows picked. The meaning of contempt is not concealed.

"That is also your man's initiative to seduce." Lei Yunzhang was provoked.

Chu Yutian, who was hit by a word, broke out: "Do you want to die?" The murderousness in the eyes began to spread.

"Do you want to fight?" Lei Yunzhang is not afraid of the threat of Chu Haotian, he is not scared.

"Give me shut up!" There is no limit to the situation, oh no, the two friends who are infinite friendship are defeated by two dogs who like to be jealous and jealous, and both of them turn their heads and whisper at the same time.

Do these two people drink this kind of plain vinegar without any reason? Oh. Then let them drink and die. The depressed two people thought of this in unison.

"Yu, we see it as it is, don't we talk about how to talk about it late night?" Xiao Ziling's attitude became more enthusiastic.

"Xiao. This is exactly what I think. I am afraid that it is not enough to promote the night talks, or is it better for us to sleep with the bed?" Yu Hua immediately grasped it, and nodded very tacitly, even adding a fire.

"Absolutely not allowed!" The other two heard this and rushed over and forgot the duel that they had just ushered in, one by one. Hold your lover and separate them. In action, they exchanged a tacit understanding. Deciding on the next time to be optimistic about their lover, can not give Xiao Ziling Yu Hua have time to be alone.

Yu Hua hit an elbow and hit his own tight Lei Yunzhang, directly hitting him one meter. There was a sneer in his mouth: "Oh, you have a tacit understanding."

Lei Yunzhang’s face was so painful that he coughed a few times. He covered the part he had been hit and slammed it hard. This was wronged: “Yu, there is.”

Xiao Ziling was not as ferocious as Yu Hua, but he smiled and smiled at his own Chu Yutian, ridiculed: "You are really infinitely ......"

Chu Haotian looked up and looked at the sky. He did not hear anything. He still looked at Xiao Ziling and did not let go. He Chu Yutian had a thick face and the ice face was not white.

In the face of Chu Rutian, who was stupid, Xiao Ziling snorted, and he slammed the hand that ate his little waist tofu, and stepped on his stomach in front of this wicked man, coldly: "Since this is the case." Hey, don’t bother you. Come, Yu, let’s go there and chat.” After that, I took Yu Hua and went to the seat of the other lover’s table, and the two of them were mercilessly Drop it.

Chu Haotian shook his feet and shook his eyes, and did not know what to do. Thundercloud, who was licking his mouth and rubbing his chest, was coming over, and he said helplessly: "It seems that we can't keep up, otherwise we really want to provoke them, and our days are not good."

Chu Yu Tian Xin nodded with the same feeling, and exchanged a look with Lei Yunzhang, there is actually a kind of sadness that is also the fall of the world. It’s a lover with a unique temperament character. He and Lei Yunzhang are really sick.

Lei Yunzhang looked at Yu Hua’s figure with nostalgia and finally turned his head. He seriously said to Chu Yutian: “Re-recognize it, I know that you are definitely not called Fang Yi. My name is Lei Yunzhang, and it is the base of the praying. The deputy chief, but the name I prefer is the Wangfu who is the leader of the original base."

Chu Haotian glanced at Lei Yunzhang coldly and did not speak. When Lei Yunzhang thought that Chu Haotian would not answer his words, he saw Chu Haotian mentioning his right hand and hitting a finger in front of him. A lilac lightning suddenly appeared between his fingers. Lei Yunzhang’s eyes shook sharply and blurted out: “It’s you!”

Then Lei Yunzhang soon became sullen, because he found that the famous leader of the Lingtian base, Chu Yutian, was even worse than him. Chasing a lover is so awkward, he is happy and satisfied, and his expression is very gloating.

Seeing that Lei Yunzhang had such a pitiful expression, Chu Yutian was very depressed. In order to chase his wife, he lost his face to the base of the praying, but he could only suffer hard. Who made this a fact, if not Yu Hua’s opening solution, perhaps his relationship with Xiao Ziling, is still uncertain, and he is still in an unclear situation.

Qin Xiao was still a reputable person. Soon, Wang Anlong was headed. Everyone responsible for the secret investigation work of the Qinling base came back. Xiao Ziling saw that except Wang Anlong, it was quite clean. Others were a little bad, and even a few people still With a wound that has been sentenced.

Xiao Ziling comforted them: "Everyone is here for a good night, and tomorrow we will leave Qinling and return to our home." This made everyone excited. Only Wang Anlong looked heavy and seemed to be thinking about something.

At this time, there are no restaurants in the restaurant. The people belonging to the Qinling base have left, including Yu Hua and Lei Yunzhang. They know that Xiao Ziling and Chu Yutian are afraid to deal with some secret things. This is not something they outsiders can know. . After all, the secret agents of the base were connected, and I don’t even know that there are traitors inside, but I don’t know who it is.

The restaurant has long been hanged with a sign of suspension of business. Everyone sat in the seat and waited for Xiao Ziling to ask questions. At this time, a handsome silly boy appeared from the kitchen and touched the back of his head and asked: "Hey? Are you a guest? Why are the waiters not there? What is going on?"

Wang Anlong looked at the stupid person, his brow wrinkled, his eyes flashed a slap in the face, but he did not say anything. After all, the leader here is Xiao Ziling, and everything is waiting for Xiao Ziling to speak. However, Qi Long, the vice team around him, was dissatisfied and sighed: "Who are you? How do we get into the restaurant?"

The silly boy seemed to be scared, and his face was scared and stuttered: "I, I just came here, come here to do some handyman." Then I thought of something, and quickly added, "Just give me a full meal." Yes."

Qi Long still looks suspicious, and when he wants to say something, Xiao Ziling is faintly said: "This person is no problem, Qi Qi team does not need to worry about him. Second, don't go back to the kitchen to help these brothers burn something delicious? Make sure everyone has a meal to eat."