MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 264 :conquer? When the feast advances!

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Ps: This chapter is yesterday, today is coming soon!

Chapter 264: Conquest? When the feast advances!

"Day... No, don't do this..." Xiao Ziling felt that this was a little irritating, and couldn't help but stop the export. He thought that Chu Yutian would directly launch the gun as he did last time. He wants to take a trip and it will pass. Thinking of the many tricks of Chu Yutian, he directly defeated him.

It is a pity that Xiao Ziling, who said this, was blurred and his face was bright red. His body was still trembled and hepatic. This kind of sentimental appearance made Xiao Ziling’s words seem so weak, but there were more invitations without words.

Chu Yutian saw this moving scene, his eyes deeper and darker, his throat slipped a bit, restraining the **** of the face, he must not fall here.

He lowered his eyes and focused his attention on Xiao Ziling's body. His hand slowly slipped from the cherry on the chest of Xiao Ziling to the lower abdomen, stroked it along the navel, and finally came to the arm of Xiao Ziling. He whispered again and again. : "Heaven? Is Xiaoling's nickname for me?"

"What do you want... aha!" Xiao Ziling just wanted to refute, but was shocked by Chu Haotian's action. He spilled directly from his mouth. This shyness Xiaoziling directly turned his head and hid his head in his arm. Between the closed eyes, I will never dare to look at Chu Haotian.

It turned out that Chu Yutian took the lower body of Xiao Ziling and began to slowly set it up, so that Xiao Ziling could bite the lower lip and suppress the back snoring, but his closed eyes overflowed with a little water, and Yan Ruo Tao Li’s cheeks all prove that he has fallen into extreme love at this time.

Xiao Ziling’s performance like an ostrich delighted Chu Yutian, and made Chu Yutian sullenly laugh. He rubbed his fingertips on the top of Xiaoziling’s desires, causing Xiaoziling to breathe again and again: “I like Xiaoling very much. Give me the nickname, and then call me like this." After the completion of Chu Yutian's desire to put down Xiaoziling, he turned the face hiding between his arms and rewarded him with the lips of Xiao Ziling. Sealed the words that Xiao Ziling had just returned to God and wanted to refute.

Rely on, that is the subconscious mind, it is not the nickname of Chu Yutian. Although Xiao Ziling wanted to tell the truth, it was a pity that Chu Haotian did not give him a chance. The overbearing kiss made Xiao Ziling’s protest rebuttal become a helpless boos. This made Xiao Ziling blush and red, so that Chu Yutian’s nickname was so erroneously determined.

Of course, Chu Yutian, who warmly kissed Xiao Ziling, did not forget to continue to caress the lower body of Xiao Ziling. He still remembered the caress with his hands. Soon, the point that Xiao Ziling had just recovered was flew away again. He was once again dragged into the sea by Chu Haotian.

Chu Yutian, who had married Xiaoziling’s lips, was finally willing to let go of this delicious food. Xiao Ziling unconsciously shook his eyelashes and was still contaminated with some wetness. The red, swollen and red lips, the expression of **** and confusion make him seduce a strong temptation. He seems to be inviting him to do him, and he will do it...

Chu Yutian mouth dry, rushing out: "Rely, you are definitely a fairy..." He did not give Xiao Ziling the opportunity to continue to wake up, and finally let Xiao Ziling fall into this embarrassing lust, he must make this The state is maintained. He wants Xiao Ziling to be loyal to his instinct and ask him to do him personally.

"Ah!" Xiao Ziling, who was enjoying his eyes with his eyes closed, suddenly screamed, his whole body trembled. The upper body arched and trembled. He only felt that his lower body was swallowed up by a warm place. This is definitely not the pleasure that Chu Yutian’s long and powerful fingers can give him. He opened his eyes in panic, only to find that Chu Yutian was immersed in his shackles, concentrating on his lower body.

Xiao Ziling’s heart twitched, and the wetness in his eyes was thicker. He didn't know that it was this kind of extreme love, but it was brought by Chu Haotian's unexpected move. He grabbed the hair that had already revealed some silver, and murmured: "Chu Ge, don't be like this. ......"

How can he do this kind of cold and powerful Chu Haotian, he should be an emperor under the bed, enjoying the service of others, not what he is now.

Chu Yutian spit out the strength of Xiao Ziling, and raised his head: "Heaven! Call me heaven!" Chu Ge called too many people, he hoped that Xiao Ziling had his own name, so that he could feel that he really owned him. Xiaoling.

Xiao Ziling did not think of resisting the refusal this time. He suddenly pulled Chu Haotian to the front and shouted at the face that made him convinced and respected: "Hey, you don't need to do this at all!"

How can He De let Chu Haotian put down his body to please him? How did Chu’s move make him decide to break the relationship between the two? Xiao Ziling felt that the acidity in his eyes was thicker, and the hesitation in his heart was more intense.

"You are my lover, I am willing." Chu Haotian replied, then gently kissed the lips that were close at hand, and the teardrop that fell along the corner of the eye.

