MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 79

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The scorching sun, let the air warm and slow, swallowing hot air from the roasting hot earth, from the bottom of people's feet all the way to the light | bare calf. The delicate and beautiful teenager reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He felt like he was steamed in a steamer. It was difficult to heat up.

"Following the Qing..." Muttered like a kitten's voice screaming slowly, Su Weishang's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and the thin sweatshirt was all stuck on his body. "If we slow down, it is two in the afternoon." It’s too hot, too.”

The handsome man who walked in front listened to this and turned to look at the panting teenager. His eyes flashed a bit of disgust and disgust, perhaps even he himself did not find it quickly disappeared into the frowning look, said: "Xiao Shang, the task of each team is the same, if we are not fast Pointing out the tasks of our two, maybe dragging the rest of others."

The grouping of Su Weishang and Wu Jiqing is in the 78th district, each 16 people are divided into a large group, and then subdivided into groups, subdivided according to the difficulty and quantity of daily tasks. The team leader is Wu Jiqing, who has the highest power score in the evolution of the city, and the ice power is as high as 577. Today, their task is not difficult, it is a lot of weight, so Wu Jiqing divided the eight small components to complete the task.

At this moment, it is a group with him and Su Weishang.

Not worthy of the title of the highest power of his highest abilities, Wu Jiqing's body recovered very quickly. Within a week after the second animal wave attack, he was discharged from the hospital and re-entered the base reconstruction work.

In the past three or four months, Wu Jiqing was subconsciously trying to pull away from Su Weishang, but the indecisive and difficult-to-decisive character was doomed. In the absence of such a big event, he could not have stunned himself. This piece of "dog skin plaster".

At this time, Wu Jiqing has completely forgotten. He used to look at the innocent and kind young boy in front of him. He once thought that the other person was innocent and lovely. His mind constantly replayed the scene in which the person personally captured the corpse of a s-class variant.

It was only this terrible strength that made Wu Jiqing feel the coldness of his feet, which made him unable to avoid taboos.

Su Weishang, who is good at observing and observing from the urine, naturally feels the other person's anomaly from Wu Jiqing's increasingly cold tone. However, no matter how he wants to work hard to improve the relationship, there is no way to make substantial progress.

The big cat's eyes twitched a few times. Su Weishang's long eyelashes were slightly twitching, and the bottom of the eyes flashed. "I don't mean this after Qing. I am too hot now. I haven't had a good rest these nights." It’s better to find a place to rest for ten minutes. As long as you save your physical strength, I will speed up to keep up with everyone’s pace.” He said, his arms are wrapped around Wu Jiqing, his tone is spoiled, and his beautiful face makes this man I can’t say the words of rejection.

"Okay, then ten minutes."

There were many broken building ruins near the dam in the 78th district, and they both found a place that had been cut off from the half of the roof to sit down.

Su Weishang just sat on a smooth rock, and he happily took a round cake from his own space and handed it to Wu Jiqing: "Follow the Qing, do you want to eat something, I have left it at noon today."

Because the daily tasks are very heavy, the evolutionary body is also very expensive. However, nearly one million people in the city of S. need to be replenished. In the absence of outside help, almost everyone is not enough.

Wu Jiqing looked at the piece of cake in the hands of Su Weishang in a strange way. He wondered how the other party left the thing, and then he shook his head: "I am not hungry. If you are hungry, eat it first. Regain your strength, I will go first. Look at the situation ahead."

When the voice just fell, Wu Jiqing got up and walked out of the building, walking in the southwest direction to inquire about the situation.

The motion of his sudden rise made Su Weishang’s hand that had just touched the waist of his partner suddenly froze. The young man’s clear and beautiful voice flashed a dark color. He slowly bit his blushing lower lip and watched the man’s handsome back. The farther it is.

"Wu Jiqing..." His face sank, Su Weishang muttered to himself.

Responding to him was a burst of whistling wind, shaved in the shadow of the building without direct sunlight, the rare cool, but let Su Weishang's heart burst into a cold. His full lower lip bite harder and harder, and at the end he infiltrated a trace of blood.

The round pancake broke open between his whitish fingers, and was smashed by several wind blades, and quickly passed away with the wind.

When Wu Jiqing came back, Su Weishang had already stood up and smiled and greeted him: "I feel that I have recovered almost. After Qing, we should not waste any more time. Let's finish the task quickly."

This extraordinarily enthusiastic attitude made Wu Jiqing all the words he wanted to say in the blind. He nodded and walked forward. What he did not find was that this boy who had always liked to be behind him was in the cold for nearly half a year, and finally stopped hiding behind him with that kind of dependence.

Su Weishang looked at Wu Jiqing's back with a cold gaze on his lips.

The last generation was Ji Chuan, this time is you, Wu Jiqing.

I have given you the opportunity, this is what you do not know to cherish me.

One day, you will regret it!

Regret... I will abandon me!


No matter how busy the outside world is, the Institute is still quiet as if no one is moving. The four floors above ground are basically weapons bins, display areas and trade zones for diplomatic use, while the three underground floors are the real places for confidential experiments.

This is the seventh day of the entrance to the Institute, and it is also the last day of the celebration with Jing Xia.

Three days ago, Jing Xia did not come to this place again, but said that before the departure, the time will be picked up.

In this extremely bright laboratory, a fleshy variant of the hamster lay lazily in the glass cabin. The glass box didn't have a lid, but it didn't mean to escape. He played with his brown-black pine cones.

Yang Yang stood in front of the long metal bed, and the scorpion slid down, quietly watching the little black scorpion twisting his ass. However, for a long time, Zhang Bendan ran in with a black metal box, and the forehead was all running sweat.

"Pray... 祁 Major, things are here!"

He nodded his face and smiled, and reached for the heavy box. He looked at the box with one hand and looked down at the reaction of the mutant hamster. I saw that I was still playing with pine cones, and I didn’t appreciate him.

The narrow and long squats behind the lens smacked the lips and put the black box on the side of the glass cabin. Just when the thing was just about half a meter away, the small claws that were pulling the pine cones suddenly stopped, and the cockroaches slammed straight into the small body, squinting at the eyes of the small green beans, looking around.


Its small head with a beard of music kept twirling, and the two golden little horns on the head were light golden under the shadowless lamp. Suddenly I found something I wanted. It suddenly stopped the gaze of turning around, and widened my eyes to look at the black box next to myself.


The black shadow slammed into the glass and went straight out of the glass cabin.

Climbing the coveted, copying the glass box cover will close the glass compartment, and move quickly, such as flowing water.


The action of flying and slamming caused his small head to hit the glass piece. He pitifully looked at his head with a grievance, while the latter looked at it with a blank expression and looked calm.

"I want this thing?" said, praised to give Zhang Bendan a look, the latter immediately opened the door of the safe, took out the green stone that was small enough to be smaller than the little finger, and handed it to him.

This green pebbles reflect the faint green light. It is like a thousand feet of water brewing in it. The inner heart is condensed with a deep color, and it looks a lot lighter on the surface. When the jade appeared in the box, several assistants with poor strength in the laboratory had already breathed and the face was reddish.

The singer and the cold gave the people a knife, and they immediately hid the kind of * that they were eager to move. Then he swayed the glass bottle in front of the cymbal, separated by two layers of glass, and the green jade sparkled with dazzling light.

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