MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 198 :design? Who is hapless?

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Ps: Thank you babo, small suckling pig bigfoot, Dao Xiaohe, ぃstring c month..., jiucry, dark night dance support! Thank you for the purple support of the edge purple cherry, 2008kanshu, the West West fool, the voice of the angel, the star shadow, the jdm of the wind!

There will be a more chapter in the daytime and a little debt. There is a truth in the next chapter, I will punish you tomorrow! Cover your face and snicker!

Chapter 198: Design? Who is hapless?

When Chen Jingwen was full of threats, when Xiao Ziling had not had time to fight back, Dong Haozhe’s battle against Taiwan began.

The two men’s eyes were suddenly attracted to the past by the war, and the two men’s struggles were relatively stopped. I have to say that this battle against Taiwan is estimated to be the only real battle in the real world today. Although the two are well aware, this is just a game of Dong Haozhe's cat and mouse.

The other party is the third-order awakened person in the base of Wudu. The ability is the fire system in the forefront of attack power, but because Dong Haozhe is a rare gas awakening person, the silent attack is unpredictable, and the other party is very cautious. I paid great attention to the small movements of Dong Haozhe. He did not forget that many of the awakened people who confronted Dong Haozhe were swayed by Dong Haozhe.

The two men struggled for a long time, and they felt that they were already familiar with the fire system awakening of Dong Haozhe’s combat method. They finally began to attack Dong Haozhe in a big way. The constant attack made Dong Haozhe once in trouble, only the ability to dodge, just the firepower. I thought that when the victory was in the grip, his round of attack ended. Just when he wanted to continue the attack, there was a stagnation of one second. This almost blink of an eye was not enough for the small mistakes of the fire. Clear but did not make up for this, but today he tasted the pain, but a small mistake was caught by Dong Haozhe, the air cannon that had been prepared long ago, directly fired the fire abilities to the prescribed range . Dong Haozhe won the quarterfinals.

The fire abilities are very annoyed by this result. To be honest, he once occupied the advantage of the scene. If Dong Haozhe was too hiding, I am afraid he had already won it, but he did not expect the connection he ignored. The original small problem was caught by the other party. He only lamented that his luck was too bad.

At this time, in a senior box, a gloomy young man turned his head and said to Chu Yutian: "The Chu leader. You are observing this hand, and it is very calm, good."

Chu Yutian heard the words and said: "Thank you for the praise of Yuan Shaojun. That is his luck."

"You are too modest, good is good." Yuan Shaojian waved his hand, he did not have this interest and people around the circle, this person is also the thunder and lightning system with him, at first he wanted to kill, but it was an interesting person to contact, He decided to play with him first. As for killing or killing, I will talk about it later.

"I am looking for you today because someone wants to know you." Major General Yuan finally said what he called Chu Haotian. Chu Yutian’s heart is clear. Because of Xiao Mao’s self-assertion, his strength presented to the outside world is indeed somewhat poor, and this would not attract the attention of the younger generation of military leaders. It seems that someone who really wants to know himself is another person, and that person is not convenient for the sudden, so he asked the younger Yuan to give it convenience.

Chu Yu’s face showed a surprised expression. He raised his eyebrows: “I didn’t expect anyone who would like to know the transparent person of this small base, I was really flattered.”

Major Yuan waved his hand and the guards around him quickly went out. After a while, he walked in with a young man. When he saw Major General Yuan, he raised a warm smile: "Mr. Yuan, thank you for taking care of this time." ""

Then turned around and greeted Chu Yutian: "Chu leader, officially know, I am Wang Shaofeng of the Qingtian base."

Chu Haotian stood up and smiled and said: "Hello, Wang leader, Ling Tian base Chu Haotian."

Wang Shaofeng seems to be a familiar person. He only saw him holding Chu Yutian and patted him on the shoulder with enthusiasm: "I know that we have two characters in both bases. It is a fate."

When Wang Shaofeng was holding him, Chu Biaotian brows slightly wrinkled, but he quickly relaxed. He raised his face and smiled and said: "It is true."

Wang Shaofeng let go of Chu Haotian, went to another sofa, and sat down, not a little polite. It seems that he has a very good relationship with the military’s Major General Yuan.

Wang Shaofeng took out the cigarette and shook it against Chu Yutian. He asked if he was coming. Chu Yutian shook his head and said that he would not smoke. This made Wang Shaofeng regret: "It’s a pity, otherwise our hobbies will be the same. The same."

"Oh? How do you say this?" Chu Yutian brows a pick, he is curious about what hobbies make this person think the same?

Wang Shaofeng took a cigarette from the cigarette case and threw it to Yuan Major General. He took out one and gave it to himself. He sucked a mouth and showed an expression of addiction. This continued: "The Chu leader likes to play sm, and I am also... ..."

Chu Yutian heard his eyes flashing coldly, and he smiled faintly: "I didn't expect the Wang leader to be so open."

"I am not really a good person, but I am also alive. Unlike the heads of the bases, the outside world is full of sorrow. In fact, all the bones are male and female thieves. The most disgusting thing is to pretend to be a kind of justice and despise people like us. Isn't it funny, in fact, they are not much better than us?" Wang Shaofeng mentioned this, he was very spoiled and sneered.