"So, my lover, close your eyes and enjoy the love I gave you!" Chu Yutian pushed Xiao Ziling down to the bed, and the two white-lued thighs pressed against the side of the owner, completely opening the body to reveal its private parts. Xiao Ziling could only cover his eyes with his hands. He found that he could no longer refuse Chu Yutian.

Chu Haotian slowly leaned down and kissed every inch of the skin of Xiao Ziling's body, just like worshipping the spirit of the heart and welcoming Xiao Ziling's strong entrance.

Xiao Ziling only enjoyed the happiness that Chu Yutian gave him with his eyes closed. The smashing shackles continued to overflow in his throat, and finally he reached the level of happiness. Finally, he stood up and said: "Heaven... let go what!"

The body violently shakes, he finally released in the caress of Chu Yutian, the first time in the soft and warm mouth release, this dripping pleasure makes his soul always floating. Gradually, he came back to think of a problem that ordinary people would not think about, that is, he finally realized the reason why the pillow was strong. When a man is in bed, reason has no effect at all. In order to get this ultimate happiness, what is the slashing of land and what is the problem of mourning the country is not a problem...

When Xiao Ziling was stupid, he felt the opened body, the secret of the chrysanthemum, a finger sneaked in, and the body reflexively tightened, thinking of the actions of Chu Yutian just now, the heart endured He did not live, he quickly relaxed there.

Chu Xiaotian’s low laughter came from the ear: “Not accustomed? It doesn’t matter, I will let you get the same extreme pleasure as before, let you be crazy in my rhythm.” Chu Yutian’s words make him still release the pleasure. In Xiao Yuling, who was shuddering in the aftermath, the heart couldn't help but violently beaten. A panic began to spread in his heart. Would it be that he would die under the shackles of Chu Haotian?

Chu Yutian’s fingers slowly pulled out of Xiao Ziling’s body. Xiao Ziling’s reaction just made him understand that Xiao Ziling is actually resisting the situation of men and men. However, Chu Yutian is overbearing and is an aggressive person. He can be wronged. For a while, but can not grieve his own life, so it is imminent for Xiao Ziling to get used to this kind of situation.

A small box appeared quietly in the hand, open the lid, use a finger to dig up an ointment, slowly approaching the beautiful pink hole and explore it.

Xiao Ziling felt that there was a cool rush into it. With the deepening of the fingers, the feeling of coolness became more and more deep, which made Xiao Ziling somewhat uncomfortable, like to expel this feeling of discomfort. His back began to secrete water, very Xiao Xiaoling’s mind felt that the speed of the fingers in and out of the body became faster and easier, and there was still a water-sounding sound when the button was pulled. This sound made Xiao Ziling’s face redder.

Chu Yutian, who noticed the changes in the body of Xiao Ziling, had a bright smile and a smile on his mouth. The lubricating cream with aphrodisiac effect recommended by the boss was not bad, and the change in Xiao Ziling’s body was so rapid. He pulled his finger, this time he used a two-finger finger to dig a large piece out of the box. Since it is useful, use it a little more this time.

Chu Haotian has some self-confidence, and he can really conquer Xiao Ziling alone. The necessary assistance is still needed. And that little box disappeared quietly in the hands of Chu Haotian at this time.

At this time, Xiao Ziling's back is easy to let Chu Yutian's **** in and out, once again feel the cool intestines continue to overflow the water, not only that, Xiao Ziling feels deep in his body began to itch, just two The twitching and twitching of the fingers seems to solve the itch and emptiness that comes from the face. He is eager to want more...

"Ah... What did you give me?" Xiao Ziling writhed his body, licking his mouth and asking about Chu Yutian, the feeling of itching became more and more intense, and the deeper his fingers entered, he felt the range of itching. More widely, this kind of discomfort is about to make him unable to stand it.

Chu Yutian mouth smirked: "a lubricant."

Oh, just lubrication? Go to the devil. Knowing that this kind of body is like a tidal itch, it is certain that Xiao Ziling, who is related to the lubricant, certainly does not believe Chu Yutian’s ghosts.

Chu Yutian once again joined a finger, and the three fingers flexibly buckled and let Xiao Xiaoling be unable to ask questions. He could only breathe in the bed and let Chu Yutian be at the mercy, but the lower body that had been released once was actually in Chu Yutian. The teasing began to stand up again.

Chu Yutian gently grasped the other side with the other hand, and smiled in the mouth: "How, still want?" This lubricant is really powerful, Xiao Ziling is not a strong sexual desire, but in this lubrication aphrodisiac Under the influence, it is still surrendered.

Xiao Ziling refused to respond. He covered his eyes with his arms. A cute look that I didn’t know made Chu Yutian secretly swallow a slobber. He liked to tease Xiaoziling. He actually had to burn himself. He was strong. It has been screaming for a long time, and now it has expanded to the extreme. He is also the first to know that he can be so huge.

Damn, he will endure it any more, and he will not mention the gun. He suspects that he will have a sexual disorder in the future. If he does not raise it, he will lose money.