MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 271 : surrender? Playing with the palm of your hand?

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Ps: Send a 5,000-word chapter, count two chapters? In fact, it doesn't matter if you add more, and you owe so many chapters. I can only try to write more points every day, so I can finish this article early. I don't know what kind of new text you want to see? I am thinking about it, but it is not very clue. Bg or bl makes me very tangled.

Chapter 271: Surrender? Playing with the palm of your hand?

"I am very surprised, I don't understand why I will tell you these things?" Yu Hua smiled, with a little bit of blackmail, he was very satisfied with Xiao Ziling's surprise.

Xiao Ziling nodded: "Well, after all, you and I don't know one day." This can't help but surprise him.

"From the first sight of you, I just saw myself who had nowhere to go." Yu Hua’s eyes blurred and became very clear, and his face gradually became serious. He said seriously: "I told the reason You are, because, I hope that you can come out smoothly, instead of being forced to collapse."

Under the serious eyes of Yu Hua, Xiao Ziling’s face gradually became pale, and he was silent.

"Since he is not here, take this opportunity to talk about your concerns, your concerns, as a person I can give you some advice." Yu Hua encouraged.

Xiao Ziling was silent for a long time. He was also thinking about what he was bothering and what he was afraid of. Finally, Xiao Ziling can only smile bitterly: "How do I say that I always feel that I have a relationship with him and I cannot see hope."

Yu Hua raised his eyebrows and did not understand the meaning of Xiao Ziling. He doubted: "Do you still have parents? Oppose? But now is the end of the world, these are not problems."

Xiao Ziling shook his head and said: "No, my family is one of me, and his parents are still alive, but very open-minded." Xiao Ziling thought of the wonderful Chu Dazhu Chu Ma, the first time he met, he gave the family jade pendant, and he would pay Chu Yutian Giving him, he couldn't help but smile. "His parents saw me for the first time when they saw me. They also said that if he bullied me, they would help me learn."

Yu Hua heard and said with a smile: "What are you worried about? Even the parents are on your side."

Xiao Ziling’s look was much easier than at the beginning. He even forgot that he still had this sword. Perhaps the voice was opened, and Xiao Ziling said his deep feelings and worries: "Fang Yi... is a very charming person, and the peach blossoms around him, every woman who has seen him will like him. I want to be with him. Spring has been a time. And he used to like women very much, and he did not reject this kind of bliss, so there are many lovers."

"But he fell in love with you, this is the truth." Fang Yi's love in the eyes of Yu Hua, this passer-by, is very clear and can't be fake.

"But he used to love a woman before." Xiao Ziling couldn't help but think of Chu Yutian in his previous life. The river whispered to the extreme, even gave her supreme power, "even so. He can still go to bed with other women to love, hunting for beauty." This is also the reason for the huge woman of the former Chufu Tianhou Palace, and then Plus the marriage has been going on. He is afraid that Chu Yutian will be the same in the future, and he can't accept this kind of betrayal. This is why he has been unwilling to open his heart and accept Chu Haotian.

Yu Hua listened to this passage, his brow was slightly wrinkled, and he did not like this kind of scum man. No wonder the original 祺 was so worried. Because Fang Yi has a criminal record, if he can't manage his lower body in the future, it will be everywhere. How do they accept the spirit of cleanliness?

Yu Hua knows that Xiao Ziling, like him, is a person who absolutely demands his partner's loyalty, and can't be deceived. He is very glad that his mine is a self-cleaning youth. From small to large, he is full of his mind.

"All this is what you witnessed?" Yu Hua felt that he would ask again, after all, the Fang Yi he saw now is not as bad as the original.

Xiao Ziling shook his head and said: "All the people told me." The past life Chu Yutian is the person they look up to, which can be contacted by the cannon fodder? Of course, it’s all the storytelling news, lace news, but Xiao Ziling believes that there is no wind and no waves, so many people pass, I think it should be eighty-nine.

