MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 87

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"It turns out... is this you? Su Weishang!"

Su Weishang stunned his eyes and turned to look at the man standing on the rock.

Wu Jiqing's shoulders are all bloody, probably entangled with the mutated Kangji 十分 very hard, his whole person seems a bit wolf. He stood half-bently on the rock, his unbelievable eyes on Su Weishang's body, and the latter's believers flashed a glimpse of a moment, then quickly disappeared.

Su Weishang looked up: "Wu Jiqing, do you think you are a good person? Do you think that you are as generous, kind and kind as you think you are? I tell you, you can't even be a Virgin!" Let Su Weishang’s eyes become red, almost crazy: “You never know what kind of person I am, you have always...”

"I never knew you, you are right! I thought that you are really innocent and kind, and the mistakes of your parents have nothing to do with you. But... I have really met you in these few months!" Wu Jiqing Jumping from the rock of three or four meters high, he slammed into the place four or five meters away from Su Weishang and continued: "You just said that in order to consolidate your power, come to meet me, you are just approaching me with purpose. of!"

This sentence’s attack on Su Weishang is not as heavy as Wu Jiqing’s imagination, or... he suddenly laughs like crazy, and if strong hatred can be turned into a blade, then Wu Jiqing has already been fired thousands of times. Sore hundred holes.

"Wu Jiqing, you said to me six months ago, you have to be with me, to protect me, will not let me hurt and hurt." Su Weishang's laughter with a trace of sadness, but in the noisy voice around it is very It’s hard to be found: “But what did you do later? You guessed me because of the rumors that didn’t have a source, didn’t trust me, and even watched me! Do you think you’re doing it very carefully? You stupid person I just want to deceive myself and I can't hypnotize myself!"

The strong **** smell and the smell of the beast in the wind made Jingxia slightly stunned. He carefully observed his situation, but found that Su Weishang did not leave too many flaws. In terms of the current military value of Su Weishang, the chance of Jing Xia’s successful escape is only 50%, so he did not act rashly.

Wu Jiqing listened to Su Weishang’s words and looked white. He thought for a long time before refuting: “You are nonsense! If those rumors are not true, then why have you not told me what you did to go to the 80th district that night? What is it? Let you go to the dormitory when it is dawn? Also! You dare not answer me, how did you kill a s-class variant?!"

Su Weishang’s exquisite and beautiful cheeks were pale. When Wu Jiqing’s words fell by word, he looked at the once intimate man silently.

"You dare not answer it?! You can't tell me at all, because those rumors are not rumors, they are all true!"

Wu Jiqing's tone is very excited, his voice is high, and he feels a bit harsh in the ears of Jingxia. He knew that the rumors were all praised and sent out, but he never imagined that Wu Jiqing would actually look so heavy.

These two people were very lacquer-like when he was in his life. Now, this situation of collapse and splitting is really unexpected in Jingxia’s dreams.

Su Weishang’s beautiful face evoked a mocking smile. He looked at Wu Jiqing coldly and said: “Wu Jiqing, I have some secrets that I have not told you, and now, I am glad that I did not tell you. Your character I can't believe it at all."

Wu Jiqing's face is black: "You..."

"But, I can tell you something that is not important now. Yes, you guessed it right. I really used you at the beginning. In addition to your self-righteous, arrogant Wu family in the b city circle. Lord, who else will take care of my illegitimate child? And the woman who gave birth to me is still so unbearable."

Hearing this, Jing Xia looked up and down Su Weishang with a weird look.

These words he never heard Su Weishang said. Since the outbreak of Jing Xia was murdered by Jing Xia, Jing Jia began to focus on the investigation. When the last signs were found on Su Weishang, everything would be gone.

The ugliness cannot be promoted. However, Jingjia began to monitor Su Weishang. In some of the daily surveys on surveillance reports, Su Weishang’s relationship with friends is very good, and there are even many who appreciate him and fight him.

