MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 268 :Fate points? Newly recognized friends?

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Ps: Ok, let's resume the update from today and let everyone wait.

Chapter 268: Fate? Newly recognized friends?

The female captain seems to be not convinced, she is facing the Chu said: "Do you want to surrender to the man? And just one of them? If you follow me, I will give your husband's status, and I am on an equal footing."

Chu Yutian replied faintly: "To our captain, I am willing to do it."

Chu Haotian’s decisive answer made the female captain have no words at all. She was very wrong and her chest violently gasped for two breaths. This was angrily said: “I really don’t know what to lift, I’m self-deprecating.” She jerked Turning his head and shouting at the rest of the hand, "I still have a rest, give me up, let's go!" The man screamed and climbed up. In this way, she left the original with six or seven wounded. Camp, not far away, began to camp.

The female captain’s heart was extremely angry. If she had a little rationality, she knew that the current defeated team would definitely fight the team led by the fourth-order powerhouse. She would definitely order it and grab Fangyi. This kind of thing she did not do, she figured out that the leak is not afraid, because she has a brother, has entered the fifth-order, is the captain of one of the three most powerful hunting corps of the Qinling base, to all hunting groups Said that the three major hunting groups can only look up to the powerful group, just pull a small team has the ability to directly kill the ordinary hunting team.

The female captain has made up her mind at this time. As long as she returns to the Qinling base, she must ask her brother to kill the team, and Fang Yi will become her.

Chu Xiaotian Xiaoziling did not expect that the female captain who was rescued halfway was turned out to be a snake woman. Because of Chu’s rejection, she had the idea of ​​killing Xiao Ziling’s entire team. Of course, even if they know it, it doesn't matter. After all, they rescued the team and explained that they wanted to know the actual address of the Qinling base and explain why they would go to the Qinling base. As for the team's gratitude and gratitude, they simply don't care.

that's it. Chu Yutian and Xiao Ziling did not have to go to the Qinling base without much trouble. However, it was already near the setting sun. In the concealed eyes of the female captain, they paid a few crystal nucleuses and had the right to enter the base. Of course, only Can stay for one day. I will leave the base at this time tomorrow.

The Xiaoziling squad each took an identity card and entered the base. They saw that the female captain had left, and the eyes were unwilling to be clear. It was difficult for Xiao Ziling to neglect. Xiao Ziling, who had a bad mood, couldn’t help but whisper and sneer. : "Hey, your ability to attract butterflies is really powerful. Look, another woman is addicted, that is really interesting."

Chu Yitian listened. This topic is dangerous. I used to try to test the attitude of Xiao Ziling. I didn’t know it, let the woman stick it up. It is now known that Xiao Ziling has a strong sense of jealousy. If he does not show his attitude, once his misunderstanding occurs, his previous efforts will be abandoned. Therefore, he firmly resists: "Xiaoling. Rest assured, I only have you in my eyes, everyone else is Red powder. Scared to death."

Xiao Ziling only glanced at him, but he did not continue to ask questions. He was very clear. This kind of passerby is not worthy of his anger, although he is really angry inside, so that women should like Chu Haotian, even if Chu Haotian changed his face, it can not stop this ending. Well, our Xiaoziling is actually hateful. Although his appearance is a bit ordinary, but the temperament is a lever, why is there no woman like it?

Not to mention the inner heart of Xiao Ziling's wounds, Chu Xiaotian Xiaoziling chose a relatively simple dwelling place at the base and a small indigenous inhabitant. Although it is simple but complete, there will be no mess in the evening. Things. He immediately set up two rooms and placed them five people. Of course, they had two rooms and three others. It’s not that Xiao Ziling doesn’t want to give the players more comfort, but the team members don’t dare to run to the captain to stay overnight, because everyone knows that the captain is the vice.

On the second day, they got up early. In order to meet the needs of being a normal hunting team, Xiao Ziling asked Huo Zhengyu to go to the information center with Ye Wen and Qian Lu to release the task and recruit their new players. And he and Chu Yutian went to a small restaurant together, the name of the restaurant is called a room, but the sparrow is small but complete. The design is very distinctive and very quiet.

Why did the two people of Chu Xiaotian Xiaozi Ling come here specially for a reason? This restaurant is actually a secret stronghold sent by Lingtian Base.

Although there are small restaurants, the guests are quite a lot. When Chu Yutian and Xiao Ziling came, they were near noon. At this time, they were filled with people. This made Chu Yutian and Xiao Ziling somewhat unprepared. They didn’t expect the restaurant business to be used as a cover.

