MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 235 :hostage? Chu Hao is driving!

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Ps: I finally finished this chapter in my toothache. Now my face is officially a buns face, and the two cheeks are swollen like a pig face! Take a break first.

Chapter 235: Hostage? Chu Hao is driving!

Wu Qingyun dropped the black-eyed tentacle in his hand and breathed a few breaths. The blow almost cleared his abilities. He quickly took out a pill and swallowed it. At this time, he must ensure that his abilities are abundant because he has to wait. That person may be coming soon.

Wu Qingyun felt that the power was full again, but the heart was very painful. Although the system is very good, it is also very tricky. This kind of instant recovery of the pill is expensive and expensive. The price of one grain is three fifth-order crystal nucleus. He is only three times now.

The recovered Wu Qingyun took people to the tiankeng, but found that there was a giant plant with a diameter of 30 meters and a height of five meters. I am afraid this is the true body of the sixth-order mutant plant.

At this time, the person in charge who was responsible for searching Xiao Xiaoling came over and told Wu Qingyun that he did not find the target person.

Wu Qingyun looked coldly at the awakened person who provided the news. He saw that he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and gritted his teeth: "We are sure that we are in the forest, maybe when we burn the forest, he may take the time to escape."

At this time, a voice in the air sounded: "I am sure that no one has escaped from the forest, and there is no illusion." This voice is the general Yu Shaohua who is responsible for monitoring the audience with the spirit.

Although the face of the awakened person who provided the news became pale and ugly because of Shaohua’s words, his eyes did not waver. He did not think that these people’s speculations were wrong, unless the technique of Xiao Ziling’s camouflage marks was so high that he could deceive them. This is almost impossible.

Wu Qingyun did not deny the inference of these tracking system awakened people. He also wondered if they were wrongly positioned by Xiao Ziling's puzzle. However, they thought that Xiao Ziling should have no time to make such a real disguise.

His brows are wrinkled, and since there are no problems. So where did Xiao Ziling go? Wu Qingyun couldn't figure it out. He looked up at the distant sky. Time has not allowed him to think about it. This time, he has to blog.

He regrets that it would be great if Xiao Ziling was caught by him. Then his plan is really perfect.

When Wu Qingyun thought of Xiao Ziling, there would be a kind of anti-Xin Ling Fu, which can hide in it. At this time, Xiao Ziling has turned the purple house into a grain of dust that is not visible to the naked eye, and is integrated with the burnt ground.

On this messy ground, a green bud has a small pointed tip that sways slightly in the wind. It is not because of this disaster, it tells the land with its tough vitality, and the low plants have the power to survive. There are also possibilities to overcome the hardships.

Seeing that there was no gain in this trip, the leader of the base of a certain Southern League was eagerly awkward. He said: "Wu, brother, what do you do now? You promised that you will be able to catch the most attention of Chu Yutian. Minister, if there is no such person, what do we have to negotiate with Chu Yutian?"

The Lingtian base is already a mature base. When it came early this year, they overcame the virus on the land. After successfully planting food that humans can eat, these materials are scarce, and the heads of the bases who are about to eat have been completely jealous. Everyone wants to bite a few pieces of fat from under the Lingtian base, but Chu Shitian, the strongest person in the last days, is there, so that they dare not act rashly. This is also the biggest reason for the cooperation between the Southern Alliance and Wu Qingyun. As long as the solution is completed, the granary of Lingtian Base, which continuously supplies food, is their bag.

Wu Qingyun’s mouth glimpsed slightly, his eyes flashed a trace of almost invisible contempt. These despicable and greedy people did not work hard to develop their productive forces. They began to smash the results of other bases when they ate and used light. Of course, this also has some of his credit. Successfully provoked the greed of these base leaders, so this huge bureau was born, but now it is time to end.

Thinking of this, his mouth showed a smug smile, he said: "Although catching a real person is better, but there is no such thing." He slammed his hands...

Upon hearing Wu Qingyun’s suggestion, his men quickly moved a sack from their car and carried it to Wu Qingyun.

Several base leaders looked at Wu Qingyun curiously, not knowing what he was preparing. In Wu Qingyun's hand, a black inflammation appeared in the sack, but he did not hurt the person inside. The free-blood control of the heart made the people around him admire.

The person in the sack seemed to be in a coma. He was lying on the side, his black hair covering his facial features, and he could not see who he was.

Wu Qingyun leaned over and grabbed the man's chin and lifted his head. His facial features were officially displayed in front of everyone, and everyone took a breath of cold air...

The leader of one of the bases couldn't help but raise his thumb: "Wu, brother, you are really thinking!"

About a kilometer away from here, a black figure appeared quietly and silently. When he was about to head toward Lingtian Base, the fierce call before the sixth-order mutant plant dying stopped him.

When he thought about it, he made a 90-degree change in direction and rushed to the sound.

He is exactly Chu Yutian!

