MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 219 : Ugly, incompetent people.

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Ps: Finally finished this chapter, once again proved that it is not a material for writing abuse, but fortunately the next chapter is not abusing... Hey, reveal the plot? no. Hey!

Thank you for your reward and pink support! No matter how good I write and write, I have strong support and make me motivated. But I can't continue tonight, the second chapter can only wait for the day, although I wrote a half chapter, but I am really tired, I have to rest, everyone good night!

Chapter 219: Ugly, incompetent.


"Hey, it's... Little Seven Prince!" Qin Shangfeng's words made Chu Yutian a sigh, seemingly thought of something, his brow wrinkled, a teleport came to the front of Xiaoqi.

Chu Xiaoqi, who was lying on the ground, the cold face was colder than before. The smell of a little person appeared during this time, and there was no more at the moment.

"You did it? And in the end, there was a leak." Seeing this situation, Chu Haotian was in the heart. He knew that the base had a dissident. Before he left, Chu Xiaoqi had found him and asked for this opportunity to lead the snake out of the hole. Although he knew that Chu Xiaoqi’s plan was a bit rough, in the training, he chose to let Chu Xiaoqi decide whether to implement the plan. When he wants to come, the worst case is that the base loses a small amount of manpower, but relatively cultivates a competent heir, and he still bears these losses.

Chu Yutian closed his eyes and stabilized his emotions. Then he whispered: "Who is the victim of this incident?" Chu Xiaoqi’s appearance, it seems that the sacrifice may be his attention. One of the old players, he only hopes to sacrifice the deputy of Dong Haozhe and Chen Jingwen, otherwise he would be too sorry for his two brothers.

"Xiao Qingyun is dead." Chu Xiaoqi coldly said, he is only for this.

"Xiao Qingyun?" The name sounds familiar. Chu Yutian has a more unpleasant feeling in his heart. It seems to be worse than he thought.

"Xiao Ziling's aunt." Chu Xiaoqi ruthlessly told Chu Haotian the worst facts.

"..." The temperature of Chu Yutian's body plummeted, and Chu Xiaoqi bowed under this pressure.

"Chu Xiaoqi, tell me why the death is Xiao Qingyun?" Chu Haotian is going to get mad, Xiao Qingyun Mingming is a passerby. Why did a person who did not meet the borders die in this clean-up plan, and he clearly reminded Chu Xiaoqi that they should take protective measures, especially the family members of the team members. He did not know how to tell Xiao Ziling about this fact. If he pursued the bottom, Xiao Qingyun’s death had his responsibility.

"There is no expectation that they will use Xiao Ziling as an excuse, Xiao Qingyun was held hostage." Chu Xiaoqi told the story of Chu Xiaotian.

Chu Yutian’s face is more gloomy. He felt that it was necessary to destroy him, and he could hardly figure out his feelings. When he worked hard for his future happiness, he had such a difficult problem. If Xiao Ziling knew the truth. Absolutely crazy, even hate him... Of course, Xiao Ziling hates him for a good reason.

"I said, I want to do it. It must be counted, Chu Xiaoqi, you are too disappointing." Chu Yutian knows that he is angering, if it is Xiao Qingyun, another person he does not value, He may touch the head of Xiaoqi with approval. Unfortunately, all this was completely ruined by Xiao Qingyun, who could not die.

Chu Xiaoqi was quite straight. There is no export rebuttal. For him, Xiao Qingyun’s death is his unshirkable responsibility, Chu Yutian once said. It’s fine to start cleaning up, but it’s guaranteed to be foolproof.

At this time, Chu Yutian felt someone behind him, and he turned to look. I saw the face of Xiao Ziling.

Xiao Ziling didn't know how he stepped into the Lingtian base. When he heard this bad news, he was stunned. He even suspected that this is a mischief of Chu Xiaoqi? How can her own aunt die? She obviously stays in the safest Lingtian base. Will she die? This is really ridiculous.

He did not give up on other people, Yan Yilong, Lu Yuntao, Dai Hongfei, these familiar faces, I hope they told him that this is a fake, but they did not overdo it one by one, refused to tell him.

He lost his soul to the ultimate location step by step, the hail that blew the coldness, and when he clearly saw the person lying inside, he felt his world collapsed.

He lived alive, there was no other unnecessary thoughts, but he humbled to live with the only young aunt in the end of the world and live to death. In order to achieve this goal, he chose to go to Chu Haotian, because the Chu Shitian of the previous life was the most powerful man. The Lingtian base of the previous life was the sacred place for their safety and stability. He always thinks that as long as they are safe in the Lingtian base, they will have a stable life. But why can't he think that Lingtian base is not a paradise, it also has war, it also has turmoil, it will also let the people living inside die.

What has he been doing in the recent period? In order to take root in the Lingtian base, in order to let their aunts live alive, he tried his best to get Chu Yutian's attention to trust, but what did he finally get? Xiaogu is still dead in the base. This is undoubtedly a kind of irony. In the end, what I did for the sake of stability and stability has finally become the reminder of Xiaogu. Xiao Ziling, whether it is before or after rebirth, you have always been an incompetent person. You are often wrong. Even if it is repeated again.

Xiao Ziling walked to the side of the ice, and slowly fell down desperately. Xiao Qingyun in the hail smiled very comfortably. There was no bit of resentment on his face. The more so, the more Xiao Xiaoling cast aside himself.