The waiters were also very embarrassed. They didn't have the reason to push the guests out. He looked around for a week and found that there were only two people at a table. So he went over and exchanged with each other before pointing to Xiao Ziling and Chu Yutian. . One of the people smiled and nodded, while the other person was black. He didn't want anyone to bother their two worlds.

The waiter came back with satisfaction, with Xiao Ziling and Chu Yutian passing by. Xiao Xiaoling just arrived there and thanked the two.

I saw one of the elegant men laughing: "It's okay, it's a fate to have a meal at a table." He still has to thank the two, otherwise he won't even have a meal.

His words made the other two men's faces change slightly. The word fate was too embarrassing. The two men yelled at the two people who spoke and talked, and found that their sweethearts were actually smashed and angry. The two of them, cold eyes and glare all battle, the silent battle began to kick off, a piece of sword and sword.

Xiao Ziling heard the words of a refined man and laughed. He was very fond of seeing this refined man, and that is why he did not object to the waiter making a request for them.

"I am very glad to meet you, my name is Yuan, this is my brother Fang Yi." Xiao Ziling took a picture of Chu’s shoulder and introduced them to them.

"My name is Yu Hua. His name is Lei Yunzhang. You can call me Yu and call him Lei." The refined man said that this is very dissatisfied with Lei Yunzhang around him. He does not want this person to become his rival. Call his lover so intimate.

"That's better than being obedient, Yu!" Xiao Ziling is a very guarded person, but he has a good impression on the two people in front of him. Now he is shouting in accordance with Yu Hua's words, and of course he is attracted again. Lei Yunzhang's roar, this name is his exclusive name, this is all gone, he hates, almost want to destroy Xiao Ziling.

On the other side, Chu Yutian saw that his own small tomb was shackled, and immediately opened his arms and unrestrainedly released the air-conditioning. Oh, that is his lover, can you be jealous? And this relative's name is also very good. He doesn't want to hear from Xiao Ziling's mouth that he is so enthusiastic about calling other men's names. He is jealous.

"You should not be the person at the Qinling base." Yu Hua ignored the two people around, and began to chat with Xiao Ziling.

Xiao Ziling is very curious: "Yu, how did you see it?"

"Because you are wearing a costume that is a passenger." Yu Hua smiled. He saw Xiao Ziling's face confused and explained some of the provisions of the Qinling base. "The Qinling base is very strict, and the major hunting teams have uniforms." The ordinary residents, also divided into three or six, etc., wear different clothing to distinguish, only foreign talents wear casually. This makes it easy for the patrol to distinguish between themselves and outsiders.

Xiao Ziling couldn't help but scream, this Qinling base is too strict, and even the clothes are so detailed.

"This is a means for Qinling base to protect itself. I heard that outsiders want to become a real Qinling base. It is very difficult to determine that there is no problem, plus the need for multi-person guarantee, and it is very likely that from the time you enter the base, It was monitored by the people here." Yu Hua told the Xiaoling Mausoleum to the Xiaoling Mausoleum.

Xiao Ziling frowned. Does this mean that the secret agents they placed were actually discovered from the beginning? The news that Wang Anlong passed is probably not the real news. So why did it cover up well before, but now it is exposed?

"How are you so familiar with this? You shouldn't be here." Chu Yutian was suddenly cold and fluent, and Yuhua's situation was similar to them. Clothes could prove that they did not belong to the Qinling base.

Yu Hua smiled and nodded: "Yes, you observe very carefully. We are not the people at the base here, but they are the people of their alliance base. We come in with the league's entry cards. They are not as strict as we are." ”

"Thank you for your reminder." Xiao Ziling was grateful. If Yu Hua said this, he probably didn't know that Qin Ling actually used this method to distinguish himself from outsiders. If he couldn't help himself, he would come. The base will act rashly and I am afraid it will be discovered. What he is worried about is that this restaurant is still not a secret agent at the Lingtian base.

He exchanged a look with Chu Yutian. At this time, the waiters around him handed them a menu. They saw that the dishes were temporarily out of stock. This information made Xiao Ziling a shock. He asked: "Why still? Can you have a dish that can't be done?"

The waiter explained: "Some materials take time to collect, and there are often dilemmas where materials cannot be delivered in time. However, these dishes are the signature dishes of our restaurant and cannot be placed, so we have to use this method to report Customers, which are available and which are not."

Xiao Ziling heard the waiter say this, regretfully said: "It's a pity, I still want to taste this dish." He looked through other menus and found that the desire to eat was not very strong, so he did not give up, "What is there? Is it almost the same as this dish?"

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