Chu Yutian was teleported, standing on a high ground not far from the forest area, and saw the smog that was not far from the front, the place where the flame was not holographic, but surrounded by the awakened people. .

These people seem to be the people of the base of Nandu. After all, it’s the closest to Nandu. He was shocked in his heart. Did Xiaoling be caught by them?

He thought so hard that he couldn't bear to worry about it, which tube showed no trace, and a few teleports, it was close to it.

"Come on!" At this time, Wu Qingyun's ear came from Yu Shaohua's whisper. The corner of his mouth finally showed a smile, and the coming came, and he did not hesitate to do this huge-scale burning operation.

Wu Qingyun’s eyes were lost, and the people around him were in the air. They suddenly flew away from Wu Qingyun’s side and hid in the cracked trees.

Wu Qingyun grabbed the person in his hand, and the black inflammation in his hand flashed again, and the person in his hand was completely naked.

"I know that you are here, Chu Haotian!" Wu Qingyun jerked his head in his hand, and his mouth showed a cruel smile: "If you don't come out, I can't guarantee your safety." Black inflammation came out, slowly approaching the little face that was faint and cute and innocent.

That face is the Xiaoziling of childhood.

Xiao Ziling saw this scene in amazement in the aperture of Zifu Dading, and said a stupid saying: "Hey? Is it in the mirror?"

Chu Xiaoqi brow picked and picked him and glanced at him: "Do you have brothers?"

"Absolutely not!" Xiao Ziling was smashed. His mother gave birth to him, as to whether his father would steal one from outside... Xiao Ziling touched his chin and began to figure out whether it was possible. But when I think that his father is a standard wife slave, and the extent of his own mother's black belly, may give his father a chance to steal? The answer is of course no. And if there is such a thing about the death of the dead, Dad’s ending is obvious, and it will definitely be ruined by the mother. It is a normal man to think that his father is dead... It is already possible to rule out this possibility.

"And, why should he say Chu Yutian? Shouldn't he look for me?" Xiao Ziling is very confused. Why don't he look for such a big battle? Still burning the forest.

Chu Xiaoqi frowned and looked at Wu Qingyun’s person who was almost exactly the same as Xiao Zongling three years ago. He seemed to think of something: “Maybe, Wu Qingyun prepared such a substitute a long time ago, maybe this time the situation is not for you or me. It is aimed at Chu Yutian."

"It is good to catch you, but it is not afraid to catch it, and the most important thing is that this situation, this vigorous burning of forests, makes Chu Yutian believe that the person in his hand is you..." Xiaoqi continues to speculate.

Xiao Ziling's face is very difficult to read at once: "Small seven, you guessed it, Chu Yu is really innocent!" Zifu automatically gave a hint, let him know that Chu Haotian has reached within 100 meters.

Is he thinking that everything is under control, in fact, it is just a piece in the game, a necessary bait to transfer Chu Yutian out of the Lingtian base? There was a feeling of panic in his heart. If Chu Yu was really blind because of him, he would never forgive himself.

Chu Xiaoqiyi grasped the hand of Xiao Ziling: "Don't panic, Chu boss is not so weak, it is very difficult for these people to kill him, we can see the opportunity to act..."

Xiao Qi’s warm hand made Xiao Ziling’s heart and mind, and he regained his grip. The original panic was gone, and the eyes reappeared calmly. Yes, Chu Yutian is the strongest man in the last days. He never doubted this.

Xiaoqi looked at Xiao Ziling and saw the expression of Xiao Ziling's eyes at the moment. He couldn't help but turn a big eye. Xiao Ziling has always refused to admit his feelings about Chu Haotian. He thinks that he only regards Chu Haotian as the boss, but you look at it, Xiao Ziling’s current expression of the eyes, that pride, that proud, is not the performance of his husband is very satisfied? ? Who is going to lie to him in those words?

"Wu Qingyun, you dare!" With this cold voice, a huge momentum with incomparable anger descended from the sky.

All low-level awakened people are stunned by this force, and only four or more steps can stay awake. Even so, the fourth-order awakened person is shocked by this momentum, and several comparisons are made. The weak fourth-order awakened person is unable to stand and is directly overwhelmed to the ground.

Because of this momentum, the fifth-order awakened person was shocked and retired several steps. His chest became **** and his face became pale. Fortunately, they were higher in order, but they felt some discomfort but no injuries.

A few sixth-orders only felt a sigh of relief. Yu Shaohua’s spiritual net was broken in this drink. He was scared. He didn’t expect Chu Haotian to be so powerful. It’s so easy to break the earthquake. He laid out the spiritual network of the audience.

Only Wu Qingyun was unmoved. He said coldly: "Chu Yutian, the same as the seventh order, you still can't do it." Wu Qingyun is very proud of this. He used to be obeyed by Chu Yutian. He, now, can finally sit on the same level as Chu Yu.

Read The Duke's Passion