Su Wei still looked at Wu Jiqing indifferently. He said: "You just get a sense of accomplishment from taking care of me. You think that you are helping the weak, you are upholding justice. Oh, Wu Jiqing, you are so ridiculous." Cold, he continued: "First of all, I am not as weak as you think, and secondly... I never thought I was just."

"You haven't even seen my true face, but still want to take care of me? Say what love me?"

This series of words made Wu Jiqing obviously hit hard. He bit his teeth, but he couldn't say a word.

Jing Xia silently watched the two men, but even disdain to insert.

"Since today you already know all the truth, then I might as well tell you directly." Su Weishang sneered: "The person I wanted to attach at first was not you at all, but Ji Chuan presented."

Suddenly I heard the name of Ji Chuan, and Jing Xia looked up at Su Weishang with amazement. The latter is also looking at him coldly and coldly, smiling and mocking.

Wu Jiqing heard the name even more angry with his face: "Enough, Su Weishang! Don't say it again!"

Su Weishang smiled even more badly: "What? You feel that your self-esteem has been hit? Do you think you can't get the protection and power of the big man from me? Yes, I know that the person you hate most is Ji Ji. Chuan Cheng, but I just want to tell you that I didn't look at you at first, and the first person I saw was Ji Chuan!"

Jing Xia listened to this, and her heart was angry and angry and suddenly smiled.

The blood of his body was soaked by Su Weishang, and he hoped that Su Weishang would continue to say it. This drama is really progressing in a way that is unexpected to him. Even he also saw that when Wu Jiqing appeared, Su Weishang did not mean to do it.

Now, this pair of best husbands really makes him feast his eyes.

Su Weishang continued to stimulate Wu Jiqing: "I fell in love with him when I first saw him. He is much better than you. He is the only child of Ji Jia. What are you? You have a Wu family. In addition to your identity, what else can you compare with him?"

Wu Jiqing irons his face: "Su Weishang, I never thought about going to compare with him, you..."

"Yes! You never thought about it, because you know it better than that. I have already shown it to him by various means. Since I saw him refused your sister, I knew he was a homosexual." ""

Jing Xia suddenly saw a glimpse.

Wait a minute, this kind of God's plot is somewhat unacceptable to him!

Wu Jiqing's sister... □ □?

These are all things!

Su Weishang continued: "I also seduce him. I also pretend to be pitiful and want to make him tempted. But he is indifferent. I thought he was cold, but..." The voice suddenly went down. Su Weishang shook his head and let go of this topic directly. He changed his mouth: "But you? Wu Jiqing! When I first seduce you, don't you hook it up!"

The sly look flashed from Wu Jiqing's eyes. He looked angrily at Su Weishang, who was obviously crazy. Yu Guang glanced at Jingxia, but he found that Jingxia also looked at him inexplicably, as if he was the first time. Really see through him.

Jing Xia sneered in his heart: What is the pot with what cover, perfect match!

Wu Jiqing stammered and said: "Su... Su Weishang, you don't want to smother your blood! My sister has died when we left the city of b. You are talking nonsense and lie!"

Su Weishang’s eyes were faintly reflected in the cat’s eyes, but he looked at Wu Jiqing like this, but he smothered his tears. "Well, Wu Jiqing, I am squirting in the blood, I am full of lies. But you have never been a gentleman! You are this villain!"

Wu Jiqing's throat is stagnant: "You...!"

Su Weishang sneered and said: "There is no possibility between me and you. I should know from the beginning that you are not trustworthy at all! It is because I blink and I think that you are weak and timid. But still a man.” Su Weishang’s mocking words made Wu Jiqing angry and bite his teeth. He continued: “But now, nothing is a problem. Wu Jiqing, since you know something you shouldn’t know, then are you Pay some price?"

Wu Jiqing said: "What do you mean?" As he spoke, he was alert and wary.

Su Weishang smiled disdainfully: "The skin is torn apart, what hypocrisy is there? You are damn, Wu Jiqing!"

Read The Duke's Passion