MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 222 : Three years, the news of the old enemy.

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Ps: Finally added a more chapter, and then found that the debt did not go down, but not much... So sleepy, I have to sleep, everyone good night.

Chapter 222: Three years, the news of the old enemy.

At night, the lights of the Lingtian base began to light up, and people who had been busy working for a day began to carry out their nightlife.

The only bar in Lingtian Base, at the moment, finally hangs the hanging tag in the business, which makes the awakened people waiting outside early rushed in.

I don’t know who is so capable, I can open a bar at Lingtian base, and the wine in the bar has not been broken. This has created a myth. It’s impossible to know that the end of the world is even tense, so it’s impossible to make wine. Become a luxury, very precious.

Of course, the wine in the bar faded out of the bird. According to the awakened people, it was completely half a cup of water and poured a little bit of wine, which made people drink a little bit of wine... but even so, let these people rush, after all, Can you taste the taste of wine?

Of course, the awakened are not so extravagant, even if such a glass of water is also expensive to die, but they will have the rest to enjoy, especially single, come here every night to call a cup, and then cherish the local products Let's spend time with the arrogance of people who know and don't know.

Of course, there is such a person who does not need to buy alcohol and drink at all. As long as he appears in the bar, there will always be people who would like to invite him to have a drink. It is better than the big man who just came in, when the people in the bar saw him coming in. He greeted him with a glass of wine: "Strong brother, you are here."

Strong brother smiled and greeted everyone, and finally walked to the bar, but before he sat down, he heard the waiter inside smiled: "Strong brother, what is the news today?"

Strong brother smiled, then sat on the stool in front of the bar: "Of course, when did I come in without explosive news?" Strong brother is Dai Hongfei's confidant, always bring out some secrets and the like for everyone to share. And this information is very reliable.

The waiter heard a bright eye, and he quickly shouted: "Strong brother has a strong news, which one should drink strong brother?" Strong brother is the most informative guest in the bar, but if you want him to reveal it, you must Ask him to have a drink.

At this time, I saw a round table, and a person raised his arm and shouted: "I am coming..." are actually regulars. These guests are very interested, they will take turns to ask the strong brother to have a drink, so that everyone can listen to some wonderful things to explain the boring.

Qiang brother took a large glass of water and wine from the waiter, and took a few mouthfuls to take it in. He sighed with satisfaction. Then he said loudly to the guests in the store: "Actually, what I want to say is that the Ministry of Safety Supervision has dispatched."

The crowd took a breath. I didn't expect the strong brother to say such a hot news as soon as he opened his mouth.

"What happened? Why are the comets coming out again?" The people at the base talked about the color of the security department, not only because they entered the safety supervision department, but also because you have finished your life, and because the safety supervision department is Some murderers who don’t blink, those who dare to resist, they have the right to kill on the spot... even if they are wrong, they also have immunity.

Yes, they are a group of murderers with murder licenses.

Strong brother took another sip of wine, which said: "A senior executive in the logistics department was caught."

"Corruption." Everyone is spurning. Although the Ministry of Safety Supervision is violent and cruel, so far, it has not been wrong to kill one person. Therefore, everyone in the base is very afraid of those in the safety supervision department. But my heart still agrees that there are such people in the base.

"It's not very clear what exactly it is for, but it's definitely more serious than corruption." The news of Qiangge was really well-informed and he even heard about it.

Everyone looks at each other. Do not know what is more serious than corruption, is it a betrayal of the base? The thought was swept away, but they were all shaken and denied. No one should be so stupid.

Lingtian base has developed rapidly in the past three years, and its own leader Chu Haotian officially advanced to the seventh level six months ago, which is truly one of the most powerful bases in the north. With the help of the first Fenglin base in the south, the pressured military could not lift its head and could only admit the status of the two bases. As long as it is a smart person, I know that following the Lingtian base, following Chu Haotian, there will be no food to eat. If someone really betrayed the base, he can only say that the person’s head was kicked.

Someone in the bar who heard the words of the strong brother seemed to be somewhat uncertain. He saw that he was drinking a glass of water in his mouth and frowned.

Just as the strong brother said something secret, the door of the bar was suddenly opened. Two people in black appeared at the door of the bar, while their upper arms wore a white sleeve with two big characters.

Everyone opened their mouths and didn't expect the people in the safety supervision department to come to the bar... This made the bar people feel that they were dreaming.

I saw that the two men went to the original man who was uncertain. At the moment, his face was white, and one of the men was cold and succinct: "Zhao Yu, please go to the Safety Supervision Department once."

The man suddenly woke up, suddenly pushed the seat, and went backwards several times: "No, no, I don't go, I don't go, you must be wrong."

The other person’s mouth was mocked and sneered: “Zhao Yu, for three years, will report the information here once every three months to the Xiaoxiang base. Each half year will report the list of the upper management of the base management once, each time. In a year, I will recommend a few lists that can be bought..."

As the person in the Ministry of Safety and Security said one by one sentence Zhao Yu’s actions, everyone was angry, yelling for his meat to drink his blood and tearing his bones, and Zhao Yu finally fell weakly. On the ground, I couldn’t bear the pressure of this stock and burst into tears.

