MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 232 : See through, forcibly breaking through!

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Ps: The second is sent, the debt is reduced by one chapter, and there are fourteen chapters!

Chapter 223: See through and forcibly break through!

Xiaoxiao and Xiaomao's two hairballs are now in the purple house. They smiled and dripped blood very early. At that time, the content presented by Zifu was the spiritual pet of Xiaoziling, which is also the smile that can move with Zifu. The reason is that only the people who have a relationship with Zifu can let Zifu possess it. This is why Xiao Ziling has spent a lot of time on it. If he can be arbitrarily possessed, he has long been looking for a hunting team that is not eye-catching to be attached to them to escape from the base, which needs to be so complicated.

In order to allow Xiaomao to enter Zifu, Xiaoziling also let Xiaomao also drop blood, but found that the blood in the small hairs has long dried up. Where is the blood, the depressed Xiaoziling unconsciously chose to collect directly, and then found out that he actually Success... Xiao Ziling knows that Xiao Mao is believed by Zifu that it is a dead object, so it can be freely charged. However, Xiao Ziling quickly figured out the reason, because Xiao Mao is a zombie, what is the zombie? It’s not the body, of course it’s dead.

Xiao Ziling and his party arrived at the door very quickly. There were long queues, and they were all hunting teams preparing to go out to find food or collect crystal nucleus.

Yu Shaohua has been closing his eyes in the small room next to the door to monitor his mentality. Since he is ready to cooperate with the Nandu base, he has spared no effort, and he has never forgotten the hatred of the Jingyun base. I can't forget the face of Chu Haotian, which directly reduced the prestige of the military to several classes. The dragon country, which was originally expected to be unified, was officially divided and entered the era of competition. This made a soldier who was eager to unite unforgivable. .

"Young master, a lot of people, what should I do?" The driver who drove for Xiao Ziling looked at the team in front and couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Ziling frowned, and his face was not fast: "Can't you let them let it go?" You can go out early and go out for a minute.

At this time, the bodyguard on the vice seat. The actual captain of the hunting team then advised: "Young masters, many of the leaders of these hunting teams are super strong, we can not sin or not offend."

The teenager is just a bad temper, not a slap in the face. When he hears the head of the bodyguard, he nods. "Then wait, I will take a moment. The token is for you." Given the bodyguard, you can try not to touch the spiritual person. After all, no one knows what special ability the mental abilities have. If you are accidentally seen, it will be bad.

It should be said that Yu Shaohua’s ability is still very strong, less than half an hour. It is their turn.

The guard at the door saw the head of the bodyguard on the vice seat, and immediately said: "The Secretary wants to travel, Hao Ge has worked hard."

The head of the bodyguard handed the travel token in his hand to the guard. Smiled: "We are not this job? What is hard work?" They are the bodyguards of the young master, and it is only natural to protect the young master.

The guard carefully looked at the travel token and found that there was no problem, but he did not dare to make a self-proclaimed release, so he turned to look at the door to the small house at the door.

Unexpectedly, this time it was very strange. The people in the small house came over and let the people in the car come out. The guards had to smile and said to the head of the bodyguard: "Hao Ge, I really can’t help it. The above check is tight, it seems that there is trouble. Once again, let the people inside pass by."

Xiao Ziling heard the words of the guard. A tight heart. At this time, the head of the bodyguard Hao Ge turned his head and advised: "Young master, we must endure. Now in special circumstances, can not give trouble to the master."

Xiao Ziling can only nod his promise. Although this boy is often confronted with his father, his face is unruly. In fact, he is still very sympathetic to his father, and he is not willing to trouble his father.

In Yu Shaohua's spiritual world, I saw people on the three off-road vehicles have come down. The head is a weak-crowned boy, with a proud face and a very impatient look. This expression is very familiar to him. Generally, the father’s second generation of real power is like this. All these expressions have no problem and should be released. However, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t feel it when he was wrong, and he did not detect any illusion by using spiritual exploration.

Maybe waiting for a long time, the teenager's look is more and more intolerant, it seems to be on the verge of the explosion. Some of the patrol captains around Yu Shaolong could not see it, so he cautioned: "This is the son of the police chief. There is no problem."

Yu Shaohua opened his eyes and looked at the patrol captain around him and asked, "Is it OK?"

The patrol captain smiled and said: "Of course, the young master is familiar with us. I like to go out. I am locked up at home for three days. I am afraid that I am boring him. So when the base is unsealed, he will let out the wind."

Yu Shaohua thought that since these people are familiar with the boy, and there is no such thing as a illusion in this boy, there should be no problem. Maybe I have been exhausted for a long time with high-intensity mental exploration, so I will have this illusion.

Yu Shaohua, who thought he was the illusion, nodded to the patrol captain and said that he could release it.

When Xiao Ziling heard the small room and finally shouted the release, the heart that had been hanging high was finally put down. He lifted his chin and dropped a cold snoring in his nose. Then he turned and got ready to get on the bus...

