MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 244 : Crime? Jiang Liyu's ending? (on)

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Ps: There should be a chapter in the middle of the night to completely explain the ending of Jiang Qingyu. Now I have to take my girl to go, wait for her to sleep and continue to code.

Chapter 244: Crime? Jiang Liyu's ending? (on)

The people in the Safety Supervision Department are all powerful awakened people. Jiang Qingyu knows that he can't shake their struggles any more, so she quickly calmed down and turned to look at Zhang Ai Ai coldly and asked: "Zhang Ai, Why are you with the people in the Ministry of Safety and Security? What did you say to Minister Xiao? Are you ready to frame me?" Now, when she is not alone, she must be calm. She is destined to be the protagonist. Who is the protagonist? It can't change, even if it is a crisis, there will be a chance.

Zhang Ai's whole person is stagnation, she can't think of such a desperate situation, still can't let Jiang whisper fall into madness, but it is more calm. She thought of the little things she had done in the past three years, knowing that there was no retreat, so she grinned and said: "Oh, sister Jiang, Minister Xiao just invited you to have a cup of tea. How do you so much heart? Framed? Where can I dare? What?” Since she still doesn’t know what Jiang’s ending is, she doesn’t want to break her face with her now.

Jiang whispered staring at her, the sarcasm in his eyes was obvious, the woman thought she was a fool? From the presence of her person with the Department of Safety Supervision, she knew that she had betrayed her, and perhaps she would beat her up. She said coldly: "Zhang Ai, you and I are the same on the grass rope, I am not good, you can't go anywhere." She knows that now is not the face with Zhang Aiai, after all, Zhang Aiai Knowing that she has something, she must let the woman cover her mouth. So Jiang light language language hidden hidden front, warning Zhang Ai Ai to see the situation.

However, waiting for her to get out of this predicament, she must let Zhang Ai Aisheng die, and the person who betrayed her will never let go. Jiang whispered his eyelids and hid the resentment and murder in his heart.

Zhang Ai’s voice was cold and she knew that Jiang’s whisper was threatening her. But... she smiled at the corner of her mouth, and everything she did was approved by someone. Looking at the past life, this scenery has made her envy the hateful woman. At the moment, it has reached the end, not as good as her, and her heart has risen a strange pleasure. She couldn't bear the excitement in her heart again. She said with a smile: "Sister Jiang, I forgot to tell you the news that I gave you in three years. It was after the approval of Minister Xiao..." She was proud, she told Jiang Guang Language, her threat does not work for her.

"Three years? It turns out that... Zhang Ai, it seems that I have looked down on you." The murder in Jiang’s words is no longer concealed, and her mouth outlines a sneer. I didn't expect Zhang Aiyi to rely on Xiao Ziling three years ago. It seems that everything she did was in the control of Xiao Ziling, but... she had a glimpse of her face. Xiao Ziling wants to rely on this to put her to death? That is too small to see her.

Zhang Aiyi was proud of it, and she regretted it. She completely offended Jiang Ganyu, and there is no possibility of reconciliation. Perhaps it has already reached the point where you live and die.

Zhang Aiai thought of Xiao Ziling, and the remorse suddenly disappeared. Three years ago, since Xiao Ziling found her, she knew she had no retreat. Both sides are the ideal state. Unfortunately, Xiao Ziling did not give her this opportunity. This time she ordered her to come to the river to speak with the people of the Department of Safety Supervision. She understood that Xiao Ziling wanted her to choose.

Zhang Ai has no other way to go. She had secretly made a few black hands in order to avenge those who had sinned her in her previous life. She thought it was seamless. However, Xiao Ziling had mastered the crime, and she could only choose to cooperate with Xiao Ziling.

When she could not wait for the scenery of Jiang whispering, the result of not cooperating was death. Xiao Ziling did not give her extra time to think. However, she has always cherished her second life, and she will never choose to die for Jiang Langyu. Even if she knows that Jiang will speak for a long time, she will not allow her to withdraw. Moreover, she has no good feelings about Jiang Qingyu. It is just a matter of making use of her, so it is too easy to choose to betray.

Jiang Guangyu’s eyes full of killings were not missed by Zhang Aiyi. It should be said that Jiang’s whispering performance is too explicit and she does not allow her to understand. Zhang Ai's expression is getting cold, and the poison in her eyes flashes past: Since she and Jiang Xiaoyu have torn their skin and become a deadly enemy, for her own safety, she can only die in the Ministry of Safety and Security, and she cannot be allowed to have The possibility of a comeback.

The person in the Ministry of Safety Supervision sent Jiang Genyu to the General Office of the Safety Supervision, and Zhang Ai Ai as a witness followed them to this place where people could talk about it.

The Director General of the Security Supervision Office is seated in a deep villa in a courtyard. The towering iron gate at the entrance is a large garden with several gray lights illuminating several dark trails. The shadow of the tree seems to be swaying gently in the night wind, making a whistling sound. Perhaps it is a fearful security department. Jiang Yiyu Zhang Aiyi is surrounded by this rich black, and there are some The chills, and even the chilly chill, and at the end, the dazzling lights are shining in the villa lobby.

