MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 226 :restaurant? New arrival attendant.

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Ps: Thank you for watching the night dance, jiucry, mimizhong, babo, small suckling pig bigfoot, and small people!

Thanks to the pink support of Sicily, mimizhong, and the stars under the stars!

This time is a 5,000-word chapter, it should be counted as two chapters, but I am lazy, I am more added! Oh yeah, finally one less debt, sprinkle flowers! There are also fourteen chapters.

It’s very late, I hope I’m not waiting for it... It’s not too early to update tomorrow, it’s estimated that it’s not long before, cry!

Chapter 226: Restaurant? New arrival attendant.

Nandu base, Wu Qingyun and the base of the lesser city owner Peng Yuan stood on the highest floor of Nandu City and looked down. Two young people of similar age looked comfortable at this moment, and it seemed that everything was under control.

Peng Yuan smiled and said to Wu Qingyun: "The people below just told me that the fish you want to catch is in the net."

Wu Qingyun’s eyes flashed, but he did not show how happy he was. After all, this time he used his bait as a bait, and his life was not easy. He faintly said: "He is eager to kill me. Of course, he will not miss this opportunity. Even if he knows that there is a problem, he will come over and find out." Although Xiao Ziling did not have much contact, he knew that he was a purely filial person. In order to report his hatred of the younger sister, he will definitely come back without hesitation, but as long as he is willing to come over, this game will be basically completed, and then he will only see the people from all walks of life.

"I hope that your plan will be a perfect ending. We must know that we have used all our powers..." Peng Yuan smiled and smiled at Wu Qingyun. The warning in his eyes was obvious. He was full of him this time. If the father does it, if he fails, he will definitely lose power.

Wu Qingyun said quietly: "Reassured, less general, your wish can be achieved." In the face of power, the so-called father and son family are fake.

Perhaps Wu Qingyun’s words made Peng Yuan’s heart burst. So he raised the glass in his hand and laughed loudly: "then wish us success. Cheers!"

Wu Qingyun showed a light smile on his mouth and gently touched the other party's glass: "We must succeed, toast." He lowered his eyes and concealed the smirked eyes. No one knows that he and the military division are working together in the next big game. He will be the chess player, and he will be the last big winner, no one.

time flies. Five days have passed. Today, the Nandu base is strangely under heavy rain. The dark and humid weather makes Wu Qingyun’s mood very bad. Of course, the most important thing is that the Nandu base suddenly told him that they lost Xiaozhao’s tomb. whereabouts. If he still remembers the martial arts of the military division. I am afraid I will face Peng Yuan on the spot.

The military teacher saw that Wu Qingyun was restless and couldn't help but frown. "Angkor, don't be too nervous. Even if he escapes, we can block everything and not let the news leak..." He didn't understand why Wu Qingyun would because of this. Small role and restless. To know that as a good leader, you must be quiet and always confident, so that the following people will follow with death, people like to follow the strong.

"No, Xiao Ziling must have come. I have a hunch, I am very dangerous now, because I don't know when he will come out and give me a knife." Wu Qingyun is somewhat anxious. He didn't know where Xiao Ziling was, was he hiding behind him and staring at him, ready to assassinate when he was not prepared? When he left the base. I remember very clearly that Xiao Ziling’s level has been three orders, one less than him. In the past three years, he desperately wants revenge, he will definitely die and practice. Will his powers be weaker than him?

"Angkor, I believe that there is no one in the world except Chu Yutian. No one can kill you." The military division comforted him. He was somewhat disappointed. Wu Qingyun's real power improvement was really fast, and he could almost compete with Chu Yutian. Unfortunately, Wu Qingyun's strength is growing, but his heart can't keep up with his strength improvement, which means that Wu Qingyun still lacks the confidence and domineering that a strong man should have.

The military division quickly comforted himself. After all, Wu Qingyun did not have a deep family like Chu Yutian. He was trained as a small citizen from a young age. His predecessor was just an ordinary citizen. It is already very bad to grow up to this point. As for others, I believe in him. Under the adjustment, one day will reach the height of Chu Yutian. The military division had no way to worry about it. Who told him that Wu Qingyun had been rescued from the zombie mouth? He must repay him.

The words of the military division seemed to have played a role. Wu Qingyun took a deep breath: "You are right..." Xiao Ziling is no better than Chu Haotian, and he is no worse than Chu, Xiao Xiaoling can't kill him.

"Well, now is the time to go outside for a lap." The military teacher reminded. In order to tell Xiao Ziling, Wu Qingyun is here, Wu Qingyun daily at 12 noon, always go to the restaurant in the highest level of the base to eat, of course, the restaurant eats a meal, ordinary people will have to eat more than a year. This restaurant is only open to the strong, privileged, and only these people can afford these delicacies that were pre-existing and absolutely precious after the end of the world.

"With such a big rain, no one will come out. Xiao Ziling is not so stupid." Wu Qingyun does not think that Xiao Ziling will come out alone. Doesn't this directly indicate his identity?

"But you can't help but go, because you don't want to go every day at noon." The military teacher smiled bitterly. When designing, I didn't expect that there was such a heavy rain in Nandu.