"Wait a minute!" A familiar voice came from behind Xiao Ziling. Xiao Ziling was shocked and his feet did not hesitate to step on the pedals of the off-road vehicle to get on the bus.

"This brother, first slowly get on the bus..." Wu Qingyun shouted loudly, and he quickly came over with a team of people. When the guards heard Wu Qingyun’s words, they smiled apologetically to Xiao Ziling’s group and let them wait. Wu Qingyun now represents the young generals of the Nandu base. They dare not listen.

Xiao Ziling’s thoughts turned a thousand times, and finally decided to act on his own, so he looked back and said: “What else? It’s so troublesome to get out of the door.”

Wu Qingyun smiled and walked over to Xiao Xiaoling's mausoleum: "This little brother, have we met?" He just swept away and found that the boy's back was familiar, so he subconsciously stopped him.

Xiao Ziling heard a smile and said: "I have seen more of this young master. Who knows that you have met me someday, but this young master is very sure, I don't know you..."

"Oh, that's really unstoppable, maybe I got it wrong." Wu Qingyun politely hit a haha, turned to ask the guard: "What did the general say?"

The guard replied: "The general was released."

Wu Qingyun was somewhat disappointed. Since the general was relieved, it means that there is no illusion in this boy, and it is not Xiao Ziling’s pretending.

He waved his hand and signaled the guard to let go.

Xiao Ziling didn't dare to hesitate any more. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed the handrail of the off-road vehicle. When he was ready to step on the board, Wu Qingyun saw the white rounded hand. Suddenly he moved, and he stepped up and stopped the door. Dao: "Senior, can you let me see your hand..."

When Xiao Ziling’s body was stagnation, he violently turned his head and said: “Bastard, what do you mean?”

Wu Qingyun smiled and smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Senior, I hope you can cooperate with you, please extend your hand." In the restaurant, Xiao Ziling’s hand he often watches and touched several times. It should be said that the memory is profound. . The hand of this secretary is very similar to that of Xiao Ziling, which made him suspicious.

"Far, what are you..." Xiao Ziling looked humiliating and angered.

At this time, the bodyguards around him bowed their heads and advised: "Young master, for the lord you will bear it, but it is just a matter of hand." Of course, the bodyguard does not think that there is any problem with his young master, although he does not understand why Wu Qingyun insists on seeing However, he believes that as long as the young masters have to endure, they do not need to be so stiff and embarrassed.

Xiao Ziling certainly knows what the result of the hand is. In the few days of the restaurant, his hand often swayed in front of Wu Qingyun. When he served the tea, he did not pay attention. When he was not careful, Wu Qingyun ate a few hands of tender tofu, like Wu Qingyun is a high-level awakened person whose memory is superb. As long as you watch it carefully, you will definitely see the flaws. He regretted why he would reach out and hold the handrail, and he hated why Wu Qingyun would notice his hand.

Xiao Ziling turned back and hated: "Well, look at it, you give me a flash away." His attitude towards Wu Qingyun is very rude, at this time he is ready to forcibly break through, and Wu Qingyun can pull away the distance and pull To open up, you must know if you can escape from the base, perhaps at the distance of this inch.

Wu Qingyun is not very sure. He just thinks that the hand is very similar to the hand in his memory. He heard Xiao Ziling’s angry roaring sound let him go far, and he has no brain, because he knows that his request is too much. This boy was originally an official second generation, and some tempers are very normal. If he couldn’t let go of his doubts, he would insist on taking a look and would not anger the boy.

Xiao Ziling stepped over and the power at his feet seemed to crush the land, showing how much his anger was.

When Wu Qingyun was waiting for him to reach out, he saw the young man in front of him speeding up and quickly crossed him, and his hand had already appeared a Tang knife he was particularly familiar with.

"Xiao Ziling!" Wu Qingyun screamed, seeing the Tang knife, all doubts have an answer, although I do not know why Xiao Ziling will become a Secretary, but Xiao Ziling is Xiao Ziling, his hand still betrayed him.

"The moon is empty!" A round of the moon burst, countless swords flying!

Xiao Ziling’s long-prepared swords were used to sweep the guards directly to the door. The power of the sixth-order awakened was able to resist these two-third-order guards. The doorway suddenly became a flesh and blood, and there was almost no living.

"Leave me!"

"Let's relax!"

The two voices shouted almost at the same time. Wu Qingyun had a pair of hands and two black fire dragons appeared in the air. The two entwined each other and eventually turned into a huge black fire dragon, fiercely hitting the back of Xiao Ziling.

In the small house, an invisible spiritual attack appeared out of thin air. Xiao Ziling only felt the first shock, and the speed ability was almost shaken. The speed of the original streamer suddenly stopped.

Spiritual attack! He forgot the spiritual abilities in the small room.