Hearing here, Major Shao slammed the cigarettes between the fingers and nodded. "It’s true. They think that the military base is definitely a place where the discipline is strictly prohibited. Therefore, the performance is very gentle, that is, the old man is willing With them acting, I have long wanted to smash their body skins, all dirty, but not as good as you guys. It’s refreshing to talk to you.” Although Yuan Xiaojun’s temper is a little weird, even Some metamorphosis, but the style of the military is still healthy.

Chu Yutian heard a bitter smile: "I thought I was not much better than them."

"No, you are more honest than those people, otherwise you will not bring your female companion out. I believe that you want to do something to cover up. It is very easy." Wang Shaofeng shook his head. If Chu Yuzhen wants to cover up his true face, I will never bring that girl to the military base.

Chu Haotian touched the bridge of the nose, and some of them were ashamed. I didn’t expect that the difference between the two was considered to be an alliance.

After chatting for a while, Wang Shaofeng finally couldn't help but ask: "The Chu leader, I am very interested in the two women you brought, can you make a deal?" The end-time transaction to women is already clear. As long as you see what you like, you can make a trading request in front of the owner.

Hearing, Chu Yutian couldn't help but put his right hand on the side of his leg. He held it tightly, almost smashed his palms into scars, and finally suppressed the tyrannical emotions in his heart. His left hand to help cover the rich murderousness in his eyes, said faintly: "I'm sorry, Wang leader, I don't have this idea right now."

Although Chu Yutian is indifferent, the resoluteness of it is undisguised. Wang Shaofeng frowned, and both of his women liked it, a thought that made him insulted. It’s definitely exciting to watch the innocent girl’s painful struggle under him, but he prefers the **** and enchanting woman, the proud woman, if she erases her arrogance and breaks her arrogance, she will be What kind of expression? When he thought of it, he was excited, so he said: "It seems that I have lost my word. I don't dare to think about the woman who is led by Chu. But the enchanting **** woman under your hand, the Chu leader will not refuse to change it. I use five hundred pounds. Food. Add 20 liters of gasoline, change the woman, you can't lose this deal." In the last days. Even the best woman, usually worth a few pounds of grain, the price he has opened has been discounted to the apex, want to come to this Chu Yutian will not refuse.

Chu Yutian smiled and smiled at him and said: "The good price that the king led the leader, but I can't cold the heart of my general, but it is his heart, so I can only say sorry to you. ""

Chu Yutian once again refused to let Wang Shaofeng be a little bit angry. He said coldly: "Chu leader, don't you want to make a friend?"

Chu Yutian said: "Friends want to pay, but you can't make your home uneasy in order to make friends. Wang leader, your proposal will make my base fall into chaos."

Wang Shaofeng raised his brow: "I didn't expect Chu's leader to be clamped by your men. So, I will help you get rid of that disobedient man, and that woman will have to work hard."

Upon hearing this, Chu Yutian’s expression suddenly cooled down. He said coldly: “The king’s leader is not bothered.”

"Hey, Chu Yutian, I think that you are a rare real person, so I want to talk to you well, I didn't expect you to be so ignorant." Wang Shaofeng was angry, this third-order awakened person was so arrogant, it was simply Face shameless.

"As you said, I am a real person, so please ask the king's leader not to test my bottom line." Chu Yutian still smiles, but his eyes are already cold, Wang Shaofeng has already been recorded by him. .

Major Yuan saw that the two men had collapsed and they were busy playing rounds. "What are you doing? It’s not two women. So, bet, you are all the top 8 people. It’s better to arrange a fight for you. Whoever loses will agree with the other party."

Wang Shaofeng heard his eyes and said: "Yuan Shao’s proposal won my heart. This is good. If our base wins, the two women you brought this time will be..."Since I have talked with Chu Yutian It collapsed and there is no need to leave him a face.

Chu Yutian's right hand on the side of the leg opened and then clenched, several times in a row, and finally did not break out on the spot, but even so, he also angered and laughed: "That depends on the king's singer's bet."

Wang Shaofeng did not feel Chu Haotian's raging anger, thinking that Chu Haotian finally agreed, and said: "Material 1000 kg, how about 50 liters of gasoline?"

Chu Hao Tian Leng said: "The original Qingtian base can only come up with this thing, so, I have extra bets, five tons of supplies, 1000 liters of gasoline. If you dare to gamble, I will gamble with you. "

Wang Shaofeng was angered by the scornful tone of Chu Haotian. He angered: "As long as you can get it, I will gamble with you."

Chu Yutian is cold and cold: "Reassure, although our base is relatively weak, but this material is still there."

"Well, I will gamble with you." Wang Shaofeng made a direct decision.

"If this is the case, then I will leave, Yuan Major, please let me go first." Chu Yutian said coldly to Yuan Shaozhi, so he left the private room of Major General Yuan with anger.

Major Yuan shrugged and pointed to Wang Shaofeng: "Why are you angering him?"

Wang Shaofeng changed the anger just now and smiled and said: "I originally wanted to make a friend, but he didn't give it to the face. I also followed his intentions."

"I'm afraid you still want to take more equipment, the poor unlucky one." Yuan Shao will be clear.

Wang Shaofeng waved: "Oh, know that I know Yuan Shaoye, I will give you half of the materials I won this time."

Major Yuan Xiao smiled and said: "Thank you."

Chu Yutian returned to his private room with anger. When the warrior on duty closed the door, the original anger suddenly disappeared. When he saw his own boss give him a face-changing face skill, Xiao Ziling glanced at him curiously and asked: " Which hapless egg was designed by you?"

Read The Duke's Passion