Fortunately, the car that Nandu base prepared for him was on call 24 hours a day. Wu Qingyun wouldn’t go anywhere. He just hated the rain, because the rain made his skills weaken by three points. Wu Qingyun, who attaches great importance to safety awareness, came. Said that it is extremely uncomfortable.

All the way to nothing, came to the restaurant, found that there are not many guests, Wu Qingyun went to the old seat to sit down, the waiter has not approached, Wu Qingyun has a stroke, Wu Qingyun every time to come to the old three, the waiters in the hall are very clear, I did not continue to ask.

Soon the foreman took the waiter to come to the dish, and the waiter who served this time was not a few, very strange. Twenty-seven years old, the age is not as young as other waiters, but the victory is very handsome, but his face is pale, thin and slender, making him look sick. This unexpected person appeared in front of Wu Qingyun, and he was suddenly vigilant. The subconscious made a defense.

The foreman on the side smiled and said: "This is my relative, calling him Xiaoyan is, and there is no work recently, so I will let him come and play for a few days. If it is done well, then formally hire. Mr. Wu, you are Old customer. So I took him over to meet and know, I can't slow you down next time."

"How long has he been at the base?" Wu Qingyun was still very careful, and he looked suspiciously at the waiter.

"It’s almost three years since we came to our base. I used to work in other places to earn a good meal, but because of the shape problem... some are uneasy.” The foreman’s face was hard-pressed. There seems to be something unspeakable.

Wu Qingyun looked at the waiter again, and he was in the heart. This man has a fascinating charm. Looks beautiful, the end of the world is estimated to be starved because he did not eat, let him appear a little sick, let people grow a desire to insult him, the man with this abnormal needs will definitely look at him.

"It's not safe here either." Wu Qingyun knows that those who are strong, privileged people like this can go more, this is not to send sheep into the tiger's mouth?

The foreman listened to Wu Qingyun’s words and looked around. I found no one pays attention to this, and this whispered: "There is a strong privilege to take care of, and it is better than any ruin. So I took him to meet some old customers." He smiled at Wu Qingyun.

Wu Qingyun suddenly understood the intention of the foreman. The courage is to pull the pimp, but can not say that the foreman is not good, maybe this is the waiter's most stable living method. In the last days, it is also a tragedy to have no appearance and no strength.

Wu Qingyun just wanted to refuse, but thought of Peng Yuan as a good mouth, so he said: "I know, next time I bring people over, if he is satisfied, your relatives are blessed."

"Thank you Mr. Wu for taking care of it." The foreman was overjoyed. His relatives really worried him. If there is a reliable strong man to protect him, he and his son will have a stable life. A full meal.

Seeing that the waiter had a good meal, the foreman took the waiter down. The waiter did not seem to hear the conversation between the foreman and Wu Qingyun. When he left, he smiled politely at Wu Qingyun and gave Wu Qingyun a stunning feeling. His The smile is very pure, and people can't help but feel happy. But even so, Wu Qingyun still did not put down his guard. As long as he is a stranger, even if it is harmless, he will not let people come close and relax.

At the time of eating, several guests came in and out. Wu Qingyun saw the foreman with the handsome man named Xiaoyan to get to know the guests. It seems that the foreman really wants to help the little face find a backing so that he can Live in this desperate life.

After eating, Wu Qingyun didn't know why, and didn't want to leave the restaurant. He sat there and watched Xiaoyan's diligent delivery. He also saw the smile he saw, and Xiaoyan gave it without hesitation. A few other guests, which made Wu Qingyun feel a little unhappy, he never wanted to read, and left the restaurant.

With the departure of Wu Qingyun, the restaurant has left many guests in succession. In the end, no one has finally fought. Everyone is tired and is about to stumble. To know that they are serving some powerful privileged elements. If there is a little negligence, it may be a disaster. If you have to play a 12-point spirit, you can cope with the past.

In the kitchen, a child is dragging the floor hard, and the dirt left on the original local surface has finally disappeared under his efforts. He looked almost like a new floor tile, and the chef who was behind him was satisfied with the authenticity: "The text is very good, and I can rest now."

When the child heard the greeting, he raised his head and saw the familiar person, he opened his mouth and smiled: "Uncle, and finally, I will go back if I drag it." When the child laughs, it is really very Cute, so the chef is going to hurt in my heart.

He was close to the child and quietly said in his ear: "Wen Wen, and Uncle put some meals that the guests have not touched in the cupboard, bring them back, quietly, don't let the boss know."

The child looked at the uncle with surprise, just wanted to say something, suddenly thought of something, quickly cover his mouth, nodded madly. The head chef happily touched his head and said goodbye to him.

After a while, the little Yan came over, his face was tired, and he whispered: "Written, we have to go back."

When the child saw the little face, he suddenly burst into anger and shouted: "Dad, I will be fine right away. Please wait for me."

The child dragged a few times and finally completed his task. Then he happily took out the chef’s hidden food from the cupboard and jumped to the side of Xiaoyan, pulling his hand. , cheerful and authentic: "Dad. Uncle and us left us a good meal, we can go back and eat a meal."