Yu Hua heard a sigh of relief, he said, this Fang Yi does not look like the kind of Majima that the original said, who knows whether it is true or not, obviously want to make a discount and think about it. . He comforted: "The original, maybe there are some misunderstandings. Maybe after all, you just listen to people, not to see it yourself. You have to rely on your own eyes to determine what kind of person Fang Yi is, not Hearing, because of rumors to deny the other party, this party is very unfair."

Yu Hua took a picture of Xiao Ziling's shoulder: "I believe that you should be clear about his relationship with Fang Yi, and don't blind your eyes for other external reasons."

Xiao Ziling was silent. He thought about the bits and pieces that began with his understanding of Chu Yutian. He was cold and ruthless, but he did not take the initiative to abandon the survivors who sought asylum. He worked hard every night to support the people who followed him. One day, he didn’t talk much, but he used his actions to prove his promise. He never provoked a woman. Even if the women who approached him were separated by more than three meters, it can be said that for many years, Chu Yutian’s self-containedness is fundamental. No woman succeeded in climbing his bed, of course, no man, except for his Xiaozi Mausoleum. Of course, Xiao Ziling believes that he has exerted a great deal of power in this kind of achievement. After all, he intends to isolate women who are not motivated.

The worry about the marriage issue, Chu Yutian had already said very clearly earlier, he simply disdain this method that can not completely solve the problem, he is ready to use force to completely conquer those bases that are different, and Chu Yutian believes that there is no What he can't do. Of course, Xiao Ziling believes that Chu Yutian, who said this, is obviously over-represented.

"Well, I don't think I can look at him with my former eyes." Xiao Ziling has some feelings that the present Chu Yutian has been different from the previous Chu Yu Tian Da.

"But, I just want to be a brother with Fang Yi..." Xiao Ziling muttered, well, there is still a problem, that is, he has no idea of ​​bending, although the things he is doing now are all curved.

Yu Hua shook his head helplessly: "But, Fang Yi does not want to, his attitude is very determined, you can't escape." Just like the original.

Xiao Ziling is depressed and said: "Well, I know, so he wants, I will give it, wait until he is tired of me, and then restore the previous brother relationship."

"You lied to yourself?" Yu Hua sneered, really just a bed partner, why bother entangled with each other's heart and soul? Obviously because the other party has love. Therefore, I will worry about fear, fearing that I will do everything, but I will never recover. And Yu Hua is very tempted to abandon Xiao Ziling's resignation, why is the initiative to hand over to the other party? Isn't it possible to lead by yourself?

Xiao Ziling, who was ruthlessly defeated by Yu Hua, was awkward, and he was red-faced. This is the way: "What do you say?" Xiao Ziling also simply left this question to Yu Hua, anyway, Yu Hua is to give him advice, he does not have to use it.

"What to do? Why are you so unsuccessful?" Yu Hua hated the iron and did not become a steel. He ordered the Xiaomenling's brain. "Since you can't get rid of Fang Yi, then let him love the madness of your love, no longer have time to think about other people. I have to squeeze all his energy, even if he has time to think about other people. Also, let him be empty and powerless."

"And, you have to remember, this feeling, there is no retreat, you must be king." Yu Hua is excited.

"Wang?" Xiao Ziling is confused. Is Yu Hua still talking about feelings? Why is there a strange feeling?

"Yes. Let Fang Yi surrender to you and treat you as the king, then your worry is not a problem!" Yu Hua raised Xiao Ziling's chin. Eyes looked at him intently, and this is how he dealt with Lei Yunzhang, since Lei Yunzhang dragged him into the abyss of hell. Then he must be deeper than him, and he is truly loyal and never regrets.

Xiao Ziling was angered by Yu Hua’s domineering declaration. So in his mind, the cold and domineering Chu Yu Tian Yu was in front of him, kissing his back, solemnly swearing his life to be loyal to him... Nima, this tastes too good.

At this time, at the door, I listened to some of the two corners of the corner, and my face was not very good. Lei Yunzhang was awkward. His actual status was known by the person around him. He felt a little uncomfortable.

"This is what you said to persuade?" Chu Yutian brows a pick, only one of the eyes of the forced people condemned. The pure and lovely Xiaoling of his family was obviously badly damaged.