At the moment, in his heart, countless voices are accusing him...

"Xiao Ziling, what qualification do you have to be the most effective younger brother of Chu Yutian?"

"Xiao Ziling, you will only tout the horses to climb up, not at all along with Chu Yutian."

"Xiao Ziling, what do you do as the deputy leader of the attack group?"

"Xiao Ziling, to be honest, you are a shameless monk who uses his body for trust..."

In the mind of Xiao Ziling, he appeared in the body of Chu Yutian, shameless scenes... Facing the ugliness in the heart, Xiao Ziling was shocked by the whole person, and his mind was suddenly dark.

Chu Yutian saw that Xiao Ziling's breath became more and more unstable. Finally, a terrible black energy suddenly broke out, and then he saw that he fell and was unconscious.

Chu Yutian took a small step to catch Xiao Ziling. At this time, the black energy of Xiao Ziling began to exclude the closeness of Chu Yutian, and this black energy was filled with countless negative energy. Chu Yutian contacted soon, and his heart was infinitely killed. . His heart was suddenly shocked. Feeling that things are not good, he must not let this negative energy spread out, otherwise the base will certainly be in turmoil, so a forbidden air will control the negative energy of this crazy tyranny in the ban.

Chu Yutian used the ability to test the situation in Xiao Ziling's body, and found that the situation in his body is even worse, and the energy has become a mess. The Qingxin Energy Group, which had always been stable, began to violently at the moment because of the influence of negative energy. In either case, it represents the very crisis of Xiao Ziling at the moment.

Chu Haotian quickly told him: "Jingwen, Haozhe, the base is handed over to you. I help Xiaoling suppress energy, and no one will bother us."

Without waiting for the response of Chen Jingwen Dong Haozhe, he was teleported to his residence. When the palm of the hand was pushed, all the doors were closed tightly. Then, he entered the Zifu with Xiaoziling... The jade bed in Zifu has the function of concentrating on the spirit, and this time it is lacking.

Chu Xiaoqi followed Chu Yutian to the door of the villa where Chu Yutian was sitting. When he arrived here, he sat down. I saw his little face cold, and an ice device appeared quietly in his hand. Watch out for the situation around you. Before the Chu Xiaotian Xiaoziling did not come out, anyone would dare to disturb, killing.

Chu Yutian placed Xiao Ziling on the jade bed. Beginning to carefully clean up the rioting abilities, he discovered that the total amount of energy in Xiao Ziling's body has increased several times. The meridians are almost unable to withstand this energy. If you can't break through the fifth order, you will definitely explode and die.

This situation can not be hesitated, he can only hardly lead Xiao Ziling's energy group to the fifth-order barrier. He absolutely does not allow Xiao Ziling to die in front of him, so the step must be successful.

"Xiaoling, you have to cheer, big brother will always guard you." Chu Yutian firmly whispered in the ear of Xiao Ziling, hope that Xiao Ziling can hear and work together for their future.

At this time, Xiao Ziling’s face began to change gradually, and his face grew as if he was losing youth. Seeing this strange touch of Chu Yutian’s heart was shocked, is this energy riot also let Xiao Ziling overdraft the vitality?

Chu Yutian, whose heart is like a knife, begins to play to suppress those bursting energy groups. He definitely does not accept failure. How can his Xiaoling be defeated here...

Because Chu Yutian's entire attention was concentrated in Xiao Ziling's body, he did not find that the negative energy that had erupted from Xiao Ziling's body began to be absorbed by Xiao Ziling's body, and then merged into those energy groups. These energy groups even revealed a hint of gray...

I don't know how long it took, maybe Qingxin was very convinced by Chu Haotian, so under the efforts of Chu Yutian, Qingxin began to slowly accept the guidance of Chu Yutian and help other affiliation groups to merge. Chu Yutian discovered that Xiao Ziling’s body is inexplicably wonderful and has an energy group he has never discovered...

Perhaps the rebirth of God believes that his people are so over, it is too much to lose his face. Therefore, this time, Xiao Ziling was lucky enough to escape everything. On the edge of the explosion, he broke through the fifth-order barrier and saved his life. It was also at this time that Xiao Ziling’s face was set to look ten years later, and the innocence was long gone, and the mature temperament was obvious. Because of the closed and oblique eyeliner, the rosy lips with luster, the beautiful and soft face, a gentle and handsome man appeared in front of Chu Haotian.

Chu Yutian does not care what Xiaoziling will become. For him, the pure Xiaoziling is his small tomb. The handsome and mature Xiaoziling is also his small tomb, but his Xiaoling suddenly grows up. He clung to Xiaoziling tightly, and he was afraid of it. Almost, he lost Xiao Ziling, and he would never bear this desperation.

In the place that Chu Xitian can't see, Xiao Ziling's right eye has changed dramatically...

Analysis: Great, fifth-order, wow, my Hu Hansan is back!

Signed: ...

Analysis: Hey, the identification is also there.

Identification: ...

Analysis: What do you mean?

Identification: Silence.

Analysis: Nima, can't you say something? I am dying.

Identification: Not in the service area.

Analysis: tears ran, and sure enough, the boss can not offend.

Read The Duke's Passion