Xiaoyan once again showed a gentle and pure smile. He said: "That's really good. Have you thanked you and your uncle?"

The child nodded quickly, indicating that he had not forgotten. They closed all the doors of the restaurant and they returned to their residence.

When the big and small figures disappeared into the night, two people suddenly appeared in the restaurant.

One of the figures asked: "Isn't it detected? When did the father and son come to the base?" This hall should be a superior.

Another figure leaned back and said: "It came three years ago. During that time, the father did what he did to eat for his son. At that time, the body broke, and it was sold out for some time. ""

"So, there is no problem for the father and son." The tone of the superior's figure eased.

"No problem, the neighbors of the 76th Street can determine their identity, and it is possible to buy one. But buy a large group... and everyone's rhetoric is not the same, there are good and bad, pity. Speaking There are contempt, but these can prove that the father and son are indeed living in them." Another person is inevitably a bit embarrassed. The people who have been to the 76th Street know what is going to struggle on the death line. They are all old, weak and sick with incompetence. It is a luxury to eat a meal every day.

"Since there is no problem, then remove the surveillance of the father and son, but the Lord is very angry, must give me the person who sneaked in the Lingtian base, there may be one, there may be more than one, anyway, recently joined the base No matter how many people give me a severe investigation, I must find out for me." The shadow of the superior is very strict, his pressure is very heavy, the young general's temper is getting worse and worse, he can't find it, he is estimated to be The generals were peeled.

"Yes! I will tell you this." Another figure quickly bowed his head.

Seventy-sixth Street is the darkest place in the base of Nandu. There is no light at all. Here are all people who have no ability to survive. How can you go to some extravagant lighting, you need to know that a candle can be exchanged for three days of food... ... can't eat enough, can you think of other?

Going to the end of the street, Xiaoyan and Tiantian’s home are here. They opened the door and walked into their homes. They may have lived happily in the dark. They just touched the black and ate something, then they went to sleep.

Everyone didn't know that the two people on the bed, in the absence of light, were doing silent communication between them.

"People have withdrawn." Xiaoqi said in a lip language. Xiao Qi’s lip language is taught by Xiao Ziling. Since that time, Shen Xiaoling has been forced to practice the sword and lip language. It is very likely that he will save his life at a certain moment in the future. Thanks to the strict teaching of Xiao Ziling, Xiaoqi soon learned the lip language, and the basic swordsmanship also learned the expert level.

"Well, they should believe it, but Wu Qingyun is very cautious. When he was eating, he still kept attacking. I didn't find a chance to start this day." Xiao Ziling frowned, and told Chu Xiao in the same language. Seven. Finally found Wu Qingyun, but found that the other side is too high and too cautious, the hope of a frontal attack to kill him is close to zero, only the assassination, it is possible to hit the commandment. Xiao Ziling doesn't want to be a stunned snake, only to continue to be patient.

"And, the other guests in the restaurant are estimated to be the ones who protect him. Even if the assassination is successful, it is very difficult to successfully leave." Xiao Ziling knows that those people are basically fifth-order, some even go to the sixth-order, and Wu Qingyun's level It actually reached the seventh order, the same as Chu Yutian. Xiao Ziling knows that this is probably the help of his game system. It is really a loophole. The speed of growth is not much worse than that of Chu Yutian.

"This is obviously a trap that lures you to be fooled." Xiaoqi is dull.

"Nothing, are we not looking for opportunities? I believe that this approach is close, Wu Qingyun should have not thought of it." Xiao Ziling comforted.

"But why use this image to get close?" Xiaoqi was very dissatisfied. When he heard the waiters ridiculed Xiao Ziling as a man lying under the man, he was very angry and almost wanted to kill those people directly.

Xiao Ziling reluctantly said: "How do I know that Xiao Mao gave me an identity? He actually gave me this identity and made me ride a tiger."

Under the bed, Xiao Mao, who is sleeping with laughter and laughter, may be very wronged. It has always been clear to Chu’s thoughts about Chu’s thoughts. His master can’t wait to become the owner of the beast. Overwhelmed. On one occasion, it accidentally entered the master's dream. The one who saw it was called blushing, and his master was really a beast... Forget it, leave some face to his master, what happened, kill it. Do not say (in fact, afraid to say, was given by Chu Yutian).

Who is Chu Yutian, how could he not know that he was invaded by dreams? It was only at the time that it was Xiao Mao, and he wanted to continue this dream, so he would let it go. However, after he was awake, he would not give up. Afterwards, it was ruthlessly caught by Chu Yutian and raged. The little Mao thought that it must be heroic and righteous, but he did not expect to survive in the end. However, since then, I have never dared to enter the dream of Chu Yutian, because Chu Yutian has already warned it, and the next time he commits another crime, he will kill it.

So when Xiao Ziling asked it to give him an identity, it was an excitement, and involuntarily moved the dream of his master’s dreams...

Xiaoqi listened and hated the teeth. He decided to get up early tomorrow, and he would unplug the hair of Xiaomao.

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