Soon the two members of the Safety Supervision Department took Zhao Yu away and the bar resumed the beginning of the scene. It seems that the scene did not happen.

In the minister's office of the Ministry of Safety Supervision, Xiao Ziling took his members and sent them to Zhao Yu's confirmation. He bounced the information on the bullet and asked the secretary around him: "Xiaoyun, is the news correct?"

Secretary Xiaoyun nodded: "The minister, after the interrogation of the members, there should be no problem." Xiaoyun’s eyes are unrecognizable, although her department is long and tender, but it has a pair of eyes, the Safety Supervision Department has On several occasions, when there was no evidence that the parties were innocent or not, and hesitated to arrest the people, Xiao Ziling personally went into battle to investigate and return. The instructions for those people are different, there are direct copying, there are also heavy rewards. At the beginning, the members of the team would still be suspicious, but in the past three years, there was no wrong case, and the members were followed by him.

"It turned out that Wu Qingyun was at the base of Xiaoxiang..." He was looking for him for three years, and there were countless real and false news. This time he was finally found by him. Xiao Ziling pinched the paper and almost pinched the paper in his hand.

"The Xiaoxiang base is in the south, and the leader is a woman, so we didn't notice it at the beginning." Xiaoyun explained why Wu Qingyun did not find the correct news in three years.

Xiao Ziling waved: "I know." He signaled Xiaoyun to go back to rest.

Xiaoyun just turned around and thought that there was still a question that had not been asked, so he asked: "How does Zhao Yu solve it?"

"How about before. How is it now, is Xiaoyun forgotten?" Xiao Ziling's eyes were picking up, and his mouth was smirking. It even added a bit of sweetness and charm, which made Xiaoyun’s heart violently jump, whispering an apologetic to the minister, and then quickly fled. The smile of the minister is not something that ordinary people can bear. In this way, she has to stretch out the hand of evil.

The minister's room was empty, and everyone else except Xiao Ziling, suddenly a cold and a little bit of a sour voice: "Xiaoling. Are you teasing others?" This appeared in the side of Xiao Ziling.

With a smile in his mouth, Xiao Ziling asked: "How come Chu Ge is free?"

Chu Yutian reluctantly said: "You have stunned again. But the results have been very good so far, your luck is simply against the sky, even a mistake is not."

Xiao Ziling is silent. He can't explain and identify the true body of these people. He uses the identification and analysis of the two monarchs. Of course, there can be no mistakes.

"Find Wu Qingyun." Chu Yutian eyes looked at Xiao Ziling intently, and the deep feelings in his eyes came out.

Xiao Ziling subconsciously did not overdo it, and gently sighed.

"I decided to go to the Xiangxiang base?" Chu Yutian saw the expression of Xiao Ziling, and he knew the plan of Xiao Ziling. A few days ago, Xiao Ziling heard that Wu Qingyun had appeared at a certain base. He did not say anything. He went there to confirm it. He did not bring a person, but he was afraid of it but could not bear to blame him.

He is very clear that Xiao Ziling is in redemption, only to kill Wu Qingyun, Xiao Ziling can be liberated.

Xiao Ziling did not answer Chu's questions, but both of them knew that the answers were clear to each other.

"Let Xiaoqi accompany you to this time." Chu Yutian can only retreat, and add an insurance to Xiao Ziling.

"Small seven?" Xiao Ziling's face disapproved, Xiaoqi was only eight years old, how can he let him follow him to suffer this pain?

"Small seven has a devil, and it is beneficial to him. This time, the small seven hit the sixth order and failed." Chu Yutian frowned. He actually had been afraid that Xiaoziling would be unable to improve because of the death of Xiao Qingyun. However, the fact is the opposite. Xiao Ziling was not affected by the black negative energy. Although the fifth-order sixth-order cumulative energy was very slow, Xiao Ziling succeeded once. Chu Xiaotian, who has been reassured by Chu Haotian, has failed three times in a row. If he fails again, the body of Xiaoqi will definitely be hit hard, and his qualifications will be degraded.

"He always thought that Xiao Qingyun's death was related to him. If his plan is more comprehensive, perhaps the ending will be completely different." Chu Xiaoqi has already gotten into the corner of the horn, and he must let him see Wu Qingyun's death, he will solve Happy magic. Xiaoqi has no retreat, so he must follow.

"Well, I will go with Xiaoqi." Xiaoling knew the reason, of course, no longer refused. He decided to prepare well, lest he should let Xiaoqi follow him.

The two men have been silent for a long time, and the faint warmth seems to be everywhere, and they both enjoy this. For a long time, I heard Xiao Ziling ask: "Is that person entering the game?"

"Everything is as you wish." Chu Yu Tianzhu first.

On the second day, Xiao Ziling and Chu Xiaoqi quietly left the base. Chu Yutian was the only one who sent them away. Looking at the figure that gradually drifted away, I don’t know why, Chu Yutian’s heart was faintly raised with a touch of ominous Premonition...

Read The Duke's Passion