Lei Yunzhang received the eyes of Chu Haotian, calmly stunned Chu Yutian and asked: "You are willing to make your lover sad?"

Yuhua of his family just put this relationship in the clear place. There is always a party to surrender between the husbands. He is reluctant, so he is Lei Yunzhang, but he does not believe that Fang Yi is not around? Just look at the present, the original attitude of such a detachment, can let Fang Yi scratch the wall, if the original imaginary, and then learn Yu Hua's doctor, he does not believe that Fang Yi can be better than him. Where to go.

Chu Yutian heard a word, suddenly speechless, his **** discovery, Lei Yunzhang said yes, he has foreseen that the future is absolutely gray.

Xiao Ziling’s eyes were hot and asked: “Yu Yu, what should I do?” This sentence is different from the previous sentence. The meaning of the content is completely different. Now the confidence and firmness of Xiao Ziling’s mouth is completely audible. He smiles with satisfaction. It is.

"Yes, this attitude is to have confidence in yourself. Since Fang Yi has fallen in love with you, you can't escape. Then simply open your heart and accept him. Then let the whole person hang him and let him indulge in you. You can't live without you." Yu Hua was close to the ear of Xiao Ziling, and his heart was quietly told Xiao Ziling.

The more Xiao Xiaoling listened to his face, the more red he felt. The whole person felt that he had to burn up. When Yu Hua finished, he could only stutter: "This... this is too shameful."

Yu Hua glared at him: "What is this? Do you think that being a king is just to talk about it? No, how do you let Fang Yi surrender to you? The joy of fish and water is a necessary means, waiting for you to learn the things I teach you. I want to come to Fang Yi to be obsessed with it."

Yu Hua said that this is a well-behaved, because now as long as he hooks his finger, Lei Yunzhang immediately rushed over the guy, and his bed is the thing that Lei Yunzhang dreams of. Everything is more important than this.

Xiao Ziling thought that Chu Haotian had been very interested in the bed. If he learned the Yuhua teaching again, he violently shuddered. No, this matter has to be slower. If he is afraid of doing it, he will not survive.

Yu Huake did not find Xiao Ziling's careful thoughts, but still guides other things that the husband and wife should pay attention to: "You have to be strong. At present, this kind of greasy and weak performance has been lost to me. We are men, we must be decisive, domineering. Seeing that the other party has a tendency to derail, immediately stop the violence. Yes, you don’t have Fang Yi’s parents to help? This kind of thing will use all available resources to completely suppress his despicable mind. Also, for all the small three small four who want to get involved, go to death. If there is still no heart, it is soft and direct."

Yu Hua squinted at the slightest, revealing a few cold light, and it seemed full of blood. "You must know. Now is the end of the world, killing people does not break the law. If you encounter strength better than us, don't be afraid, we still have intrigues... oh, this, etc. I really came across. You will contact me again." Yu Hua found that Xiao Ziling had already listened to the eyes and circle, it is not difficult for him. Besides, Yu Hua does not think that Xiao Ziling will have any intrigues, and he will help design a lot later.

"This way. Will he resent or even resist?" Xiao Ziling is somewhat worried.

Yu Hua sneered and said: "We don't rely on men to eat, what we are afraid of, can't accept it, just take a shot and two, and it will be clean, and we will not be wronged. Since they dare to derail, they still have to accept this. Ending." After that, Yu Hua gritted his teeth. "Of course, when I leave, I will definitely marry him."

Xiao Ziling’s eyes are full of light. Hate nodded and said: "Yu Yu said that it makes sense, it should be like this!" If Chu Yutian dares to plant horses, he will let him completely unable to breed horses.

The two bodies listening to the corner shook violently, only to feel the coldness of their hearts, could not help but clamped their legs, but even so, they still feel cold and cool, it seems that there is a knife is guarding .

Chu Yutian resentful eyes and directed Lei Jingzhang, condemning his lover is too ferocious, even took his family Xiaoling, and miserable him.

Lei Yunzhang's face is very thick, ignoring the murderous eyes of Chu Yutian, just patting the shoulders of Chu Haotian, comforting him to open. Of course, there are also some good brothers who have the same meaning of being blessed to share. Since his life is so hot, he welcomes Chu Yutian to join.