Once inside the lobby, there was no imaginary sinister inside. The whole lobby was very warmly decorated. There was a circle of fabric soft sofas in the middle, with a warm red crimson. There were coffee tables on the left and right sides of the sofa. Drinking hot tea, the scene seems to be exactly the same as the two people in the Ministry of Safety and Supervision said, Xiao Ziling just invited them to come and drink a cup of tea.

At this time, the two single fabric sofas in the middle are placed on the left and right. There are also two cups of hot tea on the coffee table in the middle. Two people have been seated on the sofa, and the clothes on the left are neat and tidy to the meticulous Xiaoziling. He leaned against the right armrest and looked down at a document with his head down. On the right side, sitting on a big man, his shirt only buckled the two abdomen, open the neckline, revealing a strong chest, he leaned leaning against the left handrail, eyebrows are watching the Xiaoziling around, from time to time in Xiaoziling Speaking in the ear, it seems that the two are discussing something. He is the leader of the Lingtian base, Chu Haotian.

Different from Xiao Ziling's inconsistency to them, Chu Haotian looked up at them at the moment they entered the door. The eyes were indifferent, and it seemed that they would look at a stranger without any emotion. Then he continued to bow down and talk to Xiao Ziling, and seemed to tell him something. In his right hand fingers, the tiny lightning is quietly changing countless figures, he is no longer practicing, for him to protect his loved ones. Even if he knew that his Xiaoling did not need his protection, he could not control his own thoughts.

Zhang Aiai saw Chu Yutian, who should not be present. Today, he unexpectedly appeared, and his heart suddenly stunned. Is there really a possibility of a flop? Do not! She has offended the Jiang whisper, and she must not let her have a chance to make a comeback. She must destroy it. She must let her die in the safety supervision department! Zhang Aiyi lowered his face and his eyes quickly flashed a slap in the face.

Although Xiao Ziling seems to look down at the documents, Zhang Yiai, who disregards Jiang’s whispering, is actually dealing with the two women in front of the identification analysis.

Identification: The rebirth of female murder is very strong!

Analysis: Three years ago, we were controlled by her weaknesses and forced her to cooperate with us. This ending is already doomed. She and Jiang whispered not to die or to die.

Xiao Ziling: Jiang whisper must hate her very much, after all, she still believes her.

Identification: It is easy to betray each other without using a sincere alliance.

Analysis: So, dear, you must treat us well, don't betray us... (analysis suddenly feels that there is a shadow over it, why does it have a feeling, like who was really betrayed before?) Analysis looks suspiciously The identification around me, if it is really betrayed, except for this guy, there must be no one else. The analysis of such a thought is not good. It can't help but smack the appraisal of the side and vent its anger.

Appraisal Jun received the anger of the analysis, of course, understand the reason for analyzing it, it feels that it is very embarrassing, completely lying in the gun. betray? how is this possible? It's too late to love analysis...

Uh? Why do you feel that you have no bottom? For the first time, I feel that things have begun to break away from its mastery.

Jiang Xiaoyu saw Chu Haotian sitting in the first place, his eyes suddenly rekindled the light, she knew that she could not die like this, she is the protagonist, but the only woman Chu Yutian loved, how can Chu Yutian Willing to let her die? She must seize this opportunity to evoke the feelings of Chu Yutian being blinded... There is no doubt that Jiang whispered in the language, she still did not recognize the situation, still immersed in the plot of her novels, unable to extricate themselves!

Xiao Ziling’s mouth is a bit of ridicule. Since Jiang Wenyu thinks she still has a way to live, let her work hard. He is a good person.

He looked up and revealed his mature and handsome face. He saw the fear in Jiang’s words and Zhang Ai’s eyes. He handed the documents in his hand to the prosecutor around him, indicating that he could start asking.

His appearance has not been presented in front of other people in the base, but the people in the Safety Supervision Department are not surprised. The image of Xiao Ziling is not fixed here, and they just need to remember that breath.

The prosecutor said the contents of the article on the document. In fact, when the contents were registered, it proved that the evidence was conclusive. However, Jiang Qingyu still looked calm and did not seem to recognize these crimes.

Sure enough, when the prosecutor finally asked Jiang Qingyu whether he was guilty or not, Jiang whispered the answer: "I am not guilty. I did not target Minister Xiao and did not betray the base."

Jiang whispering is very clear. The information she revealed was only for Xiao Ziling, and she never disclosed anything about the Lingtian base. As long as she explained it properly, she could retreat from the whole body. She was also worried about the private feud of Xiao Ziling's gazette. No matter what she said, she imposed her crimes on her body, but the appearance of Chu Yutian made her heart fall. No matter how Xiao Ziling does, she can survive. Chu Yutian absolutely does not allow anyone to abuse her private rights. If Xiao Ziling insists on killing her, she can use this matter to let Chu Yutian know the true face of Xiao Ziling, and let him completely cast aside Xiao Xiaoling. .