MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 257 : Join? Former captain!

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Ps: Thanks for the support of babo, small suckling pig bigfoot, mimizhong, gooee! Thank you for the book of freedom, mimizhong's pink support!

I just came back from a business trip and I have a lot of work. I can barely finish a chapter. Please forgive me. I hope that I can finish this paragraph with more chapters.

Chapter 257: Joining? Former captain!

Seeing the enemies who killed themselves in the past, Xiaoziling no longer has the feeling of shopping. Chu Yutian sees Yiyuan to take them to a quiet place to rest, no need for luxury, as long as comfortable, affordable.

Yiyuan was very familiar with the base, took them a few turns, and found a quiet and tidy hotel, the price is not expensive. Chu Haotian looked at the surrounding environment and knew why the price was affordable. Although it was in the center of the base, there was no advertisement in the dim alleys. The customers depended on the old customers or guides. Only then, this situation is certainly not expensive.

Sure enough, Yiyuan took them to check in, and saw that the boss gave a bag of things. He was embarrassed to smile at the two people of Chu Xiaotian Xiaoziling. Chu Yutian does not matter, because this is exactly what he wants. It is not far from the commercial street. He can let him explore his mental power. I believe that with his eighth-order spiritual strength, no one can find out the original base.

He gave this day's remuneration to Yiyuan, which made Yiyuan very grateful to know that he only took Chu Xiaotian Xiaoziling for two and a half days, and the other party could only give half a day's reward.

Watching Yiyuan leave, Chu Xiaotian Xiaoziling also entered their room to rest. Chu Yutian immediately sat down and the spirit of the eighth order spread quickly...

In a tall building in the base, Lei Yunzhang, who had been driven out to stay outside the living room, suddenly changed his face. He opened his eyes and thought that he would not want to knock into the room and rush into the room.

"Lei Yunzhang, what do you want to do?" Because Lei Yunzhang’s violence broke, the violent sound made the pen in the hands of the elegant man draw a beautiful range on the document, which made him perfect for the perfectionism. Road.

"Yu. The base has come to the strong." Lei Yunzhang's face is gloomy, and Lei Yun's face is a fire awakened person. In fact, it is a double system. He is still a mysterious spiritual awakening person. The reason why the base is so stable, and He will control the spirit of the city. As long as the base has a power riot, he can find out.

Yu converges on anger and her face is dignified: "How strong is it?"

Lei Yunzhang is very heavy: "I am stronger than I am."

Lei Yunzhang’s words made Yu’s face change greatly. It’s important to know that Lei Yunzhang has already been sixth-order, plus the double-frame increase. Close to the existence of the seventh order, if it is really stronger than him, then it can only be a seventh-order awakened person.

Lei Yunzhang continued: "The man broke my spiritual network with my mental strength. I think he should know that we have a spiritual awakening here."

"Is it also spiritual?" I haven't heard of anyone in the spiritual department who entered the seventh order.

"Unclear, you must know that after the fifth order, any awakened person can use his or her mental strength, but it is nothing more than a mentally awakened person." Lei Yun tells the truth, the other seven-stage department can also use mental power to break his spirit. The network, the high-order pressure to help them complete.

"It seems that we have to be careful! This greedy guy, one day I will retaliate." Yu gnashed his teeth.

When Chu Yitian released his own spiritual power, he felt the numerous spiritual networks that were supervised over the base. He immediately understood that this base also has a spiritual awakening, but the strength of the sixth-order is not enough to resist his mental strength. Let him break this spiritual network once.

Chu Yutian mouth corner reveals a touch of play, this time certainly alarmed the high-level base of the praying base, do not know how they will act? Since I decided to join them. Then look at their resilience, I hope not to let him down.

Wang Jingyu was still in the old place, and sent a young man with a smile. He was very proud of him, and another boy who was not deeply involved was deceived by him. I think that three young awakened people have promised to join his team. If he finds two more people, he can re-establish the hunting team and serve as the captain. .

Wang Jingyu is only a third-order earth awakened person. If he wants to join a hunting team, he is not a no-no, but he is only a shield player in his ability to play in the hunting team. Wang Jingyu does not want to be a purely beaten character. He is afraid of injury and fear of death. Regardless of whether the hunting team is strong or not, the shield awakened person must be the first to go out to take the attack. The pain of injury is inevitable. This is He can't accept it. The only thing that can escape this possibility is to be the captain himself. He can find other shield players, and he can be protected as long as he stays in the middle.

Wang Jingyu knows that his thoughts are despicable, but he has to throw his own conscience in order to survive. He was very grateful to the face that his parents gave him. He was very deceptive and made him more than once successful in abducting these **** teenagers, letting them join their own team and then rushing for him.

Originally, he had a hunting team. Unfortunately, he was set aside by a senior zombie when he was praying to the original base. He could only use the players to block the zombies for him, and he quickly fled, and finally came to the praying. Base, unfortunately this time made him become a lonely man again. In order to start again, he had to recruit and recruit here. Unfortunately, his strength is not enough. He can only deceive these young people who are almost equal to him... The results of many days are still good, and three awakened people have come to him. A thief boat.

When Wang Jingyu was still smug, suddenly he was black. He fixed his eyes and found that two young people had come to him. One of the people with a little shortness asked: "Excuse me, are you recruiting players?" ?"

Wang Jingyu stunned, the two young men were looking at him with a look of hope at this moment, and they were wearing them, very ordinary, and it was estimated that they could not be mixed. He was happy in his heart, which was simply raining in the sky. If a person joins, his hunting team can be established again.