I have to say that it is easy to get a revolutionary feeling from the sad reminder. Chu Yutian Lei Yunzhang can only understand the tacit understanding of the other party’s meaning from the two, and only after a short listening corner. Time can be said to develop rapidly. Of course, the two do not agree, still feel how the other side is not pleasing to the eye.

Seeing that Xiao Ziling had changed the original troubles and became confident, Yu Hua was finally satisfied. He took a shot of Xiao Ziling’s shoulder: "The original, the feelings are based on the efforts of both sides. If you want to live with Fang Yitian for a long time, you can't Retreat, be brave and defend your belongings. Also, don't worry too much about failure, and be loyal to your heart."

Finally, Yu Hua seriously said: "If Fang Yi is really sorry for you in the future, remember that you still have us. I welcome you to come to us to pray for the original base to heal."

Chu Yutian once again used Lei Yunzhang around his eyes, so why is his lover so optimistic about him? Did he grow a face of Zhang Huaxin? Is it clear that he is not a woman? Chu Yutian felt that he was really dying, and both of them convicted him.

Lei Yunzhang brows a pick, like a smile, he swears in the direction of Xiao Ziling, saying that this is not his lover's view, obviously Xiao Ziling. The ridicule on his face is very obvious. I despise Chu Yutian’s failure to do so. It makes Xiao Ziling’s misunderstanding, which is obviously self-seeking.

Lei Yunzhang’s counterattack made Chu Yu’s chest tight, and a blood spurted out. He couldn’t wait to rush in to wake Xiao Xiaoling and ask him which eye saw him planting a horse? Why is it **** labeled with this tag?

Outside the Chu Yu weather, the blood spit does not say, Xiao Ziling in the room is rejuvenated, only to see him nod to Yuhua, saying that he knows. He is grateful in his eyes. Xiao Ziling has no friends and friends, and he does not know what he is a confidant, but he now understands what confidant is, Yu Hua is. Although I only know each other for a short time, although they did not really tell each other's identity, the fate is like this, the feelings are like this, and when they know each other, they have achieved friendship.

Yu Hua got Xiao Ziling, and this was the only way to solve the two guys who listened to the corner and listened to the addiction. I saw him turning his head and sneer at the door: "How? Learn to swear by Yang?"

I heard a sound outside the door, and soon the voice of Lei Yunzhang came from far away: "Ah, Yu, we just forgot to take the crystal nucleus..."

Xiao Ziling suddenly opened the door and saw Lei Yunzhang pulling Chu Yutian quickly disappeared from the corner. Of course, he knew that the two men must have secretly heard the present, and his face suddenly became colorful.

Yu Hua walked to Xiao Ziling's side and sighed at the door: "Forget the crystal nucleus? Who is it? The eavesdropping technique is too bad, it is really shameful."

Xiao Ziling's colorful face slammed down and complained: "Yu Yu, why don't you remind me? Let me tell my heart, it's too shameful." Chu Yutian must know, how can he see people? .

Yu Hua snorted: "I knew they had eavesdropped, but this is also my purpose. Fang Yi knows what you are worried about. If he has the heart, he will pay attention to this. If he still does not change, I will I advise you to give up on him, I don't want to push you into the fire pit."

Xiao Ziling immediately lost his shame and moved: "Yu Yu, you are so good."

Yu Hua didn't want to, and violently knocked on Xiao Ziling's forehead, and his entire shot was gone. I saw Yu Hua warning: "Since I know that I am good, I will give me a little bit of competition. When will I play Fang Yi? Between the palms, I will admit that you are a teacher and recognize you as my close friend."

Xiao Ziling was paralyzed. It turned out that Yu Hua still did not recognize him as a close friend.

Seeing to see Xiao Ziling's thoughts, Yu Hua sneered: "My good friend must be a winner, both in business and in feelings."

Looking at the head and chest, Yang Yang is self-satisfied, Xiao Xiaoling burst into tears: Yu Yu, you are proud, you must be proud.

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