He immediately put up a gentle smile: "Yes, I am the captain, called Wang Jingyu, what do you call the two?"

"I am the original, he is Fang Yi, we just don't have a team, we want to add a hunting team to go out for adventure." This is called the original young man with a look of surprise.

Wang Jingyu did not immediately accept the two men, but asked with a puzzled face: "The other hunting teams are also collecting people. Why are you looking for me?" He looked shyly. "My hunting team is very weak. Are you too wrong to join us?"

The expression was very sincere, and it was really difficult for Xiao Ziling to distinguish between true and false. He thought of his past life. When he was saved by Wang Jingyu, he knew that Wang Jingyu had his own team. I suggested that I would like to join them. I remember that at that time, Wang Jingyu said that it was also this sentence, which made him very impressed. In his heart, Wang Jingyu was considered to be a big good person. It’s really just to save his life, no selfish desires... I will also give up my last bit of caution and work wholeheartedly for Wang Jingyu’s team. I hope that in the end they will be able to get rid of the fate of cannon fodder and be able to protect each other in the last days.

Xiao Ziling once again heard this sentence, but he had different feelings. The original feelings were gone, and some only had disgusting hypocrisy. Why can't the past life hear it? Xiao Ziling quickly cleaned up his mood. He looked at the Chuxi Heavenly Road with a look of anxiety: "We have added other teams, but they don't want to accept my younger brother."

Said this sentence. Xiao Ziling then sighed and said with a smile: "My younger brother is a third-order speed variator, and those hunting teams don't want it at all." Xiao Ziling's face became gloomy. The rejection of the hunting team made him very dissatisfied and even angry, but he quickly cheered up. "But I will not leave my younger brother, so I want to ask, if you don't mind my younger brother's poor strength, willing to accept Next, I will join him, right, I am the third-order ice awakening."

Xiao Ziling’s remarks made Wang Jingyu unable to maintain his mouth that he wanted to lift. He was so happy. He didn’t mind the third-order speed variant. He knew that he would have wanted to receive one. Second-order, how bad the third-order abilities are, more powerful than the second-order ones, has reached his expectations, and there is nothing to do. And the other is the ice ability, this is a powerful killing ability, his luck is really good.

So he smiled and said: "The other people in my team are also third-order abilities. It is better than your younger brother. Where will you not? As long as you don't deny our team's low strength, you are welcome to join." When he reached out and wanted to shake hands with Xiao Ziling, he said that Chu Haotian suddenly reached out and took his hand and said coldly: "Thank you for your care." The power was so great that Wang Jingyu felt pain.

Xiao Ziling immediately made a blame, and took a look at Chu Haotian, indicating that he let go, and then apologized to Wang Jingyu: "Sorry, Captain, Fang Yi is born with great strength, and still does not know how to converge, I hope you don't want to be surprised. Chu Yutian vented for him, Xiao Ziling is still very happy, he really did not want to touch Wang Jingyu in this life, he made him feel uncomfortable.

Wang Jingyu whispered: "Where, where." He had a cold sweat on his forehead. Why would he feel that this third-order speed variator was dangerous, and he felt that the other person did not like him.

Wang Jingyu saw that Fang Yi’s cold face was a face, and he grabbed the original hand and held his eyes. His eyes were only on the original body, and nothing else. Wang Jingyu understood what it meant. He knew why Fang Yi didn't like him. He is very helpless. This praying base is very speechless. Not only the base leader is engaged in the base, but also the members of the base have a lot of foundations. It seems to be the foundation of the world. The pair is in front of him. He did not expect to be in his team. a member of.

Xiao Ziling asked: "What about our other team members?"

Wang Jingyu smiled and explained: "They will go back first. They will come here at 8:00 tomorrow morning. You will come over this time tomorrow. By the way, you can register your personal information at the base center." The team must set up the team and go to the center to register themselves. The information, this is why he must accept people.

"Well, I and Fang Yi first went to other places to go shopping." Xiao Ziling and Wang Jingyu smiled and said goodbye, leaving the address of the residence, if there is change, you can find them there.

The two went back, Chu Yutian asked: "I really want to join?"

Xiao Ziling nodded: "Yes, I have to figure out exactly who he is, otherwise I will be unbalanced even if I kill him." If you don't give yourself an account, even if you solve Wang Jingyu, his demons still exist. The past life of the past is not so easy to put down. Of course, he will let Wang Jingyu follow the place he wants to go, and he will do it in one fell swoop.

"Well, I will help you!" Chu Yutian puns, Xiao Ziling wants to kill Wang Jingyu, he helps, when Xiao Ziling does not want to kill Wang Jingyu, he will help Xiao Ziling to kill him... In short, Wang Jingyu will die.

Xiao Ziling does not know the idea of ​​Chu Yutian, his heart is being moved by Chu Yutian's words, his boss is willing to believe him unconditionally, willing to leave everything to accompany him crazy, he really feels that this world has not followed the wrong person.

Perhaps, next time he should give his boss a good face, when his boss wants to think about it, he should not refuse it so simply, will it make the boss feel better?

Hey, Xiao Ziling’s idea can foresee that in the future he will surely be cleaned up by Chu Yutian.

Appraisal Jun decided to ignore the diving, Analysis Jun would like to remind his own pro, but unfortunately was identified by the ruthless suppression.

Dear, why do we have a stinking boss with a conscience? - Analyze the tears!